Chapter 20

Chapter 20 – Roused Awake

Jiang Xunyi had originally wanted to stop him, but there was nothing he could do about his own mouth being slower than Yun Xie’s actions . Seeing there was nothing unusual with Yun Xie currently, he gave in . After some slight hesitation, he decided not to mention the abnormal soul inside Yun Xie’s body .

With the destruction of the Demon Sovereign’s corpse, the surrounding vast s.p.a.ce also collapsed with a crash . In the blink of an eye, the two already stood back in the dark night street, their surrounding completely empty of people . The night wind swept up a a few remnants of incompletely burned paper money, chasing the floating shreds through the street . Red lanterns dangled below one shop’s eaves, like blood-red eyes spying in their direction . A waning moon hung in the sky like a hook .

Yun Xie and Jiang Xunyi each had different thoughts weighing on their mind . At this time, they met each other’s eyes . The same feeling rose within them, as if all those events had taken place a lifetime ago .

When they returned to the Heavenly Seal School, the sky had not yet lightened . The two of them did not alarm the disciples keeping watch, directly flipping over the wall to enter the complex . Jiang Xunyi let out a breath of relief . He wrapped himself in a ragged outer robe and headed back to his room . Yun Xie did not tease him like usual . In low spirits, he only followed behind Jiang Xunyi to escort him back .

The utterly exhausted Jiang Xunyi did not have the energy to talk sense into him, and could only allow him to follow along .

Unexpectedly, when he pushed the room door open, he saw a person leaning on his bed dozing off . Upon seeing Jiang Xunyi entering, pleasant surprise appeared on the person’s face: “Shishu!”

Jiang Xunyi was taken by surprise at the sight of the 16-year-old boy in front of him: “Yu Hong? How come you’re here?”

Jiang Xunyi’s eldest Shixiong Yu Lin had met an early death, and Yu Hong was his only son . When Jiang Xunyi had been besieged a few days ago, he and Jiang Molou had been sent out in advance . Jiang Xunyi had not expected him to actually appear in Yuele City at this time .

Yu Hong was extremely happy to see him, and smiled widely: “Shizu1suddenly woke up a few days ago! Shishu2 is naturally no longer under any suspicion, and old man Jinghai and the others have all been imprisoned .  Shizu used divination to deduce you were at the Heavenly Seal School, and ordered me to call you back to the mountain . I originally couldn’t enter the enchantment around Yuele City . Just I was getting incredibly anxious, the enchantment suddenly broke on its own . I searched all the way to here . Huh? Yun-Shishu is here too, h.e.l.lo Yun-Shishu!”

Yun Xie reluctantly pulled the corner of his lips up and nodded in greeting to him .

Jiang Xunyi frowned: “What about Molou?”

Yu Hong: “Youngest Shishu has not yet returned to the mountain, presumably because he does not yet know what happened . ”

Jiang Xunyi had already realized the enchantment rupture Yu Hong was referring to must have been caused by the two of them destroying Demon Sovereign Xuan Li’s corpse . However, Shizun’s corpse had already taken on that appearance back then… How did he resurrect? Was he truly possessed by Demon Sovereign Xuan Li’s soul?

With these heavy thoughts weighing on his mind, he could only feel perplexed by this dense fog of confusing events . Yet a strange familiarity of unknown origins rose within his heart . While trapped in these chaotic emotions, he heard Yu Hong abruptly exclaim: “Shishu, your injuries… How did you get like this?!”

Only then did Jiang Xunyi remember: his current appearance was not particularly decent, especially with that eye-catching tooth print on his neck . Probably anyone’s thoughts would run in an askew direction . He could only force a smile, uncertain of how to explain it . He hurriedly shot a meaningful look at Yun Xie .

Yun Xie’s usual silver tongue could whitewash even the darkest shade of black . But now when his eloquence was actually needed, he unexpectedly turned pale and didn’t say a word .

