Chapter 8
In the room after all of them got ready the four of them went to the cafeteria to have breakfast, it was still early so they had time enough time to eat before cla.s.s.
Along the way the four people received a lot of attention from the students. Everyone who saw Chu Feng and Gui Heng got out of the way to avoid offending the two young masters. Si Xian ate with them both daily so to everyone is it not strange seeing them together. What actually surprised the students was seeing Rong Yun walking with them, giving out the feeling of a baby deer walking around with a pack of wolves. It was just too dangerous. It made people start thinking of strange reasons for why he would be with them.
Only some newly admitted girls openly stared at Che Feng and Gui Heng, their attention of the faces of two boys not knowing that the two were placed on the top of the list of the most dangerous people in school. This made the poor male students who knew real faces want to cry with sorrow.
The cla.s.s had a large dinning hall and a small canteen in the school campus so that people did not need to walk from one end of the school to the other to eat but in the morning only the big dining hall was open to students and the small canteen only provided meals at noon. In the mornings the students could only go to the big dinning hall for breakfast. Breakfast is generally easier to eat and doesn"t take much time. Sometimes the students will eat it while standing and then just head to cla.s.s early to study so the cafeteria feels a little empty in the mornings.
After entering the cafeteria Chu Feng rubbed Rong Yun"s head. “Go find us a place to sit. I"ll get the food.”
“Alright.” Rong Yun nodded. His meal card was taken by Chu Feng in the room before going out and then locked away somewhere. Obviously he was not willing to let Rong Yun spend any money. Rong Yun can only let Chu Feng pay for his meal.
Rong Yun chose a table for four in a quiet corner. Chu Feng, Gui Heng and Si Xian went together to get the food. The food provided by the cafeteria is quiet rich and the taste is quiet well. Chu Feng got two bowls of porridge, two dumplings, two stuffed buns, two tea eggs and ………. . Si Xian and Gui Heng also bought porridge and buns and the tree went to where Rong Yun was sitting and started to eat.
Chu Heng handed Rong Yun"s breakfast in front of his and and peeled the egg for him and then began to eat his own food. The cake is to give Rong Yun desert, it was just fried so it was still hot. He"d let Rong Yun eat it later.
With buns eating the porridge won"t seem so bland but still Rong Yun could only eat one and a half and felt full. After Chu Feng finished his own, He saw Rong Yun"s half eaten bun that Rong Yun was struggling to finish. Not wanting to waste it he simply picked it up ate it himself.
Rong Yun looked at him blushing and he smiled. Picking up the bag with the cake he said to Rong Yun. “You can eat this in the cla.s.s room.”
“En.” Rong Yun responded and took the bag.
After all four of them had finished eating they left for cla.s.s together. On the way there Si Xian and Gui Heng walked in the front while Chu Feng and Rong Yun walked behind them.
Finally there was a chance for them both to talk alone. Chu Feng asked: “How do you know Chu Ruo?”
In Fact Chu Feng had wanted to ask this since yesterday but never got the chance to do so.
Rong Yun smiled at him “When the freshmen enter the school every year, aren"t seniors a.s.signed to bring them to the dorms and help with registration? I just brought Chu Ruo to the dorms and we got acquainted.”
“So it turned out to be like that.”
Generally High schools will not do it but Jinhua high school is an accommodating school and In order to let freshmen get used to the school environment as soon as they can Senior are arranged to help them.
Generally the cla.s.s teacher will find a more stable student so it was reasonable for Rong Yun to go. When the new students arrive they don"t know anything so the seniors will be responsible for guiding them around the school and most keep in touch later so if they new students have any questions they can ask the seniors.
On the day of the freshmen entered the school Chu Feng did not go nor did anyone ask him to so he didn"t know about it.
After arriving in the cla.s.s Rong Yun wanted to go to the cla.s.s teacher"s office to tell her about his missing homework and that he would make up for it on the next weekend. For this matter it would be better for him to go himself but Chu Feng stopped him and told him he had to ask the teacher for something anyway so he would let her know about Rong Yun"s matter too. Rong Yun did not object to it. Anyway it was Chu Feng who sent him to the hospital so he knew what the doctor had said to him.
Chu Feng knocked on the door to the office and Dong Fang looked up to see him and motioned for him to come in.
Chu Feng went forward and gave Rong Yun"s medical certificate to her saying, “Teacher Rong Yun was sick this weekend so I didn"t let him do his homework to get him to rest more. Here is the medical certificate, you can take a look.”
After listening to him Dong Fang was surprised. “How did he get sick?” When Rong Yun called on her on the phone he didn"t mention anything of the like.
“It"s been cold lately and he caught a cold.” Chu Feng said, “He was sick for two days and is better now.”
“That"s good then. He"s already in high school, you people need to pay more attention your body at this time.” Dong Fang heard that nothing was majorly wrong so she was also relaxed and asked more. “Is he okay after moving to your bedroom?”
“It"s fine.” Chu Feng said with a smile. “His character g good and he is a good person.”
“Well, time will pa.s.s-by in the blink of an eye, you should also plan for the future, Rong Yun has good grades and I can rest a.s.sured for his future and studies. You should also work hard, getting into a good university will help you in the future.” Dong Fang took the opportunity to educate Chu Feng since she had the chance.
