From Imperial City to the Four Great Family powerhouse s.

"This should be the place where the Yuan Spirit Astral Fire is stored?"

Lin Feng, Bai Yu and a few others stopped in front of a huge stone door.

Directly above the stone door, there was a mark shaped like a flame.

After all the clues had been gathered, other than the map that led to this place, there was another symbol.

According to the marked clues, the place where such a mark appeared was where the exact clues were kept.

"It should be here."

Looking at the flame symbol directly above the stone door, Bai Yu excitedly shouted.

"Here it is!"

The other eight Ice gate strong s were equally shocked.

His gaze fell onto the flame mark above the stone door and he yelled out in excitement.

The thing they were looking for was the clue as to the exact location of the strange fire. Based on this situation, the cave with the sigil of the flame above the stone door was most likely the place where the clue was kept.


Taking a deep breath, Lin Feng held his breath and focused on the stone door.


The powerful physical strength and the vigorous immortal elemental energy erupted at the same time.

The instant the six colored light appeared on the surface of his body, it first agglomerated into an egg-like Five Elements s.h.i.+eld Armor with light that represented the body of a five elements spiritual energy, then condensed into a set of immortal elemental energy s with pure immortal elemental energy s.

Both the inner and the outer layer completely surrounded him.


After making all his preparations, Lin Feng slowly pushed open the stone door.

However, this time, after the stone door was pushed open, no energy light arrow shot out nor any terrifying gray fog from the corrosion force above the stone door.

The scorching heat it brought was like the surging lava of a rolling volcano.

A moment later, the overflowing heat wave dissipated and everything in cave returned to normal.

This kind of cave was very big, to the point that it could be described as vast. At least among the countless cave that Lin Feng had spied on with his Heavenly Vision Technique, there were very few that could compare to it.

Inside the cave, which was around one hundred thousand square metres in size, was a field of empty s.p.a.ce. However, at the end of the cave, there was a box carved from cold jade.

The box wasn"t too big, and it looked no different from a normal painting box.

"Let"s go over and take a look!"

Lin Feng said as he took the lead and walked forward.

There was almost no end in sight within this giant cave, but to him, it was only a few steps away.

Taking a few steps forward, he had already arrived a hundred meters away from the Frigid jade box.

Just at this moment, his stride, which was thousands of meters long, finally stopped. It was as if the seemingly void in front of him had solidified into a solid wall, impossible to cross.

"This must be the clue that leads to the exact location of the astral fire!"

Feeling the surging pressure from each step he took, Lin Feng not only did not become dispirited, he even excitedly laughed out loud.

There was still a hundred meters of distance between him and the Frigid jade box and he already had the pressure of carrying ten thousand kilograms. It was hard to imagine how terrifying the pressure his body would have to endure would be if he were to approach the Frigid jade box completely …


With his entire body"s strength exploding forth, Lin Feng snorted coldly and took a step forward towards the last hundred meters.


Ma.s.sive pressure rose up to the sky as he took that step forward.

The pressure it brought was double that of the ten thousand jin burden from before.


With the second step, the pressure was doubled once again.

The third step was still the same.

However, when the fourth step was taken, the pressure suddenly doubled. It increased from thirty thousand jin to sixty thousand jin.

… ….

Fifth step, sixth step.

Seventh step, eighth step.

The ninth step …

There was only a distance of a hundred meters left. To Lin Feng, it was like an insurmountable chasm.

With every step he took, the pressure on his body increased exponentially. Only ten steps forward or so, and the pressure on his body felt like he was carrying a mountain.

This kind of pressure, for Lin Feng, was completely within the range of what he could endure. What he was worried was, as the distance between them continued to close, just how far would this pressure increase?

After entering a distance of one hundred meters, every step he took was only about one meter. Therefore, he only advanced ten meters forward by ten steps.

Merely being nearing a distance of ninety meters was akin to carrying a huge mountain. It was extremely difficult to imagine how terrifying the pressure would be if one were to completely approach it.

Even if his Body Level had already reached the level of the middle grade indestructible body of five elements, in addition to the various immortal skills and divine abilities, as well as the support from his other powerful foundations, he might not necessarily be able to withstand it.

"Whether it will work or not is something that we have to try!"