Seeing both of their expressions turning ghastly and their countenances in disorder, Yu Hong immediately understood something . Pain lanced through his heart, as he grasped Jiang Xunyi’s wrist and choked out a sob: “Shishu, you…you’ve suffered…”

This little brat! Jiang Xunyi sucked in a cold breath and subconsciously drew his hand back . Yun Xie and Yu Hong simultaneously looked over to see two bruises ringing around those fair wrists . Beads of fresh blood condensed on the edges of the wounds, the marks deep enough to be carved into the bones .

Before the two of them could speak, Jiang Xunyi immediately took back his arm . He had never possessed much patience, and his personality was also unyielding and compet.i.tive . At this time, upon being looked at with those gazes filled with grief and pity (……), he immediately flew into a rage from humiliation: “Going so far for these tiny little scratches? I’m not dead yet! Yu Hong, if you dare to keep looking at me like this, I’ll G.o.dd.a.m.n dig your eyes out! I’m going to sleep, get lost get lost get lost!!” He pushed Yun Xie and Yu Hong out and slammed the door shut .

Yu Hong knew that with his Shishu’s temper, Jiang Xunyi meant what he said . He did not dare to knock on the door to inquire further, and could only turn to Yun Xie: “Yun-Shishu…”

A line of fresh blood suddenly burst out from the corner of Yun Xie’s lips . The startled Yu Hong immediately stepped forward to support him: “What’s wrong?”

Without saying a word, Yun Xie pushed his hand away and silently turned back to his own room .

Yu Hong watched his departing figure . For some reason, he actually saw a deep sense of anguish and pain in this silhouette . He suddenly connected the dots: Yun-Shishu and his own Shishu had been close since childhood . If Shishu came down with just a light illness, Yun-Shishu would become incredibly anxious . Now after some unknown b.a.s.t.a.r.d injured Shishu to this extent, Yun-Shishu must definitely feel even more sorrowful . Yu Hong sighed, his heart sinking heavily in his chest .

When Jiang Xunyi rose the next day, right as he exited his room, he saw Yun Xie leaning on the corridor waiting for him . His scalp immediately tingled numbly, for fear that this person would again put on the whole “kneel and beg for punishment” routine for that insignificant matter . But Yun Xie seemed to have returned to normal, and just smiled at seeing him: “Ah-Xun . ”

When Jiang Xunyi rose the next day, right as he exited his room, he saw Yun Xie leaning on the corridor waiting for him . His scalp immediately tingled numbly, for fear that this person would again put on the whole “kneel and beg for punishment” routine for that insignificant matter . But Yun Xie seemed to have returned to normal, and just smiled at seeing him: “Ah-Xun . ”

Jiang Xunyi breathed a sigh of relief, adjusting his clothes as he walked over: “What are you doing here? Watching the door?”

Yun Xie casually said: “I just came over . Yu Hong dropped by to ask, are… are your injuries better? Headed back to your sect today? I’ll go with you . ”

“All superficial wounds, no problem at all . ”

Jiang Xunyi continued: “Is Solar Envy Mountain in a famine right about now? Are you just coming to sponge off food and drink? Hurry back to check out those little fools in your sect currently worrying their heads off for you . I’ll be fine going back with Yu Hong . ”

Yun Xun paused . He knew in his heart that Solar Envy Sect currently lacked its leader, with everyone in the sect believing he had been abducted . The whole place must have become a mess, and he should indeed go back . However, the situation with Ti Ming was currently unclear and Hidden Spirit Sect had already become dangerous territory . His own business was naturally lesser in importance compared to Jiang Xunyi . After hesitating for a moment, he still insisted: “I have to go back with you . ” He glanced at Jiang Xunyi’s expression and added: “Even if you don’t take me, I know the way there . ”

Jiang Xunyi saw he wouldn’t be able to shake him off, and could only helplessly say: “Very well then . ”

Yun Xie originally had a serious expression on his face, and only exposed a smile upon hearing those words . But this smile was very different from those in the past—no longer lazy, flippant, and a little frivolous, but instead overflowing with gentleness and steadfast determination . He whispered: “Xunyi, after all these matters are finished, I have something… I want to tell you . ”