Unlike usual Chu Feng did not show any impatience but instead said: “You are right.Yesterday Rong Yun helped me with some questions and I understood them better. He made them seem very easy.”
Dong Fang was taken aback for a moment. It was very unusual for Chu Feng to actively try to study.
“Rong Yun has his own method for explaining things and I think it"s suitable for me to learn with him.” Chu Feng said. “I wanted to talk about this with you, Can you let Rong Yun sit with me and tutor me?”
Dong Fang frowned and hesitated for a moment. With Rong Yun"s achievements it is not hard for him to get into a key university. Of course since a student wants to sincerely study she as his cla.s.s teacher is very happy. Everyone wants their students to be willing to study but to help him she can"t allow Rong Yun"s studies to be affected.
Chu Feng knew what she was thinking so he quickly said. “I promise not affect his studies. If I do then I will immediately change seats.”
Listening to his words Dong Fang knew it would be bad for her to refuse him and she would end up damaging his enthusiasm for learning. But getting inspired is easy but to keep working hard…..
“Alright you go back to the cla.s.s first. When I come to the cla.s.s I"ll ask Rong Yun whether or not he is willing to sit with you. If he agrees then I"ll change your seats.
“En, Thanks to teacher. I will leave first.” After saying that Chu Feng turned around and left.
Dong Fang looked at the back of Chu Feng and felt that he had grown up since she had last seen him. If you go according to the usual situation let alone asking for his seat to be changed, even if he is advised to study hard all he will do is look at you with an emotionless and cold face. Today he actually listened to her and even took the initiative to ask her to change his seat which really surprised her.
When Chu Feng entered the cla.s.s he saw Rong Yun holding him pastry and eating it while reading a book. He looked like a like hamster and it looked especially cute to Chu Feng who wanted to squeeze his cheeks but because there were so many people in cla.s.s he could only think this and not act.
The first two in the morning pa.s.sed quickly. When the cla.s.s was over, Dong Fang took over the cla.s.s. After high school only few students took liberal arts and only two or three students would choose those so the school didn"t bother with those This cla.s.s is basically not taught any more and it saved the time of the students and the teachers re organized the time that used to be for these and instead taught other subjects. This way the third years and finish their course earlier. This cla.s.s is the first cla.s.s in the school.
Dong Fang felt her heart sinking when she saw the bruise on Rong Yun"s face. “What happened to your face?”
Dong Fang was not a stupid person and she wasn"t easily convinced before Rong Yun finally got her to believe he accidentally injured himself. Finally she believed it as Rong Yun really would have no reason to lie to her. She didn"t ask about it again.
Instead she asked him,”Are you feeling better? It"s important to study but it is more important to take care of you"re body. If you feel uncomfortable then say it. Don"t keep quiet about it only to regret it in the future.”
“En, I know. I"m fine now and I"ll take care to stay warm in the future.” Rong Yun said honestly.
Dong Fang nodded with satisfaction. “Well I have something else to discuss with you too. Chu Feng came to me this morning and said that he wants to share a table with you. If you agree I"ll allow him to do it but I won"t force you if you don"t want to.”
Rong Yun never expected this was what Chu Feng wanted to talk to the teacher about. Seeing that he wanted to sit at the same table as himself Rong Yun felt a little happy and excited. Trying hard not to smile he told the teacher, “I can do it.”
Dong Fang saw that he didn"t look reluctant and was satisfied. “En, you both can change your table to sit together but don"t delay your own studies because of Chu Feng. If you are affected then I will change your seats back.”
“En. You can rest a.s.sured I won"t delay my studies because of him.” Rong Yun seriously told her.
“En, Go on.” Rong Yun was a particularly obedient student and had never disappointed her so she was particularly biased towards Rong Yun.
After cla.s.s they had ten minutes of break. Some students would choose to walk around, chat or walk to the play ground or maybe go to the supermarket to get snacks. Usually Chu Feng would be with the rest going to the supermarket and stay out to eat but today he rushed back to the cla.s.s early.
When the teacher cla.s.s Rong Yun out he knew it must have been about the seating change. He knew Rong Yun would not refuse and now would definately be moving the seats. He didn"t want Rong Yun to be tired so he rushed back to help him.
Sure enough as soon as he entered the cla.s.s he saw Rong Yun dragging the seats to the table. Chu Feng smiled and walked forward to hug him from behind.
Rong Yun was shocked until he turned around to see that it was Chu Feng and then he felt embarra.s.sed and started blushing. “Hey stop doing this. What if someone sees? Who knows what kind of rumors are going be spread.”
“Rest a.s.sured no one will see.” Chu Feng lazily put his chin of Rong Yun"s shoulder and took in the scent coming from his neck. It was a faint scent left by the washing powder. “I"ll help you move the seats.”
“Alright.” Rong Yun agreed and nodded. Although he liked Chu Feng and his closeness he was still not used to it and was nervous about it.
Chu Feng smiled and picked his soft ear lobe before letting go of him and arranging the seats.
Rong Yun looked at Chu Feng moving the table and chairs seemingly without any effort and his heart felt full. Although he was now seated in the second row but there were only five rows so he wouldn"t be affected very much. He could still easily see the blackboard so there was nothing to worry about.

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