Chapter 21

Chapter 21 – Crow Moon Concubine

After resting, the two men dispatched Yu Hong out and then rushed back to Hidden Spirit Sect under the light of the stars. When they entered the mountain gate, they discovered the sect’s atmosphere was indeed quite different from when they had previously left.

Jiang Xunyi and Yun Xie had just arrived at the foot of the mountain when some sharp-eyed disciples caught sight of their figure. They immediately reported this news to the higher-ups, so when Jiang Xunyi formally entered the main gate, he was faced with this scene of a crowd of people bowing in greeting.

Jiang Xunyi had been favored by Immortal Master Ti Ming since childhood and was also known for his vicious and merciless temper, so quite a few people had been happy with his previous loss of prestige and injury to his reputation. As a result, with Immortal Master Ti Ming now waking up and dealing with Elder Jinghai on behalf of this beloved disciple, everyone knew the winds had changed. Hearing of Jiang Xunyi’s return, even though they trembled with fear and trepidation, they still hurried to greet him, only hoping to avoid the ire of the next sect head.

Since his memory had been restored, Jiang Xunyi was naturally well-aware of their psychological activities. He stood with his hands behind his back, first glancing over the crowd with a faint imitation of a smile. Only then did he turn to Yun Xie by his side: “What do you say makes people change their att.i.tudes from arrogance to obsequiousness?”

Yun Xie laughed lightly: “When a mad dog wants to bite people but has ruined its own teeth, this is how it looks.” 

Except for their two voices in dialogue, their surroundings were entirely quiet at this time. The crowd of disciples’ faces flushed red hearing these words, but they did not dare to defend themselves. Their expressions could only contort with awkward embarra.s.sment.

Jiang Xunyi shook his head: “Boring.” As he spoke, he walked further into the sect. For a moment, Yun Xie quietly watched his figure with deep contemplation, before finally following behind him.

In his mind, Jiang Xunyi knew in actuality he should not go inside first, but he did not know if there would be any consequences for altering his behavior to differ from his memories. He therefore did not change expression as he took each step on that old road towards Immortal Master Ti Ming’s side room, but his hands had at some point clenched into fists behind his back.

The further he walked inside, the fainter the demonic energy became. Yun Xie suddenly broke the silence: “Ah-Xun.”  

Jiang Xunyi shot him a look. Although he could restrain his emotions, in the end a barrier of estrangement had risen up in his heart compared to their past few days together. He only indifferently said: “Speak.”

Yun Xie seemed not to notice Jiang Xunyi giving him the cold shoulder. He reached out to point at the nearby flowerbed and smiled slightly: “I remember the first time I saw you was right here. Back then you were probably only three or four years old? The other children were all having a s...o...b..ll fight, covered in mud and dirt. Only you were wearing a snow-white fox fur robe, as exquisite as if carved from jade, standing coldly on the side, neither playing with them nor acknowledging me.”

Jiang Xunyi humphed. No s.h.i.t, I had lived for more than twenty years before transmigrating here, why would I have a s...o...b..ll fight with a bunch of little brats. He casually answered: “I ignored you because there were far too many people who did acknowledge you, I got annoyed just looking at it!”

Yun Xie laughed out loud. But when Jiang Xunyi turned back around, Yun Xie rapidly lifted his sleeves and wiped his eyes.

That room was still as familiar as always. Not too many days ago, Jiang Xunyi had even shed tears holding Immortal Master Ti Ming’s corpse here. Today, the man who had raised him from childhood now stood at the windowsill, his face illuminated by a gentle smile.

Upon entering through the door, Jiang Xunyi did not move any further forward. He bowed deeply and spoke in a serious and heavy voice: “This disciple greets Shizun.” Yun Xie also took a slight bow and called out a “Shishu.”

Immortal Master Ti Ming smiled: “Good, good. Xun-Er, Xie-Er1, why do you two have such gloomy expressions? Are you not happy to see this teacher has woken up?” As he spoke, he moved forward to help Jiang Xunyi back up.

Jiang Xunyi maintained his bowed posture without moving an inch. Only after a while did he slowly say: “Shizun, this disciple does not dare to accept your grace.”

