Is that you?

3 meters squared.

Located in the desolate northern suburbs of Niuyo City, there was an abandoned factory.

Inside the factory, there were more than a dozen masked men dressed in tight uniforms lined up in two rows, guarding the inside of the factory from both sides. In the middle of them, a few middle-aged men in their fifties cl.u.s.tered around an old man in his seventies.

The old man was in the middle of answering the phone. A fire was lit in front of him, illuminating the dark factory. At the same time, the old man"s disdainful smile was lit up.

"Mr. Heng Te, what are you laughing at?"

The middle-aged men stared curiously at the old man and didn"t move.

"Those ordinary soldiers are a bunch of idiots!"

Heng Te kept his phone, and scolded:

"Those idiots from the Pacific Fleet, when one of their s.h.i.+p formation s was practicing, they actually attacked each other, to the extent where all of their s.h.i.+p formation s were annihilated!"



The few middle-aged men burst into laughter, not a trace of sadness or pity could be seen on their faces.

Although they all belonged to the military, their thirteenth region was an existence that was completely independent from the ordinary troops. In their eyes, these ordinary troops were nothing more than useless reptiles.

"Enough, stop laughing at those useless trash. Let"s just continue sitting here and wait for that Master Hua Xialin!"

Mr. Heng Te waved his hand, his eyes filled with deep antic.i.p.ation.

"Mr. Heng Te, that Master Hua Xialin has countless of methods. We only have a dozen or so super warriors here, what if something happens?"

The middle-aged men"s smiles froze on their faces, and their expressions turned grim.

They had long heard of the Master Hua Xialin"s strength. Even the encirclement of the hundreds of people in the Mediterranean had failed, and even with just the strength of a dozen or so people, they would still not be their match.

Although the dozens of people here had undergone the latest modifications, and their strength had increased greatly compared to before, even so, they still did not think that these ten odd newly transformed super warriors would be Lin Feng"s match.

"With that woman in your hands, what are you afraid of? No matter how powerful his Master Lin is, he can only obediently surrender. "

The old man laughed disdainfully.

He had never expected that the Zhang Wanrong locked in the Thirteenth District"s base would be the real trump card of the dozen or so people present.

"Haha, that"s true!"

The middle-aged men laughed and relaxed a bit.

However, this sort of relaxation was quickly replaced by a serious feeling.

"Mr. Heng Te, there are only normal guards guarding the base area. What if the Master Lin found the base and sneaked in to save the woman? "

"If we lose that woman as a threat, we will die facing that Master Lin!"

In the base of the thirteenth region, there were originally hundreds of super soldiers. Even though they had suffered heavy losses in the Mediterranean Sea, there were still more than 200.

These people were enough to make them face any powerful heavenly pa.s.sage without fear. But now, aside from the 10 or so people who were brought here to be remodeled in the first batch, the rest were all sent to the secret base for a new round of remodeling, so that they could travel even further on the Immortal Graveyard that was about to open.

As of now, there were only a few ordinary soldiers left defending the thirteenth region. If Lin Feng found the location of the thirteenth region, he could definitely save a person with ease.

Once Zhang Wanrong was saved, they would lose their bargaining chips against him, and at that time, all of them would be in deep sorrow!

"It doesn"t matter. The location of the base is a top secret even in our military. The Master Lin definitely won"t know about it!"

Heng Te waved his hand nonchalantly.

"But... That Master Lin, does he have some sort of special relations.h.i.+p with the Dragon Guardian Clan and the Chinese military? "

The middle-aged men were still worried.

Although the thirteenth region was an absolute secret, the Chinese military would definitely have some information.

"So what? Even if the Chinese military has information about our area, they won"t be able to pinpoint the exact location. They"ll at most know a rough estimate of the area "

"No matter how strong the Master Lin is, it"s definitely impossible for him to find the location of our Thirteenth District within this range!"

Heng Te still did not care at all. He had absolute confidence that the Chinese military would definitely not know the exact location of the thirteenth region.