Jiang Xunyi felt something about Yun Xie’s body seemed a little different, but he didn’t think too much about it and nodded: “Alright . ” Yun Xie let out a sigh of relief, and Jiang Xunyi continued: “Then let’s do it like this . If you have anything resembling a token, have Yu Hong take it to Solar Envy Mountain to inform them . ”

Yun Xiu faithfully listened to his words as always . He looked up to see Yu Hong currently coming over from the other side of the corridor, so he took out a small and exquisite jadeite ring and handed it over: “This is my sect leader token . Yu Hong, take a trip over to Solar Envy Mountain in my place . Tell Yan Qixin to temporarily a.s.sume the sect leader position and await my return . ”

Yu Hong complied . Jiang Xunyi just happened to be standing between the two of them, so seeing Yun Xie pa.s.sing him the ring, he didn’t even think before picking it up and turning to hand it to Yu Hong . But just as that ice-cold jadeite ring entered his hands, it actually began to glow with extreme brilliance . Scorching heat seemed to stream upwards from the palm of his hand, burning all the way to his internal organs . With this abrupt chain of events, even though Jiang Xunyi’s natural calmness stopped him from making a sound, he still sprayed out a mouthful of blood from the intense pain . His vision darkened and his body toppled over .

Yun Xie and Yu Hong were both stunned by this unforeseen development . Yun Xie was the first to react—his heart skipped a beat from terror, and he hurriedly reached out a hand to help: “Ah-Xun! What’s wrong?”

Without waiting for his hand to touch Jiang Xunyi’s shoulders, Jiang Xunyi had already used Extinguished Flower to support himself, swaying and staggering but ultimately remaining standing . He grit his teeth and took slow breaths, unable to speak .

Yu Hong exclaimed: “Shishu!”

Yu Hong exclaimed: “Shishu!”

Yun Xie felt as if a knife was being twisted in his heart, and rushed to say: “What exactly is going on? Hurry and let me see!” He moved forward to hold Jiang Xunyi’s wrist, but unexpectedly, just as he stretched out a hand, Jiang Xunyi suddenly looked up . With a ringing hum, Extinguished Flower left its sheath and brazenly propped against Yun Xie’s throat . Jiang Xunyi’s voice was cold: “Don’t move . ”

Yun Xie indeed stopped moving . He did not know what had happened and his heart was still flooded with worry for Jiang Xunyi, thus allowing that sharp blade to slice open the skin on his neck . Fresh blood dripped onto his snow-white collar . Yun Xie saw Jiang Xunyi wiping the blood off his lips with the back of his hand . Without caring for anything else, he gently asked: “Better now?”

His eyes were clear and suffused with sincere concern . Jiang Xunyi’s hand tightened on his sword hilt, and he lowered his gaze .

The jadeite ring was a token carried by the protagonist with great importance for the plot . As a transmigrated character whose existence centered around the protagonist, Jiang Xunyi was also very sensitive to its breath . When the ring landed in his hands just now, he was at last awakened from this old dream of past recollections .

However, looking at the Yun Xie in front of him whose nature as real or false was unknown, whose every expression and behavior was exactly the same as in those bygone days… Jiang Xunyi discovered that even in this illusion, he was incapable of giving Yun Xie a couple strikes to vent his emotions .

Dammit, are you serious! I didn’t expect that I’m still a “Holy Mother”3!

As Jiang Xunyi fiercely ridiculed himself, he re-sheathed his sword and threw the ring in his palm to the stunned Yu Hong . He arrogantly said: “A tiny old injury, that’s all . What trouble could I run into?” Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced over Yun Xie’s bleeding wound and commented: “Such slow reaction time, did you turn stupid?”

Yun Xie smiled gently and did not refute Jiang Xunyi’s words, but deep contemplation flashed through his eyes .

