Sam pulled the crystal from the necklace and examined it carefully. He closed his eyes and let his consciousness penetrate the crystal and he immediately saw the scene inside. A large patch of land, large enough for his vision to not grasp it directly stretched across with a lot of dark elemental energy.

This is a divine dimension fragment.

Sam was delighted by what he saw and he couldn"t help but feel the excitement surge through his heart.

"Finally, something good after a long time." He grinned as he looked at the crystal closely.

One of the attendants looked at Sam"s expression and his excitement and decided to inform Grivon while Sam went back to his place.

It didn"t take long for Grivon to arrive and he asked.

"The attendant is scared as h.e.l.l when you took a crystal from his body, what did you do?"

Sam is still grinning as he showed the crystal.

"I got a divine dimension fragment from the old man. I was really looking forward to obtaining some of these things for research and finallyL I have one now. I was a bit too excited."

"Really a divine dimension fragment? Where did this guy come from? It is not easy to obtain one and I don"t believe an ordinary hitman would be able to obtain it that easily."

"He is from a place called the league of Blood Iron. I don"t have any information from Sivan"s memories. Do you know anything about it?"

"No, not really. I never heard of it. I only of the Divine League. Could they both be the same?"

"No, this old man also has memories of the Divine League. It seems like both of these organizations are a bit hostile towards each other and at the same time, some members from both sides have some friendly arrangements.

The league of Blood Iron is some kind of policing organization for clans like yours, but I doubt they will be able to do anything about the expansion you youngsters having."

With that Sam explained the information he got.

"So, do all the members of that place have these divine dimension fragments? If yes, then maybe we could collect some of these things. Since they are coming after us anyway."

"Us? Are you sure you want to get involved in this whole s.h.i.t storm? This old man is one of the weakest guys and he is only a middle stage Consummate level cultivator of Astral Plane. I told you half expecting you to kick me out of here with all the trouble you might attract. These guys are no joke after all."

"It is indeed something to be afraid of. But I realized that I have a lot to learn from you. You managed to survive so much on your own and I don"t believe that I am only capable of building something and destroying it on my own because of my incompetence and ignorance.

I hope I would be able to understand and learn how to lead from you in this process and I want to know how to survive."

"Are you sure? I am not really a good influence. You wouldn"t be having a good time with the subordinates in the first few days. They might even hate you."

"It doesn"t matter. I would like to learn."

"Then get ready. In the first lesson, go and resolve things with the blue cloaks. Do not coax them or give them benefits, give them ultimatums.

For that, you need someone who has the strength to back it up. You said that you have someone in your secret force not being used currently. Call two of them with enough strength and make sure they listen to you. Please tell me that they are not spoiled like these idiots here.

"No, they are alright. They are given to me by my mother. So they are completely good."

"That is better. After they come here, confront the blue cloaks, force them to understand their situation and the best way to put that into their heads is to make them go through some training.

Make these two people train them for two months. The training should be torturous and these things would help."

With that, Sam took some bracelets and gave them to Grivon.

"Make them wear these things and go through the whole routine again and again. You should be the only one giving commands throughout the routine and the two secret weapons you call would only be the people that make sure that your commands are executed.

These boys will straighten up and if they don"t, you better dispose of them."

"Dispose of?"

"Yes, my best choice would be to kill them, since they know too much about you, but since they helped you so much, it is better to imprison them in a luxurious place for the rest of their lives, so they can die in peace."

"You are way too violent with this, aren"t you? Should I really be that cutthroat?"

"I am not being violent, I am being decisive. Do you really think that there is an easy way to be the boss? You are lucky you are running your own organization and are only responsible for your own growth and the people that are just under you.

Do you know what kind of decisions you have to make when you are in charge of the lives of the people that are weak and innocent? You would wish you could commit suicide just because of the hard calls that you need to make occasionally, of course, provided that you have a conscience."

"I thought authority is supposed to be great. Why are so many people trying to fight over it if it is that difficult?"

"Because authority is addictive. The first few years, you would be burdened by responsibility and everything the person does is to think of ways to stand up and be truthful for that responsibility and every decision they make in that time is in good conscience, they make good for the people that are relying on him.

And that brings the person with the reward of the authority and privilege the people provide. This continues and soon the person"s authority will think differently since he did everything until they in good conscience and did the right thing, he would think that everything he is doing is the right thing. No matter how wrong it is and no matter how bad it is, he wouldn"t see it. He will become corrupt.

That would be the start of his destruction and sooner or later, he wouldn"t be able to survive."

"The power that everyone is fighting for, is so corrupt and rotten?"

"Yes, it is. It is more corrupt than anything you could ever possibly imagine. Anyway, that is too much philosophy for you, the most you have to do is know how to keep your mob in check. That is very simple and you don"t have to think too much.

Just don"t let the power get to it that is all."

"Okay, what else. What are the plans about the league?"

"We would take that as it comes. First, tie up all the loose ends of the stray realm. Don"t keep that s.p.a.ce gate formation connecting both ends. We will only use a one-sided s.p.a.ce gate from inside to out and then we will use tokens to return to the realm. There would be no other way from outside to inside.

I will also set up a large-scale trap formation around the s.p.a.ce gate and we can place one of your strong lackeys there and they would deactivate the trap after confirming the person that came is one of your own.

We also set up a different communication network than before. If someone is struck outside with that, they will send the coordinates and the message to us and we would send someone from inside."

"Just give me the required materials, we will do it."

"We need proper surveillance. Give me all of the candidates you have within the realm where your clan is located. Everyone that wants to track me down, would come there to see the clues left behind by the previous one.

And currently, the old man died right after dealing with some of your subordinates. To tie that loose end, we need to find some of the subordinates of your brothers and sisters and kill them the same way the old man did to make sure we are not suspected."

"I can find a few. I have some really hostile relationships with some of them. But how can we simulate death the same way. I don"t think I have anyone skilled enough."

"I have a way. I understand the technique and I think I can create a formation suited for this method of killing."

"Anything else?"

"Nothing much. Let"s do this for now. After it was done, I will tell you what should be done for the next two years. I will plan out what to do, after we get whatever we can from the league of blood iron, I will be done with you, you would be able to secure your position in the clan and I would go back to my organization.

We could then finally deal with the Mari Clan."

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