


From the very beginning, Yuan Xi very clearly knew that Yuan Yucheng and Lin Suyun had done a lot for him. He would naturally take care of them and treat them well with filial piety. But most of the time, it"s make empty promises about doing it. 

Though they were a family and their feelings were genuine, what should be treated with reason must be faced with reason. 

The farm was their first joint venture. He did not say he was going to give the farm to Yuan Yucheng and Lin Suyun, but he acted realistically and filled in all three of their names on the property deed. 

This was their common property, and it belonged to all three of them. 

So in terms of who owned the land, he had long planned to do this. Thus, he took it for granted and did not have any additional discussions with Yuan Yucheng and Lin Suyun. 

Yuan Yucheng only learned about this situation upon signing the transfer agreement. He immediately opposed it: "We don"t need to fill in our names, just transfer it to Yuan Xi." 

Yuan Xi immediately replied: "No, it"s three people." 

Then Yuan Yucheng wanted to speak again, but Yuan Xi straightforwardly interrupted him and said with a sure voice: "Dad, I hope you can respect my decision on this matter. I"d rather give up the farm if I couldn"t add both of your names." 

When Yuan Xi said this, Yuan Yucheng couldn"t say anything against him. He frowned and sighed in defeat, giving in. 

w.a.n.g Qingnian lived in this area for many years and built many relationships, so it did not take much effort to settle the transfer agreement of the farm. Yuan Xi happily paid the money. 

Everything was properly handled, and the two families had another meal together. This time, w.a.n.g Qingnian insisted on going somewhere else: "Xiao Xi, your skill is beyond words, but this time you have to give your uncle a chance. We won"t be eating at home, and instead, I"ll take you to have eat a Blue Island specialty."

Yuan Xi replied with a smile: "Okay, I"ll listen to you." He also added: "My skill is in home-cooking. Whenever you want to eat, just say it and I"ll make it for you." 

When he said this, w.a.n.g Qingnian could not help but be happy again: "Good, good, I just love to listen to your kid speak." 

This time, w.a.n.g Qingnian hosted and his wife came out. She was a very quiet middle-aged woman with a delicate and pretty appearance. She was somewhat subtle and not very good at entertaining people, a bit clumsy with her words, but treated others with a genuine att.i.tude. 

Lin Suyun also came out with Xiao Yuan Zhe, and she (WQ"s wife) was amazed when she saw the little bun. Xiao Yuan Zhe was not afraid of strangers, giggling and laughing freely, which the three women liked very much. 

The hotel was one of the best in Blue Island. Yuan Xi paid special attention to the menu. Honestly, it was not as wonderful as he had imagined. Though there were many ingredients he had never seen before, the control of the flavors was not very good. 

But, it was a pleasure eating new foods. 

When eating a meal, it"s not good to say how much people eat or drink. Xiao Yuan Zhe, the little thing, stole the limelight. They reserved room 668, on the 3rd floor. Their servers were two sisters, who were completely conquered by this little bun. 

The news spread all over the hotel in a flash of lightning. In a large hotel with hundreds of waiters, everyone knew that there was a lovely little steamed bun in room 668 who loved to laugh and was so cute people couldn"t help but love him. 

Yuan Xi and the others ordered ten dishes altogether, which were each served by ten different waiters… When there were dishes that had to be cleared and taken away, they all took the opportunity to look at the little bun in the cradle. 

Yuan Xi went to the bathroom and heard a sister say: "Hey…it"s a pity that we didn"t get a chance to serve…"

Yuan Xi really did not know if he should laugh or cry, but he felt both happy and amused. In the end, he felt a little sad. His son was only two months old, and already causing trouble. There is no telling what will follow when he grows up….

Thinking about it, Yuan Xi giggled again…ha ha…this is the sweet sorrow of parents….

After dinner, w.a.n.g Qingnian drank a lot and laughed a lot, persistently saying good, good, good: a good father, a good mother, a good wife, and a good child. Yuan Yucheng"s capacity for liquor was much higher so he was relatively more restrained. He was typically a conscientious person in his daily life, but he was laughing at that time. He wasn"t laughing too much, but he couldn"t stop the corners of his mouth from rising. 

Yuan Xi also wanted to laugh. Sometimes, when people get drunk, they are unable to restrain themselves from showing their true emotions. People like w.a.n.g Qingnian and Yuan Yucheng are happy drunks; they can"t stop laughing and boasting. Basically, they feel very satisfied and believe they have happy lives in their hearts. 

When the two families returned home, it was late. Yuan Xi and Lin Suyun bathed the little bun and fed him milk. Yuan Xi himself then took a shower and washed before sleeping with his son. 

However, in the next room, Yuan Yucheng and Lin Suyun were talking. 

Although Yuan Yucheng drank a lot of wine, he was still very clear-headed. 

Sitting in bed, he drank the sobering tea his old wife gave him and slowly told Lin Suyun what happened at the Blue Island Administrative Hall that day. 

After listening to him, Lin Suyun sighed: "Yuan Xi is a good boy." 

Yuan Yucheng said: "Yes, he really thinks about us and doesn"t just make hollow promises. At that time, I tried to reject it and get him to take it back, but he was too persistent." 

Lin Suyun replied: "A child"s heart will be hurt if you make excuses and put obstacles in the way*."

*推三阻四 = idiom, basically means if you decline with all sorts of excuses

Yuan Yuheng sighed: "I don"t know, it"s just…" 

He couldn"t finish his sentence, but how could Lin Suyun not know the mess of the Yuan family? 