Because of Jiang Xunyi’s hematemesis incident this morning, Yun Xie absolutely refused to set out immediately . He was determined to make Jiang Xunyi rest for half the day before he was willing to depart . With Jiang Xunyi recovering his present consciousness, this rest time was perfect for him to ponder the workings of this illusion . He thus did not oppose Yun Xie and merely returned to his room without a word .

The illusion must have been born from their hearts, but he did not know whether this current fantasy scape had originated from Yun Xie’s or his own Inner Demons . He was also unsure whether the Yun Xie in front of him was a phantom, or a real person trapped like he had been before this awakening . The only thing clear right now was that his surroundings should be temporarily safe at this time .

Jiang Xunyi remembered that when he first entered, he had clearly seen the “himself” of the past, but soon after that his past self was replaced by his real existence . This meant that the illusion was constantly a.s.similating and devouring one’s self-consciousness . Looking at it from this point of view, the illusion should attack at the height of conflict, when one’s emotions were fluctuating most severely .

That should be… the battle of Hidden Spirit Peak .

This time, I definitely will not again……

Jiang Xunyi slowly pulled out his Extinguished Flower sword, staring at the gleaming silver blade with a slight smile on his face . The dazzling sword light sharpened the contrast between the black and white of his eyes, his reflected gaze as cold as ice .

This time, I definitely will not again……

Jiang Xunyi slowly pulled out his Extinguished Flower sword, staring at the gleaming silver blade with a slight smile on his face . The dazzling sword light sharpened the contrast between the black and white of his eyes, his reflected gaze as cold as ice .

Author’s Notes (Translated): Young master Jiang is awake, the main plot isn’t far now either~


1 .  师祖 lit . “master + ancestor” is again an example of familial terms being used for disciples and masters . In this case, Immortal Master Ti Ming is the Shifu of Yu Hong’s own father/Shifu, so Yu Hong is effectively calling him “disciple-grandfather” .
2 .  师叔 lit . “master + younger uncle” . Again, since Jiang Xunyi and Jiang Molou are the younger disciple-brothers to Yu Lin, Yu Lin’s son Yu Hong calls them “disciple-uncles”
3 .  圣母 lit . “holy mother” is one way of referring to characters who are incredibly pure, kind, generous, all-forgiving, and self-sacrificing . It can be somewhat of a derogatory term if a character is too selfless lol .

Chapter 20 – Roused Awake.


Jiang Xunyi had originally wanted to stop him, but there was nothing he could do about his own mouth being slower than Yun Xie’s actions . Seeing there was nothing unusual with Yun Xie currently, he gave in . After some slight hesitation, he decided not to mention the abnormal soul inside Yun Xie’s body

With the destruction of the Demon Sovereign’s corpse, the surrounding vast s.p.a.ce also collapsed with a crash . In the blink of an eye, the two already stood back in the dark night street, their surrounding completely empty of people . The night wind swept up a a few remnants of incompletely burned paper money, chasing the floating shreds through the street . Red lanterns dangled below one shop’s eaves, like blood-red eyes spying in their direction . A waning moon hung in the sky like a hook

Yun Xie and Jiang Xunyi each had different thoughts weighing on their mind . At this time, they met each other’s eyes . The same feeling rose within them, as if all those events had taken place a lifetime ago

When they returned to the Heavenly Seal School, the sky had not yet lightened . The two of them did not alarm the disciples keeping watch, directly flipping over the wall to enter the complex . Jiang Xunyi let out a breath of relief . He wrapped himself in a ragged outer robe and headed back to his room . Yun Xie did not tease him like usual . In low spirits, he only followed behind Jiang Xunyi to escort him back

The utterly exhausted Jiang Xunyi did not have the energy to talk sense into him, and could only allow him to follow along

Unexpectedly, when he pushed the room door open, he saw a person leaning on his bed dozing off . Upon seeing Jiang Xunyi entering, pleasant surprise appeared on the person’s face: “Shishu!”.

