Chapter 187: Sequelae (I)

After Long and s.h.i.+ walked out of the room, s.h.i.+ looked a little better.

Long took s.h.i.+’s hand and tried to pacify s.h.i.+ by speaking ill of Liu. Finally, a faint smile appeared on s.h.i.+’s face.

The exchange transfusion at night was very important. Long wanted s.h.i.+ to eat more and have a good rest.

s.h.i.+ didn’t refuse Long’s arrangement.

When it was almost time for lunch, Ouyang came out.

But Liu was missing.

So Long asked, “You’re alone? Where’s Liu Suifeng?”

Ouyang said coldly, “How would I know?”

After looking Ouyang up and down, Long smiled. “You don’t know? I thought you two… were so close that you’ve become one.”

Ouyang’s face immediately darkened. He gritted his teeth and stared at Long. “You…”

Long said innocently, “What? Am I wrong?”

“Humph.” Ouyang snorted loudly. He ignored Long and began to have lunch.

Long didn’t care about Ouyang, either. He just kept putting food in s.h.i.+’s bowl.

When they almost finished lunch, Liu appeared. “All the herbs have been prepared, but you need acupuncture twice in the afternoon.”

Naturally, he was talking to s.h.i.+.

“I need acupuncture?”

Long nodded immediately.

s.h.i.+ stopped saying anything.

Ouyang glanced at Liu and continued to eat.

“Don’t worry, there won’t be any problem,” Liu said.

Once s.h.i.+ stood up, Long turned to looked at him and asked, “Are you full?”

s.h.i.+ nodded lightly.

Long also put down his chopsticks. “Come on. Let’s take a walk in the courtyard.”

s.h.i.+ didn’t refuse.

Long and s.h.i.+ strolled in the yard hand in hand. The scenery there naturally couldn’t be compared with that of Qiankun Palace.

But what pleased them was that the yard was very tranquil.

Holding s.h.i.+’s hand gave Long peace of mind.

After the acupuncture in the afternoon, the tense night finally came.

The whole house had been surrounded by Shadow Guardians.

Long and s.h.i.+ were in the innermost room.

Ouyang and s.h.i.+ were lying on two beds respectively and there was a huge bathtub in the middle.

There was another man lying on the ground on the left side of the bathtub. That was the prisoner on death row.

Long sat beside s.h.i.+. s.h.i.+ wasn’t sleeping, but he could not move because of the drug given by Liu.

Long watched Liu working on the other side. Liu looked very serious, unlike ordinary times when he was always joking around.

Liu put all the medical herbs into the bathtub.

It made the bathtub send forth a delicate fragrance.

That smell refreshed people’s mind, but it seemed to have some other effect.

Instead of focusing on the bathtub, Long just stared at Liu.

After putting the last medical herb into the bathtub, Liu said to Long, “Take off all of his clothes and carry him into the bathtub.”

Long did as he said, but still wrapped s.h.i.+ in a robe.

He didn’t take the robe away until he put s.h.i.+ in the bathtub.

The wet robe was put on the ground. s.h.i.+’s eyes were open, but they looked a little red.

Just now, when Liu asked Long to take off all of s.h.i.+’s clothes, s.h.i.+’s eyes became very red with anger. So Long made a compromise.

“It’s okay. He can’t see anything now.”

s.h.i.+ slowly blinked and the redness left his eyes.

Liu was speechless. The man he liked wasn’t s.h.i.+ at all!

Ouyang was still lying on another bed. Liu went over and carried him in his arms.

“Are you ready, Brother Ouyang?”

Ouyang nodded.

Liu carried Ouyang and made him sit in front of s.h.i.+’s bathtub. “Brother Ouyang, I’m going to start. Be prepared.”

Ouyang slowly closed his eyes.

What happened next was a little b.l.o.o.d.y. Long saw that the blood in Ouyang’s body was gradually decreasing and his face became very pale.

Long had b.u.t.terflies in his stomach.

All the blood that Ouyang lost went into s.h.i.+’s bathtub.

At last, Liu went to that prisoner when Ouyang seemed unable to bear it anymore…

After four hours, Long became listless.

Liu finally completed the last step.

s.h.i.+’s back was covered with gold needles. The last step was for Liu to remove all the needles.

After the needles were removed, Liu suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. It could be seen that the work really tired him.

Long was shocked. “Liu Suifeng!”

Without speaking anything, Liu weakly waved his hand. “I’m fine. You can carry s.h.i.+ Qingzhou out.”

Long nodded and took another clean robe that had been prepared. He wrapped it around s.h.i.+’s naked body and carried him to the bed.

“Simply dress him. Be quick.”

Long nodded and dressed s.h.i.+ as fast as he could.

“Done,” Long said once he finished.

Liu nodded. Then, he walked to s.h.i.+ and pounded him hard on the back.

s.h.i.+ immediately spat out a mouthful of black blood and his body went limp.

“Qingzhou!” Long was shocked.

Liu waved his hand. “He’s all right. He just spat out the poisonous blood.”

While saying that, Liu carefully checked the black blood and found a small brown insect in it.

Long immediately understood what that was. “This is that poisonous insect?”

“Yes, it’s dead,” Liu said.

Long had no interest in that insect. He was only concerned about his lover. “How is Qingzhou?”

“I think he’s fine. The process is very smooth. But the specific condition will not be known until he wakes up tomorrow. You can take him to the room to rest.”

Liu meant that s.h.i.+ could go back to their bedroom.

Long nodded and asked, “What about Ouyang? How is he?”

“There isn’t any problem at the moment, but whether his body would reject the new blood can only be seen after two days.”

Long nodded and said nothing more. Then, he carried s.h.i.+ in his arms and went back to their bedroom.

In the latter half of the night, Long still stared at s.h.i.+ and refused to sleep.

He was afraid that if he closed his eyes, s.h.i.+ would disappear.

At dawn, Long finally couldn’t hold on and fell asleep…

Long didn’t wake up until about noon. When he woke up, he found his lover had gone missing!

Long was startled. “Qingzhou!”

He jumped out of bed and rushed out. He didn’t even care that he wasn’t properly dressed.

“Master.” Ying Qiu appeared at the door.

“Where is Qingzhou?” Long asked immediately.

Ying Qiu hesitated a little before saying, “He went out.”

Long narrowed his eyes and felt that his reaction was a little strange. “What happened to Qingzhou?” Long asked.

Ying Qiu pursed his lips and said, “The empress… His eyes turned red.”

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