Purple River

Chapter 06 Part 05 - Top Secret

Chapter 06 Part 05 - Top Secret

If the House of Headmaster was the most secured building in the entire City of Di Du, then Di Lin’s estate had to be the second. It shouldn’t come as a surprise, since he had more enemies than he could remember.

That night when ZiChuan Xiu went to visit his friend, the Inspector General – Di Lin, even after he had shown the pa.s.s identifying himself as the Deputy Commander, the devoted constables on duty still gave him a thorough pat down, to the point he had nearly been violated.

ZiChuan Xiu argued angrily: “Do you want to search between my a.s.s cheeks as well?” The constable responded humorously: “No thanks, we didn’t bring gasmasks.”

It was Lin Xiu Jia who opened the door; she shouted in surprise: “Xiu! It’s you!” ZiChuan Xiu was enthralled by her gorgeous face. Other than the same youthful beauty, there was another layer of womanly radiance. He involuntarily shifted his gaze away and down, only then did he realize her slightly swollen belly. She was pregnant.

A surreal feeling washed over him, as if he had just woken from a dream.

He cleared his throat: “Hey! Sister-in-law.” He had no words to describe the mixture of emotions he was feeling right now.

Lin Xiu Jia seemed truly glad for his visit. She quickly led him in the house and said: “Your brother just left a moment go, why don’t you wait for him in his office? I’m sure he will be back soon!”

ZiChuan Xiu answered politely: “No need. I will wait for him in the Guest Hall.”

Lin Xiu Jia shook her head and, gave him a playful and naughty look, tilting her lips sideways towards the direction of the Guest Hall, hinting at the unpleasantness sitting there.

ZiChuan Xiu followed with his gaze. The Guest Hall was filled with people, and the medals on their uniforms sparkled under the lamp light. Even though he couldn’t recognize anyone, they were no doubt high ranking officers.

ZiChuan Xiu smiled bitterly: “Very well.” And nodded understandingly at the officers waiting in the Guest Hall as he followed Liu Xiu Jia into Di Lin’s office, completely ignoring the wall of annoyed gazes casted on his back: “Who the h.e.l.l is that kid? We waited whole day and not even a cup of tea. Why is he being allowed into the office and not us?!”

Lin Xiu Jia showed ZiChuan Xiu to his seat in Di Lin’s office, and made tea for him. She even brought him some snacks. Those were usually the work expected from a servant.

ZiChuan Xiu asked surprised: “So many of them out there. Has it always been like this?” The Di Lin he knew was a lone wolf. That was so unlike him.

Lin Xiu Jia laughed: “This is nothing! Your brother already sent a bunch of them home tonight. A messenger from the Ministry came by earlier, saying there was something urgent needing his approval. Then he left and let the rest of them wait.”

“I see. So what do they want from Di Lin?”

Lin Xiu Jiu twitched her mouth, making an annoyed face: “Who knows? Probably asking him for a favour? Ever since he became the Inspector General, he just can’t seem to get rid of them!” Even though Liu Xiu Jia constantly complained, her expression was that of a proud wife. Who wouldn’t be when her husband had all the power and respect in the world?

ZiChuan Xiu felt his cheeks heating up. Even though he knew Liu Xiu Jia wasn’t talking about him, but he did come here to ask for a “favour”.

Liu Xiu Jia was totally oblivious to ZiChuan Xiu’s awkward expression as she continued: “I’m being serious. I couldn’t get rid of them even if I tried, so annoying. And you, you are one of our oldest friends, yet I barely even see you nowadays! Even Stirling came by several times, you never visited once. It’s not like before, now you don’t even have to worry about Yang Ming Hua finding out.”

ZiChuan Xiu had no answer for her. Lin Xiu Jia clearly wasn’t told of what happened between him and Di Lin during the night of Di Du’s bloodbath. He smiled: “I was busy… see, I’m here now!”

“Fine. Let’s change the subject. Xiu, you are getting older now. So what are you? Twenty? Di Lin told me you don’t even have a girlfriend? That just won’t do. What kind of girls do you like? Tell me, I can introduce you to some.”

