After 70 auditions in a day, the director and screenwriter were extremely exhausted.

This type of audition was basically taking in account actors" AI Script power of expression. Unless you had an excellent studio specialized in a.n.a.lyzing the AI Script, otherwise everybody"s performance was about the same, the expressions were about the same… nothing new.

Therefore when Li Zhetian appeared in the audition room, everyone probably guessed that the second male lead role would belong to him.

Li Zhetian"s family invested 5 million Star Coins in 《b.l.o.o.d.y Battle》, occupying half of the production team"s funds. Actually, at the beginning the director reserved the role of the male lead for Li Zhetian, because after all Li Zhetian was quite popular now. His acting skills were acceptable and being the male lead was more than sufficient.

But who would ever expected that Li Zhetian would take a fancy for the second male lead role.

There was no choice but to admit that the actors who came to audition for the second male lead were too unlucky.

— — This certainty lasted till the 71th person came for the audition. There was a huge change.

A tall, straight, pure and handsome youngster"s face showed up in the room. Director w.a.n.g Long suddenly stared at him with wide eyes, carefully sizing up the other one for a long time. The clothes on his body indeed matched closely with the role of "Chu Chen". Charming features, n.o.ble temperament, white face, red lips… looking extremely like a spoilt son of a rich family.

After Chu Yan walked on the stage and presented himself, it raised w.a.n.g Long"s rare interest, who then seriously asked him: "Which fragment did you choose?"

Chu Yan nodded with a smile and then answered: "I chose the fourth fragment, Director w.a.n.g"

The audition followed next.

Hearing that Chu Yan chose the fourth fragment, Director w.a.n.g was surprised and sighed a few times with regret. The fourth fragment"s difficulty was extremely high because it wasn"t a single person scene, but a rivalry scene.

The male actor playing Chu Chen"s big brother Chu Song was already decided, it was a fairly good second-tier actor. He has already recorded a holographic image of the fourth fragment"s audition. If someone collected it, they could project it and let it act with the auditionees.

Previously, some people chose to play the fourth fragment but their results were too terrible.

Not acting with a real person, but with a holographic image. The other one"s expression, action, talking speed and mood couldn"t be completely predicted. So much that one time happened that the auditionee still hadn"t finished speaking, when big brother Chu Song already started to explain about the circ.u.mstances.


With a worried mind, Director w.a.n.g and some other people lifted their head to look at the stage.

When they announced "begin", it seemed as if there was a "click" sound and a change occurred. The youngster"s firm gaze was sternly watching the left front direction. Obviously at this moment he was wearing elegant clothes, but his waist was slightly bent, he was clenching his teeth with an unyielding expression.

In this moment, Chu Song"s tall and st.u.r.dy back suddenly emerged on the stage.

Under the lights of the holographic image, the back was a little vague, but the character"s appearance and movements were expressed very meticulously. Chu Song"s face was ashen, his brows wrinkling tightly, trying to suppress the deep flames of fury. He glared at the youngster before his eyes and ranted: "Scoundrel, still have the face to meet me?! You haven"t had enough of the last time"s punishment, you dared to go as far as provoking Chen family"s son on the street and break his arm!"

When this sentence dropped, Director w.a.n.g immediately focused on Chu Yan on the other side.

But to his surprise, Chu Yan didn"t react. His stubborn expression was still closely looking at the virtual image. After a short while, grinding his teeth he exclaimed: "I didn"t!"

The actor playing the role of Chu Song naturally didn"t know what was currently happening, he just recorded in advance. After Chu Yan"s words, he suddenly clenched his fists tightly and using an anxious for improvement {note1} expression, he scrutinized the youngster: "Didn"t do what? You didn"t break Chen Er"s arm? You didn"t shout "I am Chu family"s second young master, and I will beat you Chen Er" in the middle of the street? Chu Chen, how could Chu family have such a social sc.u.m like you!"

{note1: idiom 恨铁不成钢, to feel resentful towards somebody for failing to meet expectations and impatient to see improvement}

He stopped speaking, everyone of the director team was amazed. They watched the youngster trembling on the stage. His whole figure staggered forward, as if he has been whipped by someone!

The majority of people wouldn"t carefully write the AI Script"s story. This fragment was about Chu Song educating Chu Chen, afterwards in the hardcopy the old butler would take the whip, while containing his tears, and exert the punishment on the doted second young master.

Chu Song didn"t do the job himself and the old butler wasn"t specialized in recording the holographic image of the screen test. Therefore, whatever they wanted to show was completely up to the auditionee"s intention. Previously, some auditionees would simply continue to act with Chu Song, not caring about the third party"s existence at all.

But now, Chu Yan"s action clearly shocked the director"s team.

Especially the screenwriter. When he noted this scene, he was suddenly stupefied. After that he excitedly eyed the stage — —

This was the scene he wrote!

Blue Dreams has something to say:

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Last last thing: Nekoo is translating [RiaIM] in Indonesian on Wattpad

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