Neumann, Franz--_Behemoth: The Structure and Practice of National Socialism_, N.Y., 1942.

Probably the most comprehensive and definitive statement in English of the functioning of National Socialism. It concentrates especially on the political and economic aspects of n.a.z.ism.

Pinthus, Kurt--"Culture Under n.a.z.i Germany," _The American Scholar_, Vol. IX, N.Y., 1940, pp. 483-498.

A valuable treatment of the inner character of the arts and letters and of what happened to their publics under the

Sabine, G.H.--_A History of Political Theory_, N.Y., 1950.

A brief chapter on "Fascism" gives an excellent balanced account of its fundamentals.

Salvemini, Gaetano--_The Fascist Dictatorship in Italy_, N.Y., 1927.

_Under the Axe of Fascism_, N.Y., 1936.

An eminent Italian historian writes vividly and perceptively on Italian Fascism.

Schneider, Herbert W.--_Making the Fascist State_, N.Y., 1928.

An early, but well considered, account of the rise of Italian fascism.

Silone,, Verona, 1951.

The best novel on Italian fascism.

Spender, Stephen--_European Witness_, N.Y., 1946.

Note especially the a.n.a.lysis of Goebbel"s novel, _Michael_.

Trevor-Roper, H.R.--_The Last Days of Hitler_, N.Y., 1946.

An intimate portrayal of Hitler and his entourage from the time of the beginning of the collapse of the n.a.z.i armies.

Especially good on the rift between the politicians and the military.

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