Raid Breaker

Chapter 6. Survival and Transcendental Store

Chapter 6. Survival and Transcendental Store


Finally, what used to be the dungeon boss, blue moss rock demon fell.

– You gained 5516 DF out of 14277DF from killing the blue moss rock demon.

As compared to before, SuHyuk was able to earn an amount of DF that differed by a decimal place from this killing of the blue moss rock demon, but now was not the time to think about this kind of stuff.


Lee HoSuk squeezed up the last ounce of his remaining strength to kill off the blue moss rock demon, but he had exhausted just too much of his strength.  As soon as the moss rock demon fell, he was tackled by the level 2 ‘Red Canine Leopard’ demon and it had tore through his neck.

The source of knight’s strength was, without a doubt, mana. Most basic thing that differentiates between a knight and a normal person is whether one has mana or not.

Knights infuse mana into their body and use skills that only they can use, and from this point, depending on what kind of strength was generated, they are diversified into offensive type or defensive type.  Knights are the ones, ever since very little, that utilized mana based on their inborn skills.  However, a raw mana itself was a powerful source of strength.  Therefore, in times of need, they simply convert the mana energy into an energy shield.  They used to call that mana shield, and as long as you are a knight you could use mana in this manner regardless of your level.

In current situation, Lee HoSuk would have definitely utilized mana as a shield, but he had exhausted too much mana fighting the moss rock demon, and he couldn’t use the shield when he needed it the most.

Chaaak, Tersuk.

Lee HoSuk splashed his blood everywhere as he finally fell down. He had a hollow death.  If he was able to hold on for just a bit more, perhaps he would have, at least, given rest of the group a thread of hope.  However, with his fall, all that potential disappeared.

The situation was, even before Lee HoSuk fell, the two knights, in name only, were already victims of two level 2 demons, and the helpers, excluding Lee WuJin, were kept on shooting nothing but air before they got overwhelmed by the beasts and died.

The count during a brief intercession was, the opponent consisting of two level 2 demons and 5 beasts and friendly consisting of SuHyuk and Lee WuJin.

No matter who looked at the situation, it was a desperate situation for the good guys.


The remaining Demons and the beasts were currently tearing through the dead corps while keeping an eye on Lee WuJin and SuHyuk.  It felt like, if things stayed the same, both of them would end up dead and have their innards spread all across the field.

“d.a.m.n it…..It really is a bad day.”

WuJin’s face was all wrinkled with worry as he shook his head.  Then he looked straight at SuHyuk.

“You said your name was Kang SuHyuk right?  Since things happened like this, wouldn’t it be better for the younger guy to be given better chance at survival?  Well, even if we do this does not mean that you will survive, but I will make whatever attempts to increase your chance of survival so live with all your worth.”  WuJin didn’t bother to listen to SuHyuk’s reply.

From his stand point, WuJin felt that, in this situation, there was nothing else he could do.  In truth, he knew that even SuHyuk’s chance at life was very slim.  It could be thought that if he was going to die, he might as well, bluff his way to death.


WuJin gathered all of the mana that he had left and reequipped both of his arms with his two rifles and fired them toward the two level 2 demons as he bolted toward them.  That was the best he could do at that moment.

SuHyuk also moved at the same time that WuJin moved.  He didn’t stop to thank WuJin nor did he hesitate because he felt ashamed.  Reading WuJin’s last intent, transpired through the sharpness of his eyes, SuHyuk instantly took out the grenades that he had already readied and threw them in the direction of the demons and beasts while running in the direction where there weren’t any beasts or demons.  Kak.a.w.kang!

‘I won’t say thank you, but I will make sure to survive and make your sacrifice worth a fortune.’

Because he spent his childhood in places like this, even this situation wasn’t capable of making him lose his nerve.  Only thing that was on his mind was worrying about how he will survive.


SuHyuk threw the last remaining grenades behind him and slowed the beasts to the best of his ability.

