Rong Yun have to change his drip after breakfast. But before that, he first need to apply a medicine not only on his face and body, but also to the hidden part behind him. Due to Chu Feng"s brutality, it is broken and needs to be maintain well.

Song Bin gives him several drugs. Each are marks of how to use and which part of the affected area he can apply the medicine.

Rong Yun obediently let Chu Feng help him apply the medicine on his face and body. When Chu Feng says that he will also apply the medicine behind him, he quit. With his blushing face, he rush to the toilet and says that he will apply it to himself.

Chu Feng put him in bed with a little strength, but it is enough for Rong Yun not to turn over.

"How can you do it if you don"t see it yourself?" Chu Feng coax, "You have to apply it well."

"I can do it..." Rong Yun says. That other place, how can he let him see it?

Chu Feng kiss his ear and say, "Be obedient."

Rong Yun"s body froze in an instant for what Chu Feng did and he seems to absolutely have no idea how to react. 

Chu Feng chuckle loudly, he pull down Rong Yun"s pants and begin to apply the medicine. This medicine should not only be apply outside but also inside. Chu Feng did not dare to apply heavily so he carefully apply it and his head have a little thin sweat. He look at Rong Yun"s red face.

At this time, the nurse come over to Rong Yun"s side and hung up the drip. He was slightly relieve of his embarra.s.sment.

Fearing that Rong Yun will be bored in the hospital, Chu Feng wash his hands and went downstairs to buy a magazine.

The surroundings of the hospital is very complete, in far away there is a small shops that sells a newspapers and magazines. Chu Feng do not know what Rong Yun likes. He picks up several things that seem to be more suitable for his age. On the way back, he buy some fruits. He also buy a basket of flowers when he pa.s.s the flower shop. Flowers can make people happy, so he is sure that Rong Yun will to.

Rong Yun"s embarra.s.sment lessen when he got back to the ward. But he still avoid Chu Feng"s eyes.

Chu Feng go to bed and put the magazine on the bed. The flower basket is place on the window sill and he touch Rong Yun"s hand. Feeling that it is not cold, he is relieve and say, "I don"t know what you like to read so I just bought a few of it."

"Thank you." Rong Yun look at the magazine. In fact, he rarely bought things like this. Just buying this also takes a lot money. He have to save some money for himself.

Chu Feng look at the drip and then peel a fruit for Rong Yun. He knows a little technique on how to peel and cuts a fruit so this time he bought a dragon fruit to peel it easily. He peel the skin of the dragon fruit and put it in a bowl so Rong Yun can eat it.

The ward is quiet and Chu Feng lean on a sofa to read the newspaper. He look at Rong Yun"s drip from time to time. Rong Yun sits on the bed while eating the fruit and reading magazines and didn"t say anything.

Chu Feng had slept late yesterday, it was already quite dawn and was awaken by the nurse who come to measure the temperature of Rong Yun. After that Chu Feng finally fall asleep on the couch.

Looking at the magazine and feel a bit tired. Rong Yun look up and see Chu Feng sleeping on the couch. For a moment, he couldn"t look away. Rong Yun greedily watch Chu Feng as if Chu Feng can appear in the bottom of his heart.

Chu Feng"s appearance is outstanding, handsome face, high nose and a pair of standard peach and unruly eyes. He is usually always very serious and the a.s.sessment about him is not very good. So a few people never dare to approach him except his friends.

When he saw Chu Feng for the first time in freshmen, he fell for him. In fact, it only takes a second to like someone and easily forget about them. Whether you like it or forget it, but for him, this seconds may come quickly, but it takes a lifetime to forget... 

Rong Yun rarely have an opportunity to look at Chu Feng in such a close distance without any concern. In the past, he was quietly afraid of being discovered by others. When Chu Feng said he likes him, he was very surprised but at the same time, he was also happy. This happiness made his sadness swept away. Chu Feng"s confession also soothed his feelings of what happened before. Even if what Chu Feng did still made him feel a bit sad, but at least it was not a mere humiliation and it give him a little bit of dignity. Chu Feng"s care for him make him believe hat he didn"t really dislike him. As for whether Chu Feng really likes him, he still cannot make a definite conclusion in his heart.

Although Chu Feng is sleepy, but in his mind he thinks that Rong Yun also can"t sleep. He didn"t sleep well and eventually woke up. He open his eyes and see Rong Yun staring at him in a daze. He smirk and ask, "Am I good looking?"

Rong Yun also did not expect Chu Feng to woke up so quickly. He did not respond but just nodded his head.

