After Lin Feng and Bai Yu said their goodbyes and left, they did not wander aimlessly, but found the closest city instead.

He didn"t know much about Kun Xu, but the last time he came, he had some simple contact with him.

If he wanted to find out more information, the restaurants within the city were the best places for him to do so.

Qian Yu city was a famous city in the void, one of the twelve great cities of the void.

Upon entering, Lin Feng could clearly feel that the bustle of the city was far more lively than the small city he had stayed in the last time he came to Kun Xu.

The difference between the two, if you were on Earth in China, would be like that between a provincial capital and a small 7-string county.

The difference was like heaven and earth!

"This is the real city of the void, as strong as the clouds!"

The whole of Qianyu city was like the capital city of ancient China. Ancient buildings formed a series of intersecting streets, with countless pedestrians shuttling back and forth on the streets.

The only difference was that these people were all cultivators. Most of them were quite powerful, and the weakest was at the initial Aurous Core stage.

There were also many people who would bring mounts with them. These mounts were as big as a giant elephant, and there were also strange birds with huge wings.

In short, whether they were travelling on the ground or soaring in the sky, all kinds of mounts were present.

"On the road here, although there are quite a few restaurants, their size can"t be counted as big. Even the largest one is less than 10% of the size of the restaurant in front of us."

Lin Feng"s unceasing footsteps finally stopped in front of a restaurant that was several acres large.

Not only did the restaurant in front of them occupy an enormous area, the wood used to build this restaurant was actually a seven-colored spirit wood that could be used to forge spirit artifacts.

The place was huge, and the entire restaurant was made of seven-colored spirit wood. This clearly showed the great status of this restaurant in Qianyu city.

If he wanted to find out more information, this restaurant was definitely the best choice.

"Get out of the way..."

Just as Lin Feng was about to step onto the stairs and enter the restaurant, a tall and st.u.r.dy figure had already rushed over from behind him.

As though he did not feel any powerful aura from Lin Feng, the tall and st.u.r.dy man pushed Lin Feng away and went in first.

"Hey, isn"t this the number one inner disciple of the Barbarian Sect, Tie Luohan? Why is he in such a sorry state?"

Lin Feng"s face darkened, but just as he was about to flare up, a voice sounded within the shop: "He must have just returned from the Abyss of the Undead! Tell me, did you manage to get anything good from the Abyss of the Undead this time? "

The one who spoke was a thin and frail man who had a bizarre tone to his words. He had a gentle expression on his face, and his appearance was in stark contrast to the muscular man"s.

"F * ck that b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" The burly man cursed, "Not only was I unable to get the good stuff, I almost lost my life."

"We"ve encountered powerful berserk beasts?"

"Nonsense, he"s far more than amazing. If it wasn"t for the life-saving treasure that laozi had given me at the most crucial moment, my life would have been finished." What a pity about that life-saving treasure … "

"Risk and opportunity exist side by side. Otherwise, the Abyss of the Undead would have been turned upside down long ago."

"It doesn"t matter if it"s by chance or by chance. After saving my life this time, I will not go to the Abyss of the Undead"s place again no matter what." The burly man cursed as he ate and drank.

Although they had reached the realm where they could split valleys, it was still difficult to change the habits pa.s.sed down through tens of thousands of years. Moreover, the meat and wine in the restaurant were all made from vicious beasts and immortal herbs. Although the effect was not great, there would still be some healing and recovery effects.

"Really? I heard that yesterday, an expert brought out a peak treasure from the Abyss of the Undead. " The voice of the thin and eerie man became even softer.

"What did you just say? peak treasure? " The tall and st.u.r.dy man threw down the big piece of meat and the wine cup in his hand, and jumped up with a "sou" sound.

"Even for existences on the level of our top ten sects, only the true core strength experts have the qualification to own a peak treasure."

The man with a weird expression continued to speak with a cluck of his tongue:

"Moreover, this is still nothing. We also received the news yesterday. A rogue cultivator who met with luck actually accidentally ate a Earth Concealing Fruit in Abyss of the Undead. So his realm, has directly jumped from the peak of Jindan to the Large Success of Nascent Soul in one leap. "


After the weird looking man finished speaking, the burly man"s expression became even more wonderful.

Not only him, but everyone else in the restaurant was stunned.

From peak of Jindan, one had to jump a full four small realms in order to become an expert of Nascent Soul Small Success. All that was lacking was a small realm, and increasing one"s strength, would be a leap in a large realm.

This kind of increase in strength brought about a sharp rise in status. After all, even in the top ten sects of the Quintessential Void Sect, their Large Success of Nascent Soul was already an existence at the level of an inner sect master.

In the ten great sects, other than the number one ancient school, whose inner sect master"s strength had reached the peak of the Nascent Soul stage, the other nine great sects, including the number two Biyun Sect, were all only at the Large Success of Nascent Soul realm.

"I never thought that there would be such a treasure like the Kitigarbha fruit in Abyss of the Undead!"

"The Earth Concealing Fruit is a concomitant immortal treasure. Where there is a Earth Concealing Fruit, there will definitely be another Earth Concealing Fruit. I only hope that the other one hasn"t been discovered yet!"

At this time, Lin Feng had also fallen into the same state of absent-mindedness.

There was an uncontrollable excitement in the mutterings.

A single ripe Kitigarbha fruit was enough to push an ordinary cultivator, from the initial stage of cultivation, straight into the Yuanying Stage.

However, the Art of Creation was special and strong, and it was extremely difficult to raise one"s realm. However, it was still possible to merely break through from the peak of Jindan to the Yuanying Stage.

"Kitigarbha Fruit, from peak of Jindan to Large Success of Nascent Soul!"

After a long time, the muscular man recovered from his state of absent-mindedness.

"Among the ten great sects, peak of Jindan is the most ordinary of the inner sect disciples."

"But once you step into the Large Success of Nascent Soul, you will have the strength of an inner sect master!"

"That rogue cultivator"s luck is too good, I have to go to Abyss of the Undead and try my luck."

"That"s right, if we"re unlucky, we"ll just die inside. But if we can be like that rogue cultivator with heaven-defying luck, then we won"t need to live as lowly as we are now!"

"I want to go to Abyss of the Undead!"

The rest of the people in the restaurant recovered from their dazed state one after another.

In that moment, the focus of everyone"s discussion, were all on the Abyss of the Undead.

Other than that, there was nothing else.

"Abyss of the Undead, you can go take a look."

After making up his mind, Lin Feng"s attention had already landed on the man with the weird yin energy.

It just so happened that at this moment, the man with the weird aura walked out of the restaurant with a sway of his body.

"The chance has come!"

Lin Feng squinted his eyes and followed his out.

He followed the weird looking man and left Qianyu city. When they finally reached a secluded area, his figure flashed and blocked the other party"s path.

In order to guarantee the safety of Lin Feng, after using the Immortal Arts and imprisoning the other party, he immediately used the powerful G.o.d Reading Art.

"Sure enough!"

From the other party"s memories, after confirming that the Kitigarbha Fruit"s matter was correct, Lin Feng continued to pinpoint the location of the Abyss of the Undead.

Then, he walked towards the direction of the Abyss of the Undead.

He only had one month left, so he couldn"t even think about it. The Kitigarbha Fruit and Kitigarbha fruit were both born with immortal treasure s, so the faster they arrived at the Abyss of the Undead, the lower the chances of others reaching the top first.

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