Chapter 1560: Rifts

Senior Elder Ma already finished the device and waited for Sam to come.

It is basically a large formation surrounded by a bunch of smaller formations. He sat in the central big one and operated the rest from there.

Sam gave all the things that he collected from various spots along with a scroll.

"Familiarize with all of the numbers and codes. I want you to follow them carefully and precisely. A single mishap and we can kiss this war goodbye."


As they were talking, both of them got a call.

"The enemies are showing movement. They are entering into a formation. The elites and peak stage cultivators are coming as well. They might make a move at any moment."

Sam and Ma exchanged a glance and the former said.

"The timing couldn"t have been more perfect."

"I will be going. Stay in touch. Don"t focus on any other connection."


Sam went to the wall instantly and within a few minutes, he could see that the people are already getting into formations to march towards the Gaja city.

When he noticed where they are grouping up, he couldn"t help but smile.

"Ma, Channel number 20, Attack pattern three."


Senior Ma closed his eyes and focused as a small formation on his side started glowing and with just a wave of his hand, a bunch of objects flew from one of the spatial rings and went straight into that formation.

They disappeared from the spot.

At the camp of the Mari clan.

Sivan is guiding the forces out and made them stand in formation right outside the campgrounds.

He is taking the statistics of the groups before marching into the battle. But right when he was about to command them to step forward, he felt some fluctuations in the air.

Since he is moving around on Harbinger at a certain alt.i.tude he was the first person to notice it.

While he was confused, a spatial energy wave appeared out of thin air followed by a large horizontal hole.

A bunch of poison grenades that are made of very delicate gla.s.s crystals started raining down from the hole.

They all fell on soldiers who are standing in a formation along with a bunch of small white crystal fragments all over the place.

The soldiers who were ready to start the battle suddenly took the onslaught of poison and the white crystal fragments which they couldn"t even see.

Sivan immediately covered himself with an energy shield. Even though he will not be affected by the poison, he is sure that the crystal fragments will deal some lethal damage to him.

In fact, if he is careless, he might even die right there.

After the initial shock, he started ordering his subordinates to move. But he was conflicted, on whether he should make them move forward or backwards. After some thought, he gritted his teeth and turned to the Grand elders that just arrived.

They are looking at the fiasco waiting for Sivan"s orders.

"Can you deal with that spatial rift?"

One of the grand elders raised their hands and the s.p.a.ce started constricting. But before he could act on it, the spatial rift was closed by itself.

Sivan went back to the soldiers on the ground to take a look at them. Some of the soldiers who are quick enough to react on time managed to cover themselves completely. Most of the soldiers that are not too quick, but at least have enough sense to react fast after the initial poison touch, managed to save themselves with slight damage.

But there is one particular group of people. It cannot be said that they are completely slow, it could only be said they are not fast enough.

And they cannot be considered a small group because of their sheer number, but they are also not a large group compared to the whole area.

They took the full brunt of the poisons and the white crystal shards.

They are completely taken down. They are currently rolling on the ground and suffering as the white crystal shards entered their bodies trying to consume them.

Because of the poison"s reaction to their bodies and the excruciating pain that is masking the effects of the white crystal as well as the excessive energy consumption to control the pain of the poison, the white crystal is easily occupying the whole body.

Even before Sivan could relay his next orders, some of the people already started turning into white crystals at a visible pace.

Sivan gritted his teeth and relayed his orders.

"Everyone, move away from the people who are affected with white crystals. We are marching forward. All of your run in the formation. We are going to take the city down.

Grand elders, you need to keep an eye on any of these surprise attacks.

Do not interfere with anything else. Your job is literally protecting us from ma.s.sive attacks like this and dealing with the peak stage cultivators of the enemy.

As I mentioned before. You don"t need to try and defeat them. Because that is absolutely impossible. The only thing you need to do is rattle them. Annoy them. They are already injured so just make sure that they don"t have time to recover.

I think you already know the situation here. The Divine league members already p.i.s.sed them off. If you don"t want all of the clan forces to be annihilated, do not and I mean do not ever make a move against the enemy soldiers."

All the grand elders nodded and they took their positions in the formation as they all ran forward.

Meanwhile, Sivan turned to the camp and ordered the soldiers that are in the process of recovery.

"Bring the soldiers that are not infected by the white crystals into the camp. Heal them and try to recover them."

"Yes, Sir."

The soldiers moved and everyone did their tasks.

Sam looked at it through the telescope and within the next three minutes, he spoke with Ma again.

"Channel 19. Attack sequence 7"

Another spatial rift opened above the soldiers and this time a bunch of gla.s.s vials were dropped. But instead of poison, they are filled with some black coloured liquid. It is one of the liquid curses that are prepared.

For some reason as soon as they left the rift, they shattered while they are still in mid-air and the black liquid was sprayed all over the people.

The grand elders made a move and tried to shield them from it. In fact, they even succeeded for the most part.  But Sam didn"t seem to care about the missed attack.

Instead, he called for another attack sequence.

From within the rift, white shattered crystals started raining down. They are so small they almost appeared like dust.

They are even being swayed by a small breeze.

The grand elders also defended against it to the best of their abilities. This caused the formation to slow down and created some disorder within them, but not many people were even affected.

But what they don"t know is as they crossed that area of the land, the white powder that fell on the soil soaked within the black liquid started acting weirdly. A very faint transparent smoke started appearing from it and there are very small white crystal fragments that looked like coa.r.s.e soil grains everywhere.

The soldiers and the armies moved forward and Sam also started ordering various attacks from different channels and every time the attacks are normal.

Sometimes they are just pure liquid energy cells exploding. Sometimes they are special poisonous grenades. Sometimes they are cursed liquids and sometimes they are undead creatures.

But all of them are definitely causing some loss and frustration among the soldiers. Even though not a lot of soldiers died in the whole process, a lot of them had their energy sapped from this, even though the grand elders helped them defend most of the time.

This only stopped after they reached the range of sphere cannons. And upon reaching them, they have the cannons to deal with and then soon the energy sphere from the domes started acting up.

It shot energy beams as hundreds of puppets flew over and shot bullets at various soldiers and even grand elders sometimes.

The grand elders wanted to deal with the sphere directly. They wanted to enter the city directly. But Gail and the Sonic cat are standing on top of the wall. It is almost like they are challenging them and daring them to give it a try.

The grand elders are of course a bit insulted, but they didn"t dare directly engage with them. Anyway, they only need to follow orders. So, they started attacking the walls of the city and some infrastructure.

They didn"t try to stretch themselves too much and attack the spheres or domes of the city as they know for sure it will damage some normal soldiers and the rules can go to h.e.l.l after that.

Gail and the Sonic cat are thus under the guard duty as they defended against the attacks of the grand elders from various sides.

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