Hearing the voice of Chu Ruo the body of Chu Feng went stiff and he remembered the scene from the past life where she was crying and asking him to return Rong Yun to her. He still hadn"t wanted to face her for a while…
But now even if he doesn"t want to face her, she is his sister and he can"t really avoid her. He can"t avoid her but right now but in the present time she doesn"t remember the pain and sorrow of the last life and he doesn"t have to face the eyes filled with tears and hatred of his sister.
Chu Feng quietly took a deep breath and tried to calm down his emotions. Chu Feng said, “I"m here.”
“Brother”. Hearing his voice, Chu Ruo came and greeted him enthusiastically. But when she saw Rong Yun laying on the bed of Chu Feng she was surprised to see the bruise on his face.
“What happened to your face?”.
Chu Rou was younger than Chu Feng by two years and had just been admitted to high school this year. She was just a new comer to the school. She hasn"t shed her baby weight yet so still looks very cute and adorable and her character is very gentle. She quickly found a group of friends and became familiar with the school environment. Usually in their school there is no rule that forbids the girls from entering the boy"s dormitory but boys are not allowed in the the dormitory so usually Chu Ruo comes to see her brother and if Chu Feng needs to talk to her then he can only call her over to their dorm.
“It"s nothing. I accidentally feel.” Rong Yun smiled at her.
Chu Ruo didn"t wasn"t really as sharp as Si Xian so she believed him and then told him seriously. “Senior you should be careful.”
“En, I know.” Rong yun nodded and went quiet.
“Oh, why is brother Rong here?” She remembered that Rong Yun was not living in their dorm before.
Chu Feng smiled and replied. “From now on Rong Yun will be staying here.”
Chu Ruo was immediately happy and smiled at Rong Yun while saying. “Really? That"s great. In the future if I have any question about school work I can just ask Senior.”
“Yeah.” Rong Yun smiled and nodded but didn"t say anymore. He didn"t have much contact with Chu Ruo before but he had a good impression of her. When he found out she was the sister of Chu Feng he was very surprised because both siblings were completely different form each other aside from being good looking.
“So what did you bring?” Chu Feng asked while looking at the bag in the hands of his sister. Somehow while watching his sister talk to Rong Yun he felt very uncomfortable so he wanted her to remove her attention from Rong Yun.
“Oh, it"s porridge and vegetables from home.” Chu Rou put the bag on the bed. “You didn"t come home this weekend so mother asked me to bring this for you.”
“En.” He opened the bag to see a lunch box and a container with porridge made out of oatmeal and glutinous rice, a side dish of stir friend mushrooms and a box of steamed pork ribs. The food was still hot and Rong Yun can only eat light food right now so he didn"t need to go to the cafeteria to get food for Rong Yun.
“Well you"re just on time. I just ordered fried chicken and pizza so stay abd eat with us” Gui Heng was very familiar with Chu Ruo so eating together is a common occurrence.
Chu Ruo was very regretful as she told him ” I already promised my friend to go shopping with her today so I"m afraid I can"t today. She"s already waiting for me downstairs.”
Chu Feng nodded as he heard this. “Well it"s too bad but since you already promised then you can"t just change your mind. I"ll buy some and bring it to you next time and you can take it from the ground floor of the dorms.”
“Thank you older brother.” Chu Ruo smiled at her brother and then turned around to leave. Her relationship with the others in the dorm aside from her bother is also good and she comes here often enough that there is no need for them to see her off.
” Do you have enough money?” Chu Feng asked her without thinking. She loves to shop and while going shopping definitely needs more money. It was only after he spoke that he realized that right now both of them get their money from their parents and he doesn"t earn anything so Chu Ruo will not ask and beg him for money like she used to do in the previous life.
Chu Feng coughed to cover it up.”It"s getting colder so when you go shopping you will need to buy warmer clothes so you don"t catch a cold.”
Chu Ruo smiled. “Yeah, I have enough money.” Seeing her brother caring about her she was also happy.
” En, Don"t come back too late and call me when you"re back in your room.” He reminded her. Chu Feng had always thought that their relationship was good but to be very honest his concern for sister wasn"t enough or very obvious.
Chu Ruo looked at him in surprise but then nodded and promised him. “Alright.”
“Good. Now go.” He smiled at her and watched her leave. In this life he must not only be good to Rong Yun but also make up for the short comings of the past. His concern and care of his sister will naturally be put on the agenda.
Chu Feng returned after she left and said to the boy sitting on his bed. “Come on down and eat the porridge. It"s still warm right now.”
“Chu Rou just brought it for you. It"s not good for me to eat it.” Rong Yun hesitated.
“It"s nothing.” Chu Feng waved off his concerns. “What"s the difference between you and I?”
Rong Yun grinned at hearing his question and came over the the table to eat and waited for Chu Feng to hand him the porridge.
Gui Heng and Si Xian looked at each other. Although they had some doubts about the sudden change in behavior of Chu Feng they didn"t say anything even if his words sounded a bit strange. Then again there is not much difference between them friends.
Chu Feng, Si Xian and Gui Heng sat at the table to eat the fried Chicken and Pizza. They also had a couple of cans of c.o.ke which were also taken out. Chu Feng also brought out the steamed pork ribs and left the stir fried mushrooms to Rong yun. After all Rong Yun had to eat light food but then thinking that he might find it too bland he took off the upper layer of the fried chicken and handed it to Rong Yun.
Chu Feng told him. “You can only eat this much right now. I"ll take you to eat more when you feel better.”