‘Yan, keep on scanning behind me to tell me who is behind me, and cut out some topographical map for me.’

– Vision protection system requires usage of DF….

‘It isn’t time to be worrying about the expenditure of mana right now. Just do it.’


Instantly his field vision expanded in all direction and topographical features that were front of him were marked with translucent marks.  Since she had received an “okay” on usage of DF, she didn’t ask anymore about using it.

– 400m behind you, there are a couple of level 3 beast and one level 2 demon following you with twice the speed that you are running.

‘d.a.m.n….even if they were field type monsters, their speed was just too fast.

If nothing changed, they would catch up with him in just a few minutes.  Two level 3 beasts weren’t impossible for SuHyuk to kill, but level 2 demon, no, red canine leopard demon was out of his league.  The situation was that even running away didn’t raise his chance of surviving, but his eyes caught a little thread of hope.

‘Is that a swamp that’s ahead?’

– yes, that is a swamp

‘maybe…….this just might work, but….If I hide in the swamp, would they be able to find me?’

-With my a.n.a.lysis, the chance of them finding you is less than 10%.  Demons and beasts tend to locate their prey with their eyes and nose.  Especially since their noses are sensitive to mana, their chance of finding you is quite high because mana is different from other scent in that scent from the mana can’t be erased, but that does not apply to you.  If you throw away all your equipment and get below the water you would have a very high chance of eluding them.

As soon as he heard Yan’s a.n.a.lysis, with not even a slight hesitation, he started to take his gear off as he ran toward the swamp.  Only thing that he kept with him was the muzzle portion of the rifle that he instantly took apart, in order to use for breathing.

‘If even this does not work then I will let you kill me without any resistance.’

SuHyuk did all he could do up to this point.

‘If I breathe as gentle as possible, I can last a long time.’   It was a struggle for survival, but this type of struggle was nothing to SuHyuk.

‘Yan, report to me about the surroundings in real time.’

– okay.

The only thing he could trust was Yan.

Do I die or do I live.  That was something that he would find out in just a few moments.





‘Yan, how long has it been since they left?’

– exactly 31 minutes and 44 seconds has pa.s.sed.

‘ Really?  Emmm…..Then, using the DF, scan the 500 meter radius for me.’

– okay.

– Thric, I have scanned 500 meters radius of this location.

– It is clean.  There are no demons or beasts signatures.

After earnestly checking everything possible, SuHyuk finally resurfaced his head out of the swamp.

Even though he checked multiple times, he didn’t dare to relax.  It was this aspect of his that had kept him safe for all these years.

‘Whew, I survived.’

Once he realized that he was safe, he retrieved all the equipment that he had thrown all across the field.  Thankfully, demons and beasts didn’t take away his equipment.  It could be that because they were animalistic rather than humanoid type beings, and thus, they didn’t have any interest in them.

Though it wasn’t imperative that he find all of his equipment, it was very important that he find all the parts to his rifle.  The next important thing was the backpack because his food was in it.

‘I should have enough to last me for 4 days if I ration out my food carefully, and as for water, it should be okay if I just find a running water right?’

Truthfully speaking, people shouldn’t eat anything from the dungeon.  Because everything in the dungeon are infused with DF, if one was to eat to much, it would be the same as concentrating DF inside of the body.

Even the knights do not eat food procured inside the dungeon.  Even though DF exposure does not affect them, but that did not mean that they were capable of ingesting foods containing DF.

If DF gets concentrated inside of the body by way of ingestion, DF will remain inside the body, forever, until body uses up mana to burn it away.  To let the ingested DF get stored inside and let it acc.u.mulate over the years is no different from having a bomb inside of the body, and thus knights do not do anything that may promote internal storage of DF.

With that said, SuHyuk was special.  He was one person in the world that can eat anything procured inside of the dungeon.  If he runs out of food he can eat the root of a tree, if he has to.  Therefore, there was no reason why his dungeon survivability would not increase higher and higher.