Yuan Yucheng and Lin Suyun were silent for a while. Finally, Lin Suyun said: "We can"t refute the child"s mind, but we can"t let the child suffer either. Go to the administrative office tomorrow and we can quietly do another property transfer. All of the property will be transferred to Yuan Xi"s name privately, eliminating any future trouble." 

Yuan Yucheng agreed with what Lin Suyun said, but he also hesitated: "Doesn"t this process also need Yuan Xi"s presence?" 

Lin Suyun replied: "w.a.n.g Qingnian has some connections. Let"s spend a little more money to have it transferred to him (YX) without publicity. He can make an exception for us this one time."

Yuan Yucheng was the most upright person due to the nature of his work, but he wasn"t ignorant to the need to be flexible, especially in today"s federation… Ai….Yuan Yucheng sighed, but nodded.

How clever is Lin Suyun that when he sighs at his wife, she can guess what he thinks? Her face softened and she soothed: "Don"t worry about what"s gone. We"ve also once been considered dead, but now look at everything. How good are the days now? We have a son and grandson, a son who is competent and a grandson who is both cute and lovely…" When Yuan Xiao Zhe was mentioned, Lin Suyun could not stop talking about what Yuan Xiao Zhe had done during the day, how well he was doing and how lovable* he was… 

*疼 was used, which means "ache, pain, sore; love dearly". I don"t think we have a word in English for this, so I just used "lovable"

These were trivial things, but Yuan Yucheng listened. The heart was incomparably comfortable. Thinking of Yuan Xiao Zhe this way, his heart felt soft and intimate. 

The old couple talked for a while. At the end of the day, Yucheng remembered something else. He could not help saying: "Xiao Zhe looks like that, and doesn"t resemble his father…" This father naturally refers to Yuan Xi. 

Lin Suyun looked at him and said half-heartedly: "Although a two month-old child has not yet grown up, the foundation is there. The appearance…" 

Yuan Yucheng looked at her and said what was in their hearts: "He really looks like Ye"s family." 

Yuan Yucheng added: "Well, who knows? Xiao Xi doesn"t want to talk about it, so it"s probably not a good story. Look, let"s look after our son and grandson seriously, and not let anyone bully them." 

Listening to him say this, Lin Suyun laughed and said: "As smart as xiao Xi is, can he be bullied? You don"t need to worry about him." 

"Yes, yes,*" Yuan Yucheng said. As their voices faded, they fell asleep together.

*也是 = yě shì = be also the same → figured it was an affirmative statement, so I just used "yes"

The next day, Yuan Xi was awakened by his son. The little bun was only two months old and could not turn over, but he moved his hands and feet very vigorously. After waking up, he danced around, tossing and tumbling. 

Yuan Xi hugged him and he (YXZ) shook his lotus-like chubby little arm severely. However, being a silly Dad, Yuan Xi just thought it was adorable so he took that tight little fist and kissed it. 

Such a big baby, all he did was basically eating and sleeping, sleeping and eating. It was good to wake up and play for a while. Yuan Xi knew that his son must have been hungry, so he quickly mixed the water with the milk formula.

It was done in a minute. He carefully held his son in his arms and fed him with the bottle. The little bun was very hungry, and did not stop murmuring and drinking. 

Yuan Xi looked down and saw how much he (YXZ) liked it. He saw his son smacking his small mouth in satisfaction and the joy at the delicious food in his big eyes. The little devil called mischief stirred in Yuan Xi"s belly. 

Say…he"s never seen his son cry…maybe he should take a shot?

The more he thought about it, the more itchy he was. Yuan Xi looked at the innocent little bun and began to laugh. Then, he pulled out the nipple of the bottle….

Yuan Xiao Zhe was still immersed in the happiness and satisfaction of feeding, when his mouth was suddenly empty and he didn"t taste anything for a while. He then opened his big eyes and had a look of confusion on his small face. 

Yuan Xi laughed out loud, and waited for his son to lose his temper and start crying. 

Who knew that this little thing would see his father laughing and think he was teasing him to play, then immediately start giggling instead…? Yuan Xi had a bad feeling and quickly turned the little bun in the other direction. 

It happened quicker than words could tell. Unfortunately, because of the inconvenient angle and the bottle Yuan Xi still held in his hand, the speed was half a beat slower than intended…As a result, the milky way* rushed up and poured out onto his chest with precision. 

*not literally the Milky Way (as in s.p.a.ce) 

He didn"t prank but was bullied instead. Yuan Xi was really…living in vain for 24 years….

Lin Suyun heard the ruckus and came in just in time to see this scene, and she immediately burst out into laughter. She took the little bun and washed him, changed his diapers, and started feeding him again. 

Yuan Xi was forced to deal with his clothes himself. 

After breakfast, Yuan Xi arrived at the farm early. Although the ownership of the farm was transferred, w.a.n.g Qingnian still lived on the farm with half a month to go. So, Yuan Xi made good use of this time to consult him (WQN) so he would have a good idea of how to run the farm without any significant troubles.

He just arrived at the farm when five or six strangers approached. 

The man in charge looked about 20 years old. He was not very tall, standing at about 1.7 meters, but was very stiff. There were five strong, young men behind him, each with a serious look on their faces. The situation was not good. 




The author has something to say:
If JJ doesn"t smoke, I wake up laughing from my dreams, wuwuwu




T/N: Yay, chapter 13 out! It"s my birth in 2 days, so I"m gonna try to release a chapter sometime this week as a present to you guys (celebrating my birthday Hobbit-style). Wish me luck~~~

Thank you Samie for your generous support and the coffees! I really appreciate it, and will work extra hard to get another chapter out for you! ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆

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