
Everyone was curious. Who was the person Xu Jiayi was talking about?

"Master Lin." Xu Jiayi said slowly.

She could only think of Lin Feng. Other than him, she could not think of any other more suitable candidate.

"Master Lin, you mean that Master Lin who annihilated the entire Armoured Corps s of over ten thousand people from the island by herself?"

The first person that came to the mind of General Liu and Luo Yong"s group was Lin Feng. However, they were not completely sure, the Master Lin that Xu Jiaying mentioned was this ill.u.s.trious Master Hua Xialin.

"That"s right."

Xu Jiayi nodded her head affirmatively.

"If we can really invite that Master Lin over, all these problems will be solved easily. But, if we want to invite him out, I"m afraid it won"t be that easy."

General Liu sighed helplessly.

"That"s right, Jia Ying, with Master Lin"s personality, I am afraid we cannot get his to join us."

Luo Lao and the others were equally worried.

With Lin Feng"s strength, it should not be difficult for him to figure out the problem, but the most important core issue was that with the opponent"s strength and level, they might not be able to get rid of him.

"He is a student of the Dongan University." Xu Jiayi replied.

"What?" You said that Master Lin is actually … It"s you guys. Dongan University"s student? "

No matter whether it was General Liu"s few experts from the military or Luo Lao"s few genetic scientists from the Academy, they were all deeply shocked.

Upon reaching their level, they would naturally be able to come into contact with things that ordinary people would not be able to touch in their entire lives. Although they were not particularly clear about the Master Hua Xialin"s achievements, they had heard of them and knew some things about this Master Lin.

No matter what, they would never have thought that an existence like this island who could suppress everyone on its own was actually a student. Furthermore, it just so happened to be a student of the Dongan University.

"That"s right, and he happens to be a student of the College of Pharmacy."

Xu Jiayi nodded her head once again.

"Since you are a student of the College of Pharmacy, things will be much easier."

"Princ.i.p.al Xu, I"ll leave this matter to you. No matter what, we must invite you to Master Lin."

Everyone"s eyes were filled with expectation as they focused on Xu Jiaxin.

Although they did not know why this Master Lin who was comparable to a powerful existence in this world would become their College of Pharmacy"s student. But since the other party had done so, then there must be a reason. With Xu Jiaxin"s position as College of Pharmacy Princ.i.p.al and her image in the students" hearts, there was still hope for her to convince the Master Lin to help.

"This... I"ll try my best. " Xu Jiayi nodded.

His impression of Lin Feng was very good, especially with the incident where he was infected. His impression of him was so good that it had never been seen before.

According to the situation with Qin Anling"s outbreak, Lin Feng should not reject something like that. However, this was an important matter and before Lin Feng could give her a precise answer, she had to be a little nervous.

… ….

purple bamboo mountain, at the villa on the mountain top.

When Lin Feng woke up again, three days had already pa.s.sed.

With the nourishment from the dense spiritual energy in the villa at the top of the mountain and the ability of the Five Elements Immortal Body to automatically absorb and recover the spiritual energy, his body had already recovered to about seventy to eighty percent of its original strength.

However, the aftereffects of forcibly activating the powerful sacred art still remained. If he wanted to completely recover, he would need at least a year"s time even if he were to stay at the villa on the mountaintop all day.

During the three days of Lin Feng"s coma, Zhang Wanrong and Xu Ruoyun had always been beside him. The moment they saw him wake up, the two of them heaved a sigh of relief and cried out of joy.

"Lin Feng, in the three days that you were unconscious, College of Pharmacy called and came over with a few military personnel."

"Princ.i.p.al Xu said that if you wake up, contact her at the first possible moment. It seems that you met with something especially important."

As their excitement died down, the two of them continued to speak in a hurry.

The Princ.i.p.al Xu of the College of Pharmacy definitely had something especially important to find Lin Feng. Otherwise, he wouldn"t have called several times and even called him dozens of times in a short span of three days.

"Okay, I"ll call and ask about the situation."