Catching sight of the slight change in Immortal Master Ti Ming’s expression, Yun Xie immediately turned sideways to block in front of Jiang Xunyi, and was then pulled back again by Jiang Xunyi.

Yet Immortal Master Ti Ming suddenly smiled: “You two children, what are you acting so awkward and difficult for? Xun-Er, this teacher knows you have been wronged these past few days, so I specially vented your anger for you—Come look.”  

Yet Immortal Master Ti Ming suddenly smiled: “You two children, what are you acting so awkward and difficult for? Xun-Er, this teacher knows you have been wronged these past few days, so I specially vented your anger for you—Come look.”  

Jiang Xunyi had long since known what he was going to see, but even though this was his second time undergoing these events, he still couldn’t help but feel nausea rise to his throat. Even Yun Xie subconsciously raised his voice on the side: “Elder Jinghai?!”

A huge earthen urn stood by the window. At first Immortal Master Ti Ming’s body had blocked it from sight, so Yun Xie and Jiang Xunyi had not paid it any attention. Now that Ti Ming had moved slightly to the side to make way, they could clearly see everything in the urn—Inside was a “human swine”2 with all four limbs cut off!

Although Jiang Xunyi had always acted with firm resolve, he had never liked during piecemeal and torturous methods to abuse his enemies. Now seeing the limbless Elder Jinghai whimpering from a broken throat, Jiang Xunyi did not feel the slightest bit of pleasure or delight at achieving a great revenge. Instead, all he felt was deep disgust. He was just as enraged this time as he had been when he first saw this scene, and used force to overturn the Eight Immortals3 Table by his side. A corner of the table immediately broke off from the impact, and Jiang Xunyi shouted: “If you do not wish to die too horribly, stop posing as my Shizun and tarnishing his good name!”

When Immortal Master Ti Ming heard this, he suddenly began to laugh. As the laughter continued, the sound gradually transformed from low and deep to high and shrill. When it stopped, this person still retained that appearance of a transcendent immortal, but the voice that left its mouth was that of a bewitchingly charming woman: “Oh my my, you two are such elegant and romantic men, this concubine was originally exceedingly overjoyed to see you today. But looking at the two of you… though one always has a genial smile on his face, his eyes only see one man alone. The other has such a hot temper, without any understanding whatsoever of tender feelings for the fairer s.e.x. Truly enough to fill one’s heart with sorrow~”

Abruptly having his thoughts and concerns laid bare, Yun Xie’s face flushed red. On the other hand, Jiang Xunyi was completely stupefied at the bloodcurdling sight of his Shizun’s body affecting shyness like a young girl. The first impressions from his previous life were carved deep into his mind, so he had believed Immortal Master Ti Ming must have been possessed by the Demon Sovereign. Now that he was aware he had found the wrong person and was also forced to see this rather traumatic scene, his heart felt doubly stifled.

Yun Xie really did have thick skin. After just a moment of discomfort, his expression quickly recovered to normal. He pressed Jiang Xunyi’s shoulder and walked forward, smiling: “I heard that serving under Demon Sovereign Xuan Li are the two beautiful concubines Wu Yun [Crow Cloud] and Wu Yue [Crow Moon]. Although this miss is wearing a man’s skin, her every move is elegant and her manners graceful. Is this not the legendary beauty surpa.s.sing all flowers, Crow Cloud Concubine?”

Hearing those words, that person’s face suddenly sank. She screamed in shrill fury: “What nonsense are you saying?! How could that dirty thief who betrayed the Demon Sovereign ever compare to me?! Hmph, even if she originally had beauty enough to topple cities, after the sovereign sucked all her vitality dry, she has long since become an unsightly old hag!”

Yun Xie was originally coaxing information out of her, so hearing this he came to a sudden understanding: “Oh, it turns out that you are Wu Yue.” After he finished speaking, he couldn’t help but meet Jiang Xunyi’s eyes. Both of them remembered the unkempt and disheveled woman in Yuele City who had given them that warning, and couldn’t resist sighing with emotion—according to Crow Moon Concubine’s meaning, that Crow Cloud Concubine presumably betrayed her master for some unknown reason and therefore received such a punishment. In the end, that beauty of a generation actually fell to such a wretched fate.

Jiang Xunyi could no longer muster up the patience to continue this conversation. His hand pressed on Extinguished Flower as he coldly spoke: “Where is Xuan Li?”