Chu Feng smile deeper, he gets up and walk over to Rong Yun"s side. He pinch his face and say, "You also look good."

Rong Yun"s features also look good. His double eyelids are slightly wider making his eyes look cute and naive. Such a handsome face may not be appreciate at this age, but in Chu Feng"s view, Rong Yun will be popular ten years later. Rong Yun is now a type of person who is love by elderly and some girls. He is quiet and polite and can"t threaten anyone.

"I am not." Rong Yun bow his head and no longer look at him. In his opinion Chu Feng is so handsome and good-looking. Even if he became a celebrity, he will be outstanding.

Rong Yun"s didn"t get a fever again. On Sunday morning, Song Bin give Rong Yun another check up and decided that everything is fine and let him discharge in the hospital. Song Bin gives some precautions and prevent Rong Yun from eating more snacks  before they leave.
The medicine must also be apply on time in one week.

The medicine Song Bin gives to Rong yun is very good. Rong yun"s bruised on his face and body is almost gone in less than two days. When its almost empty, Chu Feng let his cousin prepare a medicine again.

Back to school, Chu Feng directly take him to his dormitory room.

There is no one in the dormitory and he didn"t know where Gui Heng is. However, the empty bed opposite of Chu Feng"s bed is clean. All bedrooms in the dormitory are the same. There can be four people in one room and two beds are separate from the two other beds and are place in a vertical direction. There are desks and wardrobe and the s.p.a.ce is also quite big. There are also a bathroom and a balcony. The balcony area is not large and can just be use for drying a clothes. The bathroom and the laundry room are separated so they don"t delay each other.

Chu Feng"s bed is the one on the right-hand side of the door and the one that is next to him is Gui Heng. The opposite side is Si Xian. When Rong Yun move in, his bed is in the left-side of the window.

Chu Feng let Rong Yun sit on his chair to rest for a while. He pointed to the empty bed and says, "Do you want to sleep there?" 

Rong Yun nodded, the light is better there and he likes it. However, he is still hesitant to move here. After all, in addition to Chu Feng, Gui Heng also lives here.

Chu Feng see that he is hesitating and then takes the chair and sit next to Rong Yun. He says, "Don"t worry. I will not let anyone else hurt you."

"Okay." Rong yun nodded. Actually, just staying with Chu Feng already makes him feel safe.

Chu Feng smile and rub his head and say, "Go to my bed for a while and I"ll pack you bag. Then we"ll eat lunch together and we"ll tidy it up in the afternoon." 

"I can do it myself." He doesn"t have much to do and he can do it himself.

"I"ll go, you just rest." Chu Feng says irrefutably.

Looking at his tough att.i.tude, Rong yun do not have a choice but to nod his head in agreement.

He looks at Rong yun who nodded and first went to the head teacher and say that Rong Yun wants to change his dormitory room.

For students like Chu Feng and Gui Heng, as long as they don"t provoke the head teacher, the head teacher is too lazy to care for them. Not that they haven"t been criticized or that they haven"t call for their parents. They just don"t want to waste their time. Because even if they tell them to behave they will do it again. So the cla.s.s teacher only said not to disturb the other students studies. 

Dong Fang, the head teacher is a bit surprise when she hear that Chu Feng wants Rong Yun to move in their dormitory. Rong Yun is a good student and have an excellent grades and good personalities. Although she did not know where the rumor came from, but as a teacher, she has to correct the students att.i.tude so she didn"t specifically find Rong Yun to talk but to pay more attention to his mental state. In her impression, Rong Yun and Chu Feng didn"t talk to each other at all. How can Chu Feng suddenly ask to live with Rong Yun?

Chu Feng knows that his rashly request will make the head teacher doubt. So he made up an excuse and say that it was Si Xian who propose this idea and hope that there are studious person in the room. If Si Xian have a problems in his study, he can discuss it with Rong Yun.

Dong Fang is relieve when he heard that it was Si Xian who propose it. Rong yun and Si Xian"s character should be able to match. However, she is still somewhat uneasy because Chu Feng is the one who came here. Chu Feng simply call Rong Yun and let him talk to the head teacher.

Dong Fang hears that Rong yun is willing to do so. He also asks whether Chu Feng bullied or intimidated him. After knowing that it is not, she didn"t worry any longer and nodded in agreement.

Chu Feng see Dong Fang agree after Rong Yun only says a few words and helplessly sighs. After all, he is still a disappointing student. The reason is credible. A few words of a good students will make the teacher easily believe them. 

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