Publishedat 22nd of March 2019 06:27:24 PMChapter 37

Chapter 37: Ceremony

Yan Mu Lin knew what type of voice he should use to confuse the Crown Prince . Using that voice, he dispelled the alertness Qin Ming felt towards himself and at the same time, made him seem kind .

Different voices would make people feel different feelings . Yan Mu Lin had to decide whether the voice was light, heavy, slow, or fast . The words he spoke would only get the desired effect when the tone and modulation were properly grasped .

If he wanted to attract other people’s attention, Yan Mu Lin had to use a specific rhythm . Speed up and slow down at the proper timing . This was because people would only be willing to listen if he knew when to start and stop speaking or else, it might make people feel sleepy like they were listening to a lullaby .

Voice acting is pretty much just speaking . Different characters had different speaking styles, and Yan Mu Lin has mastered this skill . Of course, he had characters and lines to refer to most of the time . It is different when he has to speak to another person . He had to think of the tone to use so that he would not appear indifferent and arrogant . Yan Mu Lin had to make himself appear approachable, and the topic interesting .

Right now, Yan Mu Lin was using his skill in voice acting to grasp the Crown Prince’s curiosity . A person who got sent to a treatment center must be feeling very lonely . He would need someone who can dispel his inner confusion .

Yan Mu Lin could communicate with the Crown Prince because he did not treat him like a patient from beginning to end . If he had to face a real patient, he would probably be at a loss . Right now, he knew that the Crown Prince was an innocent transmigrator . An ancient person who came over and had to adapt to science and technology . The Crown Prince was really pitiful .

The Crown Prince’s curiosity was peaked . He asked Yan Mu Lin: “Then which world are you from?”

The Crown Prince has been in the treatment center for six months . He knew about the world and thought that it was square . He did not expect that in the future, the books would say that it was rounded and that they were actually floating in the air . When the Crown Prince saw Earth in a photo, it almost scared him to death . He was afraid that he would fall to G.o.d-knows-where in the middle of the night .

The Crown Prince no longer talked like someone from ancient times as he has been in contact with modern people for six months . That only happens when he gets up in the middle of the night to recite poetry .

Yan Mu Lin sighed, “My world is quite similar to this one so I adapted easily . ”

Qin Ming asked him warily, “How old were your parents in your original world?”

Yan Mu Lin looked for a comfortable sitting position on the gra.s.s and said, “Since this is my secret, you should give information in exchange, deal?”

The crown prince stood up from his chair and sat beside Yan Mu Lin: “Deal . Say yours first . ”

The cameraman was filming them on the side . He was a.s.sumed to be Yan Mu Lin’s bodyguard and was ignored by the Crown Prince . Of course, n.o.body knows if he would regret that later .

Yan Mu Lin nodded, “Okay, I’ll tell first . My father is an ordinary civil servant and my mother is a teacher . When I was six, they got a divorce . ”

The prince knew the terms divorce, civil servant, and teacher . He heard of it at 8 o’clock dramas, “After that? What did you do? How did you get here?”

Since the other party was eagerly asking questions, Yan Mu Lin knew that he caught Qin Ming’s attention .

Yan Mu Lin was not making anything up . All of the words he said without thinking were all true . However, the directors at the monitoring room were breaking out into cold sweats for Yan Mu Lin . They were afraid that his story would have loose ends . After all, his story sounded ridiculous, but when they think about it, it was reasonable . He was talking to someone with a mental illness .

Yan Mu Lin leaned on his right leg using his arm . He said with hints of fondness and loneliness, “Then my parents formed their own families . I stayed with my mom for several days and the other days with my dad . After living like that for a few years, they now had their own children and had no time to take care of me, so I moved to the school dormitory . When I finished college, I looked for a job so that I did not have to burden my family . I tried to fulfill my dream . However, after receiving my first award, I got into an accident and woke up in this world . ”

Yan Mu Lin did not know if the Crown Prince understood everything, and just watched him as he fell deep into his thoughts . Yan Mu Lin sat there quietly, giving Qin Ming time to think .

