Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 377: I Have a Boyfriend

Chapter 377: I Have a Boyfriend

After eating and drinking to her heart’s content, Chi Shuyan was in a good mood. Moreover, this Chef Li was indeed very good at cooking. The food he made could make a person swallow their tongue. As for the two brats, she didn’t plan to deal with them.

She also took a closer look at the three of them. Although they were ghosts that had lived for hundreds of years, they had indeed never taken a human life. As for the Ninth Prince, who had a bit of purple aura on him, he was indeed a prince, but for some reason, he was unlucky enough to be killed along with his young reading companion at such a young age. The two children could be considered a few hundred years old, but they had been too young when they died, and still had some innocence about them, and simple thoughts.

After observing the old and the young, Chi Shuyan decided to let them watch the villa for her.

Hearing Chi Shuyan’s words, Chef Li and the young attendant were excited and quickly expressed that they would take good care of this villa and wouldn’t allow outsiders to barge in.

As for the Ninth Prince next to her, he was still as arrogant as ever. He said to Chi Shuyan in a childish voice, “This royal one is Li Yu, and I’m not going to watch the house just because you tell me to. Remember my name! When this royal one grows up, I’ll have Chef Li send betrothal gifts. You can’t seduce other men!”

After Chi Shuyan heard this kid’s words, she automatically ignored his “send betrothal gifts.” The corners of her mouth never stopped twitching, especially when she heard the little fatty in front of her say “seduce.” Chi Shuyan couldn’t help but pinch his fair, chubby face.

Not only did this fatty say he would grow up, he also wanted to marry her?

“I have a boyfriend!” Chi Shuyan curled her lip.

Li Yu, who was being pinched, was stupefied. When he heard Chi Shuyan’s words, Li Yu’s fat cheeks bulged angrily. “You touched this royal one, so you have to become my princess! You can break up with that man!”


This kid even knew the phrase ‘break up’?

When Chef Li heard his Ninth Prince’s words, he was so scared that cold sweat trickled down his forehead. Although he had never left this villa, he had gotten a lot of information and watched a lot of news thanks to the previous owner. The country already no longer had emperors.

Moreover, they were all ghosts now, so how could they dare offend this Celestial Master in front of them?

Chef Li hurriedly spoke up for his young master, expressing that he was too young and didn’t understand things.

Chi Shuyan wouldn’t really argue with a kid, but this fatty’s face was really too easy to pinch. The more Chi Shuyan pinched, the more addicted she became.

Li Yu’s face was still tense at first, but when he saw that the woman in front of him was becoming more and more addicted to pinching his face, and he still didn’t get an answer after a long time, Li Yu bit his lip and covered his face, and ducked to the side with wide eyes. “If you don’t become my princess, you can’t pinch my face! Only my wife can pinch it!”

Chi Shuyan stifled a laugh at this little fatty’s words, and her lips curled into a smile. “Okay, I won’t pinch it anymore. Then, go find your princess! I hope you find her soon!”

Li Yu was so angry that his round eyes spewed fire. He simply turned around and squatted on the ground to draw circles, and ignored Chi Shuyan no matter what. The young attendant, on the other hand, immediately went over to coax his young master.

Before Chi Shuyan left, she didn’t forget to have Chef Li bring the unconscious Manager Zhu to the car. As for the dishes on the table, she packed them all up. Chef Li had cooked a lot just now, and she had only eaten a small portion. Leaving them behind would be a waste.

Chef Li immediately obeyed. One of the benefits of becoming a ghost was that he was efficient in everything he did. Chef Li just moved his hand, and the dishes were all packed into boxes. At the same time, he brought the Celestial Master’s friend down, killing two birds with one stone.

After getting a.s.sistant Zhu into the car, Chi Shuyan reminded Chef Li several times that she would come again tomorrow.

“Yes, Celestial Master!”

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