Chapter 1556: Retreat

The Sonic cat moved like a light beam with a streaking noise as it scratched the opponent layer by layer.

Soon his bones are exposed and then they also broke with insides coming out until the person completely died.

Everyone in the Divine league was stunned. They looked at this newcomer in stunning silence. They didn"t expect a beast of that level is within the Gaja clan.

But while they are still in shock the person that came to help the companion stopped in his tracks.

He turned around to see Gail beating the c.r.a.p out of three other opponents. He is currently standing in the middle of three as he dodged their attacks and punched the c.r.a.p out of their faces.

Teeth flew and facial skin ripped apart as it flew in the form of fragments along with the blood.

Gail"s body is covered with blood sprayed by his opponents and he is looking extremely angry. It is almost like he is trying to take out all of his anger on these people.

Sam also noticed this and he kind of understood why he is so angry.

These people wanted to use his daughter and nephew and then the whole army as their bait. This is going to be a troublesome thing.

Gail wanted to go ahead and kill them all on the spot, but at this moment, Sam contacted him.

"Saran and the elite team leader are having some hard times. You need to help them out."

Gail who was about to land a punch on the face of the opponent who is still standing and suddenly made a move. He jumped through the encirclement and helped Saran and the Elite team leader who was slightly injured.

The Grand elders didn"t even dare to stay there for a second before they left.

Gail let the two rest and turned to Gamin and Yuvana.

Currently, all five divine league members are trying to attack Gamin and Yuvana who are blocked by those crimson walls.

Gail wanted to run and help them out, but he suddenly sensed a ma.s.sive change. The three opponents who he left there standing took out these blood tokens and got ready to attack.

The sonic cat who finished its opponents looked at Gail and both of them blocked the ma.s.sive crimson spear attacks that were thrown at the city directly.

The crimson spears projected huge crimson images and zoomed towards the city.

Gail and the Sonic cat launched their own attacks at them which are also projected into the large size.

The clash of the spears and the attacks happened.


Ma.s.sive ripples spread across the area and the walls around broke apart.

Some of the soldiers couldn"t take it and collapse on the spot.

The damage is too much.

While things are like this, Sam noticed something else on the other side. Gamin and Yuvana who were stuck inside the walls for so long started gathering energy.

With his energy vision, he could see that there is almost a sword storm brewing within the walls.

Avlyn who felt this didn"t want to let this chance go. She looked at her subordinates and nodded.

All of them gathered their best attacks and shot them at the tokens that they stuck to the wall.


A large explosive sound occurred and at the same moment, the sword storm destroyed the walls.

The divine league members were literally blown away by the impact. In the middle of it all, Gamin and Yuvana are standing while panting.

A storm of dust and sword rays flew around and destroyed the surroundings. Many soldiers who are unlucky enough to take the aftershocks of it fell to the ground to their deaths.

Sam looked at the chaotic battlefield in frustration.

Everything went out of control within just a few minutes.

The Divine league members just had to go all out at this exact moment, making everything difficult for him.

The battles among the ordinary soldiers were stopped once again. Sivan and Sam looked at each other once again and both of them ordered the same thing at the same time.


The battle has become too chaotic. Even though they can continue, the peak stage cultivators are going neck to neck. They don"t know if the battle will continue between them or not, either way, they need to regroup and work on a different strategy.

But as soon as their orders were made, the peak stage cultivators also had the same plans. They also started running away from the battlefield.

Gail and the Sonic cat stood up again as they spat some blood.

They are panting slightly and they are clearly not in a pleasant and calm mood.

Saran and the Elite team leader are injured a bit.

The worst part is Gamin and Yuvana.

Both of them are standing in the middle of that dust storm that barely settled.

Avlyn wanted to take this chance and make a move, but she sensed the approaching presence of Cat and Gail that made her retreat with the rest of her team members.

Gail and Cat went over to bring back Yuvana and Gamin.

They entered the city through the cracks in the wall.

Meanwhile, Sam who is standing on top of the wall is not ready to let this go yet.

He took out a few very special bird puppets. Four in particular and let them fly towards the leaving Peak stage cultivators.

They are not moving too fast. The puppets managed to catch up to them a bit, but they are not aiming their bullets at them directly. They just tried to maintain the distance between themselves.

Among them, one divine league member who is too injured to keep up the same pace as others and not injured enough to be carried out is at the end of the group.

Sam let the puppet that targeted that one person hovers and called the rest of them back.

He then took the cannon and aimed it at the puppet.

The first one is a shot so precise that it barely destroyed the puppet and let the bullets freefall.

The energy beams were shot from the sphere at that one spot and they all targeted the peak stage cultivator who is running.

But as the beams. .h.i.t him, they also destroyed the bullets and among those bullets, there is one that is not just there for honing the beams from the sphere, instead, it is made of a different material that broke open and a humanoid figure came out of it.

The humanoid figure moved with all the dexterity it could muster and latched on to the target.

The energy beams landed on the figure and the target.


The target screamed and tried to defend himself. In fact, he almost succeeded. But before he could get away, the energy beams that landed on the body of the humanoid creature made it glow brightly.


A large explosion occurred. The spiritual energy fog covered everything in the surroundings and out of it came the divine league member crawling out.

The energy lines appeared all over his body and almost all of his lower body is mangled in the explosion.

The explosion range is very small and the impact is also very low, but its definitely effective now as the guy who is already severely injured couldn"t hold on to it for long.

His teammates wanted to come back and help her, but they looked at the puppets that are hovering over them. Even though Sam pulled back most of the puppets, the ones that still exist are making them afraid. After all, there is no way for them to know which one is a real puppet with the undead creature inside them.

And while they hesitated, their teammate died.

After that was done, Sam focused on sniping people around Sivan.

He didn"t aim at Sivan who witnessed the killing of the Divine league member.

After all, it is still Sam"s body and it won"t help him much to kill him in that body. Sam is sure that it would also be a terrible waste since he is sure that the feather coat will be strong enough to protect Sivan and the other artifacts will do the rest.

On top of that, Harbinger can really dodge

Sam just focused on targeting the people around Sivan.

He sniped a dozen of them before they went out of the range and to the camp.

While they are escaping, the energy beams that are shot from the sphere already did some serious damage to them.

Sam recalled all the soldiers after that and reactivated the dome barrier.

He made the medical team and the soldiers that are still fit to start the treatment process. Since they already made most of the vials beforehand and every soldier is equipped with them, they can be used to treat the most basic injuries.

Unless there is a complex surgical method is required, the medical personnel doesn"t need to bother themselves with most of the things here which increased the treatment speed.

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