After a long while, the Crown Prince said slowly, “I am the first son of my father and mother . Aside from me, there were various prince and princesses . My mother was not very favored . There were various imperial concubines that father liked more than my mother . However, my mother was tired of competing with them for my father’s favor . It is not easy to manage the entire harem, she has to work hard every day . After coming here, I regret that I did not understand my mother’s wishes . I now wanted to study hard, to learn swordsmanship, and to learn to govern the country properly . Even if I understood all that now, I will never see my mother again . ”

The Crown Prince was so immersed in his memories, he almost cried . However, he believed that real men do not shed tears, so he did not . Yan Mu Lin patted him on the shoulder, “How did you get here? I don’t mean to be rude, but Crown Prince, this is a treatment center . It is a place where they treat patients . You are a normal person, so you should not be staying here . What’s past is past, you can never return . You should be living in this world and not tell others that you were once a Crown Prince . That would be your secret that no one should now . Do… you understand what I am saying?”

He did not know how old the real Crown Prince was, but he could tell that he would not be older than eighteen years old . The Crown Prince seemed to be still going through p.u.b.erty . Arriving here gave him the time to think about life as a rare moment of peace .

The Crown Prince nodded reluctantly, “I get what you are saying . You want me to leave the past alone and live in this world just like you, right?”

Yan Mu Lin smiled and said, “You haven’t grown up yet so you have the chance to study and get a diploma before working . Naturally, my occupation is an exception . Everything that will happen in the future depends on you . ”

The Crown Prince’s eyes lit up, “I can become an emperor?”

Yan Mu Lin smiled, “Yes . However, in here, the ruler is not the emperor but the prime minister . The emperor’s position is pa.s.sed down and they no longer have the power to rule the country . They are only there for diplomacy . You can learn more about it yourself . ”

In the next few decades, the Crown Prince will embark on a road to power due to Yan Mu Lin’s remarks today . Anyway, this does not need to be addressed for the time being .

After chatting, Yan Mu Lin thought of the words that were said to him . Since tomorrow’s task was to satisfy the patient’s wish, Yan Mu Lin asked the Crown Prince: “Crown Prince, have you ever thought of saying goodbye to your past? Like doing a simple farewell ceremony? You would now be known as Qin Ming and will no longer be the Crown Prince . ”

The Crown Prince held his chin and thought about it . He looked at Yan Mu Lin up and down and smiled quite evilly, “This Prince wants to see you dance the 《Raiment of Rainbows and Feathers》, happy?”

Yan Mu Lin’s jaw dropped . The directors said–this was even recorded–that when the patients made a wish, no matter how hard it is, they had to agree . The program team would do their best to help .

Yan Mu Lin was so irritated that he could not stop himself from rubbing the top of the prince’s head, “Not happy . ”

The Crown Prince looked at Yan Mu Lin, “I want to see the 《 Raiment of Rainbows and Feathers 》in the farewell ceremony you were talking about just now . My mother did the turns very well, can you turn?”

Yan Mu Lin shook his head immediately: “No . Is there no other way to do the farewell ceremony?”

The Crown Prince looked into the distance, “No . I miss my mother and I see her gentleness in you . I want to see you do the turns . ”

d.a.m.ned child, d.a.m.ned child, d.a.m.ned child!

RCVS 37 . 2

The Crown Prince knew what to say, which made him really look pitiful . Compared to Yan Mu Lin, he came to a really foreign place where he had to adapt and start from scratch .

Yan Mu Lin stood up and turned around, “For your farewell ceremony, I’m going to do it . You better watch tomorrow night!” Why is he such a soft-hearted person?

The Crown Prince smiled, “Of course . ”

He now had tomorrow’s task . Yan Mu Lin left the Crown Prince alone so that he could have time alone to recall his past . After bidding goodbye to the prince, Yan Mu Lin moved to another room to discuss tomorrow’s performance .

