There was quite a bit of colloquial dialogue in this chapter, so I used some, uh, artistic license… Please let me know what translations could be improved!

Chapter 9 – Melee

The other fighters had originally been terrified of Yun Xie. Now seeing their companions dying one by one, their formation dissolved into complete chaos. They quickly fell under Yun Xie"s sword and palm, until there was only one person left.

At this time, the shopkeeper, waiters, and other restaurant guests had already escaped without a trace. Aside from the floor of corpses, there were only Yun Xie, Jiang Xunyi, and that very last still alive enemy in this empty hall.

That man used both hands to point his sword at Yun Xie, but the tip of his sword shook incessantly. His gaze was fixed on Yun Xie as he tried to retreat, trembling in fear. After taking a few steps back, he accidentally stepped on the corpse of his companion and couldn"t help but stagger. He immediately starting sobbing tragically1, out of terror or misery or both.

Yun Xie"s face had a look of utter apathy. His sword moved to slice without any change in facial expression. Aware of his own misfortune, that man gnashed his teeth and simply resolved to go all out before he died. Before Extinguished Flower cut into his body, he used all his strength to fling the sword in his hand at Yun Xie.

Jiang Xunyi watched indifferently from the side without an ounce of worry or concern. Only when the sword lost its momentum while nearing Yun Xie"s neck and started to fall to the ground, did his eyes flash. He suddenly thought of something, and secretly shot a finger over to strengthen the sword aura. With a flash of white light, the blade grazed across Yun Xie"s neck, leaving a shallow scratch of blood across that snow-white collar. The chain that had been continuously hanging around Yun"s neck broke, and the pendant dropped off his chest.

Yun Xie had already been badly wounded to start with, and had grown even more exhausted from spending so long desperately grappling with these enemies. After killing that man in front of him, he felt an acidic sweetness rising in his throat and almost vomited out blood. He hurriedly used his sword to support himself. He watched with wide eyes as his necklace broke, and he didn"t have time to rescue the pendant from falling.

Jiang Xunyi had taken advantage of him being off his guard to sneak attack him, intending to see exactly what was hanging around Yun Xie"s neck. Having grown up together, the two of them knew each other very well, and Jiang Xunyi had never seen Yun Xie possess anything worth treasuring to this extent.

As a result, when the pendant landed on the ground, he froze from shock.

The pendant had originally been a rectangular object less than half a finger in length, delicate and fine. But as it continued to fall, it expanded in the air. When it finally slammed onto the ground, it stirred up dust and dirt. Jiang Xunyi finally realized: this was actually a coffin made of amethyst jade2!

Yun Xie actually hung a coffin as a “heart-shaped locket” around his neck?! This is way too abnormal3!!

However, Jiang Xunyi was not in the slightest mood for jokes. He already faintly had an unbelievable conjecture who would be in that coffin.

Without caring for anything else, Yun Xie hurriedly rushed over to open the coffin, carefully picking up the person lying inside. This time Jiang Xunyi could see clearly: that corpse had facial features as beautiful as a painting, exquisitely handsome4 and incomparably familiar——it was himself!

Jiang Xunyi"s mind was completely blank. For a moment, he did not know how to react, and could only stare blankly at Yun Xie.

Upon seeing that this still perfectly preserved body had not fallen apart from that quaking drop, Yun Xie finally let out a breath of relief. He gently supported the head of the corpse and placed it back inside. He lifted his hand, intending to close the coffin back up.

But as his hand pressed the coffin lid, his eyes were still glued to that familiar yet strange pale face. He didn"t move for a long time.

Like he had been infected by Yun Xie"s abnormality, Jiang Xunyi followed his gaze to stare at the corpse. He felt his back stiffening as if any movement would make his spine crack and rattle, while his heart had long since been overwhelmed with all this new information.

A sea of scattered thoughts churned in his mind: What"s Yun Xie staring at a dead man for? There"s nothing good to look at! …Heck I"m a little terrified at this sight myself, how is his psychological quality5 so good… Wait, no, what am I thinking, the point is… The point is, what the f.u.c.k does he mean by this, I"m already G.o.dd.a.m.n dead and he still won"t let my body rest in peace, why hasn"t he returned the corpse to Molou? Is he afraid he killed the wrong person and needs to keep checking? f.u.c.k, I"m gonna have to secretly think of a way to beat him up for this…

His heart was a complete mess, and he himself didn"t even know what he was thinking. Then he saw Yun Xie suddenly close his eyes, lean over, and gently kiss the corpse"s forehead, before resolutely closing the coffin lid.