ZiChuan Xiu wanted to say so badly: “I like someone like you!” But the words that came out of his mouth quickly turned into: “I’m not planning to find one. You don’t have to worry about me!” Lin Xiu Jia gave him a sly look, tilting her head sideways. The kind of cunningness reminded him of when she was still a little girl, and it made ZiChuan Xiu’s heart skip a beat…

“I know; you have high standards. Not just anyone will do.” Lin Xiu Jia lowered her voice, asking: “Is it the Former’ Headmaster’s daughter? Ning? If you are too embarra.s.sed, I can help you propose!”

ZiChuan Xiu spurt out a mouthful of tea water, coughing profusely, waving his hand in denial: “Please don’t. Thanks though!”

By then a servant came in and whispered something to Lin Xiu Jia. Whatever it was, it made her frown. ZiChuan Xiu took the opportunity and said: “Sis, if you are busy, I can wait here alone.”

Lin Xiu Jia hesitated for a second, and then said: “Ok. As you wish! Feel free to look around. I won’t be gone for too long. Your brother should be back soon as well.”

Lin Xiu Jia left the office, closing the door behind her. She clearly trusted ZiChuan Xiu a lot.

Watching her shadow disappearing in the distance, the mix of indescribable emotions finally revealed themselves. He glanced around at the objects decorating Di Lin’s office. In the front and the most eye-catching place on his desk, he found an old painting: It was a portrait of him, Stirling, and Di Lin back when there were still in the Far Eastern Army Academy.


The three of them hugged together like family. ZiChuan Xiu stood on the left, a kid face full of smiles. Di Lin stood in the middle, making a cool pose and Stirling stood on the right, showing a gentle smile.

Perhaps it was all preordained. Somehow, their position in the portrait had predicted the cruelty waiting in stores for them.

The background was a forest of peach trees. It was spring, pink leafs were everywhere, and some were still falling.

ZiChuan Xiu seemed to recall, it was also during that spring, when they first met Lin Xiu Jia.

On the back of the portrait was Stirling’s poem: “Flower blossoms in spring, people blossoms while young!” It was strongly written. Below it, were his, Stirling’s and Di Lin’s signature.

Both ZiChuan Xiu and Stirling had a copy of the same portrait. ZiChuan Xiu never knew Di Lin cared about it so much to put it in the center of his desk. A wave of warmth began to spread outwards from the deepest part of his heart.

ZiChuan Xiu didn’t touch any of the doc.u.ments lying on Di Lin’s desk. Instead, he walked towards the window and raised the curtains. He quickly found himself admiring Di Lin’s beautiful garden under the moon light.

The lamp light of the office spilled into the garden. From afar, ZiChuan Xiu could see two shadows conversing under the cover the darkness. One was Di Lin, the other caught ZiChuan Xiu by surprise. It was the Black Banner Army Commander – Fang Jing.

Both of them were well trained fighters, as they quickly caught the glimpse of light coming their way.

Di Lin didn’t seem to be bothered by the light coming from his office. He turned his gazes back on Fang Jing and continued.

ZiChuan Xiu carefully dropped the curtains, but that moment of panic on Fang Jing’s face had already left a deep mark on his mind.

Why was he here? Didn’t he say he was ill and would be resting at home?

After a long while, ZiChuan Xiu heard the noises coming from outside. Many voices said the same thing:

“Aah. Welcome back, Inspector General!”

“Working overtime until this late! You must be exhausted!”

“Take care, Sir! We will…”

Di Lin responded to each and every guest with a smile, while Lin Xiu Jia helped him out of his thick army coat. She complained: “Where were you? Look how late it is! Don’t see you how many people have been waiting for you?” then quickly whispered: “Get rid of them quick, Xiu is waiting for you in your office.”

Di Lin raised his head, speaking to all the guests at the same time: “I’m terribly sorry to have everyone wait for so long! But unfortunately, there are still urgent businesses coming from the Headmaster in need of my immediate attention…”

The guests quickly took the hint and replied: “No worries. We are not in a hurry at all! Naturally, Headmaster’s tasks take priority!” And soon, everyone left.

Di Lin entered the officer, and smiled apologetically to ZiChuan Xiu, saying: “Sorry.”

ZiChuan Xiu teased him back: “Nothing of the sort! Inspector General carries the fate of the entire House, I’m sure you have been very busy!”