The Crown Prince’s “parents” who were hiding inside a separate room were already in tears . Since their son came here, they never saw him seriously talking to anyone . It seems that their choice to allow the program team to film with their child was correct .

This morning, the doctor asked if they wanted to see Qin Ming tomorrow . Actually, Qin Ming’s parents were already here even before the program team started to film . For the sake of their son, they would go anywhere even if they were busy . They wanted to know if this treatment would be effective .

Why would they allow their son to join the show and let others find out that he is mentally ill? That did not matter as long as he gets cured . Their son was not that bad, he was normal, but he acted like an entirely different person . As long as their son was alive, no matter who he becomes, he was still their son .

Surprisingly, that young man was actually capable of this . His treatment’s results were so good that it was unbelievable . If their child turned back to normal then they definitely had to thank him!

How about the other four who were also communicating with patients? Yan Mu Lin did not know because the program team ended his training sessions right after his conversation with the Crown Prince . He would be practicing his dancing until tomorrow

afternoon’s dress rehearsal . He had no time to gossip . So, how were the other voice actors faring… Let’s just forget it .

Raiment of Rainbows and Feathers is a Tang Dynasty court dance . The “Rainbow Feathered Dress” portrayed Tang Xuanzong’s wish to go to the Palance in the Moon and see the fairies . The dance, music, and costume were all based on those of the fairies, putting on a marvelous show .

When Yan Mu Lin arrived at the practice room, he was still in a state of sorrow . He seemed to have agreed to a troublesome thing an hour ago? Why did it have to be dancing!

Yan Mu Lin had dance lessons at school but he was taught the male movements . He could improvise if it was a cla.s.sical dance, but this was the feathered dress dance that was famous throughout China . Even just several sleeve movements could turn Yan Mu Lin into a coc.o.o.n . He wasn’t gifted in dancing, what does he do…

Why does he have to court death and ask the Crown Prince what he wanted? Why didn’t he arrange it himself?

How could he have been fooled by the other party? So stupid! From this experience, he deeply understood the meaning of “the evils we bring on ourselves are the hardest to bear” .

《 Raiment of Rainbows and Feathers 》has a fixed ch.o.r.eography so the teachers did not have to create one for Yan Mu Lin . They left the center at 5:00 PM and arrived at Tianzi TV after an hour . Within this time frame, the dance teachers formed a plan . When they saw Yan Mu Lin, their mouths twitched upwards .

In the end, what is Director Teng’s reality show about?

Yan Mu Lin told the dance teachers about the situation . They found out that he promised a patient and had to do a performance . The teachers will do what they had to do and teach .

First of all, they figured out how flexible Yan Mu Lin was . He was quite flexible, not bad .

Second, they had to teach the 《Rainbow Skirt and Feathered Dress Dance》’s steps . Yan Mu Lin followed along .

Lastly, the flowing sleeves . Yan Mu Lin did not study the Chinese opera . Therefore, he could not learn the exquisite technique done by Chinese opera actors . He can only try to learn the simplest one . There is only so much one can learn in a day .

As the time draws near, the teacher asked the tired Yan Mu Lin: “Can you do the turn?”

Yan Mu Lin fixed his expression and looked at the ground . His hand, which was holding a long cloth, drooped dispiritedly and replied, “I can do it without a problem . ”

The female teacher said: “Then in the performance tomorrow, the ch.o.r.eography at the end wouldn’t be changed . You have to do the twirl . In addition to that, you should be standing at the tip of your toes while your other leg is raised in the opposite direction . The total number of turns you have to do is ten . ”

Yan Mu Lin fell on the training room’s floor exaggeratedly, “Teacher, I don’t want to live anymore…”

The teacher squatted and gave Yan Mu Lin, who was drenched in sweat, a pat: “You’re doing great, add oil!”