After entering the ninety meters area, Lin Feng"s waist started to bend under the pressure, as if he was carrying a huge mountain.

However, just as his brilliant fighting spirit was ignited, his slightly bent waist straightened once again.

Bearing with the immense pressure, Lin Feng took another step forward.

Eighty-nine meters, eighty-eight meters, eighty-seven meters …

Seventy-nine meters, seventy-eight meters, seventy-seven meters …

Sixty meters …

Fifty meters …

As his footsteps continued to move forward, the distance between Lin Feng and the Frigid jade box finally reached fifty meters.

At this moment, the pressure was explosively increasing, to the point where Lin Feng"s body was almost unable to endure it anymore. Not only was his waist bent from the pressure, even his legs were bent down uncontrollably, causing him to nearly bend completely.


Using all of its indestructible body of five elements, the five elements spiritual energy began to madly gather on the surface of its body. In an instant, the five colored energy eggsh.e.l.l"s scutum had already gathered and formed.


Under the violent pressure, the Multicolored light screen eggsh.e.l.l trembled, but the pressure on Lin Feng, who was inside the eggsh.e.l.l, decreased greatly.

He straightened his back again and straightened his body.

Forty-nine meters, forty-eight meters, forty-seven meters, forty-six meters …

Forty meters, thirty-nine meters …

Twenty meters.

Just like this, with the support of the Multicolored light screen eggsh.e.l.l, Lin Feng"s footsteps continued to approach closer and closer.

By the time the pace neared a distance of twenty meters, the Multicolored light screen eggsh.e.l.l was already filled with cracks. It looked as though it could explode at any time.


With just a thought from Lin Feng, the berserk immortal elemental energy gushed out.

In just the time of a single breath, it had gathered above the Multicolored light screen eggsh.e.l.l on the surface of his body, and formed into a milky white battle armor.

A sharp light flashed like the descent of a war G.o.d.

With the support of this milky-white battle armor, the pressure on Lin Feng decreased yet again.

Just like that, he continued until he was within the last ten meters. Only then did he feel the unbearable pressure.


Lin Feng clenched his teeth and took a step forward.

The moment they broke through the last nine meters, no matter if it was the long since cracked Multicolored light screen eggsh.e.l.l or the recently completed milky white immortal elemental energy battle armor, all of them were smashed to smithereens at the same time.

It turned into specks of light, scattering in all directions!

"Kacha …."

Following the shattering of the two defensive scutum, when Lin Feng was completely exposed under the vast pressure, cracks began to form on his flesh.

It was as if a sharp blade had sliced across his skin, exposing him as the blood dripped to the ground.


In an instant, all of the remaining Tianyuan Pill came out in full strength.

As Lin Feng crazily devoured the Tianyuan Pill"s injured body, he continued to close in on them.

Although the Tianyuan Pill was replenis.h.i.+ng itself crazily, it was still unable to keep up with the pressure. After continuously taking a few steps forward, cracks had already started to form on Lin Feng"s body.

Lin Feng turned a blind eye to this, and continued to advance step by step. Very quickly, their steps were nearing the last meter of distance. However, at this time, all the Tianyuan Pill that were thrown out had been completely swallowed, and completely disappeared.

"Kacha, kacha …"


Without the Tianyuan Pill"s continuous replenishment, Lin Feng"s body, which was already filled with cracks, could no longer withstand the enormous pressure and exploded.

However, due to the ravaging might of the explosion of his physical body, his soul actually borrowed the strength of his physical body to directly land on the cold jade box and escape death.

In an instant, the pressure was gone.

It was as if the monstrous pressure had disappeared with a rumble when it landed on the stone pillar where the jade box was.


Lin Feng took a deep breath and quickly concentrated his attention on the cold jade box.

"This Frigid jade box was actually carved out of the spiritual vein"s rock crystal."

"With the spiritual energy s it contains, it is enough to recreate its body in an instant."

Looking at it from such a close distance, Lin Feng immediately discovered that there was something strange about the Frigid jade box.

This kind of cold jade box looked like ordinary cold jade on the surface, but upon closer inspection, one could see that the engravings on it were different. Especially after the soul had landed on it, he could even more clearly feel that it was different from the warmth of a normal cold jade.

