The next day.

Sam has already prepared to make a plan to fish the woman out. That woman whom Giyon only called the Snake b.i.t.c.h.

But only after he asked a few more times did he realize that it is actually her nickname.

The Snake b.i.t.c.h. He wondered what kind of person she is to have such a name. He is sure that he would know when they captured her.

So, he created two special recipes. It is actually a hot pot with some exotic meat that could only be available within this realm and is very hard to get.

By afternoon, he sent all of Grivon"s subordinates and even activated every dormant subordinate they set up for Grivon"s network, and they were given only one job. They have to spread the information regarding the new restaurant that is going to open with this exciting exotic meat and the new method of eating it.

In fact, that night itself is the grand opening and they are doing this ma.s.sive free sale.

For this, Sam made Grivon buy one of the restaurants under Migron"s control secretly and they used the a.s.sistance of the subordinates working in Grivon"s stray realm to remodel it as quickly as possible.

Sam made the hot pot set up as fast as he can with the help of the artisans and arranged the restaurants by the evening.

By night, the service was open and a lot of people came because of the free service and the promised exotic menu.

The service went on and on almost until dawn, before they were forced to close down because the ingredients are finished.

The next day, the word of the restaurant spread like crazy. That is the only thing anyone is talking about. Even the young masters and young mistresses of the Gaja Clan are looking for to taking a bite here and even the elders managed to hear a word or two.

But they didn"t go right away as the restaurant announced that they are doing this special discount service for the next three days which attracted a lot of common folks and created a large rush in front of the restaurant.

They don"t want to create a commotion in the middle of it all.

The restaurant doesn"t open until lunch, but people started lining up in the morning.

Sam, Grivon, and Giyon looked at the crowd from far away were surprised. The response to the place is a lot more than they thought.

As they were thinking, Gail suddenly came out of nowhere and stood beside them. They are currently on the balcony of a home far away from the restaurant. This is actually Gail"s secret house right in the middle of the city.

"It seems like your plan is going well. The word around the city is that this restaurant is the best venture Migron has ever stepped in. The food is absolutely delicious as well. Snake b.i.t.c.h wouldn"t be able to control herself from trying the food at all.

But are you sure, the next step would be done properly? I mean, she is a powerful cultivator and it would be hard to fool her easily.

And if my guess is right, she doesn"t have any spatial elemental expertise and the things you explained to me seemed extremely complicated. She would have a teammate who is extremely skilled in that area. They might hinder her."

"I have absolute confidence in doing so. If she comes here today, she will definitely come tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the day after the special sale ends.

The more times she comes, the easier it would be to make her come back and I already made a plan to make her come back here. I made a few more recipes which we would be introducing after she comes here." Sam said with confidence.

As they were speaking suddenly, Grivon"s communication token and Gail"s communication token received alerts.

But they are from completely different people as they moved aside to speak.

Grivon came back with a frown.

"The new subordinate from the Enforcement team found something. He is coming to Sister Giyon"s residence. He doesn"t want to speak about it from within the enforcement department as he doesn"t feel safe there."

Gail also came and said.

"That would be good because we need to go to Giyon"s residence as well. Your parents are here."

Grivon"s frown turned to surprise.

All of them went to Giyon"s residence as soon as they entered the house.

A flash went past them and Grivon almost felt like he was tackled.

"Oh, my little baby. How are you? Why did you become so skinny? Are you not eating well? I already told you, even if you can make do without eating and just with cultivation, you still need to eat three meals a day. You need to fatten up a little.

Why did you become so tan? Are you working too much?..."

Sam heard this melodious loving voice instantly going on and on.

He looked at a woman who looked to be in her early thirties holding Grivon tightly while speaking as he occasionally kissed his forehead in the middle.

Grivon felt a bit suffocated as she held him in a bear hug and even his hands were stuck.

The lady has long flowing hair and she really has the loving motherly aura even though she wore dark black.

"M..Mom.. I.. can"t breathe."

Grivon managed to squeeze those words out of his mouth and the lady finally realized that she might have been holding him way too tight and released him from the hug.

"I am sorry my dear. How are you? Are you alright? Do you need to lie down?"

Giyon and Gail rolled their eyes and the latter said.

"Yuvani, cut it out. He is not a little kid and no he doesn"t need to lie down. Just let him breathe a bit."

"Big Bro, you can"t say that. How can he say he is not a little kid? He is not even thirty yet."

A graceful but based male voice came from the side and then only Sam saw the other person in the room.

He is as tall as Gail and they both looked almost the same with some differences. This man has very short hair and he is almost wearing a crew cut.

He is wearing black and his eyes are a bit darker than Gail"s. He had a sword on his hip as he slowly walked forward.

His every action is sharp and his aura is like a living sword. Sam hasn"t seen such an aura since Demon Soul swordsman. This is one of the purest sword auras he has ever seen.

Gail looked at his brother with a smile and said.

"Really Gamin? By thirty, you were in the middle of Mari Clan"s territory ripping the throat of the young master because he misbehaved with Yuvani in a gathering. Are you sure you were a kid back then?"

"That is different. Completely different. It is like comparing apples and oranges." He just denied everything and went to hug his son tightly just like his mother.

Giyon and Gail are smiling and then Jyon walked from inside the house.

"Uncle, Aunt. Leave Brother Grivon alone, you are embarra.s.sing him in front of his friend."

Finally, the couple looked at Sam who is standing there looking at Grivon and his parents.

They sized him up and down as if they are inspecting them openly.

"So, you are Sam. Too bad, we cannot see the real you in this body, but you still don"t look bad. How are you feeling here? I heard you and my son struck some deal. How is it going?"

"So far, it is great. Our cooperation is impeccable."

Gamin smiled and patted Sam on his back.

"Great, it is nice to meet you. We heard that you are a great artisan, I need to consult you on something later."

"Nice to meet you too."

Gamin turned back to Giyon and greeted her before asking with the same smile.

"I heard you guys were attacked in the clan grounds. Tell me, did you find out who did this."

Even though he is smiling, his aura is clearly laced with the intent to kill. He is really angry.

Gail patted on his shoulder and said.

"You don"t have to worry too much. They are handling it."

"But.." Gamin wanted to say something but he was cut off by Gail.

"I said they are handling it. Do you think I would let them if they are not capable of it? Our kids are stronger than you and I think they are."

"But Gail…" Yuvana also wanted to say something but sighed and let it go.

"Anyway, we are having a feast tonight. Giyon send someone to inform the Clan"s leader, he must be excitedly waiting since we postponed it already."


Giyon nodded and left. At this moment, Grivon"s new subordinate arrived with some new information.

Grivon and Sam took him to a separate room to hear them out, while the rest went to the backyard to sit under a tree and relax.

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