The filming team who accompanied Yan Mu Lin already left during the wee hours of the morning . Meanwhile, a.s.sistant Ah Ya fell asleep at the corner of the training room . Yan Mu Lin woke him up to tell him that his training was over .

Yan Mu Lin was practicing so hard yet he fell asleep at the side . a.s.sistant Ah Ya felt embarra.s.sed and quickly gave Yan Mu Lin a towel to wipe his sweat .

Ah Ya whispered to Yan Mu Lin: “Are we going back now?”

Yan Mu Lin nodded . He already gained some of his strength, unlike earlier . “Let’s go back to the hotel . I’m going to take a shower . Could you give me a leg ma.s.sage? Although I usually exercise, I had to go overboard today . I’m afraid of having sore muscles tomorrow . ”

Ah Ya nodded, “You’ll sleep well tonight . I’m a professional at ma.s.sages!”

Yan Mu Lin was really tired, he did not want to speak anymore .

Who would have thought that in the middle of filming, he suddenly had to practice dancing? So tired .

Yan Mu Lin fell asleep once he got into the car . Zhou Wen Jing wanted to tell him some details she heard during dinner but when she saw him sleeping so soundly, she and Ah Ya stopped talking .

When they were back at the hotel, Yan Mu Lin took a bath and then Ah Ya ma.s.saged his legs until he was drowsy . He did not even realize that his phone had no battery . Therefore, he did not reply to the text message of a certain prince .

On the next day, Yan Mu Lin woke up on time due to his biological clock .

At the thought of having to practice, Yan Mu Lin felt as if he was on the verge of life and death . This continued on until Zhou Wen Jing told him about the others’ state while they were eating breakfast .

As it turns out, he wasn’t the most miserable . He could definitely say that he was not the most miserable!

Hahahaha~~ Hahahaha~~ Hahahaha~~ This is definitely schadenfreude!

Tian Zhen Yang had to act out the fairy tale 《Cinderella》 . The patient asked him to play the vicious step-mother .

Lu Zhong Ting had it better . He had to do a “rob the rich, give to the poor” play with a police officer who righteously sacrificed his life . The performance was not the problem, but the patient requested that Lu Zhong Ting had to be the villain .

Tang Wen Hao accompanied the patients to play house . The two patients were husband and wife while Tang Wen Hao was the disobedient child .

As for Tao Bai Chen’s performance, it was a fragment of《Journey to the West》— Zhu Bajie carrying his wife . He was Zhu Bajie and the patient was the wife .

[Zhu Bajie, also named Zhu Wuneng, is one of the three helpers of Tang Sanzang and a major character of the novel Journey to the West . Zhu means “swine”, and Bajie means “eight precepts” . Buddhist scholars consider that both expressions are related to “Śīla pāramitā” . In many English versions of the story, Zhu Bajie is called “Pigsy” or “Pig” . ]

Compared to them, Yan Mu Lin felt that doing this hard work was worthwhile . Although he had to dress like a girl, it was in such a high-end atmosphere . It wasn’t childish at all!

Hahaha~~ Hahahaha~~ Hahahaha~~

While the other four groups were rehearsing, it could be said that they were in disorder . A chaotic scene with chaotic actors . Everyone struggled with the patients . They all felt like they were not going to see the sun tomorrow and were better off dead .

This way, the program team could also be giving society a lesson . They should not look at the treatment center’s high income . Their hospital fees were extremely expensive and the staff had to take care of the patients . Look at these actors who are about to be tortured, you all have no right to complain about unfairness in the future . You should try their jobs so that you know why their salary was high .

It is not just a place where foolish people stay .

Look at Tao Bai Chen, his most precious face was actually scratched . He can’t even complain to his fans . He was not allowed to complain .

As long as one word of complaint was heard, he was sure that he would be drowned in saliva . (due to scolding)

After learning about the others’ suffering, Yan Mu Lin got more motivated . Isn’t it only a 《Rainbow Skirt and Feathered Dress Dance》? He can do it . He really can do it .

