Real Empress from a Noble Family

Chapter 132 As the Rumor Goes, Drunk After One Gla.s.s of Wine

Chapter 132 As the Rumor Goes, Drunk After One Gla.s.s of Wine

Seeing Qiu Feng’s thoughtful look, Qiu Yelan raised her hand in a hurry trying to clear her name, “I really don’t know he is over there!”

“Okay.” Qiu Feng nodded and said to Jiang Yashuang flatly, “General Jiang, your kung fu is extraordinary. I always think I have quite good sight and hearing. But I wasn’t aware of your existence at this short distance.”

“I have just arrived.” Jiang Yashuang smiled to him and said gently, “Besides, you were clearly distracted by Yelan. Otherwise, you would have detected.”

“And it’s also because you know this place well.” hearing Jiang Yashuang pointing out his ident.i.ty frankly, his eyes contracted a little and then went back to normal. He looked at the bottom of his clothes and said, “When I just got here, the dew on my clothes was as much as it was on yours. However, I’m not looking down on you. I have been going through the rigors of living in the wilderness since I was a kid. I’m used to walking in the dark. And I’m quite experienced in stealth. But you have lived a carefree life. If you haven’t come here a lot, judging by the amount of dew in this season and these many and trees in the yard, your clothes should have been all wet when you walked out.”

Jiang Yashuang recognized Qiu Feng the minute he got there. And then Qiu Feng found another evidence of Jiang Yashuang and Qiu Yelan meeting with each other frequently. Their first round was a tie.

“You really do interrupt us tonight.” Jiang Yashuang smiled gently, “I heard that you were considerate and kind-hearted. Why don’t you help us?”

Qiu Feng said flatly, “First, I can’t speak for Commandery Princess Ningyi. I’m not qualified to help you guys. Second, do you think it’s good for Commandery Princess Ningyi that you two meet with each other like this?”

“Since you knew that you couldn’t help us.” Jiang Yashuang still smiled gently. But his look was getting fierce, “Why meddling? How do you know that we can’t have a happy ending?”

“Marriage is…” Jiang Yashuang interrupted impolitely when Qiu Feng was talking, “How do you know that my family doesn’t approve? They just think it is inappropriate to bring it up because Yelan is in mourning.”

Qiu Feng sneered, “It turns out that you know Commandery Princess Ningyi is in mourning?”

Jiang Yashuang paused for a while and then said, “I owe Princess Ruan an apology for what I did. After Yelan and I get married, I’ll kneel before Princess Ruan’s grave and apologize!”

“Then what do you think?” Qiu Feng turned to Qiu Yelan who didn’t have a chance to interrupt and asked in a serious voice, “Princess Ruan was dead less than a year. And you have met with this guy a few times at night. Do you also think you can feel at ease after you guys go to Princess Ruan’s grave and apologize someday? Oh! And the premise is that he keeps his promise and marries you!”

Qiu Yelan was frustrated. She gave Jiang Yashuang who was about to help her a “shut up” look and said weakly, “Fine. I’ll tell you the truth. I don’t dare to tell Qingyan this. After I got back from Mount Dizi last year, the night that I was almost beaten to death by Aunt Qiu, when Princess Yongfu was holding his Persian cat…”

Qiu Feng interrupted, “I have heard this from Ruan Qingyan. You guys knew each other because of it? But…”

“That Persian cat went on my bed in the middle of night! And the naughty Princess Yongfu who was looking for the Persian cat tricked Jiang Yashuang who also came to Prince’s Mansion of Xihe to take her back. There happened to be a fire nearby that night. So Mrs. Zhou and Su He were nervous, and they drove him into corner…” Qiu Yelan looked down and tried hard to put on a shy look, “He hid in my bed.”

Qiu Feng wasn’t on the persimmon tree at that moment. Otherwise, judging by his look, he would fall again. He regained his sense after a long time, “And then?”

“Then he felt very guilty…” Qiu Yelan threw up her hands and said with frustration, “It was only a few days after my mom was buried. I was… by him. He was worried. So, he came to check on me from time to time. He was afraid I might do something stupid.”

Qiu Feng looked at her skeptically, “You would do something stupid?”

When he came here and kept watch at night for the first time, he heard the shocking speech “I was born to be a beautiful but dangerous woman, okay?” Qiu Yelan might do something stupid? Qiu Feng thought Ruan Qingyan was most likely to do something stupid after he heard about Qiu Yelan and Jiang Yashuang being in one bed!

“He didn’t know me so well back then.” Qiu Yelan said confidently, “Not just him. Even Qingyan sent you to keep an eye on me after the rumor of Yunyi Restaurant spread. He was also afraid that I might do things like hanging myself or swallowing gold.”

Qiu Feng muttered to himself for a while and accepted her explanation reluctantly. But he still said, “Since you guys are afraid of telling Ruan Qingyan this, then I…”

“You promised you would give me a chance!” Qiu Yelan got into a flap, “How can you break your promise? Aren’t you a master?”

Qiu Feng’s look was awkward for a while. He obviously regretted promising to give her a chance rashly. Especially that he just found out about such a big secret, he should tell Ruan Qingyan this. Ruan Qingyan was determined to marry Commandery Princess Ningyi to Xun Yuxi. However, she and Jiang Yashuang had already been in one bed. As far as Qiu Feng was concerned, how could they not get married?