Jiang Xunyi was taken by surprise at the sight of the 16-year-old boy in front of him: “Yu Hong? How come you’re here?”.

Jiang Xunyi’s eldest Shixiong Yu Lin had met an early death, and Yu Hong was his only son . When Jiang Xunyi had been besieged a few days ago, he and Jiang Molou had been sent out in advance . Jiang Xunyi had not expected him to actually appear in Yuele City at this time

Yu Hong was extremely happy to see him, and smiled widely: “Shizu1suddenly woke up a few days ago! Shishu2 is naturally no longer under any suspicion, and old man Jinghai and the others have all been imprisoned .  Shizu used divination to deduce you were at the Heavenly Seal School, and ordered me to call you back to the mountain . I originally couldn’t enter the enchantment around Yuele City . Just I was getting incredibly anxious, the enchantment suddenly broke on its own . I searched all the way to here . Huh? Yun-Shishu is here too, h.e.l.lo Yun-Shishu!”.

Yun Xie reluctantly pulled the corner of his lips up and nodded in greeting to him

Jiang Xunyi frowned: “What about Molou?”.

Yu Hong: “Youngest Shishu has not yet returned to the mountain, presumably because he does not yet know what happened . ”.

Jiang Xunyi had already realized the enchantment rupture Yu Hong was referring to must have been caused by the two of them destroying Demon Sovereign Xuan Li’s corpse . However, Shizun’s corpse had already taken on that appearance back then… How did he resurrect? Was he truly possessed by Demon Sovereign Xuan Li’s soul?.

With these heavy thoughts weighing on his mind, he could only feel perplexed by this dense fog of confusing events . Yet a strange familiarity of unknown origins rose within his heart . While trapped in these chaotic emotions, he heard Yu Hong abruptly exclaim: “Shishu, your injuries… How did you get like this?!”.

Only then did Jiang Xunyi remember: his current appearance was not particularly decent, especially with that eye-catching tooth print on his neck . Probably anyone’s thoughts would run in an askew direction . He could only force a smile, uncertain of how to explain it . He hurriedly shot a meaningful look at Yun Xie

Yun Xie’s usual silver tongue could whitewash even the darkest shade of black . But now when his eloquence was actually needed, he unexpectedly turned pale and didn’t say a word

Seeing both of their expressions turning ghastly and their countenances in disorder, Yu Hong immediately understood something . Pain lanced through his heart, as he grasped Jiang Xunyi’s wrist and choked out a sob: “Shishu, you…you’ve suffered…”.

This little brat! Jiang Xunyi sucked in a cold breath and subconsciously drew his hand back . Yun Xie and Yu Hong simultaneously looked over to see two bruises ringing around those fair wrists . Beads of fresh blood condensed on the edges of the wounds, the marks deep enough to be carved into the bones

Before the two of them could speak, Jiang Xunyi immediately took back his arm . He had never possessed much patience, and his personality was also unyielding and compet.i.tive . At this time, upon being looked at with those gazes filled with grief and pity (……), he immediately flew into a rage from humiliation: “Going so far for these tiny little scratches? I’m not dead yet! Yu Hong, if you dare to keep looking at me like this, I’ll G.o.dd.a.m.n dig your eyes out! I’m going to sleep, get lost get lost get lost!!” He pushed Yun Xie and Yu Hong out and slammed the door shut

Yu Hong knew that with his Shishu’s temper, Jiang Xunyi meant what he said . He did not dare to knock on the door to inquire further, and could only turn to Yun Xie: “Yun-Shishu…”.

A line of fresh blood suddenly burst out from the corner of Yun Xie’s lips . The startled Yu Hong immediately stepped forward to support him: “What’s wrong?”.