Jiang Xunyi: “……”

He looked at Yun Xie"s back, at this silhouette that had grown significantly more gaunt. He couldn"t decide whether to run up and give him a beating, or to hold him and cry on each other"s shoulders together. He especially couldn"t understand whether this person had been bewitched, or if he himself was hallucinating. Just while he was endlessly revolving between these thoughts… Yun Xie suddenly clapped his scabbard, without even turning his head back. The radiance of the Extinguished Flower sword erupted as it rushed menacingly towards Jiang Xunyi.

You deceptive b.a.s.t.a.r.d6!

At this life-or-death instant7, Jiang Xunyi actually remembered a comment this book"s author had once made evaluating Yun Xie: Yun Xie"s mind is full of machinations, his methods vicious and merciless. His actions often go against others" expectations. If he is a friend, he will be your most reliable friend in the whole world. And if he is an enemy, he will likewise be your most terrifying enemy in the whole world!

The First Law of the Protagonist: The protagonist can never die! No matter what horrible injuries they previously suffered, how much blood they"ve lost, as long as the “boss” hasn"t been defeated, they will be able to eternally hold on using their “one last breath” to continue fighting for another three hundred rounds.

The Extinguished Flower sword moved with incredible momentum, while Jiang Xunyi was completely unarmed. Without even thinking, he leapt into the air and flipped to step onto the sword blade. His foot used force, and he actually stamped this personal sword that had followed him all his life down onto the ground.

The Extinguished Flower sword hummed briefly and then stopped trembling. Yun Xie"s figure moved swiftly, his fingers extending like a claw to grab Jiang Xunyi"s shoulder. Jiang Xunyi flicked his toe to pick up the hilt and sent the sword flying back at Yun Xie. Yun Xie evaded to the side, and lifted his scabbard to catch and retrieve Extinguished Flower.

Seeing Yun Xie use his own sword so smoothly, Jiang Xunyi"s anger grew even further. He turned around, his tone bleak and gloomy: “What are you doing?”

Yun Xie raised his sleeves to wipe a bloodstain by his lips. A trace of a smile played at the corner of his mouth as he measured up Jiang Xunyi: “Finally stopped pretending? Heh, even I was almost fooled by you.”

The smile on his elegant and handsome face should have been pleasing to the eye, but his eyes were frighteningly cold, creating an indescribably discomforting mismatch.

Jiang Xunyi saw his accursed behavior and immediately knew: Yun Xie had killing intent. But he did not panic, only put his hands behind his back and lightly reminded him: “Sect Master Yun, I saved your life.”

Yun Xie sneered: “Even if you didn"t save me, I wouldn"t necessarily die.”

Jiang Xunyi: “……” Okay that is actually true. This is the protagonist we"re talking about, he"ll always endure any beating.

“Moreover……you rushed over yourself, what"s that have to do with me!” Before he finished speaking, Yun Xie had already struck again, with his palm this time!

Yun Xie had always been proud and arrogant, supremely self-confident in his own ability. Seeing Jiang Xunyi actually didn"t have a weapon, he did not unsheathe his sword again, instead attacking with his bare hands.

An aura of fury rose on Jiang Xunyi"s face. He no longer dodged or evaded, instead meeting Yun Xie"s palm directly. Their spiritual energy clashed, and several nearby tables and chairs instantly shattered into pieces.

Yun Xie"s smile widened and he gritted his teeth: "Not bad, not bad at all, even using this move—Did he teach you this too? Who are you? What exactly is the relationship between you two?!”

Jiang Xunyi switched styles, now using the Solar Envy Sect"s move “Surpa.s.sing Envy Thousand Bells“8. He sneered: “I know way more than just this. If you want to know who I am, first beat me and then we"ll talk!”

Though his mouth was talking the talk, actually walking the walk was not that easy. Although Yun Xi was injured, he had extraordinary talent and extensive battle experience, plus the “protagonist halo” was shining around his head like always. On the other hand, while Du Heng"s body boasted plentiful spiritual energy, he had never undergone rigorous training. He had probably not practiced a single one of Tian Li"s 38 Sword Techniques9. As a result, his current flexibility, explosive force10, and endurance were all far below Jiang Xunyi"s past level. Even though his brain reacted as fast as always, his body could only physically reach about half of that reaction speed, so any parrying was quite laborious.