Crow Moon Concubine smiled: “My dear disciple, look at your handsome little appearance, you’re even more captivating when angry. Just accompany me to sleep for one night, and this teacher will say everything~”

Jiang Xunyi was so furious he couldn’t help but laugh from sheer rage: “Want me to accompany you? First see if you can withstand it!” His robes billowed in the wind as he unsheathed his sword and leapt into the air, slicing downwards at Wu Yue’s head with the move “Drums of Heaven’s Uproar”44—he actually did not hesitate to split this person wearing his kind master’s face in two.

Jiang Xunyi was so furious he couldn’t help but laugh from sheer rage: “Want me to accompany you? First see if you can withstand it!” His robes billowed in the wind as he unsheathed his sword and leapt into the air, slicing downwards at Wu Yue’s head with the move “Drums of Heaven’s Uproar”44—he actually did not hesitate to split this person wearing his kind master’s face in two.

This Drums of Heaven’s Uproar was suffused with indomitable and violent vigor. With the strike of this sword, that ubiquitous mighty pressure first locked one’s movement down. Crow Moon Concubine had nowhere to dodge, and could only summon up her entire body’s vitality to contend with Jiang Xunyi head-on. Unexpectedly, she was still unable to withstand the power of the other side’s blow, and this freshly seized body was actually destroyed.

Crow Moon Concubine’s vitality escaped from all her orifices5, but she was not particularly scared or panicked, even giggling instead. She turned around and waved her sleeves to leave, but suddenly without any warning, someone caught her throat.

The shocked Crow Moon Concubine remembered: “This is bad! I actually forgot there’s still this Solar Envy Sect brat here.” The Solar Envy Sect were premier experts at controlling people’s souls. While Jiang Xunyi had been drawing her attention with his eye-catching blow, Yun Xie had continuously been setting up an array. From their extensive experience fighting together, the two of them now cooperated in natural synchrony with perfect accuracy.

Yun Xie pinched Crow Moon Concubine’s neck in his hands. His face was gloomy and dark, clearly infuriated by this woman’s flirty words towards Jiang Xunyi just now. He spoke with seemingly carefree lightness: “Wu Yue, I6 advise you to best say everything you know, otherwise… I believe you are not particularly willing to taste the Solar Envy Sect’s soul-refining techniques.”

Demon Sovereign Xuan Li’s long-standing power and influence clearly weighed heavily over her head; even though Crow Moon Concubine’s face had turned deathly white from fear, she made as if to speak but stopped every time. In the end, she finally shook her head in dejection, tenaciously biting her lips.

Just as Yun Xie was about to speak again, Jiang Xunyi sensed the demonic energy in the air rising significantly in a mere flash. Without taking the time to speak, he rapidly turned around and flew into the air, slamming a palm to send one panel of the window flying directly out. A figure was revealed behind the window—it was actually Huang Yan.

Huang Yan’s natural disposition was weak and cowardly; despite currying favor with the two elders and forcing Jiang Xunyi out to replace him as the next sect head, he could never rid himself of that cowering att.i.tude characteristic of a small man intoxicated by success. However, after these short few days of separation, even though he was simply standing outside the window at this time, his posture was one of condescending scorn and natural arrogance.

Jiang Xunyi’s voice was calm and unhurried in its certainty: “Demon Sovereign Xuan Li.”

Amidst all the chaos, Yun Xie turned to look at him, a complex expression flitting across his face.

1. Just a reminder that Immortal Master Ti Ming refers to Jiang Xunyi and Yun Xie by affectionate nicknames since they’re basically his son and nephew respectively. (寻儿 for Jiang Xunyi, 歇儿 for Yun Xie)
2. 人彘 lit. “human pig/swine” is a type of torture/punishment that was most famously performed on the unfortunate Consort Qi. According to legend, the jealous Empress Lü Zhi chopped off Consort Qi’s limbs, gouged out her eyes, cut off her nose and ears, made her dumb with toxins, locked her in the pigsty, and called her “human swine.” Really makes you feel sorry for that poor lady.
3. 八仙 or “Eight Immortals” are a group of legendary immortals in Chinese mythology, revered by Daoists. See good old Wikipedia for more:  喧天成鼓
5. 窍 = “opening, hole, orifice of the human body”
6. Yun Xie here refers to himself as 本座 lit. “this seat”, which is characterized by a generally proud and arrogant att.i.tude emphasizing his own position/importance.

