A couple of soft knocks came from the doors. Saying that Lu Jianjun walked and unlocked the door for Bulter Wu to step inside.

On the bed, Little Tiger immediately sat up as if a spell was cast on him broke free. He rubbed his droopy eyes curling his fingers and without looking back at Li Na he slides off the blanket and got on his feet. Instead of asking Li Na for a direct way to go, Little Tiger half circled the whole bed and hurriedly ran towards Lu Jianjun just like a hardcore disciple rushed towards his beloved master on a single call.

Seeing Little Tiger moving so fast with a confused frown on her forehead, Li Na leans on the bedframe and lazily sat up before crossing her arms, she clearly looks unhappy with both master and his disciple.

Lu Jianjun glanced down at his son standing before him spreading his little arms up asking to be picked up. When Lu Jianjun delayed in picking then Little Tiger mumbled something gibberish as if complaining about a serious matter.

Just as Little Tiger finished speaking in his foreign language both Lu Jianjun and Butler Wu simultaneously turn to look at Li Na who was staring at Little brat with wide eyes.

"Y-you...I only said good morning..." Li Na yanked her blanket and stomped towards the Little Liar!

Bewildered, Li Na glared at the little guy who was complaining about her to his father. She didn"t understand and get exact words of Little Tiger but she was sure Little Tiger said some two-three words in a broken sentence and shook his head resolutely something similar like she was tricking him to sleep more and he didn"t want to sleep at all.

"Y-You little brat..." resisting the urge to twist Little Tiger"s ears and to make him confess the truth, but looking at his serious and sober expression, she had no other choice, Li Na only huffed and became speechless and held her forehead.

Butler Wu laughed out loud as no need to clarify who was accused of wrongly and why, whereas powerless Lu Jianjun picked up Little Tiger from the ground into his wings. With a sullen face, Little Tiger leaned himself into his protective territory. His big eyes carelessly dodging Li Na"s narrowed eyes on him as if he doesn"t care about her opinion and feelings at all.

"Li Na, Butler Wu will help you arrange your things if you need anything else just ask him." Lu Jianjun spoke as Butler Wu nodded and smiled considerately looking at Li Na. Butler Wu asked something to Lu Jianjun and upon getting his silent approval the old man went out.

With all the commotion, all of a sudden Little Tiger"s head c.o.c.ked up. His brows knitted together, trying to grasp the situation. Did he miss something?

Butler Wu came back with a servant along with carrying packed boxes with Li Na"s belongings ready to step inside the room.

Li Na looked up from Little Tiger and said, "Ah, Lu Jianjun I think we..."

"AYE!" a loud outcry echoed before she could finish her words the bossy baby in Lu Jianjun"s arm protested against the motion and stopping the servant in their tracks on the point of his index fingers towards them and furiously glaring at them.

Shocked, everyone turned to look at angry Little Tiger and the most shocked one was Lu Jianjun. Little Tiger didn"t say anything he just leans out of Lu Jianjun"s embrace and pushed the door aggressively, with a loud Bang! the door was shut on the faces of people standing outside carrying the boxes.

"Little Tiger!" came Lu Jianjun"s curt and heavy call making Little Tiger"s body quiver in frenzy and stiffened. Little Tiger didn"t dare to look up at his father, He angrily glared at Li Na as if it happened all because of her. "Don"t look at her, look at me." Lu Jianjun was shocked but he was greatly displeased by Little Tiger"s spur-of-the-moment reaction.

Hearing this Little Tiger"s head dropped down as if he was extremely unhappy and angry at the same time not wanting to speak or listen to anything. The boy became dead silent cowering himself.

In the end, Lu Jianjun had to cool down as he asked his son calmly. " Little Tiger, what happened? " hearing the normal tone in his father"s voice, Little Tiger looked up with his misty eyes but couldn"t speak as if he was choking inside. He gulped hard and hugged Lu Jianjun"s neck tightly burying his head as if someone was going to s.n.a.t.c.h his father away from him.

Worriedly Lu Jianjun glanced at Li Na who stood motionless and watch everything wordlessly. Sensing his gaze Li Na smiled awkwardly but then she recovered quickly. She hurriedly walked back to the bedside table and poured a gla.s.s of water. Bringing back the filled gla.s.s, she offered it to Lu Jianjun and raised her chin towards Little Tiger in his arms.

Lu Jianjun smoothly caressed Little Tiger"s temples and head before giving him the water gla.s.s Li Na bought. After calming down a bit, Little Tiger took a sip before shoving the gla.s.s away.

"Little Tiger, I told you I bought her back. She is going to stay with me." Pressing his lips into a thin line, Little Tiger shook his head being stubborn about the whole thing.

Knowing Little Tiger"s unyielding nature, Lu Jianjun took a deep breath and agreed with him. "Okay, I won"t s.h.i.+ft her in this room, let her stay with you. It"s not the first time, right!" Lu Jianjun reasoned the boy as Little Tiger and Li Na stayed several time together in the past. even Little Tiger used to extremely excited sharing his room with his mother.

Suddenly, Little Tiger"s eyes went wide, his body froze. He didn"t react but became numb at that thought. Whereas Li Na"s eyes filled with hope stare at Little Tiger antic.i.p.ating that he"ll say yes. But reading his expressions she knew she was expecting something impossible. What is his cornered about? Why is Little Tiger so defensive against her?

After a few seconds later, Little Tiger began to shook his head, his blank eyes staring at nowhere in the s.p.a.ce. Lu Jianjun creased his brows and asked him, "You don"t want her anymore?" Little Tiger looked up his father pitifully still he shook his head and denying determinedly as the little boy doesn"t want to lose the most important person in his life for someone who doesn"t value him at all. Little did he knew people do change for real and not just for the sake of showing off.

"Fine, you don"t want her but I do." Lu Jianjun replied evenly before adding, "I want her to stay with me. I told you many times that I like her. Didn"t I?" Little Tiger"s heart sank into depth of helplessness. Though Lu Jianjun had only said it to keep Little Tiger from hurting and questioning, doubting his love for his mother. Because sometimes kids seek elders" a.s.surance when they doubt themselves and felt like they were doing something wrong especially when that little ones don"t get the desired response from the hostile person.

Lu Jianjun spoke resolutely, "I"m giving you one last chance to pick. Are you letting her stay in your room or I"ll take her in my room?" Little Tiger kept quiet before he opened his mouth suggesting to give her a separate room but Lu Jianjun caught his son"s intention and rejected it. "No, if you don"t choose her then I will. No other alternative!" Little Tiger became speechless.

After a long while, Little Tiger quietly saw his father opened the room"s door and told the servants to take her stuff into the room"s walk-in closet.

When Li Na was lying in the hospital after getting her consciousness, that was the day Lu Jianjun had told Lu Jun-hui to s.h.i.+ft Li Na in his Manor. Before going to the hospital, Lu Jianjun had already directed Butler Wu to emptied the s.p.a.ce for Li Na in his bedroom. But then Lu Jun-hui messed up.

Before carrying Little Tiger to his bedroom suddenly Lu Jianjun turned to look at lost Li Na.

Seeing her staring in a daze, Lu Jianjun reaches out to gently caress Li Na"s cheeks lightly and said tenderly, " Don"t bother. Get fresh and come down for breakfast." Li Na nodded reflexively.

Wide-eyes Little Tiger recovered before he turned his head to look away from them.

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