So, even if it was Lin Feng, from the Chinese military, he would be able to get a rough idea of the position, so he did not mind it at all.

"That"s true!"

The nervous expressions of the middle-aged men finally eased up.

"The mystical shackles I obtained from the technological ruins can be used just in time. Once we completely seal off the abilities of that Master Lin and turn him into an ordinary person, no matter how powerful he is, he won"t be able to pull off any waves."

The old man"s gaze looked at the strange looking ring in his hand that was made of an unknown material, and the smile on his face became even wider.

They had done experiments before, and even if they were strong enough, they were comparable to existences at the level of the The Chief Sovereign of the Heavenly Pa.s.sage. Once they were shackled by such a miraculous shackle, all of their true essence and spiritual will would be completely sealed, becoming like ordinary people.

"As long as that Master Lin turns into an ordinary person, we will be able to use 100 different methods to force out Kun Xu"s actual situation from his mouth."

"All these years, we have been preparing to explore the technological ruins in District A and District 13. This might be our chance!"

"Now, only that Master Lin can come."

"Everything is ready, only the east wind is left."

A few middle-aged men"s faces were filled with antic.i.p.ation as their eyes flickered with a dense and burning light.

… ….

Lin Feng arrived at the square meter area, and very quickly arrived at the place Xu Changgeng had pointed out.

Under the influence of his spiritual will, everything within fifty kilometers was captured.

Whether it was the walking ants on the ground, the flying birds in the sky, or the swimming fish in a pond, Lin Feng was clear on all of their movements.

His spiritual will could even penetrate a depth of several thousand meters, so deep that he could even clearly see the movement of the bottom sh.e.l.l.

"It"s here!"

Feeling that familiar aura, Lin Feng quickly saw that haggard face.

Instantly, killing intent filled the air, and the air around them turned icy cold.

The temperature dropped by a lot. It was like going from a hot equator straight to the icy cold of the North and South Poles. In a trance, even the air was frozen solid.

"Wanrong, I"m here."

Lin Feng"s figure flashed, and immediately disappeared into the ground.

When the Five Element Escape Technique was used, Lin Feng"s affinity to the earth was similar to that of a water and a fish. It was as if the land were an endless sea, and he was a fish swimming freely in that sea.

After all, the ordinary soldiers who stayed behind were only in charge of some menial work. The ones who were in charge of the security were the super soldiers who took turns to guard the area.

In the eyes of these ordinary soldiers, the thirteenth region didn"t need to be on guard at all. First of all, this place was an absolute secret even within the military. Even they, who were the guards, didn"t know the exact location. Every time they came or left, their eyes and ears would be covered.

Therefore, it was impossible for someone to charge all the way here!

Zhang Wanrong was locked in a separate room. It was possible that she was worried that her sudden appearance in the room would scare the other party.

A few guards who were guarding outside the door were instantly struck dumb when they saw Lin Feng"s sudden appearance.

"What"s going on?"

The guards looked at each other and saw the same shock in each other"s eyes.

After a while, as if they could not believe their eyes, they rubbed them with all their might and looked at Lin Feng again.

"Ahh …"

They cried out in alarm and were about to run away.

A living person appearing out of thin air. What sort of method was this?

They had seen many experts who could not be judged by the common sense of the world. Their perspective had long since exceeded that of ordinary soldiers. With just a glance, one could tell that Lin Feng"s strength was definitely not something they could handle.

"Sou sou …"

In the blink of an eye, a few threads of immortal elements shot out.

Like a sharp arrow that had just been released from a bow, it shot into the bodies of the guards in a flash.


immortal elements suddenly erupted, and the bodies of the guards exploded, turning into a blood mist which spread out.

Pus.h.i.+ng open the door, Lin Feng strode in.


His voice was very soft, very soft, as if even the snow and ice were about to melt under this sound.

"Lin Feng... Is it really you?! "

Seeing Lin Feng push open the door and enter, Zhang Wanrong was stunned on the spot, as though she was in a dream.

Ever since she was imprisoned here, she longed for Lin Feng to suddenly appear in front of her in her dreams!

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