Quick Transmigration: Fate Trading System

Chapter 34 – Embrace (3)

Chapter 34 – Embrace (3)

During meal time, Qu Feiqing decided to venture around the place but she instead found herself standing at the doorstep of Su Xin"s room.

Shu Juan was feeding Su Xin who couldn"t even lift a utensil to feed herself.  

“Young lady you must not flail around, please eat properly,” said Shu Juan to her injured but rowdy master. She felt like she was feeding a child whom she had to pacify to be fed.

At the moment, her master"s disposition was getting more and more unexpected. This had never happened before, in fact, this was the complete opposite.

From chanting poems, fighting with knife, to fooling around like a kid, Su Xin always left her puzzled. How could she attain new found behaviors in such a short length of time?

“This servant humbly greets Her Highness.”

Su Xin let her head fall back against the stuffed pillows. With her condition, she could only greet the emperor. Shu Juan on the other hand, put the ceramic bowl on the nearby table and bowed at Qu Feiqing in respect.

Qu Feiqing lifted her chin and motioned for her to continue. For some odd reason, she was determined to watch Su Xin nibble her meal.

There"s nothing interesting about it but looking at Su Xin alone was interesting enough.

A few days later, Su Xin"s recovery neared its completion and they were once again on their trip back to the capital of the Qu Liu country.

How Su Xin was treated was different this time though. She went aboard on the same carriage but it was made much comfortable than before. Qu Feiqing was of course with her, aloof as ever.

In the quiet, Su Xin dared to speak to the Qu Feiqing whose face was as beautiful as the stars but countenance was as stern and rigid as a steep hill in drought.

“Your majesty.. In what way should I be of service to the palace?”

Maid? Su Xin felt that she might not be suitable to be one. She was used to Shu Juan cleaning things for her. It would take lots of patience to get used to it. She didn"t even look like a maid.

“Musician." Qu Feiqing simply said as she glanced lightly at Su Xin"s hands. It"s good that the wounds were faring well so that Su Xin could fulfill the tasks of a musician.

Su Xin nodded and the carriage was once again filled with silence.

Soon after, Su Xin began squirming and tossing in her seat, mentally cursing the boredom that she couldn"t bear anymore. She used to endure sitting alone for a day, provided that nice, entertaining TV series, phone and stacks of books were within her reach. But now, she had nothing but the the carriage walls" intricate designs which she traced with her eyes for the hundredth time already.

Time ticked by and she just sat there, suffocating.

This was all Qiu Qingqing"s fault, Su Xin grumbled in her mind. The wall she built around herself vanished brick by brick the moment her friend began to intrude her secluded life. Now, she was afraid of boredom. It gave her room to mull over the misfortunes in her life.

“What"s wrong with you?"

Qu Feiqing was extremely sensitive to emotions and could sense Su Xin"s uneasiness.

“Your majesty doesn"t find this carriage stuffy?"

Su Xin forlornly nagged with a gloomy face.

How could Qu Feiqing not be bored?

Her life was like a tragic movie played over and over again. She talked to the same faces, went to the same places, looked at the same sceneries with no one genuine but only those who cared for her pretentiously.

Qu Feiqing remained withdrawn and silent.

“Your majesty is interested in telling stories? “

Finally, she snapped and looked at Su Xin with her usual air of intimidation.

“Dare to talk to this emperor that way and you"ll meet your maker.”

“I"m not afraid."

In high spirits, Su Xin was glad that she was able to start a conversation with Qu Feiqing.

Qu Feiqing gave her a blank look and closed her eyes, extinguis.h.i.+ng her companion"s ludicrous requests from her scope of attention.

Though irritated, she certainly wasn"t enraged. She couldn"t understand how the change took place but she couldn"t help but be soft to this girl and she rarely showed patience, even to her advisors.

Su Xin was then left to boredom once again.

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