Quick Transmigration: Fate Trading System

Chapter 52 – Mission Success (3)

Chapter 52 – Mission Success (3)

"Honored Young lady has truly done this servant"s wish.. Although in a very unexpected way."

Xue Yao lowered her gaze to the floor to hide her burning face. She was rather embarra.s.sed at the means Su Xin used to grant her wish.

From threatening the brothel owner"s life to sleeping with the female emperor, Xue Yao didn"t expect any of it. In fact, she herself was clueless on how she would accomplish the task if she was inside Su Xin"s shoe.

Xue Yao was happy, that was one thing that didn"t need to be asked. She was satisfied how her fate took a significant turn for the better.

She had finally escaped from the brothel, one dream that came true through the host Su Xin.

Her partic.i.p.ation in the banquet was another far-fetched dream granted. She shook head in disbelief thinking how Su Xin"s success must have slapped Ta Yan hard in the face.

Although this promising life would never be hers, contentment was eminent in her heart. She broke away from the life she didn"t want to leave-it was more than what she could ever ask for.

For all of that, she was thankful.

Before her, Su Xin"s stood paralyzed in her place.

She was surprised just as well.

Who knew that she"d hit two birds with one stone? She was unaware of the client"s true motives after all.

For the last time, Xue Yao smiled at Su Xin, her image becoming distorted.

Fourteen"s voice stating the progress of sucking up the client"s soul force was m.u.f.fled in Su Xin"s mind. No, she couldn"t understand anything with the vanis.h.i.+ng image of Xue Yao having caught her complete attention.

After a while, the handover was successful.

Su Xin was left standing alone in the empty room once again.

Su Xin knew that Xue Yao"s soul force would be absorbed by the creator, fading her into nothingness.

But a deal is a deal. Both should comply to the agreement.

Master Fourteen, What if a client goes against their words after the mission succeeds?

[If someone attempts such a stupid thing, we"ll let him know what it"s like to live in h.e.l.l.]

Fourteen"s voice was cruel for the first time, it sliced through Su Xin"s mind like blade.  

Upon hearing that, she swallowed a lump in her throat-nervousness apparent in her face. It looked like the system wasn"t joking. He could be brutal if crossed.

But to think about it in depth, the system still held a deep regard for socialism. Everything must be fair

Their clients wanted to have their fates changed. The hosts do the arduous process for them while they stay behind and just watch their wishes being fulfilled without suffering the difficulty the hosts come across with. Such a convenient arrangement is enough to justify the bargain for the client"s soul as fair.

It"s just a matter of honor.

If they sticked to the agreement, peaceful transaction was guaranteed and they would disappear smooth as the wind. If not, they would be subjected to torment until they couldn"t take it anymore before vanis.h.i.+ng deep into the abyss of phantasm.

Within the blink of her eye, Su Xin was back again Qu Feiqing"s luxurious bed as if nothing had occurred.

Wasting no time, she quickly got up and dressed.

She must plan her own future quick, but first, she must leave this room.

Freedom was now in her hands. She could decide whether to stay in this world or live her previous life. This body was now entirely hers to live the way she wants it.

Still, she felt skeptical at how she would manage to live in this world. As a person who had a taste of what technology has to offer, she found the ancient world rather tedious. Social isolation caused her to use technology not as a meer tool, but an escape mechanism from the harsh reality.

[Host, I would encourage committing seppuku1  to the client"s body. That way, you can return to the original world. Debt from using abilities during this mission will be deducted from the rewarded life span. With that said, the host now has ten months to live in her original world.] Fourteen laid out the facs to Su Xin.

Only ten months..

What could she possibly do in that short span of time? It would pa.s.s by quickly then she would find herself again in the realm of the souls waiting for her final verdict.

Wearing a hard resolve, she made the hardest decision in her life.

Master Fourteen, there"s no need for seppuku. I choose to stay.

切腹 (qiē fù) harakiri (formal j.a.panese: seppuku), a samurai"s suicide by disemboweling. I just used seppuku here since it"s more known.

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