At 7 PM, everything was finally ready . The show officially began .

Chapter 37: Ceremony. Yan Mu Lin knew what type of voice he should use to confuse the Crown Prince . Using that voice, he dispelled the alertness Qin Ming felt towards himself and at the same time, made him seem kind


Different voices would make people feel different feelings . Yan Mu Lin had to decide whether the voice was light, heavy, slow, or fast . The words he spoke would only get the desired effect when the tone and modulation were properly grasped


If he wanted to attract other people’s attention, Yan Mu Lin had to use a specific rhythm . Speed up and slow down at the proper timing . This was because people would only be willing to listen if he knew when to start and stop speaking or else, it might make people feel sleepy like they were listening to a lullaby


Voice acting is pretty much just speaking . Different characters had different speaking styles, and Yan Mu Lin has mastered this skill . Of course, he had characters and lines to refer to most of the time . It is different when he has to speak to another person . He had to think of the tone to use so that he would not appear indifferent and arrogant . Yan Mu Lin had to make himself appear approachable, and the topic interesting


Right now, Yan Mu Lin was using his skill in voice acting to grasp the Crown Prince’s curiosity . A person who got sent to a treatment center must be feeling very lonely . He would need someone who can dispel his inner confusion


Yan Mu Lin could communicate with the Crown Prince because he did not treat him like a patient from beginning to end . If he had to face a real patient, he would probably be at a loss . Right now, he knew that the Crown Prince was an innocent transmigrator . An ancient person who came over and had to adapt to science and technology . The Crown Prince was really pitiful


The Crown Prince’s curiosity was peaked . He asked Yan Mu Lin: “Then which world are you from?”.


The Crown Prince has been in the treatment center for six months . He knew about the world and thought that it was square . He did not expect that in the future, the books would say that it was rounded and that they were actually floating in the air . When the Crown Prince saw Earth in a photo, it almost scared him to death . He was afraid that he would fall to G.o.d-knows-where in the middle of the night


The Crown Prince no longer talked like someone from ancient times as he has been in contact with modern people for six months . That only happens when he gets up in the middle of the night to recite poetry


Yan Mu Lin sighed, “My world is quite similar to this one so I adapted easily . ”.


Qin Ming asked him warily, “How old were your parents in your original world?”.


Yan Mu Lin looked for a comfortable sitting position on the gra.s.s and said, “Since this is my secret, you should give information in exchange, deal?”.


The crown prince stood up from his chair and sat beside Yan Mu Lin: “Deal . Say yours first . ”.


The cameraman was filming them on the side . He was a.s.sumed to be Yan Mu Lin’s bodyguard and was ignored by the Crown Prince . Of course, n.o.body knows if he would regret that later


Yan Mu Lin nodded, “Okay, I’ll tell first . My father is an ordinary civil servant and my mother is a teacher . When I was six, they got a divorce . ”.


The prince knew the terms divorce, civil servant, and teacher . He heard of it at 8 o’clock dramas, “After that? What did you do? How did you get here?”.


Since the other party was eagerly asking questions, Yan Mu Lin knew that he caught Qin Ming’s attention


Yan Mu Lin was not making anything up . All of the words he said without thinking were all true . However, the directors at the monitoring room were breaking out into cold sweats for Yan Mu Lin . They were afraid that his story would have loose ends . After all, his story sounded ridiculous, but when they think about it, it was reasonable . He was talking to someone with a mental illness


Yan Mu Lin leaned on his right leg using his arm . He said with hints of fondness and loneliness, “Then my parents formed their own families . I stayed with my mom for several days and the other days with my dad . After living like that for a few years, they now had their own children and had no time to take care of me, so I moved to the school dormitory . When I finished college, I looked for a job so that I did not have to burden my family . I tried to fulfill my dream . However, after receiving my first award, I got into an accident and woke up in this world . ”.