‘Yan, how much longer did the dungeon break increase?’

– Yes, because the dungeon boss was killed off, next time dungeon break will occur is 780 hours 41 minutes and 16 seconds.

Because dungeon boss was defeated, normal length of dungeon break increased to 780 hours from 78 hours.  That was ten times the normal rate.

‘780 hours is near one month long.  If I can only exit the dungeon, I will be able to make good use out of this dungeon.’

If he was to pick one thing that he was thankful for, that would be that the boss dungeon was dead.  Because it was dead, the length of the dungeon break lengthened and the exit also appeared.  There were still some demons and the beasts that were left. To a good team, that wouldn’t be a problem.

Normally, dungeons where the boss has been killed off are sold at high prices, and these dungeons are called ‘point cleared’ dungeons.  If SuHyuk can find the exit and escape, he would be in the position to make some good money.

‘Even though thinking about the pulling fiasco from earlier still makes me vexed, I am thankful that he, at least, pulled his own weight before he died.’  SuHyuk thought of Lee HoSuk and nodded his approval.

‘For now……, carefully go back to the battle sight and see whether I can recover anything worthwhile.  Then go look for the exit.’

No matter how dire the situation may be, there was no point in abandoning blue moss rock demon’s carca.s.s when it hasn’t even been dismantled and packed to be sold in the market.  The boss’s carca.s.s was something that he had the rights to.  Also, when the contenders to the carca.s.s were all dead, it was natural that the survivor takes it all.

‘Yan, I didn’t really have the chance to ask, but it is true that my DF level increased, right?’

– Yes, your level went up during the combat.  Should I open up the table to show you?

‘Yeah, do that.’

As soon as he gave a ‘go,’ Yan, immediately, opened up the table in front of SuHyuk’s eyes.

[Name: Kang SuHyuk]  [Age: 25] [Profession: Dungeon Cleaner]

[Level: 24]  [Dimensional Force: 9146/12841]

[Race: Human]  [Control System: Transcendental System X-4]

[Basic Skill: (Precision Shooting-D)]

[Additional Skill (1): (empty)]

[Inventory: Demon Sh.e.l.l (200), Poison Demon Sh.e.l.l (100), Utility Dimension Rifle*****]

[Security Level: 98]

[Pa.s.sive Effect: (Low Level Reinforced Flesh: basic body skill minimally elevated)]

[Stored Skill Core: none]



‘Dimension Level went up higher than I thought huh?’

– You have earned quite a bit of DF during the chaotic battle.  Especially, because you were very vital in taking down the dungeon boss, you were able to absorb a sizable DF.

‘That’s not bad’

SuHyuk had a satisfied smile as he nodded.  He had to use about 400 DF in the heat of the moment, but he still had above 9000 DF.

-1159 DF more and you will go up another level.  Also if your Dimension level goes up to level 25, your security level will also go up to level 97, and though there are some limits, you will be able to use ‘The Universe.’

‘What is that?’

-I don’t know much except that it is some kind of store that you can purchase skill core.  Anything more specific will have to wait until it actually happens.

‘A skill core!  Alright, I wanted one of those.’  SuHyuk was celebrating as he nodded in elation.  He felt like, if he could somehow get a variety of skill cores, he wouldn’t feel jealousy toward the knights.

While getting regular reports of the surroundings from Yan, SuHyuk carefully headed for the battle site.  Luckily, none of the beasts or demons appeared.


As he expected, the battle site where everyone died was a pitiable sight.  The demons and beasts didn’t leave any bones and ate them all.  There were no traces of them.  Only thing that was left were blood stains, but because demons and beasts didn’t eat other demons and beasts, the dead beasts were left scattered.

“If there was any remaining, I was gonna bury them…..there is nothing here to bury.”

SuHyuk, at least, wanted to bury Lee WuJin, but with things appearing like this, there was nothing he could do.