Lin Feng took out his mobile phone and called Xu Jiaxin a few times, but no one answered.

With no other choice, he drove his car out of the mountain villa and headed towards Dongan University.

After arriving at school, Lin Feng parked his car and went straight to Xu Jiaxin"s office. When he arrived, he found that there was no one at the office.

He dialed Xu Jiaxing"s number again, but no one answered. He shrugged his shoulders and was about to leave, but at this moment, Xu Jiayi, who was in a state of silence, suddenly called him.

"Princ.i.p.al Xu, you were looking for me?"

After the call connected, Lin Feng asked curiously.

He really wanted to know what exactly was going on. To be able to make the usually calm Xu Jiaxin act so nervous and fl.u.s.tered.

"Yes, I"m looking for you. It"s urgent." Xu Jiayin said straightforwardly, "You should come to College of Pharmacy immediately."

"Princ.i.p.al Xu, I"m at your office." Lin Feng replied.

"Wait for me, I"ll be right there."

Xu Jiayi"s speed was very fast. After hanging up the phone, it only took her a few minutes to rush over.

"You … You are Lin Feng? " Seeing Lin Feng like that, Xu Jiaxin was shocked.

This Lin Feng in front of him looked to be around forty to fifty years old, and he looked to be the Lin Feng of twenty to thirty years later.

Lin Feng gave a simple explanation.

"So that"s how it is." Xu Jiaying nodded in realization, her face looking gloomy.

She had come to find Lin Feng for help, but did not expect that his injuries would not have fully healed. In this sort of situation, she did not know if she could continue entrusting such an important mission to Lin Feng.

"Princ.i.p.al Xu, don"t worry, I have recovered about seventy to eighty percent of my strength. It"s just that if I want to recover my strength, I will probably need some time."

Lin Feng could see the worry in Xu Jiaying"s heart at a glance, and chuckled.

"Over at the academy, there"s something I need your help with." Hearing this, Xu Jiayin no longer hesitated.

"What is it?"

"Follow me first. Right now, this is not the place to talk."

"Alright." Lin Feng nodded and did not continue speaking.

Inside the secret meeting room, everyone was also shocked by Lin Feng"s appearance. However, after hearing Xu Jiaying"s explanation, they all nodded in relief.

In this period of time, they had always been at school, discussing about thoroughly investigating the gene research team spies and didn"t pay much attention to the outside world. Otherwise, with their strength, they would have known what was happening on the island"s Mount Fuji.

"Xiao Lin, it"s an urgent matter, so I"ll go straight to the point."

Lin Feng nodded.

Do you know that in your Dongan University, starting from last year, you received a major national scientific research project, and this project has been secretly carried out in our College of Pharmacy"s scientific research center?

The General Liu went straight to the point.

Lin Feng shook his head, indicating that he did not know.

Dongan University was one of the top five important universities in the entire kingdom. As the top academy in the Dongan University, he was even more so the top ranked in the country. He only knew that the Dongan University had undertaken many important research projects in the, but he was not clear about the specifics.

After all, these were all top secret.

"One year ago, our Dongan University led the establishment of a genetic research project under the leaders.h.i.+p of our superiors. This research team has gathered all of us in Dongan University, the top experts in this field. At the same time, they are also top experts at the national and international level. "

"There is only one reason for setting up this research team. By studying blood samples, we can extract the key gene components and a.n.a.lyze them thoroughly. Then, based on this, we can develop a drug to eliminate the bad genes in our Chinese descendants, and then we can re-create the bad genes in our descendants. "

"This research is currently going on in an orderly manner. Many experiments have also been done. It"s the most critical stage." "Soon, we will be able to extract the key gene components and start researching the targeted genetic drugs."

"But at this time …" However, we have received news that among the experts in our gene research team, there are supreme experts from other countries who have infiltrated this place. They were employed and employed. The purpose of the mission is very simple. After the gene components are extracted from the blood samples, the detailed data will be stolen. "

The General Liu explained in detail, one word at a time.

After every word and sentence was spoken, the expression on his face grew increasingly grim.

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