Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 259: Getting Back His Love

Chapter 259: Getting Back His Love

Translator: Storm in a Teacup

Long didn’t walk very fast, not because he didn’t want to, but because he couldn’t at all!

It was raining, so the mountain roads were slippery. Besides, Long wasn’t as powerful as the Shadow Guardians and he couldn’t walk at a high speed.

Therefore, it would take him a longer time to get to the destination.

Long was burning with anxiety, not only because he couldn’t run fast, but also because… some Shadow Guardians should have reached the top of the mountain by now.

If those Shadow Guardians had found s.h.i.+, they would definitely send him a message.

However, he hadn’t received any news from them.

It could only prove that s.h.i.+ was still nowhere to be found!

Long’s anxiety was perfectly understandable.

As he climbed halfway up the mountain, he finally heard some noises from the Shadow Guardians in front of him.

Long hurriedly looked in that direction.

A Shadow Guardians went down and said that they saw s.h.i.+ on the top of the mountain.

Long was surprised and hurried to the mountain top.

However, he was still only halfway up the mountain and it wasn’t easy for him to get there in a short time!

Long gritted his teeth and said, “Liu Suifeng, Ouyang Chuan, support me on both sides by the arms and we can get there sooner.”

The two men glanced at each other and then did so.

Long was carried by Liu and Ouyang to the top of the mountain.

But when they arrived there, s.h.i.+ wasn’t seen at all!

Long frowned and stared at that Shadow Guardian. “Didn’t you say you saw him here?”

The Shadow Guardian did not dare a response. After a moment, he said, “I… I did see a figure in white here…”

s.h.i.+ was indeed in white this day and with good eyesight, the Shadow Guardians shouldn’t have been mistaken.

So, s.h.i.+ should have really been there.

But where had he gone?

It wasn’t a large area and it was quite s.p.a.cious. If s.h.i.+ was here, Long would definitely be able to see him!

Long turned around and went to the edge of the cliff.

He suddenly thought of a place… “Liu Suifeng, if it were you, how would you go to the cave where we stayed?”

After a short silence, Liu said, “Let me look around.”

A moment later, Liu came back. “I found some traces. s.h.i.+ Qingzhou should’ve left through there.”

Long hurriedly ran to the place pointed by Liu.

Liu didn’t tell Long where he found the traces. There was no point in showing Long that, because Long wouldn’t be able to recognize that at all.

Fortunately, Long didn’t ask much and went down with Liu.

Carried by Liu and Ouyang, Long moved very fast.

It didn’t take long to reach the mountainside from the top of the mountain.

A quarter of an hour later, Long saw that cave.

Long was overjoyed. When they got to the place, Liu and Ouyang let go of him.

But they wouldn’t let Long take the lead in entering the cave.

Therefore, Liu went in first and Long ran in afterwards.

The Shadow Guardians and Ouyang also followed up.

However, Long was extremely disappointed after he entered the cave, because… he still didn’t see his lover!

Long really couldn’t believe it. “Why is n.o.body here… It’s impossible… Why isn’t Qingzhou here…”

Liu, Ouyang and other people also frowned. Obviously, they also thought that s.h.i.+ was staying here.

The cave wasn’t big and there was no mechanism in it. Otherwise, Song Cailian and Zhou Heng wouldn’t have died here that day.

Therefore, it was certain that no one was hidden here.

“He’s not here. Let’s continue to look outside,” Liu said.

Long pressed his lips together and suddenly thought of a place. Then, he turned around and ran outside.

Long didn’t say where he was going, so his action surprised everyone.

Especially Liu. “Where are you going?” He shouted immediately, but Long didn’t respond to him at all!

As a result, Liu had to hurry to chase him…

At this time, Long had already turned to the cliff behind.

There was only one way from the cave to the cliff and it wasn’t very far.

Just as Long turned the corner, Liu knew where he was going.

But the ground was level and Long didn’t need to climb up.

Therefore, Long had left all the other people behind.