Yan Mu Lin did not know if the Crown Prince understood everything, and just watched him as he fell deep into his thoughts . Yan Mu Lin sat there quietly, giving Qin Ming time to think


After a long while, the Crown Prince said slowly, “I am the first son of my father and mother . Aside from me, there were various prince and princesses . My mother was not very favored . There were various imperial concubines that father liked more than my mother . However, my mother was tired of competing with them for my father’s favor . It is not easy to manage the entire harem, she has to work hard every day . After coming here, I regret that I did not understand my mother’s wishes . I now wanted to study hard, to learn swordsmanship, and to learn to govern the country properly . Even if I understood all that now, I will never see my mother again . ”.


The Crown Prince was so immersed in his memories, he almost cried . However, he believed that real men do not shed tears, so he did not . Yan Mu Lin patted him on the shoulder, “How did you get here? I don’t mean to be rude, but Crown Prince, this is a treatment center . It is a place where they treat patients . You are a normal person, so you should not be staying here . What’s past is past, you can never return . You should be living in this world and not tell others that you were once a Crown Prince . That would be your secret that no one should now . Do… you understand what I am saying?”.


He did not know how old the real Crown Prince was, but he could tell that he would not be older than eighteen years old . The Crown Prince seemed to be still going through p.u.b.erty . Arriving here gave him the time to think about life as a rare moment of peace


The Crown Prince nodded reluctantly, “I get what you are saying . You want me to leave the past alone and live in this world just like you, right?”.


Yan Mu Lin smiled and said, “You haven’t grown up yet so you have the chance to study and get a diploma before working . Naturally, my occupation is an exception . Everything that will happen in the future depends on you . ”.


The Crown Prince’s eyes lit up, “I can become an emperor?”.


Yan Mu Lin smiled, “Yes . However, in here, the ruler is not the emperor but the prime minister . The emperor’s position is pa.s.sed down and they no longer have the power to rule the country . They are only there for diplomacy . You can learn more about it yourself . ”.


In the next few decades, the Crown Prince will embark on a road to power due to Yan Mu Lin’s remarks today . Anyway, this does not need to be addressed for the time being


After chatting, Yan Mu Lin thought of the words that were said to him . Since tomorrow’s task was to satisfy the patient’s wish, Yan Mu Lin asked the Crown Prince: “Crown Prince, have you ever thought of saying goodbye to your past? Like doing a simple farewell ceremony? You would now be known as Qin Ming and will no longer be the Crown Prince . ”.


The Crown Prince held his chin and thought about it . He looked at Yan Mu Lin up and down and smiled quite evilly, “This Prince wants to see you dance the 《Raiment of Rainbows and Feathers》, happy?”.


Yan Mu Lin’s jaw dropped . The directors said–this was even recorded–that when the patients made a wish, no matter how hard it is, they had to agree . The program team would do their best to help


Yan Mu Lin was so irritated that he could not stop himself from rubbing the top of the prince’s head, “Not happy . ”.


The Crown Prince looked at Yan Mu Lin, “I want to see the 《 Raiment of Rainbows and Feathers 》in the farewell ceremony you were talking about just now . My mother did the turns very well, can you turn?”.


Yan Mu Lin shook his head immediately: “No . Is there no other way to do the farewell ceremony?”.


The Crown Prince looked into the distance, “No . I miss my mother and I see her gentleness in you . I want to see you do the turns . ”.


d.a.m.ned child, d.a.m.ned child, d.a.m.ned child!. RCVS 37 . 2

The Crown Prince knew what to say, which made him really look pitiful . Compared to Yan Mu Lin, he came to a really foreign place where he had to adapt and start from scratch

Yan Mu Lin stood up and turned around, “For your farewell ceremony, I’m going to do it . You better watch tomorrow night!” Why is he such a soft-hearted person?.

The Crown Prince smiled, “Of course . ”.

