Sam looked around as everyone in the room turned silent. Then he realized what he said was wrong and smiled.

After all, the healers would have been the best of the best the Gaja Clan could afford, they really are the cream of the crop, but that doesn"t mean they are good enough for this.

Sam didn"t feel bad and said.

"There is nothing in the world that would make me tell you what you want to know and if your healers really couldn"t think of a way to save both his b.a.l.l.s and save him from the disfigurement caused by the skin regrowth, then they really are pathetic.

What is even more pathetic is the fact that you really asked me to reveal my technique of attack.

What did you even think I would do? Just hand over my possible enemies, my attacking technique and even help them save the one person I wish I had killed? What is wrong with your brain? If I were you, I would get a brain check."

"How dare you?"

The old man slammed his hand on the table as he looked at Sam angrily, but Sam didn"t even flinch and looked back at him.

"How dare I? How dare you?

How dare you come in front of me and ask me to save the beast of a guy who violated my student? How dare you, the person who is supporting a shameless pathetic rapist that targets little girls, talk down to me?

How dare you to even come and act all deserving and righteous even after knowing that you contributed to the fact of creating such a vile thing as your grandson?

Don"t try to show your almightiness in front of me. It is not the first for me to have stronger enemies and I am pretty sure this is not the last. You don"t scare me. Not in this lifetime or the next."

"You are in Gaja Clan"s territory, I would watch my mouth if I were you young man. After all, from all the information I had about you, you are surviving solely because you are in my clan."

"That only means your information is half-baked. Why don"t you try to dig deeper and you will see that the only reason that your little grandson is still alive is because your big grandson slipped his tongue at a perfect time and the only reason he is alive is because his opponent is someone with two substages of cultivation levels behind.

And even then, he was knocked out and from what I am hearing from the healing a.s.sistants, if the surgery doesn"t go well, his face would be a hot mess for the rest of his life and he would need a mask.

You must be really proud, Grand Elder Pon. You are the greatest Saber User in the history of the Clan, you killed two Grand elders of the Mari Clan single-handedly in one battle. You went ahead and placed your flag inside the core area of the Mari Clan.

But your descendants, one has been obsessed with helpless little girls and the other was busy defending him and on top of everything, you are busy threatening someone for those sorts of descendants.

I am sure you are very proud."

Giyon spoke calmly and she looked straight into the eyes of the Grand Elder Pon, whose face turned red in embarra.s.sment.

All Giyon did was list some of his accomplishments, but that only made him feel more and more embarra.s.sed.

After all, for him to produce a descendant such as Malgav is indeed an embarra.s.sing thing to do.

"Hmph, do you think we wouldn"t be able to do anything without your help? We are going to invite Vardar and we will see through the trial. Lets see how you are going to escape unscathed by the end of it."

Mingiv"s father spoke and Giyon just rolled her eyes. She looked at the Clan"s leader and said.

"Grivon"s parents are also coming along with my father. I am planning to have a dinner. We would be happy if you would like to join. From what I heard, Sam has some pretty good recipes, I think he would be sharing some of them for this occasion."

"Oh really? Then I must definitely try that exotic taste. I will surely come."

"If that is all, I would like to take my leave."

Clan"s leader turned to Grand Elder pon, who just nodded and the trio left.

"What is the point of him asking us? He doesn"t look like an idiot, he should know that there is no use in asking this of us."

Sam asked with confusion.

"He is just fulfilling his duties as a father. He cannot just let his son go without doing this much. Now he has a perfect excuse and he can also comfort himself saying that he tried his best."

"Really? He came here and endured all that scolding from you and me, just for that? He is so powerful, he could just say his son to go f.u.c.k himself, that would have been easier."

"Of course it would have been easier like that if he is not whipped for his wife. You wouldn"t understand, after all you have been single your whole life. You find the perfect woman and you would know."

Sam couldn"t help but roll his eyes, this is completely and utterly incomprehensible to him.

"I destroyed the b.a.l.l.s of one of your cousins and almost killed another one making literally half of your clan my enemy and you are still trying to set me up with your sister, are you out of your mind?"

Grivon suddenly remembered this as he forgot it because of all the distractions in his life.

"That is right. I was about to ask about this. Sister Giyon, did you really try to set him up with Jyon? He is right, are you out of your mind? You must be, otherwise, why would you even think of that much less executing that.

Do you know how many enemies this guy has? Do you know how many people want to kill him? Do you know how little time he spends at home?

Oh, of course you know, you know it better than me, so why did you still try to set them up."

Giyon just slapped on the back of his head to make him shut up and didn"t even bother to explain to him, rather she turned to Sam and said.

"You destroyed the b.a.l.l.s of a rapist and almost killed a guy who insulted your birth and your mother. And you did that despite the possibility of killing so many people. So, if you ask me, this is a plus in my book.

You tell me, if you have a sister, would you not try to find her a husband like you?"

"Of course not, if I have a sister, I would kill any guy like me that comes near her. A guy like is only good for bringing death and destruction to the surroundings. I am never a good company unless the interests are aligned.

So, stop with your madness. I believe we need to prepare for some serious revenge."

They reached Giyon"s residence once again, but as soon as they stepped foot at the entrance…


An explosion occurred, and a puff of green smoke started coming out of their entrance.

Giyon reacted quickly and waved her hand.

A barrier appeared and covered all three of them.

Sam looked at the green smoke. This is completely unexpected, but he sensed some familiarity from this green smoke. He just couldn"t put a finger on why and where he saw that smoke before.

As he was contemplating, Giyon suddenly made a move. Her punch went past the barrier and clashed with something that came from within the green smoke.


Energy shock waves blew the smoke away.

"Everyone, activate all the formations of the residence. All the servants move to the bas.e.m.e.nt-2 and activate the anti-gas formation. Now."

The servants immediately ran in and even some of the servants who fell prey for the smoke, were carried by the rest. They quickly ran into the second bas.e.m.e.nt and they were given emergency treatment.

As the green smoke cleared a figure became clearly visible. A person wearing white robes and white cloaks and something clicked in Sam"s mind.

He knew that person. He definitely know who he is and what he does. But not from his memories, rather from Sivan"s memories which also explained his momentary lapse.

"He is an expert in poison and disguise. He is about your cultivation level, I don"t know if you can deal with him though."

Sam quickly said and pulled Grivon to the side. He decided to help Giyon out and took out his staff.

He is not fighting though. He stomped the staff on the ground and immediately the remnant smoke was cleared with the energy waves.

Along with that an energy barrier was created.

"You can deactivate your barrier and you focus on attacking, I will take care of Grivon and the poison."

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