Long ran quickly and got to the cliff soon. When he turned his head, he finally saw the familiar figure in white.

“Qingzhou!” Long shouted immediately.

That man in white didn’t turn his head.

Long ran to him quickly. At this moment, he was only about fifty meters away from s.h.i.+.

Just then, s.h.i.+ tilted his head. In the darkness, Long only vaguely saw s.h.i.+’s profile and pointed chin.

The next moment, that man in white… jumped off the cliff!

“Qingzhou!” Long was shocked and jumped off without hesitation.

Liu and all the other people were dumbfounded.

Below the cliff was Songye River. Long thought that he would fall into the river with s.h.i.+ after he jumped.

Unexpectedly, while he was falling, he was caught by a belt around his waist.

He felt that he was pulled by some force and then he went to… s.h.i.+’s arms! Right, that was indeed his lover.

Only then did Long find that he hadn’t fallen to the ground and there was a depression between the cliffs. There was also a rock. s.h.i.+ stepped on the rock with one foot and the other foot on the depression. He exerted force and pulled Long to him with his belt.

“Qingzhou!” Long exclaimed.

s.h.i.+ pursed his lips. It was still raining and Long didn’t take his umbrella when he ran out of the cave.

So, the two of them were standing in the rain.

However, Long was very surprised that the raindrops didn’t fall on s.h.i.+’s body even if there wasn’t an umbrella.

s.h.i.+’s clothes didn’t get wet!

Long was amazed. “Qingzhou… you didn’t get wet in the rain…”

“I released my energy.” s.h.i.+ said coldly. He looked at Long and his pupils were blood-red. “Why did you jump off?”

Long said softly, “Because you are here.”

s.h.i.+ was very indifferent. “What did you come here for?”

Long said gently, “To look for you.”

s.h.i.+ looked away. “I will naturally go back when it’s the right time.”

Long blinked. Seeing that s.h.i.+ was so cold, Long felt his heart had been broken.

Even if s.h.i.+ appeared not to care about him at all, he still didn’t believe it!

So Long grasped s.h.i.+’s hand and suddenly said, “Qingzhou, I’m so cold.”

Long didn’t want to be so “weak”. He was still a man after all!

However, being tough wasn’t a good choice when he was with s.h.i.+.

If one of them had to compromise, Long was willing to be that person.

In the face of his wife, a man should be tolerant, right?

Long’s words stunned s.h.i.+. After a moment, Long felt warmth from the hand which was held by s.h.i.+.

Long knew that s.h.i.+ was transferring his energy to him!

This time, Long didn’t stop him, but said, “Qingzhou, it’s so cold here. Shall we go up first?”

He felt it was a little dangerous here.

When he saw s.h.i.+ leaping down from above, his heart even skipped a beat!

So, he hoped to leave here as soon as possible!

Hearing Long’s words, s.h.i.+ didn’t move at all.

It seemed that s.h.i.+ didn’t want to go back.

Long didn’t give up. He held s.h.i.+’s hand and said softly, “Qingzhou, let’s go back first, shall we? I’m afraid I’ll catch a cold tomorrow if I stay here any longer.”

After a while, s.h.i.+ finally nodded and then took Long to climb up.

At this time, Liu and Ouyang dropped a rope, which was brought by the Shadow Guardians in case they needed to search the mountain.

s.h.i.+ caught hold of the rope and then the two of them were pulled up.

“Are you all right?” Liu asked.

Long shook his head and s.h.i.+vered. “I’m fine. Let’s go back.”

s.h.i.+ kept silent.

Long took s.h.i.+’s hand. “Qingzhou, let’s go back.”

s.h.i.+ slowly dropped his eyes and didn’t refuse.

Long let out a long sigh of relief in his heart, and then the group of people hurriedly went downhill…

They would naturally be much safer at home so late at night.

About an hour later, s.h.i.+ and Long arrived at the house.

Long took s.h.i.+ back to their room. The Shadow Guardians delivered hot water and a bathtub. Then, the two of them were left alone and n.o.body would go to disturb them…

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