Without saying a word, Yun Xie pushed his hand away and silently turned back to his own room

Yu Hong watched his departing figure . For some reason, he actually saw a deep sense of anguish and pain in this silhouette . He suddenly connected the dots: Yun-Shishu and his own Shishu had been close since childhood . If Shishu came down with just a light illness, Yun-Shishu would become incredibly anxious . Now after some unknown b.a.s.t.a.r.d injured Shishu to this extent, Yun-Shishu must definitely feel even more sorrowful . Yu Hong sighed, his heart sinking heavily in his chest


When Jiang Xunyi rose the next day, right as he exited his room, he saw Yun Xie leaning on the corridor waiting for him . His scalp immediately tingled numbly, for fear that this person would again put on the whole “kneel and beg for punishment” routine for that insignificant matter . But Yun Xie seemed to have returned to normal, and just smiled at seeing him: “Ah-Xun . ”.

Jiang Xunyi breathed a sigh of relief, adjusting his clothes as he walked over: “What are you doing here? Watching the door?”.

Yun Xie casually said: “I just came over . Yu Hong dropped by to ask, are… are your injuries better? Headed back to your sect today? I’ll go with you . ”.

“All superficial wounds, no problem at all . ”.

Jiang Xunyi continued: “Is Solar Envy Mountain in a famine right about now? Are you just coming to sponge off food and drink? Hurry back to check out those little fools in your sect currently worrying their heads off for you . I’ll be fine going back with Yu Hong . ”.

Yun Xun paused . He knew in his heart that Solar Envy Sect currently lacked its leader, with everyone in the sect believing he had been abducted . The whole place must have become a mess, and he should indeed go back . However, the situation with Ti Ming was currently unclear and Hidden Spirit Sect had already become dangerous territory . His own business was naturally lesser in importance compared to Jiang Xunyi . After hesitating for a moment, he still insisted: “I have to go back with you . ” He glanced at Jiang Xunyi’s expression and added: “Even if you don’t take me, I know the way there . ”.

Jiang Xunyi saw he wouldn’t be able to shake him off, and could only helplessly say: “Very well then . ”.

Yun Xie originally had a serious expression on his face, and only exposed a smile upon hearing those words . But this smile was very different from those in the past—no longer lazy, flippant, and a little frivolous, but instead overflowing with gentleness and steadfast determination . He whispered: “Xunyi, after all these matters are finished, I have something… I want to tell you . ”.

Jiang Xunyi felt something about Yun Xie’s body seemed a little different, but he didn’t think too much about it and nodded: “Alright . ” Yun Xie let out a sigh of relief, and Jiang Xunyi continued: “Then let’s do it like this . If you have anything resembling a token, have Yu Hong take it to Solar Envy Mountain to inform them . ”.

Yun Xiu faithfully listened to his words as always . He looked up to see Yu Hong currently coming over from the other side of the corridor, so he took out a small and exquisite jadeite ring and handed it over: “This is my sect leader token . Yu Hong, take a trip over to Solar Envy Mountain in my place . Tell Yan Qixin to temporarily a.s.sume the sect leader position and await my return . ”.

Yu Hong complied . Jiang Xunyi just happened to be standing between the two of them, so seeing Yun Xie pa.s.sing him the ring, he didn’t even think before picking it up and turning to hand it to Yu Hong . But just as that ice-cold jadeite ring entered his hands, it actually began to glow with extreme brilliance . Scorching heat seemed to stream upwards from the palm of his hand, burning all the way to his internal organs . With this abrupt chain of events, even though Jiang Xunyi’s natural calmness stopped him from making a sound, he still sprayed out a mouthful of blood from the intense pain . His vision darkened and his body toppled over

Yun Xie and Yu Hong were both stunned by this unforeseen development . Yun Xie was the first to react—his heart skipped a beat from terror, and he hurriedly reached out a hand to help: “Ah-Xun! What’s wrong?”.

Without waiting for his hand to touch Jiang Xunyi’s shoulders, Jiang Xunyi had already used Extinguished Flower to support himself, swaying and staggering but ultimately remaining standing . He grit his teeth and took slow breaths, unable to speak

Yu Hong exclaimed: “Shishu!”.