The spiritual vein"s rock crystal was a purification from the Spirit Stone"s vein that had existed for at least tens of thousands of years. Merely the concentration of spiritual energy contained within this piece of spiritual vein rock was already comparable to that of a small-scale Spirit Stone mine.

With Lin Feng"s current realm of the indestructible body of five elements of his fleshly body, just this box carved from the spiritual vein"s stone crystal was enough to complete the reconstruction of his flesh body no less than ten times without the support of any other spiritual energy.

"Hualala …"

The vast spiritual energy stored within the spiritual vein that was carved by the spiritual vein was crazily being absorbed by the soul with just a thought. In a few short breaths, the remodeling of the body was already completed.

With extremely excited emotions, Lin Feng slowly opened the Frost jade box.

"How could this thing be the guide to where the Immortal Soul Divine Flame is located?"

Lin Feng looked at the gigantic key in front of him and was immediately at a loss.

He"d thought that the clues leading to the origin soul flame would be a map, but it turned out to be only a key.

So what if this key was the key to the secret location of the Immortal Soul s.h.i.+eld Flame? It was only a key, how could he find the location of the Immortal Soul Supreme Flame?

Filled with suspicion, Lin Feng subconsciously took the key into his hands.

"There"s only one key?!"

Bai Yu and the other eight Ice gate strong s did the same.

His gaze landed on the key that Lin Feng was holding, and became absent-minded.

Right at this moment, they suddenly realized that the moment Lin Feng grabbed the key, his expression had abruptly changed greatly.

The puzzlement had disappeared and was replaced with intense excitement.

"So that"s how it is!"

Holding the key in his hand, a surge of information gushed into his head from the key.

Lin Feng nodded his head in realization.

The key in front of him was indeed the Secret Key that had activated the primordial spirit flame. In addition, there was also information about a map, which the Seal had placed in the key. As long as someone touched it, this information would be activated and transmitted to the person who obtained the Secret Key.

"This place must be one of the most dangerous places in Kunqian."

Feeling the direction that the map eventually pointed in in in his mind, Lin Feng took a deep breath in and slowly narrowed his eyes.

There were many precious cultivation grounds in this huge void, and countless heavenly and earthly treasures were born here. At the same time, there were many dangerous places in the void filled with horrible beasts.

Let alone his current strength, which was comparable to his Peak Nascent Soul, even if a real subconscious powerhouse entered these dangerous grounds, they would likely fall.

According to the information on the map that had just entered his mind, the location of the Immortal Burying Valley was the Immortal Burying Valley, which was located in one of the seven great dangers of the void.

"In such a large s.p.a.ce, how could it be so easy to obtain one of the twenty-seven kinds of strange fire!"

After a while, Lin Feng stopped thinking about it.

So what if there were many dangers? As long as he could obtain the Immortal Soul Supreme Flame, it would all be worth it. After a while, he made up his mind. When he returned, he would immediately head to the Immortal Burying Valley to find the Immortal Soul Fire.

The overflowing pressure within a hundred meter radius had already disappeared. Lin Feng took a step back, and he had already traveled over a thousand meters.

With a few strides, he stopped in front of Bai Yu"s group.

"We"ve found the clue. We can go back now."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he immediately prepared to leave.

Within the criss-crossing tunnels, there were also dozens of experts from the royal and the Four Great Clans of Imperial City. When he had first met them, he had already sensed the powerful aura that was hidden within these dozens of people.

If they were to fight, he didn"t have absolute confidence. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, it was best to leave as soon as possible.

However, just as Lin Feng kept his Secret Key and was about to leave with Bai Yu and the other eight Ice gate strong s, the sound of hurried footsteps came over.

As the footsteps stopped abruptly, almost at the same time, dozens of experts from the Imperial City"s four great families appeared at the entrance.

"I didn"t think that a tiny Ice Soul Gate would be able to get a hold of the clues regarding the exact location of the strange fire."

"To be able to survive under the Green Mane Beast"s lead, you guys are quite lucky!"

Dozens of experts from the Imperial City"s four great families looked at Lin Feng"s group with eerie and cold gazes.

The overflowing killing intent began to wreak havoc.

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