Chapter 162: Trick (I)

Translator: Storm in a Teacup

The next day, when Long woke up, s.h.i.+ was still sleeping.

Long looked at the person beside him and his eyes were filled with tenderness.

In order not to disturb s.h.i.+, Long got up quietly and began to wear clothes when he got to the outer room.

Liu Xiangyang served him. He should have known something, because Long felt that he was more respectful than usual.

It wasn’t that Liu was disrespectful before, but… In the past, Liu usually served the emperor in a casual manner, but this day, Liu was very careful. It seemed that he was afraid of making mistakes.

Looking at the man beside him, Long said coldly, “Zhou Qing is dead.”

Liu’s body trembled, but soon he restrained himself and knelt down. “Yes, I know, Your Majesty.”

Long said more coldly, “Are you afraid?”

Liu was stiff and didn’t say anything.

Long didn’t say anything, either.

After a few seconds, Liu said, “Your Majesty, may I ask…. what Zhou Qing did?” Long said coldly, “He’s a traitor.”

Liu was stunned, and then immediately kowtowed, “Your Majesty, I promise I’ll scrupulously abide by my duty and be loyal to you…”

“There’s nothing to be afraid of.” Long interrupted him.

Liu was a smart man, so he understood it immediately.

Since he was loyal and conscientious, there was really nothing to be afraid of.

Liu finally felt relieved.

Long turned around and walked outside. “Well, it’s time for the morning meeting.”

“Yes, I’m coming.” Liu sounded more relaxed.

In fact, Liu was promoted by Zhou Qing to general manager of eunuchs, so he was a little upset about Zhou’s death this morning, because he didn’t know why the emperor who always trusted Zhou suddenly…Visit website our

Hearing the word “traitor”, Liu understood that Zhou must have done something.

Although he didn’t know what Zhou had done in detail, the emperor said that Zhou was a traitor. What a serious crime that was! It was inevitable that he would die.

Seeing that Liu was afraid, the emperor, the n.o.blest man in the nation, even explained it to him.

More than that, the emperor also told Liu implicitly that as long as he didn’t do anything he shouldn’t do, he didn’t need to be afraid!

At this moment, Liu felt that even if he needed to die for the emperor at once, it was worth it. It was the greatest comfort for a servant to follow a right master.

In the past, the emperor was grumpy and fatuous. All the servants needed to serve him with extra care. If they made some mistakes, the emperor would punch them or kick them. A lot of servants even died of that.

As servants, they could do nothing but bear it.

However, the present emperor… was wise and kind!

Liu was almost moved to tears. He quickly pulled himself together and followed Long’s steps…

After the two of them left, s.h.i.+ opened his eyes.

Thanks to his great internal strength, he heard their conversation outside.

Long’s words made his lips curl upwardly.

Liu was just a eunuch. Even if the emperor didn’t explain it to him, it was still reasonable.

In that way, others would feel the emperor was unpredictable and wouldn’t dare to offend him. However, if the emperor always held himself aloft and didn’t even treat his most trusted subordinate sincerely…

Even if others would be loyal and respect him on the surface, they wouldn’t be completely honest with him.

At present, Liu must have decided to put his heart and soul into serving Long.

In the future, Liu would definitely serve the emperor and handle all kinds of affairs whole-heartedly.

It was simple to win a servant’s heart, as long as that servant was worth the emperor’s trust.

s.h.i.+ smiled. Instead of hurriedly getting up, he closed his eyes again.

He decided to sleep a little longer.

When Long came back from the meeting, he found his empress was still sleeping.

Long slightly raised his eyebrows and went to the bedroom.

s.h.i.+ was still sleeping. Long walked over and sat down at the edge of the bed.

s.h.i.+ still didn’t wake up. Long thought it was interesting, so he leaned over to kiss s.h.i.+’s lips.

The moment their lips touched, the man in the bed opened his eyes.

Long smiled and deepened the kiss…

“Uh…” s.h.i.+ blinked. Feeling Long’s pa.s.sion, s.h.i.+ slowly closed his eyes.

Originally, Long just wanted to kiss his lover, but he hadn’t expected that while they were kissing… his body seemed to be burning. So, Long went further…

When their clothes were removed, s.h.i.+ raised his head and tried to stop Long. “It’s… time for breakfast.”

Long’s voice was a little hoa.r.s.e. “We’ll eat later.”

s.h.i.+ blinked. Seeing that Long was so pa.s.sionate, s.h.i.+ didn’t refuse.

So, Long embraced and kissed s.h.i.+… to fully enjoy the beautiful moment with his empress…

After a long time, Long carried s.h.i.+ in his arms. Looking at the s.e.xy man, Long couldn’t help but lower his head and kiss s.h.i.+’s forehead. “I’ll take you to the bathroom.”

“Mhmm.” s.h.i.+ responded softly, letting Long carry him to the bathroom.

Liu Xiangyang didn’t ask servants to bring the breakfast in advance. He was afraid that the food would not taste good when it became cold. Although it could be heated later, it was better for the emperor and empress to eat something fresh.

Seeing that Long and s.h.i.+ came out, Liu immediately ordered the servants to deliver the breakfast.

Long was satisfied with the behavior of his most trusted servant.

Liu used to be deputy general manager. Now that Zhou was already dead, Liu was officially promoted to general manager.

And Liu’s trusted subordinate, Xiaoxizi, was promoted to deputy general manager.

Xiaoxizi had been working in the palace for a long time. He entered the palace when he was nine years old and it had been twenty years since then.

Xiaoxizi put the dishes on the table, while Long took s.h.i.+’s hand and sat down.

s.h.i.+ served Long all this morning and now he was a little hungry.

Long put a lot of food in s.h.i.+’s bowl and s.h.i.+ ate contentedly.

Soon, s.h.i.+ finished two bowls of porridge.

Long also ate a lot…

Just when they finished breakfast, the eccentric Doctor Liu came.

Long and s.h.i.+ let him in.

The doctor came in, but he didn’t look very good.

It was really strange. Given his great martial arts and internal strength, even if he stayed up all night, he would not look like this!

Therefore, Long and s.h.i.+ looked at each other and thought that something must have happened.

Long opened his mouth. “Doctor Liu, you don’t look very well. Didn’t you sleep well last night?”

Doctor Liu waved. “It’s not because of that. I’m poisoned.”

He appeared very relaxed, as if he was talking about whether he had had breakfast or not. Long and s.h.i.+ were shocked. “What did you say?”

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