Yun Xie felt as if a knife was being twisted in his heart, and rushed to say: “What exactly is going on? Hurry and let me see!” He moved forward to hold Jiang Xunyi’s wrist, but unexpectedly, just as he stretched out a hand, Jiang Xunyi suddenly looked up . With a ringing hum, Extinguished Flower left its sheath and brazenly propped against Yun Xie’s throat . Jiang Xunyi’s voice was cold: “Don’t move . ”.

Yun Xie indeed stopped moving . He did not know what had happened and his heart was still flooded with worry for Jiang Xunyi, thus allowing that sharp blade to slice open the skin on his neck . Fresh blood dripped onto his snow-white collar . Yun Xie saw Jiang Xunyi wiping the blood off his lips with the back of his hand . Without caring for anything else, he gently asked: “Better now?”.

His eyes were clear and suffused with sincere concern . Jiang Xunyi’s hand tightened on his sword hilt, and he lowered his gaze

The jadeite ring was a token carried by the protagonist with great importance for the plot . As a transmigrated character whose existence centered around the protagonist, Jiang Xunyi was also very sensitive to its breath . When the ring landed in his hands just now, he was at last awakened from this old dream of past recollections

However, looking at the Yun Xie in front of him whose nature as real or false was unknown, whose every expression and behavior was exactly the same as in those bygone days… Jiang Xunyi discovered that even in this illusion, he was incapable of giving Yun Xie a couple strikes to vent his emotions

Dammit, are you serious! I didn’t expect that I’m still a “Holy Mother”3!.

As Jiang Xunyi fiercely ridiculed himself, he re-sheathed his sword and threw the ring in his palm to the stunned Yu Hong . He arrogantly said: “A tiny old injury, that’s all . What trouble could I run into?” Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced over Yun Xie’s bleeding wound and commented: “Such slow reaction time, did you turn stupid?”.

Yun Xie smiled gently and did not refute Jiang Xunyi’s words, but deep contemplation flashed through his eyes

Because of Jiang Xunyi’s hematemesis incident this morning, Yun Xie absolutely refused to set out immediately . He was determined to make Jiang Xunyi rest for half the day before he was willing to depart . With Jiang Xunyi recovering his present consciousness, this rest time was perfect for him to ponder the workings of this illusion . He thus did not oppose Yun Xie and merely returned to his room without a word

The illusion must have been born from their hearts, but he did not know whether this current fantasy scape had originated from Yun Xie’s or his own Inner Demons . He was also unsure whether the Yun Xie in front of him was a phantom, or a real person trapped like he had been before this awakening . The only thing clear right now was that his surroundings should be temporarily safe at this time

Jiang Xunyi remembered that when he first entered, he had clearly seen the “himself” of the past, but soon after that his past self was replaced by his real existence . This meant that the illusion was constantly a.s.similating and devouring one’s self-consciousness . Looking at it from this point of view, the illusion should attack at the height of conflict, when one’s emotions were fluctuating most severely

That should be… the battle of Hidden Spirit Peak

This time, I definitely will not again…….

Jiang Xunyi slowly pulled out his Extinguished Flower sword, staring at the gleaming silver blade with a slight smile on his face . The dazzling sword light sharpened the contrast between the black and white of his eyes, his reflected gaze as cold as ice




Author’s Notes (Translated): Young master Jiang is awake, the main plot isn’t far now either~.






1 .  师祖 lit . “master + ancestor” is again an example of familial terms being used for disciples and masters . In this case, Immortal Master Ti Ming is the Shifu of Yu Hong’s own father/Shifu, so Yu Hong is effectively calling him “disciple-grandfather” 2 .  师叔 lit . “master + younger uncle” . Again, since Jiang Xunyi and Jiang Molou are the younger disciple-brothers to Yu Lin, Yu Lin’s son Yu Hong calls them “disciple-uncles”. 3 .  圣母 lit . “holy mother” is one way of referring to characters who are incredibly pure, kind, generous, all-forgiving, and self-sacrificing . It can be somewhat of a derogatory term if a character is too selfless lol

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