Chu Feng immediately return his call so Gui Heng thought that he just accidentally hang up the phone. After connecting, he directly ask, "Where are you? Are you coming back tonight? They already locked the door and turned off the lights."

"I know, I have something to do here and can"t go back tonight." Chu Feng said. No one will check their attendance in their room this weekened.

"Are you in trouble? Do you want me to help you?" Gui Heng ask quickly. If there is something wrong at this time of the night. He felt that it would not be a good thing.

"There"s no problem, its just a family thing," he said. Thinking of Gui Heng, some people thinks that he is an incomprehensible person so they don"t want to mix with him. Chu Feng makes him his friend not for anything else but for entertainment. Gui Heng is also the first person who stood by his side, no matter what happened.

"Okay, remember to call me if something happened." In case his father beat him, he"s at least going to stop it, right?

"Don"t hang up yet, I still have something to tell you." Chu Feng said. He"s the only one in the corridor this time.

"Tell me."

Chu Feng sat down on the chair in the hallway and said with a gentle tone, "Clean up the empty bed in the bedroom. After two days, someone will move in."

"Huh? Who?" Gui Heng didn"t know it at all. Changing a room in the beginning of school is a common thing, this is not a big deal. But someone will move in their dormitory room, how come he doesn"t know?

"Rong Yun." Chu Feng said directly.

"Huh? Wait, brother Feng, what happened?" The voice of Gui Heng is full of surprise and puzzlement. He just bullied that person today. How come tonight Chu Feng said that he is going to take him back in their dormitory room? He can"t keep up with this situation.

Chu Feng said, "I"m not in a good mood today. After you left, I spoke with Rong Yun. He gave me a little advice and made me feel better."

Gu Heng pick his eyebrow and thought: Can someone thought of a solution for Chu Feng? This is incredible. He"s always with Chu Feng and has never seen anyone who can persuade him.

"So I"m going to let him stay in the room and talk to him when I"m in a bad mood," he said. In fact, when you think about it, his excuse is not that good. But Gui Heng is still not old enough to know something was wrong with what he said. Fooling him was easy.

"I understand, I"ll clean it up tomorrow." Gui Heng easily agree. You know, if Chu Feng starts a fire, even he don"t dare to get near him. Now he can have a fire extinguisher, Gui Heng simply feels better. He will be able to live even more better this time.

"Say it to other"s too, Rong Yun will live there. Don"t bully him. Even though that matter happened today, tell them to pay attention to it in the future." Chu Feng said. It is wrong that those people bully Rong Yun today. But it is him that leads to the final result. Therefore his mistake is far more serious than them.

"You don"t have to worry," Gui Heng laugh. Although he didn"t like Rong Yun, but he didn"t even touch him. He just moved his mouth.

"Okay, tell it to Si Xian too, I will not call him." Chu Feng said.

"Okay, leave it to me."

Si Xian is also from a family of wealthy second generation and his family is doing a jewelry business. The difference between them is that Si Xian is very good at his studies and he has good grades. He is easy-going and very popular in their cla.s.s. The school dormitory room is based on This is to make it easier for the cla.s.s teacher to inform the students at night. In the beginning of school year, each cla.s.s dormitory room has a number. Because of Chu Feng there were only three of them living  in a four dormitory room. The empty bed was generally used to put clothes or snacks that don"t fit into their closet.

Although both Si Xian and Chu Feng did not grow up together, but they were both a wealthy second generation family in C city so they know a little about each other. They did not expect that they both chose the same high school and a.s.signed to the same dormitory room. They became familiar with each other quickly. Si Xian is not the same as them who waste their time, but they didn"t looked down or bully him. He is actually very easy to get along with, so Chu Feng and him have a good relationship. Besides, they can copy their a.s.signments to someone who is smart and have a good grades in dormitory room. They are also very happy.

Back to the ward, Rong Yun is sleeping very well. The drip are still in half and Chu Feng can"t sleep. He sat on the bed and look at Rong Yun. He also called the nurse to fix the needle.

Rong Yun is very thin, the bruises on his face looks bad but it does not affect his delicate appearance. Chu Feng didn"t know if he is born thin or he is studying too much that he can"t take care of himself. But whatever happened when they are together later, he will let Rong Yun live a happy, healthy and peaceful life.

The next morning, Song Bin had come to see Rong Yun. Rong Yun just woke up and he is still somewhat confused but his spirit is much better than yesterday.

"h.e.l.lo, I"m Chu Feng"s cousin Song Bin." Song Bin gracefully said to Rong Yun. His cousin was such a b.a.s.t.a.r.d to do something like that and he also feels responsible. He couldn"t help but be more gentle. Song Bin is easy to win the good favor of others when he is like this and also makes people feels more comfortable when talking to him.

