"Huff …"

Amidst the excited cheers, everyone simultaneously heaved a sigh of relief.

Although the losses were heavy this time, it was worth it as long as Master Lin was annihilated. After all, compared to the"s Pacific Fleet Commander, Kerry"s promised military a.s.sistance, such a small loss was nothing.

"That Master Lin, is he really dead?"

Within the Air and land forces, only their commander was not shouting excitedly like the others. Upon recalling the sight before him, his face darkened as he muttered to himself.

He remembered very clearly that before the hundred or so rocket launchers had exploded together, a golden-green pattern of the five elements had appeared on Lin Feng"s body. The most important thing was the calmness that remained unmoved on Lin Feng"s face, which made him faintly feel that even under the saturation attack of over a hundred rockets, Lin Feng could still block it.

"Master Lin …" Master Lin... "

"Lin Jun, no … "Don"t..."

On the Dragon Guardian"s side, everyone"s emotions were completely downcast. When all the hundred of cannonb.a.l.l.s had exploded, they were filled with grief, especially Yiteng Youmei, who was choked with sobs.

From the bottom of their hearts, they hoped that Lin Feng would be safe. However, they knew clearly that under such a concentrated attack, even if Lin Feng displayed his true strength, he would not be able to survive.

After all, with such concentrated saturation attacks, Lin Feng could only rely on his body to take them head-on. Furthermore, with the might of the explosion of over a hundred rockets, it was extremely terrifying.

Even if it was Lin Feng"s body, which was no longer the original body, but instead a body made of spirit energy, it was likely that he would not be able to escape.

"That Master Lin of China is finally going to die, right?"

"Of course, against the concentrated attack of over a hundred artillery sh.e.l.ls, there is no chance of survival."

"Of course it"s good if he"s dead. He could even ignore the 70 mm large-caliber machine guns fired from the step chariot and the armed helicopter. This brat cannot be left alive."

They had long since retreated far away, and the powers watching from afar, upon seeing the flames that covered the sky, all started to shout excitedly like soldiers of the Air and land forces.

The more powerful Lin Feng"s strength was, the stronger their fear of him would be in their hearts.

It was a pity that the excitement on their faces soon froze. The same was true for the military.

The excitement in everyone"s heart burst like a bubble. Their eyes widened once again. The shock and terror in their eyes were unprecedented:

"It"s him... Is it really him? "

… ….

In the sky, hundreds of artillery sh.e.l.ls were fired. The shockwave from the explosions had not dispersed yet, and the flames that filled the sky were still raging in the sky.

However, just as the flames lit up the entire sky, a figure suddenly soared into the sky. It continued to soar upwards until it reached a thousand meters in the air before stopping.

Lin Feng stood with his hands behind his back, and floated at an alt.i.tude of over a thousand meters. Three colors were missing from his entire body, and only the golden and azure patterns of the five elements were present, completely enveloping him within them.

His clothes had long since become tattered under the onslaught of the first round of machine guns. Large areas of s.h.i.+ny skin were exposed all over his body, making him look like the finest white jade, sparkling and translucent. This was the new muscle in the ice that everyone had never seen before. Compared to it, the model of a celebrity whose skin was soft and tender, it was paler and more ashamed.

"Bang!" "Bang, bang!"

After the cannonball exploded, tens of thousands of shrapnel fragments filled the sky. Even when Lin Feng was thousands of meters into the air, there were still a few that exploded on his body. However, when the fragments touched the golden and cyan patterns on the sh.e.l.l, they were all blown away like eggsh.e.l.ls.


The moment Lin Feng"s golden green eggsh.e.l.l rushed out from the explosion, it became extremely dim. At this moment, when the shrapnel was bounced away, the shrapnel shook violently several times and the light became dimmer.


Finally, as the sh.e.l.l fragments continued to crash into the sh.e.l.l again and again, the golden green eggsh.e.l.l finally broke with a loud bang. However, at this time, there weren"t many fragments that were left in the sky and there were even fewer that were able to hit Lin Feng.

Occasionally, a fish that slipped through the net would explode on Lin Feng"s body and be bounced off by his body made of spirit energy. It simply did not harm him at all.

Lin Feng who was above a thousand metres in the air looked extremely insignificant from the ground. On the side of the Myanmar military and Air and land forces, if they were not completely focused, it would be difficult to discover Lin Feng"s body that was floating a thousand meters in the air. As for those who had escaped, the people from the Dragon Guardian Tribe and the other forces who were cultivating, if not for them, all of them would be powerful experts. They would have never noticed Lin Feng"s existence.

However, in the eyes of the ma.s.ses, the seemingly insignificant Lin Feng, did not have the slightest amount of contempt. On the contrary, all of their hearts held Lin Feng"s strength in high esteem; it was something unprecedented in history.

"Great, this is great!"

"Lin Jun is fine, it"s good that you"re fine!"

In the Dragon Guardian Tribe, everyone had swept away their previous sadness and dejection, and all of them loudly shouted out in excitement. Especially Yiteng Youmei, she cried tears of joy.

"Good, good, good!"

Gu Mu excitedly said three words of "good" consecutively, and his aged face was filled with a gratified and smiling expression.

Gu Zhe did not speak, only his expression became more and more gloomy. The envious flames in his eyes had already completely turned into sinister and sinister hatred. He did not care about the future hopes of the Hua Xia Wu Dao Realm. He only wished for Lin Feng to die. He was the Dragon Protector clan"s most elite young genius, and also the future bright star of the Chinese martial dao world. He was not just this, a mere so-called Eastern An Master Lin.

"Impossible …" How could it be like this! "

"What"s an eggsh.e.l.l formed from golden green light?" It can actually withstand the explosive power of hundreds of rockets! "

The military and other forces of Myanmar were in a completely different state. They had completely different reactions. The smiles on their faces froze on their faces, and their eyes were wide open, filled with fear and disbelief.

No matter what, they would never have thought that Lin Feng would actually be able to survive after being hit by hundreds of rocket launchers at such a high density.

Furthermore, if not for the fact that the clothes Lin Feng was wearing had become even more tattered, it was completely impossible to tell that the other party had just experienced the bombardment of more than a hundred artillery sh.e.l.ls.

Lin Feng stood with his hands behind his back in the air, and at the same time, step by step, a terrifying vortex appeared in the air, once again forming, and swept towards the step chariot.

Just now, the golden wood spirit condensed into a hard eggsh.e.l.l to resist the terrifying impact of hundreds of rockets and explosions. Although he had succeeded in the end, a large half of the Golden wood spirit had been used up, resulting in the re-formed air vortex being much weaker than before.

But even so, once a step chariot was involved, it could not escape destruction.

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