He now had tomorrow’s task . Yan Mu Lin left the Crown Prince alone so that he could have time alone to recall his past . After bidding goodbye to the prince, Yan Mu Lin moved to another room to discuss tomorrow’s performance

The Crown Prince’s “parents” who were hiding inside a separate room were already in tears . Since their son came here, they never saw him seriously talking to anyone . It seems that their choice to allow the program team to film with their child was correct

This morning, the doctor asked if they wanted to see Qin Ming tomorrow . Actually, Qin Ming’s parents were already here even before the program team started to film . For the sake of their son, they would go anywhere even if they were busy . They wanted to know if this treatment would be effective

Why would they allow their son to join the show and let others find out that he is mentally ill? That did not matter as long as he gets cured . Their son was not that bad, he was normal, but he acted like an entirely different person . As long as their son was alive, no matter who he becomes, he was still their son

Surprisingly, that young man was actually capable of this . His treatment’s results were so good that it was unbelievable . If their child turned back to normal then they definitely had to thank him!.

How about the other four who were also communicating with patients? Yan Mu Lin did not know because the program team ended his training sessions right after his conversation with the Crown Prince . He would be practicing his dancing until tomorrow.

afternoon’s dress rehearsal . He had no time to gossip . So, how were the other voice actors faring… Let’s just forget it

Raiment of Rainbows and Feathers is a Tang Dynasty court dance . The “Rainbow Feathered Dress” portrayed Tang Xuanzong’s wish to go to the Palance in the Moon and see the fairies . The dance, music, and costume were all based on those of the fairies, putting on a marvelous show

When Yan Mu Lin arrived at the practice room, he was still in a state of sorrow . He seemed to have agreed to a troublesome thing an hour ago? Why did it have to be dancing!.

Yan Mu Lin had dance lessons at school but he was taught the male movements . He could improvise if it was a cla.s.sical dance, but this was the feathered dress dance that was famous throughout China . Even just several sleeve movements could turn Yan Mu Lin into a coc.o.o.n . He wasn’t gifted in dancing, what does he do….

Why does he have to court death and ask the Crown Prince what he wanted? Why didn’t he arrange it himself?.

How could he have been fooled by the other party? So stupid! From this experience, he deeply understood the meaning of “the evils we bring on ourselves are the hardest to bear”

《 Raiment of Rainbows and Feathers 》has a fixed ch.o.r.eography so the teachers did not have to create one for Yan Mu Lin . They left the center at 5:00 PM and arrived at Tianzi TV after an hour . Within this time frame, the dance teachers formed a plan . When they saw Yan Mu Lin, their mouths twitched upwards

In the end, what is Director Teng’s reality show about?.

Yan Mu Lin told the dance teachers about the situation . They found out that he promised a patient and had to do a performance . The teachers will do what they had to do and teach

First of all, they figured out how flexible Yan Mu Lin was . He was quite flexible, not bad

Second, they had to teach the 《Rainbow Skirt and Feathered Dress Dance》’s steps . Yan Mu Lin followed along

Lastly, the flowing sleeves . Yan Mu Lin did not study the Chinese opera . Therefore, he could not learn the exquisite technique done by Chinese opera actors . He can only try to learn the simplest one . There is only so much one can learn in a day

As the time draws near, the teacher asked the tired Yan Mu Lin: “Can you do the turn?”.

Yan Mu Lin fixed his expression and looked at the ground . His hand, which was holding a long cloth, drooped dispiritedly and replied, “I can do it without a problem . ”.

The female teacher said: “Then in the performance tomorrow, the ch.o.r.eography at the end wouldn’t be changed . You have to do the twirl . In addition to that, you should be standing at the tip of your toes while your other leg is raised in the opposite direction . The total number of turns you have to do is ten . ”.

Yan Mu Lin fell on the training room’s floor exaggeratedly, “Teacher, I don’t want to live anymore…”.

The teacher squatted and gave Yan Mu Lin, who was drenched in sweat, a pat: “You’re doing great, add oil!”.

