Chapter 1531: Hayan

Sivan looked at Cray who didn"t even act as he heard him at all.

"I am talking to you cray. Talk to me. What are you waiting for? I need you to attack as soon as you can."

Sivan said as he looked at the city.

There are twelve large spheres of light hovering over the city dome at various spots and beneath it was the ma.s.sive yellow light that still occupied the city.

But if anyone sees it now, they will definitely notice that the glow has reduced a lot.

Sivan started panicking with every second and he looked at Cray. He wanted to push him and wake him up.

But as soon as he extended his arm, he was stopped by Avlyn.

"What do you think you are doing? He said it is a dangerous process. You can"t disturb him now. A load of fifty thousand souls is too hard for him to bear if you do something stupid."

"He should launch the attack now. He didn"t have a lot of time."

"I am sure he knows better in the current situation. He knows what to do. So, don"t panic and just relax. If you are so worried. Go and pray to your G.o.d that everything should go well without any mishap."

"I am not a nuthouse like you guys to worship a G.o.d for every dispute.

You better pray that your friend here does what he promised and doesn"t screw it up. Alright?"

"Keep your mouth in check young man. You don"t know who you are doubting and who are you insulting. I thought you are not some ignorant bratty young master of a clan. Don"t prove me wrong."


Sivan just brushed her off and sat on the side. He doesn"t know what is going to happen and if Sam is able to figure something out. But he hoped that Sam didn"t.

At this moment, Sam who is sitting in the tower contacted Ma again.

"Are you done?"

"Yeah. What do you want me to do now?"

"Do you have a transference token that will bring Gail back to the clan grounds?"

"I have one that could lead him to the Enforcement team building. Why?"

"Give one of those also to Gail. Alright?"


"Okay go to the stray realm now. I will send Gail in a few minutes. I need to brief him on a few things."

Sam cut the call and called Gail.

"Okay Gail, all of the preparations are done. I need you to do something though.

First, you will go to the stray realm and meet Senior Elder Ma there. You will get two transference tokens. One of them is the token for you to go to the approximate location of the place where the device that projected this light beam on us is set up.

You need to destroy that as it is part of the core of the formation.

The second token will bring you back to the Enforcement department of the Gaja clan. He will explain what is what is in the stray realm.

After you reach the destination of the formation core, you might not be able to find it immediately. In fact, the location might be a bit off. I want you to search it quickly and come back as soon as possible."

"What is the error range? How far off could I appear with respect to that formation core part?"

"I don"t know. I think two miles plus or minus. I hope you would be able to cover that distance quickly though. And I don"t think you would be having a problem with your expertise in sound and the energy ripple combination.

Also, it has ma.s.sive light elemental energy gathered there. So it wouldn"t be that much of a problem for you to do it."

"Alright. Then what?"

"After destroying it, I want you to come back to the City instantly. After destroying one part of the core, things still wouldn"t be resolved immediately. Everyone in the city is exhausted.

We will be in a vulnerable situation.

On top of that, there are some souls gathered on top of the formation. I don"t know who is doing it, but they are gathered almost half of the souls together.

If they are able to control them even after the formation core was destroyed, things would be really chaotic.

They might be trying to pull off some big attack. So I want you to be quick and ready to fight at any moment.

Do you hear me?"

"Yes. What about Giyon, Grivon, and all of the others? I need you to go and check up on them I highly doubt they are unscathed with all of this ma.s.sive damaging situation."

"I will take care of them. You can count me on it. I know just the way to make them recover. You just focus on this."


"You can leave now."

Sam said and as soon as his words left his mouth, Gail broke the transference token that sent him to the Stray realm.

There Ma is waiting for him with two transference tokens.

"This is the token for your destination and this is the token back to the clan. You knock yourself out."

Gail took both of the tokens and said.

"You go back to the clan. There might be an attack soon. So, get ready."


Ma didn"t even hesitate before he broke another token and went back to the clan.

Gail took a deep breath as he took out the token and broke it. He disappeared from the stray realm.

He reappeared far away from the city. Within the mountain range at the foot of a cliff.

He looked around and slapped his hands together with energy.


A ma.s.sive sound came as ripples expanded in all kinds of different directions. The sound waves laced with these energy waves reverberated in the surroundings. The birds and even some beasts ran away and the surrounding trees and rocks vibrated profusely.

Gail closed his eyes as he took in the reaction vibrations coming from various objects. He was focused to the extreme and all of a sudden, he turned around. There is a large mountain on which his gaze landed on.

He stepped into the air and started running at sonic speed.


A whistling sound came as he kicked the air and ran on it while reaching the mountain.

When he was almost there, all of a sudden he sensed something and changed his direction.


An arrow brushed past him and he looked in a direction far away.

Gail landed on a nearby tall tree as he looked in a certain direction.

Another arrow came in and this time, Gail just caught it with his bare hands.

"Come out Hayan," Gail said out loud.

"It seems like you still remember me. I am flattered."

A voice came from afar. It is almost impossible to find out who is speaking and from where.

"I said come out."

"Of course, I am not going to do that. Do you think I am stupid? I will die if I come face to face with the Sonic prince."

"Really? Do you still know that? Then why are you getting in my way?"

"Of course, it is because I am a member of the Divine league?"

"Stop kidding. You are a member of the Divine league just for the sake of it. There is not a single thing in your body that accepts the Divine league"s principles.

It is a mutually beneficial relationship."

"Of course it is. As a part of that relationship, I am trying to stop you now."

"You know it is impossible to do that."

"Of course, it is impossible for me to stop you all by myself, but it is not impossible for me to stop you just for a while.

Just until other members come with the preparations that we left solely for you."

"Then try your luck."

As he said that, Gail extended his hands and a ma.s.sive ball of energy gathered itself at the tip of his index fingers.

The large ball of energy is so bright and big that it looked like the sun in the sky.

With just a mere thought, the ball started shrinking into a smaller size and before they knew it, it turned into the size of a small marble.

"That looks dangerous. I can"t let you do that now, can I?"

Hayan said and an arrow swished through the air. But before it could reach Gail, he snapped his finger with the marble in his hands.


The energy in the ball collapsed as it propagated through the wind and it only moved to one particular side. Towards the mountain.


It explosively took over the whole area and destroyed everything that is in its path. The trees and rocks turned into nothing but debris. Everything was destroyed.

But right before the wave hit the mountain, an arrow came out in a large parabola and exploded in front of it.


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