SuHyuk closed his eyes and prayed for the dead comrades while standing in front of the blood stains.  Then he quickly started to gather the thing he wanted.  Since he didn’t know when demons and beasts will return, it was best to take the most important things and leave quickly.

The very first things that SuHyuk took care of were the remains of the moss rock demon.  Level 3 demon’s mana stone, if sold in a black market, can bring in at least $10K.  The level 2 demon carca.s.s would be next.  Even those would bring few thousands so it was a must.

After storing three mana stone, he, then stored some of the bones.  Regretful about the moss rock demon was that he would have to give up getting its bones.  Though it did have bones, in order to get at them required applying tremendous amount of impacts.  Such would create too big of a noise and it would require many of those big noises just to get down to the bones.  In other words, it was an invitation to nearby beasts and demons to come find him.

So instead, SuHyuk settled for the bones of the 2nd level demons.

Another thing he had to consider was the weight.  Though he could have taken more, because too much weight could affect him negatively in times of trouble with the beasts or demons, he only stored what he could carry comfortably.  That meant of the beasts were neglected.  He couldn’t even store away all the body parts of the demons; There is no way he would make room for beast body parts.

Once he was done with the harvest, he searched for useable equipments of the dead knights.  Though the thought of taking the equipment of the dead may be seen negatively, such harvest was considered a matter of fact, must thing to do in the situation of the world today.

Things might have been different in the past, but now days n.o.body worried about the honor of the dead.  Especially, for people that lived a life of h.e.l.l, like the sweepers, everything becomes luxury items.  Therefore, SuHyuk focused on the equipment that would bring most amount of money.  Among the helpers was a sniper, dimension rifle.  SuHyuk made sure to store that rifle because it would make his hunting easier.

In this manner, SuHyuk went through the beasts and the remaining equipment as quickly as possible and quickly moved on to another area.  All that was left was to exit the dungeon.

‘Yan, we need to find the exit from now on.  There is no way for me to escape if all I am doing is running away.  Therefore, I was planning on hunting as I go about.  So even if you have to us some of the DF, go ahead and scan 200 meter radius and alert me on the situations as they happen.’


It was regrettable that I had to use up DFs, but if I want to live, I must make some sacrifice.  Also, increasing the distance of scan to only 100 meter more didn’t use up too much extra.




SuHyuk moved without resting, and in the process, if he spotted a beast he would try to kill it from a long distance away with a silenced rifle.

Before, when he used to snipe a target, he would hit about 5-6 times out of 10, but with the addition of ‘precision shooting-D’ he was. .h.i.tting 10 out of 10.

The result was, he was able to hit 12 level 1-2 beasts easily.

Everything was good up to this point.  He killed off the beasts, earned some DFs, and was proceeding smoothly toward finding the exit.  At least……until few minutes ago.

‘Check one more time. You sure?’

-Yes, I am positive. There are two level 2 demon signatures stationary over there.


SuHyuk was able to find the exit in 10 hours without any problems, but the problem was that there were two level 2 demons that were guarding the exit.

In truth, he did sort of guess that such would be the case.  However, what he was thinking was only one rather than two.  In this situation, there was no way he could leave the dungeon.

The exit to the dungeon became visible with the death of the dungeon boss, but it was still closed.  That means it was not possible to just run up to the door and ram himself on the door, it was a impossible task.

‘If there was only one level 2 demon, he could have came up with some kind of a solution, but two….totally impossible.’

In reality, even just one being there would, nearly, make this task impossible, but with the addition of one more, the task became hopeless.

SuHyuk retreated back into the forest and quietly thought of what he could do to escape.  He couldn’t give up like that.

‘Level 2 demons are not an enemy that I can kill with my current equipment, and I am not a knight either….’

SuHyuk’s most powerful weapon was his dimension rifle, but even if it was powerful, the used in conjunction with the rifle were beast level and not demon level, and therefore, they would not do much damage to the demons.

SuHyuk was not able to come up with any solutions.

-Master…..what if you did it this way?

