Real Cheat Online

Chapter 54 : Eh, You Thought It"s Going To End With Twelve?

Chapter 54 : Eh, You Thought It"s Going To End With Twelve?

The great army of goblins dyed the fields dark green. The three of us, Yukihime-san, Mop-san, and I, commenced our suicide charge from on top of the Great Wild Boar. People who were looking from the sides might have thought that they were a group of crazy people. No, that was not completely wrong, one particular person was clearly thinking of strange things.

But, I thought that this was the best way to overturn the situation. The one we were heading for was the goblin commander of these troops. As long as we could beat that commander, the chain of command was going to shatter and the troops themselves would be thrown into chaos. So, we might be able to open a hole in this magnificent formation by that way.

It seemed that there were several like minded players, thus resulting in several parties following us from behind. They were not our rivals, but our comrades in arms. After exchanging a glance with us, they shot the enemy commander from different positions from us.

「Sou-Kun, Yukihime-san, it"s time to charge in! 」

Oops, this wasn"t the time for me to worry about another person.

「Yes!. 」

「No~~~o, Yukihime is scaaawred!」

No~~~o, Sou-kun is scaaawred too~. Who isn"t saying that?



When Mop-san shouted so, his best pal Ikkun, the Great Wild Boar, also followed his command and charged into the enemy"s ranks. The spectacle of a wild boar the size of a car trampling down the child-sized goblins was just gold.

But then, I was forced to understand the situation when I saw Mop-san"s eyes as he looked at that scene, his eyes were not looking at the scattered goblins, but at his pal, the Great Wild Boar.

Come to think of it, this was the only moment this monster, who never listened to its master"s order, did as he said. I wonder what has happened to this boar?

As I followed Ikkun line of sight, I noticed that this guy was stealing glances at Yukihime-san.

―― So this guy is a he.

It was the moment my intuition flashed like a newtype. These guys were really the worst master and servant combo.

「Oops, we were about to arrive huh?」

I stopped thinking about such foolish things and prepared myself for the enemy counterattack.

Even though the common goblin in the vanguard troops of this army was mainly armed with sword and shield, a few amongst them were using spears and bows.

They were brave enough to try stabbing their spears or swords toward this crazy vehicle, but it was easily repelled. In short,

「Sou-kun, From your right! 」


Reflected in mine and Yukihime-san"s field of vision were the arrows headed right towards me. I even caught a glimpse of the archers who shot those arrows from the backline of the formation. There were around 10 of them.

I set my dual-gun wielding stance and――


I shot down the arrows aimed at the sprinting Wild Boar. I wanted to send a counter shot at one of those archers if possible, but I should not recklessly spend my bullets seeing that we were about to leave this place. My top priority was to open a safe route for us. After I shot down every arrow aiming at us, I set my aim at the center of the goblin crowd towards which we were heading for next.

Or so I wanted to, but my aim wasn"t at the goblins themselves. After all, no matter how weak the goblins were, a normal bullet would not be enough to kill them in one shot. Besides, the fearsome thing about this melee was not the goblins, but the long distance weapons held by some goblins. So, even if it was regarded as a reckless action, I wanted to guarantee the safety of this a.s.sault.

That"s why, I aimed for the long distance weapons of the goblins. Fortunately, the durability of our enemy"s weapons was very low, so it was possible for me to destroy most of them in one shot.

「So you can also aim at those projectiles…… Moreover, without the a.s.sistant of an art……… You"re a pervert too, Sou-kun」


I was given the greatest damage by Yukihime-san"s cruel words.


My mind, that was about to escape from reality, was brought back to the battlefield by Mop-san"s words.

On that place was an obviously oversized―― Or so I wanted to say, but it"s even taller than a human ―― Goblin. It was wearing a splendid armor draped with a red mantle, its name displayed 《Goblin General》 in the status display. This guy was definitely the commander.

I couldn"t see the figures of the other players around. It seems that we were the first to arrive.