Di Lin shook his head: “It was better before, but lately I’ve been very busy indeed! Mostly because of those new recruits, they have no understanding of the word discipline at all. Some of them spent all day drinking or brawling. Some even engaged in the act of stealing and s.e.xual hara.s.sment. Three words, a complete disaster! The monthly crime rate of Di Du has increased by five hundred percent compared to the last month… You may or may not already know, but every time a soldier commits a crime, those lazy a.s.ses in the Police Corp would hand the cases over to the Ministry!”

ZiChuan Xiu declared with a burning sense of righteousness: “Then you should go after their commanding officer! And hold him responsible!”

Di Lin answered casually: “Well said! The unit that causes the most trouble is the one called ‘Xiu’s Company’. They alone are responsible for over half of the crimes committed in the City… I will have a talk with their commanding officer first thing in the morning!”

ZiChuan Xiu instantly shut up.

Lin Xiu Jia laughed so hard she could barely stand straight. Di Lin took her in his arms and gave her a kiss. Lin Xiu Jia pushed him away, feeling slightly embarra.s.sed: “Don’t, Xiu is watching! You are being a bad example!”

“What is there to be embarra.s.sed about? Xiu is family! Besides, it is not like he hasn’t seen it before?”

ZiChuan Xiu cried out: “C’mon, get a room! My pure mind cannot take this anymore!”

“f.u.c.k off, stop your innocent act with me! Did you forget all the p.o.r.n mags you used to have were all mine to begin with?”

Lin Xiu Jia listened happily to their conversation: “You guys have fun. I will make something for you to eat… Xiu, have you had something to eat yet?”

Di Lin: “I ate already.”

ZiChuan Xiu: “I haven’t.”

Di Lin reminded her: “Remember, one set of sticks is enough!”

ZiChuan Xiu quickly followed up: “Oh, right! And I prefer to use knife and fork!”

Food was quickly prepared for them. Di Lin turned to Lin Xiu Jia: “It is late. You should rest. You don’t have to keep us company. In case some idiot who hasn’t even emptied his half gla.s.s claims to be drunk and use it as an excuse to take advantage of my wife!”

ZiChuan Xiu argued: “How could you distrust me like that?”

Di Lin answered resolutely: “I never trusted you!”

Liu Xiu Jia smiled like a flower: “I have not seen Di Lin having so much fun for so long! You guys talk. Let me know if you need anything else.”

Watching Lin Xiu Jia leaving the office, the smiles quickly disappeared from both of their faces.

Di Lin spoke slowly: “You saw?”

A strange question that didn’t quite make sense, but ZiChuan Xiu knew instantly he meant the conversation he was having with Fang Jing in the garden. ZiChuan Xiu shook his head in a wide arc: “Nope. I saw nothing!”

“You saw.” The question had turned into a statement.

ZiChuan Xiu had no choice but to come clean: “Yes. I saw.” Looking around alarmingly: “This is not a trap is it? Do you have three hundred a.s.sa.s.sins hiding outside the room, waiting for you to smash your gla.s.s as the signal?”

Di Lin laughed heartily and smashed the gla.s.s in his hand. As the gla.s.s splattered over the floor, he continued with a smile: “Well, then the a.s.sa.s.sins are apparently all have hearing problems! Xiu, you seem troubled. I can tell.”

ZiChuan Xiu admitted honestly: “I am.”

Di Lin stared at him, speaking softly: “Luo Bo?”

ZiChuan Xiu was shocked by Di Lin’s keen judgment, asking in return: “You knew?”

Di Lin laughed: “How could I not?! I signed his arrest order myself. That b.i.t.c.h Lin Bing visited me a dozen times already. I just ignored her.”

ZiChuan Xiu went straight to the point: “Can he be saved?”

Di Lin thought about it for a long while, finally spouting a few words: “I do my best.”

ZiChuan Xiu couldn’t help but ask: “Truly?” He quickly regretted after having asked that.

As expected, Di Lin smile turned sour: “A hard lesson learned, one should always try to be honest! I only lied to you once. Looks like you will never forgive me for that.”

ZiChuan Xiu fell silent. He knew what Di Lin meant. The night of Di Du’s bloodbath had left a deep scar on their, what was once a powerful friendship no one could break. Both of them tried, consciously and unconsciously, to avoid tearing that scar, and to restore their friendship, but in the end, they had no choice but to face those painful memories head on.