Chapter 21 – Crow Moon Concubine.


After resting, the two men dispatched Yu Hong out and then rushed back to Hidden Spirit Sect under the light of the stars. When they entered the mountain gate, they discovered the sect’s atmosphere was indeed quite different from when they had previously left..

Jiang Xunyi and Yun Xie had just arrived at the foot of the mountain when some sharp-eyed disciples caught sight of their figure. They immediately reported this news to the higher-ups, so when Jiang Xunyi formally entered the main gate, he was faced with this scene of a crowd of people bowing in greeting..

Jiang Xunyi had been favored by Immortal Master Ti Ming since childhood and was also known for his vicious and merciless temper, so quite a few people had been happy with his previous loss of prestige and injury to his reputation. As a result, with Immortal Master Ti Ming now waking up and dealing with Elder Jinghai on behalf of this beloved disciple, everyone knew the winds had changed. Hearing of Jiang Xunyi’s return, even though they trembled with fear and trepidation, they still hurried to greet him, only hoping to avoid the ire of the next sect head..

Since his memory had been restored, Jiang Xunyi was naturally well-aware of their psychological activities. He stood with his hands behind his back, first glancing over the crowd with a faint imitation of a smile. Only then did he turn to Yun Xie by his side: “What do you say makes people change their att.i.tudes from arrogance to obsequiousness?”.

Yun Xie laughed lightly: “When a mad dog wants to bite people but has ruined its own teeth, this is how it looks.” .

Except for their two voices in dialogue, their surroundings were entirely quiet at this time. The crowd of disciples’ faces flushed red hearing these words, but they did not dare to defend themselves. Their expressions could only contort with awkward embarra.s.sment..

Jiang Xunyi shook his head: “Boring.” As he spoke, he walked further into the sect. For a moment, Yun Xie quietly watched his figure with deep contemplation, before finally following behind him..

In his mind, Jiang Xunyi knew in actuality he should not go inside first, but he did not know if there would be any consequences for altering his behavior to differ from his memories. He therefore did not change expression as he took each step on that old road towards Immortal Master Ti Ming’s side room, but his hands had at some point clenched into fists behind his back..

The further he walked inside, the fainter the demonic energy became. Yun Xie suddenly broke the silence: “Ah-Xun.”  .

Jiang Xunyi shot him a look. Although he could restrain his emotions, in the end a barrier of estrangement had risen up in his heart compared to their past few days together. He only indifferently said: “Speak.”.

Yun Xie seemed not to notice Jiang Xunyi giving him the cold shoulder. He reached out to point at the nearby flowerbed and smiled slightly: “I remember the first time I saw you was right here. Back then you were probably only three or four years old? The other children were all having a s...o...b..ll fight, covered in mud and dirt. Only you were wearing a snow-white fox fur robe, as exquisite as if carved from jade, standing coldly on the side, neither playing with them nor acknowledging me.”.

Jiang Xunyi humphed. No s.h.i.t, I had lived for more than twenty years before transmigrating here, why would I have a s...o...b..ll fight with a bunch of little brats. He casually answered: “I ignored you because there were far too many people who did acknowledge you, I got annoyed just looking at it!”.

Yun Xie laughed out loud. But when Jiang Xunyi turned back around, Yun Xie rapidly lifted his sleeves and wiped his eyes..


That room was still as familiar as always. Not too many days ago, Jiang Xunyi had even shed tears holding Immortal Master Ti Ming’s corpse here. Today, the man who had raised him from childhood now stood at the windowsill, his face illuminated by a gentle smile..

Upon entering through the door, Jiang Xunyi did not move any further forward. He bowed deeply and spoke in a serious and heavy voice: “This disciple greets Shizun.” Yun Xie also took a slight bow and called out a “Shishu.”.

Immortal Master Ti Ming smiled: “Good, good. Xun-Er, Xie-Er1, why do you two have such gloomy expressions? Are you not happy to see this teacher has woken up?” As he spoke, he moved forward to help Jiang Xunyi back up..