But there was a great number of goblins that could be considered as Goblin General"s elite knights in its vicinity. Their heights, despite not being as enormous as the general, were larger than that of normal goblins. Furthermore, they were equipped with a plethora of weapons such as maces, axes, spears, and swords. The amount of these elite soldiers was also large, around a hundred, and there were also numerous common goblins around them as well.

It might not be a simple matter for us to kill that Goblin General. Nevertheless,


The Wild Boar wasn"t stopping. It kept advancing forward while mowing down our enemies.

But, for us being already deep in the enemy formation, our means to intercept the enemy has changed since our enemies had commenced their long distance attacks as soon as we spotted the Goblin General.

Well, we"re aiming at their General after all. And since our allies had not arrived yet, we didn"t have to worry about friendly fire too for a while.

「Well then, next one」

I spread my arms to the sides, and muttered those words.

「Reload【Flare Bullet PT-02】」

After that, the battlefield turned into a chaotic mess.




There"s no last appetizer huh? Whatever, now is our chance. The Flare Bullet which I shot randomly created confusion in the battlefield. Flare Bullet PT-02 is a bullet that emits a lot of smoke in exchange for lowering luminescence factor. Originally I was supposed to receive a smokescreen bullet, but Gunsmith-san ended up giving me the wrong bullet with a bright face, which was the Flare Bullet…thus this is that "Flare Bullet" he gave.

Although there was a lot of smoke, there was still one spot where we could see without any problem. We could still see the figure of the General of our enemies. And speaking of the result, it was within expectations since I shot the Flare Bullet after calculating the wind direction.

But, this method could not be used forever. Most of all, if we were to run away after coming this far without taking the commander"s head, our struggle up to this point would have been done in vain. Therefore, Mop-san ordered Ikkun to charge again. But–


The goblins were setting their spear to form a wall in an anti-cavalry formation around our target. Ikkun might be done for real if we kept charging as it is.

And our situation was taking a turn for the worse.


Yukihime exclaimed beside Mop-san and I who saw the same scene as her. The General who was hiding behind the spear wall, was about to flee from us.

「Oh no……….. What shall we do, Sou-kun」

The smoke around us was dispersing slowly as time pa.s.sed, and by that time, we"re going to be surrounded by our enemies again. The difference from before was that we were about to be surrounded by elite goblins and not the common variant.

Then――There"s only one choice left.


「Eh, but then, that means you"re going to….」

Maybe Yukihime-san thought that I was going to sacrifice myself to hold back the enemies in this place. Or at least, that was what I judged from seeing her expression. I did not bother looking at Mop-san"s face since I knew that he was going to show a “How envious” – kind of expression.

「Leave it to me Yukihime-san. I"m going to catch up to you guys after I take care of these guys here」

「Eh, no, that"s impossible you know.」

The smile returned to her face. Yup, this smiling face is the expression that suited her the most.

「Geez……. That"s too sly, Sou-kun. That made me want to s.n.a.t.c.h you up」

「EH?  What do yo――」

「Well then, good luck Sou-kun! Let"s go, Mop-san! 」

And then she kicked the head of Mop-san, whose face flushed red. What the h.e.l.l………. Oh well, this isn"t the time for reb.u.t.ting them. First, I have to get rid of that wall.

I jumped down from Ikkun"s back and then started a mad dash toward the goblins who set the spear wall formation.

Aimed and, FIRE!


The bullets were bursting from the head of many goblins who let out a 『GYIGYAGYA』 scream. As one part of the wall collapsed I charged into their formation, slicing the goblins and their spears in two with my knife.



Ikkun with Mop-san and Yukihime-san on his back charged towards the hole that I just created for them. Some goblins did try to stop them, but my lead bullets opened another hole in their heads.

「See you later, Sou-kun! YOU MUST SURVIVE! 」


When I couldn"t hear Yukihime-san"s voice, that had a completely different tone from when we first met, I heaved a sigh.



The battle……… Began.

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