The mage walked forward and he respectively gestured with his hands, "This one is named Dong Zhou. Thank you honorable one for saving my life. How may I address this honorable one?"

"Chen Xiao Yang. You can just call me Xiao Yang." He respectively gestured back, seeing that he showed so much respect to him, Xiao Yang was going to show it back.

Xiao Yang quickly cut open the head of the giant mammoth and with a dagger, he started to dig through its brain. He eventually found the Cla.s.s elemental core, he looked at Dong Zhou and said, "It"s best to leave the area since an Cla.s.s elemental beast appeared, it would mean that an Cla.s.s elemental portal would have broken out without the elders knowing."

Dong Zhou nodded in agreement, if an Cla.s.s portal had really been broken out in this section then that would mean that there will be more Cla.s.s beasts. It would be unwise to stay in the area, he was already struggling to fend off one beast, let alone a few more of them. "I agree, but brother Chen may I ask what you will be planning to do with this body?"

Many alchemists and blacksmiths would pay a high price for Cla.s.s elemental materials, so it would be a great shame if they were to leave the body. However, the giant mammoth is about the size of a small house, even with Xiao Yang and Dong Zhou"s combined strength, they would still be unable to take it out of the forest.

Xiao Yang hesitantly replied, "It"s too heavy for me to carry it out, so I will have to just abandon it here."

Dong Zhou thought about it, then proposed, "How about this brother Chen, we should report it to the elders that a possible Cla.s.s portal have been broken out, and we could ask them to kindly help us transporting the body out."

"Alright, then we will do as you say." It would be great if the elders could lend a hand to help transport the body, but most importantly they would be able to get ensure the safety of the B-Cla.s.s section, otherwise, people"s lives would be at risk.

Xiao Yang followed Dong Zhou to report the incident to the elders, during the journey Xiao Yang was able to learn a little bit about Dong Zhou, he comes from a rich family of one of the capitals, ever since he awaken his elemental power of ice, Dong Zhou had been practicing martial arts and focused on leveling up this whole time.

Dong Zhou normally stays indoor to practice, but today he wanted to go out and train in the Thunderbolt Forest, but unexpectedly he encountered an Cla.s.s elemental beast. He is also new to the academy just like Xiao Yang, so defeated an Cla.s.s beast just after reaching C-Cla.s.s was too much of a stretch for him, if it wasn"t for Xiao Yang he would have most likely ended up dead by now.

"Brother Chen, what about you?" Dong Zhou asked, wanting to learn the background of Xiao Yang.

"Me? I"m just an illegitimate son of the Qian family from DongHe City." Xiao Yang casually replied.

Dong Zhou was dumbfounded, he thought that Xiao Yang would come from a rich and prestigious family since Xiao Yang is already a C-Cla.s.s elemental mage, he never expected that Xiao Yang would be an illegitimate son from a family of a small city. The power that Xiao Yang had previously shown was much better than Dong Zhou.

"I"m sorry..."

"Its nothing, I have already cut ties with the Qian family after leaving DongHe City." Xiao Yang replied without any change of emotion.

They both arrived back at Thunderbolt Academy and managed to find one of the five elders that is in charge of out-disciples.

"An Cla.s.s portal?" The elder asked in surprise then continued by saying, "But if it really was an Cla.s.s portal then the array should have detected it."

"We haven"t mistaken it elder, me and brother Chen had really encountered an Cla.s.s elemental beast."

"That"s right elder, I have also taken out the elemental core." Xiao Yang took out the elemental core.

The elder looked at the elemental core in shock, it was indeed an Cla.s.s elemental core, but just how did the two manage to kill it? "Cough... Alright, I shall go and scan the area."

The elder quickly left, Xiao Yang and Dong Zhou didn"t get the chance to ask about the giant mammoth"s body.

"Umm... Brother Chen, maybe we could ask him later." Dong Zhou said with a wry smile.

"It"s fine, the most important part was to ensure that B-Cla.s.s section is safe from Cla.s.s beasts." Still without any change of emotion.

Dong Zhou nodded in agreement then asked, "Brother Chen, how about we go hunting together in the Thunderbolt Forest again next time?"

Xiao Yang stared at Dong Zhou who looked sincere, Xiao Yang preferred hunting alone but since Dong Zhou was sincerely asking then he was going to allow it this time. "Alright, How about next week?"

Dong Zhou looked excited and he quickly replied, "That"s a promise then, Brother Chen."

"It"s already late, I shall take my leave then." Xiao Yang said,

"Safe Journey, Brother Chen." Dong Zhou replied with a respectful gesture.

Dong Zhou stayed there, staring behind Xiao Yang before he disappeared into the horizon. Dong Zhou said to himself, "Interesting..."

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