Some things were simply better left unsaid. ZiChuan Xiu could only raise his gla.s.s in respect for Di Lin. They cheered and emptied their gla.s.s.

Di Lin sighed, still smelling like wine: “In this world, if you are weak, you can’t even plug the gra.s.s from the field, even less staying alive!” He looked at ZiChuan Xiu: “My strength is I would do things n.o.body else would!”

ZiChuan Xiu listened quietly. He knew Di Lin’s words were not only for him, but most importantly for himself.

“You knew how I grew up right?”

“Yes. You are born in the famous Household of Di…”

“Ha!” Di Lin laughed sarcastically, interrupting ZiChuan Xiu’s sentence: “Famous? How famous could it be?! Did you know, such prestigious household couldn’t even afford the fifty thousand tuition fee needed for the private school?!”

“Even though my family was still a branch family[[1]] of House Di, but it had fallen long ago. Yet, my father kept having to pretend in public, all for his false sense of pride! He often told me: “We could starve, but we can’t lose face[[2]]! Even so, my father lost it all in the end.”

“That year, I was seven years old. Even though I met the qualifications to enter the private school for the rich kids, we couldn’t afford the expensive tuition fees. In order to get the money, my father took me and begged every one of our rich relatives. We had to force ourselves to smile when we begged on our knees, hoping they would help us, even if just a little bit! I remember crying: ‘Father, why do we have to do this? I don’t want to go to private school!’ Father slapped me on the face: ‘My generation may have failed, and it is ok that I’m being looked down upon. But you must not follow in my footsteps! Going to the private school can change your life, and make you a man above men!’”

“I made a vow to myself that day: One day, I’ll step on anyone who has ever looked down upon me! I studied hard, practised hard and learned everything I could get my hands on. All to prepare myself for that one day! I joined the Army the second day I finished school, and became a low ranked officer, hoping that one day, through my merits, I could rise up in ranks.”

“But after spending a month in the Army, I quickly found out. Despite my talents, my commanding officers were all human wastes. They would never appreciate someone like me, who doesn’t have the backing of a famous household, no matter how talented I am! If I worked honestly and diligently like everyone else, without doubt, I would only rise to the rank of Banner Master after thirty years of hard work. All I have to brag about would be a small sum of retirement money… That is not what I want! I want the dazzling and absolute power that makes me the center of attention! And to do that, I have to rise through the ranks, quickly.”

“How does one rise quickly through the ranks then? Some did it by risking their lives, some did it by b.u.t.tering up their commanding officers, and some didn’t need to do a thing. They just need to have a father in key positions! I wasn’t good with words, and I didn’t want to put my life at risk either. That could get me killed! So I could only rely on the fact that I was cruel, and I was vicious! I got to where I am today by stepping on the dead bodies of hundreds of thousands House ZiChuan’s soldiers and millions of dead Demons! Back in Far East, they called me ‘The Devil’, and my name was used to scare children!”

“I know, both you and Stirling don’t like me this way. You are both honest, good men loyal to the family, the embodiment of right and just. But what did you get in return? The best example would be Ge Ying Xing from the Far East? He was loyal to a fault! Did you see what that cunning old fox – ZiChuan Shen Xing did to repay him?! Allow him to rest in the ‘Hall of Holy Spirits’? f.u.c.k that! He should go rest there himself!”

Di Lin ranted on while drinking more and more. He probably had kept those words inside him for too long.

Hearing Di Lin’s honest expressions, ZiChuan Xiu felt a part of him being moved by his words.

In some way, his childhood was quite similar to Di Lin’s. They were both born into a poor household, and were forced to serve men of power due to unfortunate circ.u.mstance. That kind of mental scar left on a young boy was incredibly painful. The only difference was, he met ZiChuan Yuan Xing, the former Headmaster. He was luckier…

He interjected softly, asking: “So now, Di Lin. You got the position of power you wanted. Is this everything you have hoped to be? Are you satisfied now?”