“I will keep my promise.” Qiu Feng hesitated for a long time. He was too n.o.ble to break his promise. Hearing this, Qiu Yelan smiled, “I knew you were a decent man who would always keep your promises the first time I saw you! You were born to be a master. You will be famous among other masters and be their leader someday… You definitely will be the next leader of master alliance!”

“How do you suggest we hold our compet.i.tion?” Qiu Feng didn’t ask her this. He totally ignored her sweet talks and asked Jiang Yashuang.

Qiu Yelan was stunned and then said, “I’m the one who want to compete with you. Why are you asking him?”

“You?” Qiu Feng glanced at her and smiled coolly, “Although I don’t want you guys to win, I don’t want it to be just a formality after all that trouble!”

Did he just look down on her overtly?

Qiu Yelan’s feeling got hurt. Masters were said to be stupid but rich… Ah bah. their understanding was a lie! How could Qiu Feng be considered as an understanding man or a rich sucker? If Qiu Yelan didn’t manage to take advantage of his n.o.bility which every master presented, she wouldn’t hear the end of Ruan Qingyan’s scolding the next day!

Especially now that Ruan Qingyan wouldn’t fall for her ultimate trick which was crying, making troubles and hanging oneself… She was horrified just thinking about it.

While she was complaining inwardly, Jiang Yashuang and Qiu Feng had settled rules of the drinking compet.i.tion. The rules were simple. They drank simultaneously. The one who couldn’t drink anymore lose.

Qiu Feng only brought one jar of wine. And he had already drunk half of it. They couldn’t compete at this place.

Jiang Yashuang suggested that they went to Jiang’s residence to do it, “I know where the key of the cellar is. And that place is remote.”

She wasn’t sure that Qiu Feng was too skilled to be afraid or he always thought the best of others because he was n.o.ble. He wasn’t afraid that Jiang Yashuang might lure him there and beat him to death and then dump his body in the river. He agreed happily.

Then they both looked at Qiu Yelan who was very excited, “You go to sleep.”

“I also want to go.” Were they kidding me? I tried so hard to trick Qiu Feng. Now that you guys went to have a drink. And you guys wanted me to go to bed? Could I fall asleep? Qiu Yelan objected immediately. Seeing that Qiu Feng wanted to say something, she stared at Jiang Yashuang who was easier to be manipulated fiercely, “You dare not to take me with you!”

Jiang Yashuang was very obedient. He said immediately, “Then… let’s go together? That place is remote anyway. n.o.body goes there even during daylight.”

So, after a while, while cupping her chin in her hands Qiu Yelan leaned on the table with her elbows. She was rolling her eyes while watching Qiu Feng and Jiang Yashuang each holding one jar and beginning to drink.

After one jar, Qiu Feng was absolutely normal. Jiang Yashuang looked normal too. However, a faint mist was rising around him. Qiu Yelan’s eyes were wide-open because of the anomaly.

In the meantime, she heard Qiu Feng saying with a little discontent, “General Jiang, since you are doing this, I think we may as well hold an inner power compet.i.tion. The 30-year-old wine of your family…” he threw the empty jar to the corner. It crushed into pieces with a crackling sound. He sneered, “No need to keep drinking! It’s a waste of good wine!”

“You are cheating!” Qiu Yelan was enlightened. She pounded on the table and said, “How could you do that? Since you guys agreed to a drinking compet.i.tion, then it should be a drinking compet.i.tion. Why did you neutralize the wine with your inner power?”

Jiang Yashuang’s face was a little red. He said embarra.s.sedly, “Fine.” he opened another jar. But he didn’t drink it. He looked at Qiu Feng and said, “No matter what the result of our compet.i.tion is, I’ll take full responsibility of what happened tonight. If Ruan Qingyan wants to blame, please ask him to set the time and place. I’ll go. Just don’t blame Yelan.”

Qiu Feng said solemnly, “You are a decent man. For what you just said, when Ruan Qingyan goes after you later, if he asks me to come with him, I’ll go easy on you. But I can’t help you. To be honest, you can’t imagine how much attention Ruan Qingyan pays to Commandery Princess Ningyi. Although your family is powerful, I don’t suggest you keep seeing her.”

Qiu Yelan looked at him with doubt. She thought, “You threaten a member of Jiang Family which is in power so bluntly. It’s reasonable for me to suspect that you want to frame my cousin, okay?”

“Please!” Jiang Yashuang pretended that he didn’t hear Qiu Feng’s warning. He removed the luting of the jar and kept on drinking. However, this time Jiang Yashuang the youngest son of Great General of North who was known to be endowed with civil and martial virtues collapsed after two sips!

The jar in his hands fell into pieces. Wine splashed all over his body!

“The wine is poisoned?” Qiu Yelan and Qiu Feng had the same thought at the same time. Qiu Feng threw his jar decidedly and went towards Jiang Yashuang at a trot.

“How is he? Can you save him?” Qiu Yelan felt Jiang Yashuang’s pulse with a pale face and asked Qiu Feng tensely.

However, after feeling Jiang Yashuang’s pulse for a while, Qiu Feng looked relaxed and then surprised and then torn… Finally, he looked up and said to Qiu Yelan, “In my opinion, there is no need to save…”

Hearing this, Qiu Yelan almost cried. She clenched her fist so hard that her nails were in the flesh and managed to hold back her tears. When she was so lost that she didn’t know what to say, Qiu Feng who deserved to be slaughtered said slowly, “He is just drunk after all!”

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