Quick Transmigration: Fate Trading System

Chapter 23 – I"m Not r.e.t.a.r.ded (3)

Chapter 23 – I"m Not r.e.t.a.r.ded (3)

Qu Feiqing gently squeezed Su Xin"s chin, challenging her to retreat with her commanding att.i.tude.

“It doesn"t matter, I said I"ll come with you.” Su Xin met Qu Feiqing"s eyes with a determined gaze.

She wants to barge in head first1 and quickly get her trust to carry on with the mission effectively.

But beyond that, she saw a lonely lion in Qu Feiqing"s heart, just like the Su Xin she was before.

She was not always with Qiu Qingqing in the original world. They were separated at the age of 14 after being taken away by the organization for training. Alone, Su Xin went through challenging experiences which made her ruthless and callous to the point people refused to be involved with her. She was an island of her own.

Qiu Qingqing reappeared four years later. She naturally encroached on her life as if the four years of separation did not do anything to dwindle their friends.h.i.+p. Su Xin didn"t become alone after that.

The feeling of being warm inside is good; it can change a person for the better.

"This emperor has noted it down."

Qu Feiqing released Su Xin. She turned the other way and begin to walk away, her figure gradually getting further step by step. A lone gold-donned figure amidst the dull greys of her surrounding servants painted a striking, yet lonely picture.

A cold wind blew in and Su Xin s.h.i.+vered coldly in her thin clothes, breaking her out from her reverie.

Master Fourteen, can this be considered a preliminary success?

[It counts, I guess.] Fourteen reluctantly affirmed, he was only responsible for data statistics of the growth of his host"s mission. This crooked method of Su Xin was a glitch in his calculations.

Hmph! By the way, Master Fourteen, can you see your hosts" private activities? Otherwise, how did you know last time that my colleague was busy doing something naughty, huh!?

[ The system always respects the privacy of the host and the.. unspeakable content will be blocked. I know what you are doing, but it will be pixelated in my eyes.] Fourteen answered dully, not in the least interested in the hosts" naughty affairs.

Su Xin calmed her heart. Although the system is an intelligent AI, there are still some things that are not convenient for people, even for an AI, to see.

As she walked back towards her room in the palace, Su Xin"s mind dwelled on the long journey she was to start in the days to come. Her thoughts were disrupted when she saw a familiar figure by her door—He Yunshu stood, an anxious mess.

Upon seeing her, He Yunshu was quick to come over. “Xue Yao! Where did you go? I couldn"t find you! This kind of occasion can get disorderly, you must not wander so casually." She reprimanded her, distressed. She had searched for Su Xin as soon as the event ended. She was so worried that she had the atrocious thought of Su Xin having an accident. Fortunately, Su Xin came back before she could come to her wit"s end.

"I"m alright. Don"t worry." Su Xin comforted her frightened friend and held He Yunshu"s ice-cold hands.

There was something in Su Xin"s calm demeanor that made He Yunshu sweat in trepidation.  “Perhaps the day after tomorrow.. what are you planning.. or, it"s done…”

With clammy palms, He Yunshu was reluctant to speak. She had finally regained her standing and could take Su Xin under her wing to protect her. But she did not know if Su Xin approved of this. In the end, her friend had her own plans she was unaware of; she was left in uncertainty.

She could give her friend money to buy her own residence and let her live well. But she was afraid that she didn"t need her anymore now that Su Xin would surely be offered greater prospects. Even in the name of a good friend, she was afraid that Su Xin would not accept this proposition.

She felt bitter for a simple reason. Although she was the di daugther of a big shot like the prime minister from the beginning, she was not the most special of all the people and dignitaries who came to the banquet of the four countries. During the performance, the greedy eyes of those powerful people looked at Su Xin with meaning. He Yunshu doubted her capability; she was afraid that she won"t be able to fight against them. Ultimately, Su Xin might choose them over her. And as selfish as it was—it would crush her heart into thousands of pieces.

“I have my own plan. Don"t fret over me.”

Su Xin caressed He Yunshu"s worried face. She felt happy knowing that Miss Mary Sue would rise as a person of greatest importance in the future.

However, sadness began to creep inside of her. No matter how much she wanted to tell He Yunshu of her plans and do things together in this world as fellow transmigrators, she couldn"t. It was prohibited as she was the protagonist of this world with her own mission and she was a host of the Fate Trading System. Su Xin was expected to fulfill wishes and travel between worlds; she was no protagonist or main character.

Maybe it"s time to say goodbye.

Her cold heart bled over the impending loss of a friend.

“How can I not worry about you! Quickly go inside, you might catch a cold." He Yunshu referred to the thin gown Su Xin was wearing and pinched her nose.


They embraced each other quickly.

Su Xin gathered her clothes, rubbed her hands and disappeared inside the walls of her room. He Yunshu silently watched her back for a while, thinking that Su Xin was keeping something from her and then, she left. He Yunshu didn"t know why, but she was restless all the way back home.

After Su Xin entered the room, she saw Shu Juan still waiting for her. Like another worried mother hen fearful over her chick.

“Young lady, you finally came back! Where have you been?"

Shu Juan scrutinized Su Xin from head to toe, found that she was fine and was hurriedly relieved. She wasn"t able to pay heed to the flimsy gown Su Xin was wearing while under the influence of distress, thus she found nothing fishy.

The Young lady looked so beautiful tonight and the place was so hectic for a naive Shu Juan. When her master had disappeared, she was afraid something had happened.

“I"m alright, don"t worry. It"s getting late, Shu Juan. You must go to bed early.” Su Xin hurriedly consoled her, especially worried about this girl"s ability as a crying bag.

“Young lady…”

Shu Juan wanted to ask her master of her plan now the banquet is over but she hesitated and shook her head. It didn"t matter what her master"s plans were, she vowed to follow her to the ends of the earth; her devotion remains unchanged.  

“I have my own arrangement. You tidy up our things, we may leave in two days."

If no problem will occur in Qu Feiqing"s transaction with the palace concerning her, the emperor would take her away.

Shu Juan nodded blankly. Her master"s chosen path would affect her for sure. Though she didn"t know Su Xin"s plans, she was still glad that Su Xin already had an idea for the future.

T/N: h.e.l.lo everyone, how did your holidays go? Thanks for the comments and appreciation for QTFTS. Don"t forget to join our discord channel!

横冲直撞 (héng chōng zhí zhuàng) lit. bas.h.i.+ng sideways and colliding straight on (idiom)

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