The filming team who accompanied Yan Mu Lin already left during the wee hours of the morning . Meanwhile, a.s.sistant Ah Ya fell asleep at the corner of the training room . Yan Mu Lin woke him up to tell him that his training was over

Yan Mu Lin was practicing so hard yet he fell asleep at the side . a.s.sistant Ah Ya felt embarra.s.sed and quickly gave Yan Mu Lin a towel to wipe his sweat

Ah Ya whispered to Yan Mu Lin: “Are we going back now?”.

Yan Mu Lin nodded . He already gained some of his strength, unlike earlier . “Let’s go back to the hotel . I’m going to take a shower . Could you give me a leg ma.s.sage? Although I usually exercise, I had to go overboard today . I’m afraid of having sore muscles tomorrow . ”.

Ah Ya nodded, “You’ll sleep well tonight . I’m a professional at ma.s.sages!”.

Yan Mu Lin was really tired, he did not want to speak anymore

Who would have thought that in the middle of filming, he suddenly had to practice dancing? So tired

Yan Mu Lin fell asleep once he got into the car . Zhou Wen Jing wanted to tell him some details she heard during dinner but when she saw him sleeping so soundly, she and Ah Ya stopped talking

When they were back at the hotel, Yan Mu Lin took a bath and then Ah Ya ma.s.saged his legs until he was drowsy . He did not even realize that his phone had no battery . Therefore, he did not reply to the text message of a certain prince

On the next day, Yan Mu Lin woke up on time due to his biological clock

At the thought of having to practice, Yan Mu Lin felt as if he was on the verge of life and death . This continued on until Zhou Wen Jing told him about the others’ state while they were eating breakfast

As it turns out, he wasn’t the most miserable . He could definitely say that he was not the most miserable!.

Hahahaha~~ Hahahaha~~ Hahahaha~~ This is definitely schadenfreude!.

Tian Zhen Yang had to act out the fairy tale 《Cinderella》 . The patient asked him to play the vicious step-mother

Lu Zhong Ting had it better . He had to do a “rob the rich, give to the poor” play with a police officer who righteously sacrificed his life . The performance was not the problem, but the patient requested that Lu Zhong Ting had to be the villain

Tang Wen Hao accompanied the patients to play house . The two patients were husband and wife while Tang Wen Hao was the disobedient child

As for Tao Bai Chen’s performance, it was a fragment of《Journey to the West》— Zhu Bajie carrying his wife . He was Zhu Bajie and the patient was the wife

[Zhu Bajie, also named Zhu Wuneng, is one of the three helpers of Tang Sanzang and a major character of the novel Journey to the West . Zhu means “swine”, and Bajie means “eight precepts” . Buddhist scholars consider that both expressions are related to “Śīla pāramitā” . In many English versions of the story, Zhu Bajie is called “Pigsy” or “Pig” . ].

Compared to them, Yan Mu Lin felt that doing this hard work was worthwhile . Although he had to dress like a girl, it was in such a high-end atmosphere . It wasn’t childish at all!.

Hahaha~~ Hahahaha~~ Hahahaha~~.

While the other four groups were rehearsing, it could be said that they were in disorder . A chaotic scene with chaotic actors . Everyone struggled with the patients . They all felt like they were not going to see the sun tomorrow and were better off dead

This way, the program team could also be giving society a lesson . They should not look at the treatment center’s high income . Their hospital fees were extremely expensive and the staff had to take care of the patients . Look at these actors who are about to be tortured, you all have no right to complain about unfairness in the future . You should try their jobs so that you know why their salary was high

It is not just a place where foolish people stay

Look at Tao Bai Chen, his most precious face was actually scratched . He can’t even complain to his fans . He was not allowed to complain

As long as one word of complaint was heard, he was sure that he would be drowned in saliva . (due to scolding).

After learning about the others’ suffering, Yan Mu Lin got more motivated . Isn’t it only a 《Rainbow Skirt and Feathered Dress Dance》? He can do it . He really can do it

At 7 PM, everything was finally ready . The show officially began

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