Jiang Xunyi maintained his bowed posture without moving an inch. Only after a while did he slowly say: “Shizun, this disciple does not dare to accept your grace.”.

Catching sight of the slight change in Immortal Master Ti Ming’s expression, Yun Xie immediately turned sideways to block in front of Jiang Xunyi, and was then pulled back again by Jiang Xunyi..

Yet Immortal Master Ti Ming suddenly smiled: “You two children, what are you acting so awkward and difficult for? Xun-Er, this teacher knows you have been wronged these past few days, so I specially vented your anger for you—Come look.”  .

Jiang Xunyi had long since known what he was going to see, but even though this was his second time undergoing these events, he still couldn’t help but feel nausea rise to his throat. Even Yun Xie subconsciously raised his voice on the side: “Elder Jinghai?!”.

A huge earthen urn stood by the window. At first Immortal Master Ti Ming’s body had blocked it from sight, so Yun Xie and Jiang Xunyi had not paid it any attention. Now that Ti Ming had moved slightly to the side to make way, they could clearly see everything in the urn—Inside was a “human swine”2 with all four limbs cut off!.

Although Jiang Xunyi had always acted with firm resolve, he had never liked during piecemeal and torturous methods to abuse his enemies. Now seeing the limbless Elder Jinghai whimpering from a broken throat, Jiang Xunyi did not feel the slightest bit of pleasure or delight at achieving a great revenge. Instead, all he felt was deep disgust. He was just as enraged this time as he had been when he first saw this scene, and used force to overturn the Eight Immortals3 Table by his side. A corner of the table immediately broke off from the impact, and Jiang Xunyi shouted: “If you do not wish to die too horribly, stop posing as my Shizun and tarnishing his good name!”.

When Immortal Master Ti Ming heard this, he suddenly began to laugh. As the laughter continued, the sound gradually transformed from low and deep to high and shrill. When it stopped, this person still retained that appearance of a transcendent immortal, but the voice that left its mouth was that of a bewitchingly charming woman: “Oh my my, you two are such elegant and romantic men, this concubine was originally exceedingly overjoyed to see you today. But looking at the two of you… though one always has a genial smile on his face, his eyes only see one man alone. The other has such a hot temper, without any understanding whatsoever of tender feelings for the fairer s.e.x. Truly enough to fill one’s heart with sorrow~”.

Abruptly having his thoughts and concerns laid bare, Yun Xie’s face flushed red. On the other hand, Jiang Xunyi was completely stupefied at the bloodcurdling sight of his Shizun’s body affecting shyness like a young girl. The first impressions from his previous life were carved deep into his mind, so he had believed Immortal Master Ti Ming must have been possessed by the Demon Sovereign. Now that he was aware he had found the wrong person and was also forced to see this rather traumatic scene, his heart felt doubly stifled..

Yun Xie really did have thick skin. After just a moment of discomfort, his expression quickly recovered to normal. He pressed Jiang Xunyi’s shoulder and walked forward, smiling: “I heard that serving under Demon Sovereign Xuan Li are the two beautiful concubines Wu Yun [Crow Cloud] and Wu Yue [Crow Moon]. Although this miss is wearing a man’s skin, her every move is elegant and her manners graceful. Is this not the legendary beauty surpa.s.sing all flowers, Crow Cloud Concubine?”.

Hearing those words, that person’s face suddenly sank. She screamed in shrill fury: “What nonsense are you saying?! How could that dirty thief who betrayed the Demon Sovereign ever compare to me?! Hmph, even if she originally had beauty enough to topple cities, after the sovereign sucked all her vitality dry, she has long since become an unsightly old hag!”.

Yun Xie was originally coaxing information out of her, so hearing this he came to a sudden understanding: “Oh, it turns out that you are Wu Yue.” After he finished speaking, he couldn’t help but meet Jiang Xunyi’s eyes. Both of them remembered the unkempt and disheveled woman in Yuele City who had given them that warning, and couldn’t resist sighing with emotion—according to Crow Moon Concubine’s meaning, that Crow Cloud Concubine presumably betrayed her master for some unknown reason and therefore received such a punishment. In the end, that beauty of a generation actually fell to such a wretched fate..