"h.e.l.lo Doctor Song. Sorry to bother you," Rong Yun said politely. He did not expect that Chu Feng have a cousin who work as a doctor in this hospital. Its no wonder Chu Feng will come here.

"I am a doctor. It"s my duty to treat the patients." Song Bin smiled and continue, "Chu Feng is always difficult to control. If he annoys you, you can come to me at anytime. I can help you teach him." Song Bin"s att.i.tude match with his tone, it feels like a spring breeze. It not only makes people feel very comfortable, it can also make them feel a faint sense of joy.

Rong Yun did not speak and only slightly smile.

After giving Rong Yun an inspection, he nodded and said, "There is nothing serious about the body. As long as the fever is gone, you can be discharged tomorrow."

"Good." Chu Feng said, posing as a guardian.

Song bin also reminded, "His diet should still be light, Rong Yun is still young so his body can be easily improve. He have to endure a few days and don"t be greedy."

"Okay, I know." Rong Yun nodded.

He also tell him about a medicine prescriptions and said that he would work night shifts, if there is any problem, Chu Feng can call him. If there is no problem, they can wait for him tomorrow morning after his work and they can leave the hospital. He already told the nurse about this so they don"t have to worry about anything.

After thanking Song Bin, Chu Feng sent his cousin to leave.

Walking to the elevator, Song Bin ask, "He forgive you?"

Chu Feng reveal a nice smile and said, "No, he didn"t get mad at me."

Song Bin sigh slightly. "That child is so good. He"s not like you." He has seen, communicate and dealt with someone who is like Chu Feng. Knowing someone"s personality, Song Bin is a bit confident.

"I know." Chu Feng nodded.

While they are talking, the elevator arrived. The door opened and someone deliver the porridge Chu feng ordered on the congee store yesterday.

After signing, Song Bin smile and said, "Go in, I will bring you something to eat in the evening." Rong yun has to eat light food. But Chu Feng can"t always eat porridge three times a day. Rong yun needs a physical support so Chu Feng have to eat nutritious food and takes care of Rong Yun.

"I understand, take care brother."

"Okay." After Song bin left, he entered the elevator and went back.

Although Rong Yun"s current situation is much better than last night, Chu Feng still feeds him. In the morning, Chu Feng orederd a pumpkin porridge and also has a side dishes and steamed buns. Rong Yun can only eat a la carte. Rong Yun doesn"t say anything.

After both of them had eaten, Chu Feng give him a cup of warm water and let him drink slowly. He said, "You"ll change your room in my room after you return to the school."

It is easy to change a room as long as the students discuss it to each other first and then tell it to the head teacher. But usually, it will be change at the beginning of the school. After September of school, it will not be change unless there is a special circ.u.mstances.

Rong Yun look at him and didn"t say anything.

Chu Feng smile and said, "I have confessed to you. Even if you didn"t respond to me, you should give me a chance to court you, right?"

Rong Yun sipped his lips and is somewhat embarra.s.s, "I...Its not like that."

Chu Feng"s smile deeper. He knew what Rong yun was worried about. "You can rest a.s.sured that I already told it to him and he also already agreed. I am here, no one will bully you."

"But Gui heng... Seems to hate that I am a gay..." He still remember what Gui Heng said yesterday. He said that I have to get away from them to avoid infection.

"What he said is not good, but he is a very protective person." He understand that Rong Yun may not want to live with Gui Heng but he still think of all the things of the previous life. He still said something for Gui Heng but... "if you don"t want to stay with him, we can apply for an empty room for both of us."

Rong Yun thought for a moment and said, "Don"t bother, I better not provoke him."

Chu Feng touch his hair and rea.s.sure him, "Its okay to provoke him. He will no dare to touch you."

Silent for a moment and Rong Yun said, "In fact, many people in the school dislike me..."

"I know." Chu Feng interrupted him. He was very clear about Rong Yun"s rumor"s and situation. "You don"t have to worry about what other people think. You just have to know that I like you."

Chu Feng"s words make Rong Yun"s eyes a little bright and his ears are also cover with pink.

Chu Feng smile and tease him, "I told it you last night, you didn"t forget it already, right?"

"No..." Rong Yun shake his head.

"That"s good. It"s just a matter of changing the bedroom. I"ll help you pack up tomorrow," Chu Feng said while holding Rong yun"s red ear.

"Hmmm..." Rong yun said softly and his heart is sweet and sour. Chu Feng did not reject him, he is very happy. There are still many things they have to face in the future. He don"t know how far he can go in this road. But as long as Chu Feng is beside him, he will not be alone. When he thought of it, he is full of courage.

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