Quick Transmigration: Fate Trading System

Chapter 59 – The Heart’s Delight (4)

Chapter 59 – The Heart’s Delight (4)

Qu Feiqing has already been deeply rooted in her t.i.tle as an emperor. She sat in this position knowing it had danger lurking at every corner. a.s.sa.s.sinations would wait at every turn and Su Xin would just be putting Qu Feiqing’s life in jeopardy for her selfish desires.

Besides, Su Xin thought she wasn’t anyone important for Qu Feiqing go through such lengths.

In the impossible event that Qu Feiqing would leave the dragon throne to traverse lands with her, trouble would be constantly following them. Ultimately, Qu Feiqing would have already gathered enemies with a deep hatred for her from her time as emperor—it won’t be a surprise for her when they come after Qu Feiqing wanting to exact revenge.

[Host… I don’t know if you’re being logical or just plain stupid.]

If Fourteen was corporeal, he would have facepalmed himself a long time ago. His host speaking from her low emotional intelligence seemed to sabotage the situation again.

Fourteen is an AI programmed to be a system, he doesn’t have the heart of a human or empathically thinks like one. However, he has been around hosts long enough to learn how their emotional patterns work, so it wasn’t as ignorant as one would think.

He wasn’t stupid at all, like some sweet, naive young woman inexperienced to the ways of the world.**

**T/N: Internet Chinese slang: stupid white sweet – someone that is sweet, cute and harmless

Bottom line is, it felt Su Xin’s EQ was lower than its own.

Qu Feiqing looked at Su Xin at a loss.

Just a little bit over two months have pa.s.sed, and she is already bored with the place?

She sighed slightly in her heart while looking at Su Xin’s earnest look like that of a child asking for candy. For the first time, an imposing and dignified person like her was at a loss on what to say.

For a moment, she was unsure whether to say Su Xin was truly ruthless or just dense.

“Then.. are you willing to follow me wherever I go?”

Qu Feiqing has dropped her usual t.i.tle of referring to herself as ‘this emperor’ in front of Su Xin. The t.i.tle she once sought now felt empty when uttered in front of a person who made her see things in a different light.

Simply, it did not reflect who Qu Feiqing truly was inside.

“Oh, well.. not really. How do I say this? There’s nothing between us in any way after all.”

“Nothing between us?”

Qu Feiqing spat out these words feeling exceptionally incredulous, the words intonated heavily through gritted teeth. Her face was menacingly dark and she held Su Xin by the wrist, infuriated.

“Are you saying you have nothing to do with me?”

Simmering rage was prevalent in her question as she looked at Su Xin with a small, arctic smile. Illuminated by the blood red hue from the sky, her expression was horrific as she stared at Su Xin with her black, beady eyes.

“We are not family, but friends.”

More like friends with benefits**

**T/N: Internet Chinese slang: gunner – f*ck buddy lol

Su Xin wanted to clarify, but seeing Qu Feiqing currently riled up, she decided against it.

She felt very bewildered. Why does she make Qu Feiqing mad every time?

Qu Feiqing was looking at her with such a sinister eye. Su Xin felt like she wanted to peel her skin and eat her alive.

Master Fourteen, I really don’t understand what I said wrong.

Su Xin who was starting to feel upset with the perplexing situation and didn’t know how to properly deal with it decided to ask for advice from the System.

If she couldn’t work it out, maybe Fourteen could. Right?

[Are you really that dense not to see the emperor is smitten with you?!]

Huh!? What are you playing at?!

Su Xin faced Qu Feiqing with a shocked expression and asked with some surprise.

“You like me?”

T/N: ‘Dense Protagonist’ tag enters the chat xD

Hi guys! I’m sorry for the late update. I’m currently interning in a place in the middle of nowhere, and the signal is very scarce, so I hope you’ll forgive me for the late updates. Another reason for the late update is because I am lacking editors. I have translated chapters piling up with no one to edit them. So if you can offer to edit for me, please leave a message here or contact me at Discord. Your help would be very much appreciated!

Thank you for your understanding!

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