Di Lin gently twirled the gla.s.s of wine in his hand: “Indeed. All those arrogant relatives of mine wouldn’t dare to look down upon me anymore. Right now, with a wave of my hand, they will all have to prostrate before me and kiss my feet! But I have long lost the interest to make them suffer. In the end, they did help me back then. If you ask me if I’m satisfied…”

Di Lin stated through his bitter smile: “On the road to power, how could you ever be satisfied? The more power I have, the more enemies I have, and the stronger my enemies become. If I falter even one step, they would pounce on me like wolves and tear me to pieces!”

“In order to protect myself, I have to fortify my power. To fortify my power, I have to kill without mercy, which in turn creates more enemies. It is a vicious cycle. A road without return; a road I chose to walk on. I can only keep going forward, never turning back! But let’s not talk about this anymore. I don’t need you to try to talk me down…”

Di Lin changed the subject: “Seeing me and Fang Jing together, are you surprised?”

ZiChuan Xiu nodded: “Yes.” But he didn’t ask why.

Di Lin’s gaze turned to fox-like: “A question for you. Recently, something happened that shouldn’t have happened. What do you think this is? Hint: it is something big!”

ZiChuan Xiu answered without hesitation: “Yang Ming Hua’s defeat! Since he dared to come out like that in the open, he should have had more trump cards.”

Di Lin slammed down on the table: “Correct! Do you still remember what I told you the first time in the High Command? If Yang Ming Hua wants to openly oppose the Headmaster, he has to satisfy at least two conditions. One, split up the Far Eastern Army from within. Two, have at least either Ming Hui or Fang Jing on his side. Now if you look back, Lei Hong’s mutiny can be considered as satisfying the first condition.”

ZiChuan Xiu’s eyelid jumped: “And the one on his side was?” He suddenly had this terrible feeling.

Di Lin spoke slowly: “When I searched Yang Ming Hua’s estate, I found a letter Fang Jing wrote to Yang Ming Hua, swearing his loyalty.”

ZiChuan Xiu leapt to his feet, tipping over the gla.s.s in front of him: “Impossible!”

Di Lin wiped clean the spilled wine from the table, continuing: “That night, Fang Jing had ten thousand Black Banner Army riders camped outside the city. My Army just happen to get in the way. He couldn’t find a way around me, so he left without anyone knowing.”

ZiChuan Xiu kept on shaking his head, he couldn’t, or perhaps he was unwilling to believe. Someone whom he had respected since he was young, a teacher who had taught him, cared for him, a brave and honest warrior, Fang Jing turned out to be one of Yang Ming Hua’s lackey.

Personally, he would much rather believe it was Ming Hui.

“Though in fact, he should have noticed it back at the Military Conference. Both officers killed that day were high ranking officers from the Black Banner Army. The hot headed Fang Jing somehow managed to keep his temper in check, and waited for the Far Eastern Army Commander – Ge Ying Xing to take the lead. That was most peculiar. Just that everyone was too emotional at the time to notice.”

More he thought back on how Fang Jing reacted that day, more he began to believe Di Lin’s words. He asked: “Why didn’t you expose him?” His heart felt incredibly heavy.

“This is like top secret, not even Luo Ming Hai knows of it… I have no reason to expose him.” Di Lin smiled: “ZiChuan Shen Xing would never show any mercy towards anyone involved with Yang Ming Hua. If he finds out, I’m sure a lot of heads will roll. I’d much rather keep those heads where they are to serve my needs!”

ZiChuan Xiu stared wide eyed at Di Lin: “You want to coerce him? He agreed?”

“He has no choice.” Di Lin seemed to feel sympathy for the man: “I know. You have always respected Fang Jing. He chose the wrong side; this is no one else’s fault but his own. The world is not a game; there is no second chance, no matter for whom it may concern!”

ZiChuan Xiu fell silent again. Right. Di Lin was right. The world was not a game. There were no second chances. But still, he just couldn’t accept the facts in front of him! He could still recall Fang Jing lifting him on his shoulders with his pair of gentle and worn hands when he was young. That feeling was so warm and cosy. He used to love listening to Fang Jing’s war stories, telling of the battles he fought and how his heart was filled with excitement and pride. When he got a bit older, it was also Fang Jing who taught him personally, how to read a map, how to plan for an a.s.sault, how to lure the enemy into an ambush… Fang Jing’s shadow had such an important place in his heart back then…

ZiChuan Xiu returned to reality, contemplating on some of the words Di Lin used and asking: “No matter for whom it may concern?”

