Last time Xiao Yang promised Dong Zhou to go hunting in the Thunderbolt Forest again, but the entire forest was closed for two weeks for maintenance. So they decided to postpone it to today.

Xiao Yang could tell that Dong Zhou"s martial arts had rapidly improved over the past few weeks, most of the B-Cla.s.s beasts were no match to him and was easily slaughtered within three moves.

"Your martial arts had improved by a lot." Xiao Yang complimented him.

Dong Zhou replied with a wry smile, "You are too kind, how can my martial art be compared to Brother Chen"s."

"Oh, by the way, Brother Chen. I heard that you have offended Prince Xia, ain"t you afraid that he is going to retaliate?" Dong Zhou asked with a level of seriousness.

"What"s there to worry about?" Xiao Yang asked with a cold face.

"I know that fighting is prohibited in Thunderbolt City, but he could still hire people to silently, also..."

Before Dong Zhou could finish what he was going to say, Xiao Yang said with a smile, "They are already here."

"Huh... Who?" Dong Zhou asked looking around, confused.

"Just some ants who doesn"t know their limit." Xiao Yang coldly replied.

Not long after, Dong Zhou"s eyes widen as he was now able to detect five-strong life force heading towards them at an astonishing pace.

The five-figures came to a stop and stood high above the tree branches. They were all B-Cla.s.s mages except one of them is still a D-Cla.s.s mage, that D-Cla.s.s mage was Qian Lee himself.

"Xiao Yang, if you kowtow three times and bark like a dog, then we will let you live. Otherwise don"t blame me for not giving you a chance." Qian Lee shouted, his eyes were wide open with a vicious smile on his face.

Dong Zhou bit his bottom lip and thought to himself, "This is bad, there are four powerful inner-disciple here, even with Xiao Yang"s skill he wouldn"t stand a chance against them."

"Dong Zhou, have you ever seem a dead human-body before?" Xiao Yang asked without any emotion.

Dong Zhou was confused by that question, "Huh...? Um... Yes"

Xiao Yang smiled towards the people on the tree and said, "Good, cause you are going to see a lot!"

They don"t understand why but after hearing Xiao Yang"s word, a sudden shiver went down their spine.

Qian Lee gritted his teeth and exclaimed, "Xiao Yang! Stop acting tough, do you really think you are that powerful?"

Qian Lee then commanded the four mages, "Go kill that b.a.s.t.a.r.d and don"t leave any witness!"

"Hhha! Do you think some mere ants could hurt me?" Xiao Yang smirked as he summoned his C-Cla.s.s King Tier Wolf Blade.

In a blink of an eye, Xiao Yang appeared right behind one of the B-Cla.s.s mages and gently slashed the sword again his throat, the mage"s head flew off its shoulder and blooded shot up to the sky like a fountain. Xiao Yang coldly exclaimed, "Be it human or beast, those who go against me only have one outcome..."


The remaining mages looked as if their eyes were about to pop out of their sockets. They thought that this was going to be an easy and high paying job, never have they expected that their target was a monster that could even kill a B-Cla.s.s mage in a single move.

None of them was able to track his movement, only when he appeared will they then know where he is, however, by that time it was already too late.

Dong Zhou seemed also look to be in an absolute shock, he swallowed his saliva and thought to himself, "Was he this powerful last time...? But how is this possible, he is also a C-Cla.s.s mage yet the differences between him and me is vast."

"Ahhh!" One by one the B-Cla.s.s mages all got their head separated from their shoulder, try as they might, they could not move a single muscle, it was as if they were petrified and they could only scream before their death.

Qian Lee was so shocked by the scene that he even lost his balance and fell off the tree. All the mages that came with him had been brutally slaughtered in front of him and what"s more, he couldn"t muster a speck of energy to try to run away.

"No! Stay away from me you monster!" Qian Lee screamed as Xiao Yang slowly walked towards him with his sword dripping down boiling blood onto the ground.

Xiao Yang coldly stared at him and laughed out, "Hha! Monster? I think you have underestimated me."

"No please, I beg you don"t kill me! Prince Xia and my brother will not let you go like this!" Qian Lee pleaded in every way possible and continues to tremble with his back against the wall.

Xiao Yang held the sword against Qian Lee"s neck and the sword slightly dug into it as blood started to slowly flow out. "Qian Lee, you tried to poison me again and again. Have you ever thought that one-day karma will bite back at you?"

" please don"t kill me. I promise to never provoke you again! Please, Xiao Yang, we are family ain"t we?" Qian Lee cried out.

Xiao Yang chuckled and said, "Family? That"s funny, I thought the elders already kicked me out?"

"No Xiao Yang, if you let me live, I can ask the elders to add you back to the fam..." Before Qian Lee could finish, Xiao Yang slid the sword deeper into his neck and cut open its artery.

"Cu..uh.huu." Blood rapidly spray out of his neck, he tried to hold onto it but soon he lost the energy too and eventually his vision of the world. It was a painful sight to watch, one might faint if they don"t have a strong mental state.

Xiao Yang unsummoned his sword and gazed at Dong Zhou, the gaze gave him a shiver down his spine.

"Those who follow me by my side will naturally be treated well, but those who betrayed me. I don"t think I have to explain that." Xiao Yang spoke as he slowly leaves the forest.

Dong Zhou knew what those words meant, Xiao Yang wanted him to keep quiet and not tell anyone about what had taken place today. Dong Zhou quickly replied, "Brother Chen, I will never betray you."

After Xiao Yang left, Dong Zhou thought to himself, "I"m glad I am not your enemy."

There are many things that can worry Dong Zhou, but there are few that can threaten him. "It"s best to keep a friendly relationship with him, he would benefit me a lot when that time finally comes."

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