Yan, who had been quiet up to now, all of a sudden, spoke first.

‘Huh? Do you have a good idea?’

-Right now master is level 24, but if you earn 1014 more DFs your Dimension level will go up to 25.  Then your security will level up as well as have the ability to use transcendental store The Universe.  Though I don’t know much detail about the transcendental store, if you use it you might be able to overcome this obstacle, don’t you think?

After listening to Yan’s word, he instantly nodded his agreement.  No matter how he thought, it was a brilliant suggestion.

‘Wow, you are better than me.’

Up to now, SuHyuk simply thought of Yan as a convenient A.I., but rather than being a simple A.I., because she was a transcendental being, she could give advices as well.

‘Let’s start now.’

He didn’t have time.  In order to earn 1014 more DF, he must kill around 80 more beasts.  Since he was not capable of killing demons, he had to kill level 1-3 beasts to fill more DFs.




SuHyuk was being very diligent about this.  Luckily, because Lee HoSuk utilized point break strategy there were plenty of beasts that were left untouched.  He killed off every beast he came across.  Though level 3 beasts were pretty tough and had a lot of endurance, they were killed off fairly easy when he used the poison beast

Whatever the case, SuHyuk took advantage of the transcendental system’s scanning ability to avoid demons and sweep the beasts as he moved along.

For sleep, he found reasonably safe spots where he could take naps and he rested in a similar manner.  After 49hours of such deliberate travel, he had fulfilled his goal.

Total DF amount exceeded 14000 congratulations

Your Dimension level reached 25

Thiring, additional skill slot became available

Theiiiii! Transcendental store Universe’s first floor is opening

Hunting beasts while avoiding the demons is not easy.  There is always the chance of demon discovering his location, and in such times he could be easily killed so he had to be very careful.

Total beasts he had killed were 72.  Most were level 1 or 2 and only 9 made up the level 3 beasts. Beasts could be killed off by a snipe shot so they were fairly easy.

‘Phew, I am finally done?’

-Yes, you finally opened the Universe.  Also, some of the cla.s.sified information was unlocked due to your rise in security level.  Do you have any questions regarding the Universe?

‘Of course, but first, how do you use it?’

-I can now open the Universe for you.  Should I open it now?

‘Yes, open it.

SuHyuk checked his surrounding first and nodded


As soon as his response was given, something new appeared in front of his eyes.

It was a globe with a bright rainbow lights shining out of it.  It felt like he would get sucked into it, right now, if he were to put his hand into it.

‘What is this?’

-It’s one part of The Universe.  It is easy to use.  Just stick your hand into the rainbow colored globe and think and you can use the first floor of the creation.  As a reference, in the first floor of The Universe, there is knowledge of the past, present, and the future are all gathered together with respect to the lowest leveled items.

‘Future, present, and past knowledge?’

-To make it easier to understand, consider the dimension you are currently a.s.sociated with, and its past, present, and future is all connected, existing in one place and time…in The Universe.

‘Is that …..possible?’

-Put your hand in the globe and exact knowledge, no, just think about the skill name.  Then that skill’s price and precise function will surface in your mind.

‘….How am I supposed to know what kind of skill is in that globe?  Referencing, conditioning, and function like things are they available?

-Unfortunately, because there are almost infinite amounts of skills in the globe, referencing, conditioning, and function related skills are not available.  If you don’t know the exact skill name, you can use fixed amount of DF to grab a random skill that reside in the first floor.  Of course you won’t know what you’ll pull.

‘So in other words, it is just a plain random pick?

-Yes, you can think of it that way for simplicity.

‘Whew….let’s think for a moment.’

He went through an ordeal in order to open the Universe, but his head was too overwhelmed.  Worst of all, he couldn’t even begin to grasp how he was supposed to use The Universe.

‘Let’s think one thing at a time.  If I fail this, then I am through.’

This is the moment that calmness is needed the most.

SuHyuk started to organize his thoughts with utmost discretion.

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