Di Lin didn’t give a straightforward answer. He walked next to the windows: “Some things I only found out after I became the Inspector General.”

ZiChuan Xiu held his breath. Di Lin was about to tell him something no one else knew.

“The Ministry of Supervision has always had a secret department. This secret department is created to keep an eye on those officers of importance. They have people planted near every one of those whom they thought they needed to keep an eye on. That is how the former Inspector General, Xiao Long got his information from, and he fed them all to Yang Ming Hua, allowing him to control everything in House ZiChuan. At the same time, ZiChuan Shen Xing has his own series of information network, and planted his own agents amongst those people of importance. That includes you as well. There are agents from both sides amongst those who are close to you. Their names are…”

ZiChuan Xiu quickly cut off Di Lin’s sentence: “This omelette is amazing, do you want some?”

Di Lin frowned at ZiChuan Xiu: “You knew?”

“The soup is a little too bland for my taste. After she married you, her cooking has seriously gotten worse!”

“How did you find out?”

ZiChuan Xiu sighed: “She has no military accomplishments to speak of, nor is she born from a famous household. How could she have reached the rank of a Deputy Banner Master at her age, and also happen to work for me directly? And that coward, he has never even been to a battle, and doesn’t know a thing about war. Somehow he is put in charge of my staffs. I could tell it was someone pulling the strings from miles away.”

Di Lin smiled: “Looks like I have underestimated you. So you had always known… Do you want me to handle it for you? I promise there won’t be any trace leading back to you.” When Di Lin mentioned the word “handle”, his perfect set of white teeth, through his smile, oozed with killing intent.

ZiChuan Xiu made an innocent look: “Handle? Handle what?”

Di Lin softened his eyebrows: “I almost forgot, you don’t like me killing people… There is another way. I can expose them as Yang Ming Hua’s leftovers. You can talk me down and protect them. I’m sure they will forever be in your debt.”

ZiChuan Xiu shook his head: “It doesn’t matter who they were before. That night, they had already proven through their own actions, that they are not Yang Ming Hua’s men. They have corrected their wrongs. If you expose them now, even if I don’t mind, they will never again be able to serve me as honestly as they have. I will have lost some very good men.”

“They only have one ident.i.ty now. They are my men, ZiChuan Xiu’s men.” ZiChuan Xiu stopped for a second, staring directly in to Di Lin’s eyes: “Most loyal men.”

It was no doubt a warning, telling Di Lin to leave Bai Chuan and the others alone.

Di Lin thought about it for a long time as well, finally saying: “You are a better man than me, Xiu.”

ZiChuan Xiu responded sincerely: “Brother, I have always looked up to you, and always will!”

Di Lin laughed wholeheartedly: “You finally called me brother again. There is nothing that makes me happier!”

He sat back down: “Right now, Luo Ming Hai wants me dead, deader than dead. I have to expand my reach, solidify my power to protect myself. I will use anyone and anything I can find. Even though I’m confident that I won’t lose to him, but you never know, the world is a mysterious place. If the day comes… Lin Xiu Jia and her unborn child will have to rely on you.”

ZiChuan Xiu had never felt such sincerity from him before. Di Lin knew his gentle nature and knew he didn’t wish to be involved in his political struggle. He didn’t use their friendship to pressure him into taking his side against Luo Ming Hai. Despite how cruel Di Lin treated others, the friendship he had shown him had always been the most genuine one.”

ZiChuan Xiu emptied the wine in his gla.s.s in one go and made a promise he would never break: “I swear to you, brother. As long as I’m alive, I will not let harm come to Lin Xiu Jia and her child.”

Di Lin extended both of his hands in grat.i.tude. The instant they shook hands, both their gazes shifted towards the portrait of the trio on the desk. In the sea of falling leafs, the three brothers held each tightly in their arms. In that moment, both of their minds returned to the times they spent together in the Far Eastern Army Academy, a time filled with childhood memories and hope……


[[1]]In ancient China or j.a.pan, the family is usually pa.s.sed down to the eldest son. The other sons will then form a house of their own, becoming the branch families. Overtime, a pyramid structure of a large household is formed.

[[2]]Face, an Asian concept of pride, dignity, and are often more important than everything else.

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