Quick Transmigration: Fate Trading System

Chapter 11 – The Capital (1)

T/N: h.e.l.lo everyone, I am back! Finally done with exams week but still have a lot of papers to do >.> I know you must be annoyed at me saying this over and over again like a broken disc but please join our discord server. QTFTS has reached 25 subscribers for real-time updates and only 5 more for that extra chapter!

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Chapter 11 – The Capital (1)

Pieces of Qu Feiqing"s information from Fourteen were listed in detail iniside Su Xin"s mind.

Qu Feiqing—Female. 23 years of age. Former third princess of Qu Liu country and ascended the throne four years ago to be the current reigning female emperor.

Su Xin gradually absorbed herself in the woman"s life until she had a clear picture of what kind of person she would have to deal with.

She couldn"t help but groan and rub her forehead in the process.

This one is very difficult. She had the reputation of being vicious and merciless. Her circ.u.mstances were different from the only female emperor in the history of Su Xin"s original world—Wu Zetian. Even if both were known to be dangerous females to have ruled a country.

Wu Zetian had only plotted to ascend the dragon throne when she was the empress dowager; she was already old1. In Qu Feiqing"s case, she was young but already had a sophisticated and profound mind that of a ruler. She was ferocious with her military actions and decisive in dealing with war.

She was not one to shy from bloodshed and the cruelty in the world a young maiden wouldn"t be able to tolerate.

Nevertheless, both ascended the throne in the same fas.h.i.+on—by killing their kin. Wu Zetian got rid of her own sons2 while Qu Feiqing killed her father and brother.

Qu Feiqing is definitely not a good person. If she was, then she would not be sitting on the throne with several high officials under her control and a whole country to rule. It was not a secret that blood was spilled as she hungered for power. In ancient times where patriarchy was prevalent, it was unheard of for a woman to have such paramount power, simply unnatural and some would even say—a sin against the natural order of things.

Thus with her ascension, she took the world by storm.

Su Xin felt her stomach was in knots.

How on earth could she ask such a person a preposterous question?

The wish of the original owner, Xue Yao, is to let the first beauty of the Four Countries admit that she is the most beautiful.

Su Xin had thought of asking Qu Feiqing straightforwardly to get over the task. Ah! She could already picture how d.a.m.nable that scenario would be. Qu Feiqing will surely have people throw her out and chop her to death!

Oh, the trouble.

Master Fourteen, I"m ready to start. Su Xin told fourteen but her countenance didn"t show her usual confidence.

[Don"t be afraid or you will be more afraid later. You have only just began; more difficulties are yet to come.] Fourteen said in attempt to comfort Su Xin.

Your mother is a prost.i.tute!3

[Pardon, host?]

Your mother is a prost.i.tute! I shouldn"t be saying this but forget it! I"m going to say it again! Your mother is a prost.i.tute!

This system was too cold! Su Xin didn"t know if she got a defective system or it was just displaying its lame comforting skills courtesy of its low empathy. Either way, isn"t an upgrade for the system in order?

How could there be such a vicious system in the world?

[Well, I can be more vicious if you want.] Fourteen answered indifferently.

Su Xin had enough of the snarky system and turned silent, instead turning her attention the present. She knows that the task is not that easy and felt apprehensive about it. After all, the price set to change one"s fate is to give up their own soul. It couldn"t be easy, otherwise it"s fake.

At the moment, she was sitting inside the carriage of He Yunshu, which was s.p.a.cious, plain and simple.

Garbed in women"s clothes, He Yunshu looked like a character straight out from a painting. She was reading a book beside the window, her arms postured to have that proper reading light from the suns.h.i.+ne, and looking quite relaxed. She looked as regal as any woman of her standing.

He Yunshu is indeed Miss Mary Sue, a transmigrant from the modern times who was skillful in lots of area. Su Xin was also someone who excelled in her profession. But she can"t cook, fiddle with medicine nor make human face masks and be versatile like He Yunshu. Su Xin thought that there was not a thing that Miss Mary Sue can"t do.

“Xue Yao, by the time we reach the capital, we have to part ways. You take care of yourself.”

The residence in the capital was still an unfamiliar territory to He Yunshu and she could never guarantee Su Xin"s safety. She didn"t wish to involve Su Xin in her mess in the future when people will come to antagonize her.

On top of that, she was a woman of good standing, a di daughter of the prime minister. Meanwhile, Su Xin was just a commoner—worse, a courtesan at that; she had no background. People in her circle would not think twice to trample on Su Xin at every chance they"d get and they might even use Su Xin against her.

“Very well.”

Su Xin understood He Yunshu"s thoughts, she too was thinking she must not be tangled with the protagonist"s story line any further. Her path should deviate at this point.

Su Xin had enough money to last her and Shu Juan for days—or so she hoped. This was her first time being outside the comfort of the brothel where her needs were provided dutifully.  She didn"t know how much the inns and goods in the capital would cost her; it always seems more expensive whenever one was in the heart of a country. She realized things will not be as easy as before.

Short history dump: I searched around and found that in the history of China, there was only one woman who became emperor: Empress-dowager Wu Zetian. She was born in 624 and became emperor in 690 of the Zhou dynasty(founded by herself), at 66-years-old. She was a controversial monarch known for being an effective ruler despite her ruthless methods. If you want to read more about this fearsome woman, please refer to this article: Zetian had her first son, Li Hong, ascend the throne, but he didn"t cooperate well with his mother. Therefore, he was banished together with his wife. The second son was placed under house arrest but Wu Zetian found he was too much of a disappointment and finally replaced him as the emperor.Lit translation: "Mom sells batches" In Mandarin roughly means "Your mother is prost.i.tuting". According to Chongqing dialect, this phrase is very rude and is sometimes vented out when angry or dissatisfied. Su Xin is basically swearing at Fourteen lol

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