Rong Yun nodded and felt happy at the attention given to him by Chu Feng. His cautious but happy att.i.tude and faint hidden smile made Chu Feng feel sad thinking that this kind of small gesture by him can also affect this person to this degree. Even his little gestures made unconsciously, Rong Yun will cherish them.
After the meal Chu Feng asked Rong Yun to rest while he made Rong Yun"s bed. Rong Yun laid down but didn"t feel really sleepy. He just looked at Chu Feng busying himself with making his bed and the smile on his face could not disappear.
After the bed was finished, Chu Feng also set his table and wardrobe. This was very simple and didn"t really take him long. During this time Si Xian offered to help him but he waved it away. Even if he is not good at lot of things he can still manage this bit.
After finishing Chu Feng walked to Rong Yun and reached forward to grab his little nose. “Didn"t sleep?”
“I can"t”. Rong Yun replied while hiding his nose under the quilt.
“Then close your eyes and rest for a while. I"ll tell you to get up in a hour.” Chu Feng told him.
“I still haven"t done my homework.” Rong Yun protested weakly.
“You"re still sick, what homework do you still have to do? I"ll give your medical leave to the teacher tomorrow so don"t worry about it.” As long as you have a medical report by the doctor or the hospital you can get a leave and don"t have to hand in your homework and the teacher does not care if you submit it later or not as long as you keep up with the lessons in the cla.s.s.
“At least let me read a book.” Rong Yun had always been a model student and he had never failed to hand in his homework so he was somewhat resistant to this idea.
“Read it after you"re done resting”. Chu Feng covered his face and asked. “What fruits do you want to eat. I"ll buy them later for you to eat.”
“Don"t bother I don"t want to eat anything.” Rong Yun was embarra.s.sed by his caring att.i.tude.
Looking Rong Yun laying in the quilt Chu Feng couldn"t stop his smile. “Supplement of vitamins is good for the body.”
f they went out from the East gate of the school then they would reach a super market soon. It was convenient to but things there as it was not expensive.
“I"m fine.” Aside from the bruises which would hurt when touched Rong Yun really was fine.
“You say you"re fine even when you"re not.” Chu Feng said touching his silky hair softly. “Go to sleep. I"ll go out and wake you up when I get back.”
“Oh….” Rong Yun didn"t want to show just happy he felt just from this and nodded.
Si Xian who heard them talking,said with a chuckle. “Chu Feng, the way you"re concerned about Rong Yun feels as if you"re caring for a child.”
After Chu Feng heard him he also laughed and replied in an amused manner.
“Isn"t Rong Yun still a child?” After that he put on his jacket and reached out to take his phone, keys and wallet. Seeing that he was heading out, Gui Heng who was already fed up with his homework, hurriedly got up and declared that he would be going with Chu Feng, who had no objections to this. The two went out together.
Si Xian watched them leaved and then looked at Rong Yun who was falling asleep already smiled lightly. He only felt that this was Chu Feng"s way of compensating Rong Yun and thought that it should really be like this.
At 7:00 the nest morning, the early bell of the dormitory sounded on time. Rong Yun had woken up long ago but didn"t get up. Chu Feng and Si Xian were woken by the bell and struggled to get up and get ready.
Chu Feng could not remember how long it had been since he had to get up this early. Even if he occasionally had to wake up early for filming mostly he could get up late but now waking up to early really is uncomfortable for him.
After getting up and getting dressed Chu Feng picked clothes for Rong Yun from his closet. Their school doesn"t require them to wear uniforms so the students can wear whatever they are most comfortable with aside from special occasions which require them to wear uniforms. Of course some of the flashier clothes for boys and short skirts and shorts are forbidden in the school so students will mostly wear casual clothes, sportswear and the like.
After Rong Yun changed his clothes, Si Xian was done using the bathroom so Chu Feng dragged Rong Yun with him to wash his face.
Si Xian started his daily routine from Monday to friday that is to wake up Gui Heng. It is specially hard to wake up Gui Heng and if Si Xian doesn"t wake him up it is possible that he will not wake up until noon.
After waiting for Rong Yun to clean up, Chu Feng applied medicine on Rong Yun"s body while Rong Yun tried not to move as Chu Feng applied it.
Chu Feng then pulled the blushing Rong Yun to the desk filled with skin care products that were bought by his mother. Though he doesn"t really care to use them but later on he needed them because of his career so he is proficient in using them. He usually didn"t like to use them in high school but also didn"t want to offend his mother so he threw them in a drawer and gave them to whoever wanted to use them. Afterwards due to his agent he had to use them because as an actor his face was his source of income.
He took out a few bottles from the drawer and looked at them. He then poured some cream on his hands and started to spread it on Rong Yun"s face. Rong Yun hid his face saying he didn"t need to use them. Although he didn"t recognize the brand he knew from the packaging that these must be very expensive.
“Of course you do.” Chu Feng grabbed him and pressed him to the chair avoiding his bruises and continued using the cream. “Your face needs to maintained well.”
Although Rong Yun hasn"t taken care of his face much but due to his youth his skin is still pretty good and is very delicate. Chu Feng likes his skin texture and instinctively hopes to keep it. Anyway he has a lot of products with natural ingredients that won"t cause chemical allergies.
Rong Yun isn"t any good at resisting Chu Feng so he just let him do as he liked. Chu Feng"s fingers moved over his face which made him feel a little nervous but also very excited. He was so close to the person he liked. Rong Yun felt that it was a dream, it was so unreal. But the temprature of the hand touching his face and eyes gently made him believe otherwise.

Translator"s note: So Sorry for being late but these chapters are turning out to be longer than I thought they were while reading them so It might take a while. I"ll try to post the longer chapters in parts but try to give you regular updates every week that is two updates per week. Please look forward to it.

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