Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 532: More Nourishment Pills?

Chapter 532: More Nourishment Pills?

The next morning, Chi Shuyan woke up. The bed was already empty. This man’s biological clock was very punctual. No matter how late he slept at night, he would wake up at 6:30 in the morning.

Chi Shuyan couldn’t get up so early. She rolled around in bed for another ten minutes before she got up.

She put on her clothes and washed up. When she went out, she smelled the strong fragrance of spirit rice. She washed the spirit rice she ate three or four times. Most of the spirit rice in the Taobao shop was only washed once with spiritual energy. While the man was cooking porridge, Chi Shuyan casually checked her Taobao shop. Most of the comments were still scolding her, but there were also a few familiar IDs who placed orders.

Chi Shuyan was about to leave the Taobao shop, when she saw that an ID which had scolded her before for operating a shady shop had now apologized to her extremely effusively in a private message.

Chi Shuyan took a look, and her mouth twitched when she saw this ID “go to war” on behalf of the “dear shop owner.” As she scrolled, she found that this unfamiliar ID had disliked some – no, it should be a lot – of the comments scolding her. When she checked, she realized that this ID had disliked several hundred of these comments. The other party was really too free. She noticed that even late into the night, the ID was still disliking comments criticizing her. Aside from her acquaintances, could this person be considered her shop’s first loyal fan?

The other party also left a lot of comments, mostly about how her Nourishment Pills had saved his grandfather. Previously, many authoritative doctors in the capital said that his grandfather couldn’t be saved. He coughed non-stop, as if he was about to cough up blood, and he threw up whatever he ate. The other party just so happened to buy the Nourishment Pills from this shop, and his grandfather’s health immediately improved after taking a few. Now, his grandfather was in excellent health. He went out early in the morning every day to do Tai Chi and dance in the square, and was in even better condition than his father.

His father was also usually especially busy every day and wasn’t in very good health as he suffered from back and muscle strain and internal injuries. His father had also eaten a few of the pills, and instantly improved. At first, his father thought it was just an outward physical effect, but later, during the company’s health checkup, he received the report that many of his internal injuries were recovering and his bodily functions were improving.

His family was now very grateful to her, and they naturally subtly asked when she would put up the Nourishment Pills again. No matter how much it cost, this person supported the shop owner and hoped that the shop owner would put up the Nourishment Pills for sale as soon as possible.

To be honest, when she set the price of the Nourishment Pills so high last time and too many people scolded her for being a swindler, Chi Shuyan was initially worried that someone would report her shop again. Fortunately, no one did. However, she wasn’t short of money now, so she didn’t have to sell the Nourishment Pills on Taobao. Thus, she didn’t plan to put the Nourishment Pills up so soon, and would take things slow.

But seeing such a loyal fan today, Chi Shuyan was a bit tempted. She didn’t give an answer right away, however. Instead, she deliberated over her words, before she replied, “We’ll talk about it if there’s a chance in the future. Also, thank you for your help in disliking the comments, but sleep more at night.”

After Chi Shuyan replied, she clicked out of her Taobao shop and got up to help the man in the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Qi Zhenbai was deftly cutting up some eggs, which was currently all he could do.

Chi Shuyan came in and saw that the well-fried, plump, and golden eggs on the plate were very appetizing. She walked over to the cooked porridge and wanted to ladle it out, but before she could touch it, the man’s slender and powerful hand grabbed her wrist, and he motioned for her to sit at the table. His tone was deep and powerful. “Don’t touch them! I’ll do it!”

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