Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1577: Guys with Braids

Chapter 1577: Guys with Braids

Sam held the executioner"s sword and was about to swing it and end Sivan"s life, but all of a sudden he sensed something.

He turned to the side and swung the sword in a completely different direction.

A sword ray powered by the corrosive energy of the Hydra spirit cut through the wind and clashed with something.

A large energy blade was revealed in the air. It appeared out of blue with no disturbance whatsoever.

Philip, Jack, and Watt also made their move as they dodged and attacked somewhere in different corners. Their attacks clashed with energy blades that popped out of thin air.

All four of them gathered as they looked around carefully. Sam activated energy vision to maximum effectiveness and looked around. He swung his blade at a very unsuspecting corner of the room.

The sword ray crashed with an invisible barrier that was destroyed and a person was finally revealed.

A young man who is very lean stood as he leaned against the pillar in the room. He has a very tall stature and a delicate complexion. With braided long black hair.

Sam looked at him coldly.

The young man looked at Sam with a smile.

"It seems like are late. I thought Sivan would have handled himself for a while, but we really did overestimate him. Don"t you think so, Brother Gold?"

He spoke calmly. Sam locked in on him and looked coldly. Judging by the cultivation, the young man is clearly stronger than him. But he can still hold his ground if he tried since the other party is only at the initial stage of Astral Plane Consummation.

What really bothered him is not the strength, but rather the trick with which they hid.

He pointed his sword at the young man while he extended his other arm to a different corner of the room.

Spatial energy converged at the end of his palm into a small ball of spatial energy and was shot to that one corner.


The spatial energy landed on another invisible barrier and a myriad of small spatial rends are created everywhere sucking the air and the surroundings within.

Another young man who barely dodged the attack jumped off and came out.

He also has long braided hair, but this one is golden blonde.

"Brother Silver, you might as well come out, now. He is really good at fishing us out. There is no point in hiding."

Brother gold called out loud and from another corner and a young man walked out from another invisible barrier.

This one has Silver hair braided.

The one with the Golden hair has the highest cultivation among the three. Middle-stage of Astral Plane Consummation.

The remaining two are in the Initial stage only.

"Who are you guys?"

Sam asked cautiously. He and the trio are all ready to get into the fight, even though their power levels are completely different.

At this moment, Giyon and Grivon ran inside.

"What"s happening here?"

Giyon yelled as she looked at the three people that shouldn"t be there.

"You.. what are you guys doing here?"

She asked in a surprised tone.

"Nice to meet you Giyon. It has been a very long time since we met. But too bad, we can"t catch up. We need to leave."

Brother Gold said and he turned to Sam with a smile.

"We also want to stay here and chat with you. We are really fascinated by the things you have done until now and are looking forward to your future growth. But currently, we need to go. So, let"s meet in the future.

Now, if you let Sivan go, we need to take him away."

"He is not going anywhere. He is going to die here today."

Sam said calmly as he pointed his sword at Sivan, but the guys in the Black hair made their move.

He zoomed past Sam and tacked Sivan.

Sam was stunned by that movement. He wasn"t able to react in time.

But he certainly managed to get a glimpse of what happened. A dome was created by the spiritual energy around the young man and a.s.sisted him to move faster.

When he ran, it is almost like even the spiritual energy is trying to remove all kinds of resistance in his path. Even the friction from the air in the surroundings was eliminated.

The young man caught Sivan and held him over his shoulder.

He once again used his movement technique and was about to go past Sam and reach Brother Gold.

But to his surprise, Sam"s sword moved and the movement technique was interrupted in the middle. He had to stop himself from falling forward and jump to avoid the attack.

Sivan had already come back to his senses and was horrified when he saw this.

"Whoever you are. You are not allowed to take him today. He is my prey, my enemy. He is going to die in my hands."

Sam was about to make a move, but this time Brother Gold used a similar movement technique and dragged both Brother black and Sivan away.

This time, Sam wasn"t even able to catch the movement with his eye.

"You might not know us now, Sam. But it won"t be long before we get to know each other. I hope you will provide enough entertainment for us when the time arrives. But for now, we are leaving with Sivan, whether you want it or not.

So, don"t fight us on it and we can leave on our own ways on good terms."

"I don"t care what purpose he serves you. But he is my prey and I won"t stop trying to kill him."

"Well, you can try. But it won"t be possible. And if you come and find us because of him, we will be more than welcome. If you can find us that is."

With those words, the three of them took out three tokens and crushed them.

Sam gathered his spatial energy to stop them from going away, but one of them threw out a small paper crane which flew towards him and disrupted the energy gathering process, almost causing Sam to have a backlash.

He was stunned by such an action.

But he quickly came back to his senses and gritted his teeth. He looked at Sivan who is still in the hands of Brother black.

Sivan is smiling at Sam. A smile of hope and relief.

Sam gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. Sivan"s expression changed as he felt something wrong within his mind. Before he could express it, he was enveloped with spatial energy and disappeared from the spot along with the other three.

Sam frowned as he looked at the paper crane that fell at his feet.

This one small paper crane managed to stop his spatial energy attack completely. It not only nullified it but also made him experience an almost complete backlash.

He turned to look at Giyon who still seemed to be in a state of surprise.

"Do you know who they are? I can"t believe that they managed to enter this room completely hiding their presence. It shouldn"t have been possible, but they still did it."

Sam asked and this made Giyon finally come back to their senses.

"They are part of an organization, that is a part of Grey circle.

The youngsters completely grew up in the Grey circle in a way. But for the past few years, they are pretty dormant and only roamed around various realms to gain some experience. I never expected that they are already back."

"What organization do they belong to?"

"It is mostly called the Divine Formation Mountain in the Grey circle. I highly doubt you have ever heard of it."

As soon as those words were spoken, Sam was stunned. He looked at the trio who are also stunned.

Because they clearly knew of this name. Sam is extremely familiar with this name. Because the organization is tied up to the game.

It is one of the last three organizations. An organization that is right below the Mari clan in the list that was given to him.

"These three people belong to that organization?"

"Yes, it seems like you have heard to it. Which is surprising. The Divine Formation Mountain is actually not a really big organization. It is very small. There is only one master of the mountain. The three disciples and two dozen stewards or subordinates.

That is it.

They don"t have much personnel and they have very small territory in their hands. One of the two dozen subordinates controls the territory with a bunch of his own subordinates and collects taxes which will go to the mountain.

The master of the mountain is one of the few people that the father admires and respects. It is not because he is powerful in direct confrontation, but rather the means and resourcefulness.

In a way, it could be said, you are a lot like him. Most of the achievements of the Divine Formation mountain come from their intelligence and integration of the skills and expertise in different areas merged into their combat.

To think that Sivan has a connection with them is more surprising than their return itself."

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