In this kind of situation, Jiang Xunyi"s most logical course of action would be to just keep delaying and drawing out this duel with Yun Xie. After all, the latter had recently suffered through numerous battles already; his physical strength was failing him, and he would likely collapse after just a little bit more time.

But although Jiang Xunyi usually looked to be an undisciplined and casual person, his true nature was actually extremely compet.i.tive and stubborn. Now that Yun Xie had forced out his temper, he refused to dodge or evade, and met every blow straight on. For a few moments, all that could be heard in the room was a nonstop succession of punches and kicks.

After being resurrected, it wasn"t that Jiang Xunyi hadn"t fought with other people. However, his martial arts had been higher than his previous opponents and Yun Xie hadn"t been paying close attention to those battles. Now that the two of them were perfectly matched in ability, Jiang Xunyi no longer had the leisure to hide his true fighting style. He began to constantly use the moves he had practiced since childhood.

In the midst of this violent battle, his fist fiercely collided with Yun Xie"s palm in mid-air. Immediately after, his body rotated and he swept his leg to kick towards Yun Xie"s head. Yun Xie used his elbow to hold him off, and jumped two steps back in bewilderment and incredulity. His voice trembled: “Who… who are you really?”

As he spoke, he couldn"t help but glance out of the corner of his eye at the coffin next to him. Through the translucent cover, Jiang Xunyi"s body lay utterly still in the coffin, without any breath of life like always.

Jiang Xunyi struck as swiftly as the wind, without an ounce of mercy, and replied: “I"m your uncle, b.i.t.c.h!11“

Yun Xie saw the aggressive momentum in his every action, the exact same appearance he had cherished in his heart for so many years, and he fell even further into a trance. As Jiang Xunyi"s palm cleaved over, Yun Xie subconsciously deflected with his right hand while his left hand pointed two fingers to hit Jiang Xunyi"s throat.

Back when the two of them had learned martial arts together, they had a.n.a.lyzed and found the weaknesses in these two moves thousands of times. Jiang Xunyi didn"t even have to think to retaliate, but all of a sudden, his foot slipped——Karma was a b.i.t.c.h, he accidentally stepped on the face of the teenager he had tricked into death.

In a battle between masters, even the tiniest lapse could be life-threatening. Jiang Xunyi"s stumble almost sent his throat straight into Yun Xie"s fingers. Faced with this shock, the doubt collecting in Yun Xie"s heart burst free. Yun Xie didn"t want to hurt him, and hurriedly drew his own strength back in. He almost vomited blood from the backlash of his spiritual energy. Clutching his chest, he retreated back two steps. When he raised his head again, he froze.

His blow didn"t hurt Jiang Xunyi, but perfectly knocked off the other"s mask!

1. 涕泪交流 lit. "tears and mucus flowing profusely and mixing"
2. 紫玉 lit. “purple jade”. Think something like this:
3. 变态 can mean "abnormal" but also "perverted"
4. Yeah uh… Jiang Xunyi loves describing his own handsomeness with a billion different descriptors, so I"m sorry if these descriptions get a little repet.i.tive lol
5. 心理素质 lit. "psychological quality" – measure of mental health based on some combination of personality/adaptibility/motivation/mentality/behavior
6. Artistic license used for these more vulgar comments ?
The original term was 坑爹, which is online slang for a deceptive/cheating b.a.s.t.a.r.d. 坑 literally means "hole/pothole", but when used as a verb it has the connotation of deception, kind of like if someone dug a hole deliberately to make you fall in.
7. 千钧一发 lit. "a thousand pounds hanging by a single hair"
8. 越羡千钟: 越 lit. "jump over, exceed, surpa.s.s", 羡 "envy/admiration" (same envy as in Solar Envy Sect), 千钟 "thousand bells/chimes"
9. This is actually an absolutely hilarious reference: Tian Li 38 Sets (天利38套) is a real-life reference book widely used to prepare for the Chinese College Entrance Examination.
10. 爆发力 lit. "explosive force" = the force your muscles can produce in a short frame of time (ex: sprinting). In particular, this comes from our fast-twitch Type II muscle fibers (excuse my geeking out).
11. Artistic license used here for this insult (please let me know if this is way too inaccurate lol). The original was “我是你大爷!”

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