Jiang Xunyi could no longer muster up the patience to continue this conversation. His hand pressed on Extinguished Flower as he coldly spoke: “Where is Xuan Li?”.

Crow Moon Concubine smiled: “My dear disciple, look at your handsome little appearance, you’re even more captivating when angry. Just accompany me to sleep for one night, and this teacher will say everything~”.

Jiang Xunyi was so furious he couldn’t help but laugh from sheer rage: “Want me to accompany you? First see if you can withstand it!” His robes billowed in the wind as he unsheathed his sword and leapt into the air, slicing downwards at Wu Yue’s head with the move “Drums of Heaven’s Uproar”44—he actually did not hesitate to split this person wearing his kind master’s face in two..

This Drums of Heaven’s Uproar was suffused with indomitable and violent vigor. With the strike of this sword, that ubiquitous mighty pressure first locked one’s movement down. Crow Moon Concubine had nowhere to dodge, and could only summon up her entire body’s vitality to contend with Jiang Xunyi head-on. Unexpectedly, she was still unable to withstand the power of the other side’s blow, and this freshly seized body was actually destroyed..

Crow Moon Concubine’s vitality escaped from all her orifices5, but she was not particularly scared or panicked, even giggling instead. She turned around and waved her sleeves to leave, but suddenly without any warning, someone caught her throat..

The shocked Crow Moon Concubine remembered: “This is bad! I actually forgot there’s still this Solar Envy Sect brat here.” The Solar Envy Sect were premier experts at controlling people’s souls. While Jiang Xunyi had been drawing her attention with his eye-catching blow, Yun Xie had continuously been setting up an array. From their extensive experience fighting together, the two of them now cooperated in natural synchrony with perfect accuracy..

Yun Xie pinched Crow Moon Concubine’s neck in his hands. His face was gloomy and dark, clearly infuriated by this woman’s flirty words towards Jiang Xunyi just now. He spoke with seemingly carefree lightness: “Wu Yue, I6 advise you to best say everything you know, otherwise… I believe you are not particularly willing to taste the Solar Envy Sect’s soul-refining techniques.”.

Demon Sovereign Xuan Li’s long-standing power and influence clearly weighed heavily over her head; even though Crow Moon Concubine’s face had turned deathly white from fear, she made as if to speak but stopped every time. In the end, she finally shook her head in dejection, tenaciously biting her lips..

Just as Yun Xie was about to speak again, Jiang Xunyi sensed the demonic energy in the air rising significantly in a mere flash. Without taking the time to speak, he rapidly turned around and flew into the air, slamming a palm to send one panel of the window flying directly out. A figure was revealed behind the window—it was actually Huang Yan..

Huang Yan’s natural disposition was weak and cowardly; despite currying favor with the two elders and forcing Jiang Xunyi out to replace him as the next sect head, he could never rid himself of that cowering att.i.tude characteristic of a small man intoxicated by success. However, after these short few days of separation, even though he was simply standing outside the window at this time, his posture was one of condescending scorn and natural arrogance..

Jiang Xunyi’s voice was calm and unhurried in its certainty: “Demon Sovereign Xuan Li.”.

Amidst all the chaos, Yun Xie turned to look at him, a complex expression flitting across his face..









Footnotes:. 1. Just a reminder that Immortal Master Ti Ming refers to Jiang Xunyi and Yun Xie by affectionate nicknames since they’re basically his son and nephew respectively. (寻儿 for Jiang Xunyi, 歇儿 for Yun Xie). 2. 人彘 lit. “human pig/swine” is a type of torture/punishment that was most famously performed on the unfortunate Consort Qi. According to legend, the jealous Empress Lü Zhi chopped off Consort Qi’s limbs, gouged out her eyes, cut off her nose and ears, made her dumb with toxins, locked her in the pigsty, and called her “human swine.” Really makes you feel sorry for that poor lady.. 3. 八仙 or “Eight Immortals” are a group of legendary immortals in Chinese mythology, revered by Daoists. See good old Wikipedia for more:  4. 喧天成鼓. 5. 窍 = “opening, hole, orifice of the human body”. 6. Yun Xie here refers to himself as 本座 lit. “this seat”, which is characterized by a generally proud and arrogant att.i.tude emphasizing his own position/importance..

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