The six subordinates were dumbstruck by their commander"s sudden reaction, they knew full well that their commander was going to aim the sword at that young man"s neck, but for some reason, he stopped mid-way. It was as if he was afraid of something.

Qian Fei seeing the commander pulling the sword out screamed and tightly embraced herself to Fang Qiong, but now seeing that commander stopped without saying another word, she was left confused. So was the others, none of them could detect the killing intent, except the commander himself.

Droplets of sweat started to form on the commander"s forehead and he thought to himself, "How can a child have such a scary killing intent? It"s much scarier than any beasts I had ever met!"

"So what if his killing intent is strong, his power is only at C-Cla.s.s!" The commander thought to himself and quickly closed the distance between the two.

The sword was drawn just a centimetre away from Xiao Yang"s neck, but he remained calm and undisturbed as if he didn"t care at all.

The commander slowly asked, "Where is that traitor Prince San?"

"How should I know?" Xiao Yang coldly replied he continued to glare at the commander, making him uncomfortable.

The commander gritted his teeth but held back the desire to kill him, he coldly asked again, "One last chance or your head will fall off."

Xiao Yang continued to glare at him and coldly replied back, "I suggest you take your sword away otherwise I won"t be responsible for what will happen next."

"Hha, what possibly can a merely C-Cla.s.s do to me?" The commander laughed out, he refused to believe that Xiao Yang was able to harm him.

"You asked for it." As soon as Xiao Yang said that, the commander immediately retreated with his sword. Although he didn"t believe Xiao Yang could do anything to him, seeing how fearless and confident the young man was, he was unable to shake off the feeling that something was not quite right.

Next second, Xiao Yang immediately stood up and shouted, "Someone quickly come, the commander of the Tai Empire is murdering people!"

The commander was now infuriated after being tricked by Xiao Yang, his desire to chop his head off was heavier than ever. He immediately held his sword up and slashed it across Xiao Yang"s back while shouting, "Brat, how dare you humiliate me!"

The sword came slashing down at an incredible speed, the others all looked at it in fear, if Xiao Yang was to be hit by it then he would inevitably get decapitated and killed. They closed their eyes unable to stand seeing their friend dying in front of their eyes.


Just before the sword was about to land on the bank of Xiao Yang, a middle-man in a rugged-looking shirt grabbed hold of the sword with one of his hand that was wearing st.u.r.dy-steel gloves.

The man"s eyes were burning with fire, he intimidatingly said, "Commander Li, who gave you the brazen to attack one of our student in Thunderbolt City?"

Xiao Yang turned around and immediately recognised the man to be the same elder from the Disciplinary Hall. Xiao Yang knew from the beginning that the high elders wouldn"t have just let some outsiders into the city without having to a.s.sign someone to watch over them and he knew that they wouldn"t just stand there when one of their people is about to get murdered under their watch.

The elder was also an S-Cla.s.s mage, wearing that high-cla.s.s gloves in his hand, he was able to stop the sword and lock it into place to prevent the commander from taking it out.

Commander Li was even more furious now, not only did the young man just humiliated him but also schemed him into trouble with the elders.

"This brat over here had that traitorous Prince San"s pendant, we suspect that he is an accomplice of his." Commander Li quickly replied.

The elder turned to look at Xiao Yang, while still holding the sword in place. He quickly recognised him from the last incident and he said, "It"s you again, why have you gotten into trouble again?"

"Elder, it"s not my fault you must believe me. That pendant was already here when I got here, I have no connection to its owner." Xiao Yang replied innocently.

"I"ll deal with you later!" The elder turned his gaze back to Commander Li then threateningly said, "Commander Li, have you finished searching around yet? If you have finished, then I suggests you to immediately leave the city."

Commander Li unsummoned his sword then said to his subordinate, "Let"s go!"

No matter how much he desires to kill Xiao Yang, he couldn"t. This wasn"t the Tai Empire"s territory nor are they in friendly term with each other, if he killed the student then the other major continent would gain an excuse to a go to war with the Tai Empire.

After the Commander left with his subordinates, the elder turned back to Xiao Yang and glared at him angrily. Xiao Yang quickly held his hands up and said, "Elder, I telling you the truth, I am innocent!"

"Don"t let me catch you next time." The elder thought about punishing him, but after Xiao Yang shouted that the commander was going to murder someone, many people had already gathered around the restaurant, so to not make a further scene the elder quickly gave up the idea.

Seeing the elder leave, Xiao Yang quickly bowed down and said, "Have a safe journey, elder."

After that, he immediately sat back down and poured himself some tea. He continued to eat his food as if nothing had just happened, the others all looked at him in a daze.

Xiao Yang noticed that they weren"t eating so he asked, "The food is so good, why don"t you guys try some?"

Dong Zhou cleared his throat and quietly asked, "Um... Qian Fei, does Brother Chen have short term memory problem?"

", not that I"m aware of." She replied with a wry smile.

"Guys you know I can hear you right? I am perfectly healthy whether that is physically or mentally, alright? Now quickly eat up before the food gets cold." Xiao Yang said with an annoyed tone.

They started eating, but still felt awkward and shocked by what just happened, however, as times go by they started chatting and slowly forgot about the incident.

Xiao Yang looked at Fang Qiong and Qian Fei, he noticed that they are still at D-Cla.s.s. Both of their elements are quite rare when it came to resources, this is even more so for Qian Fei"s healing ability, such element are very hard to find resources to cultivate. There may be abundance of resources to get them to D-Cla.s.s but any higher than that, they will start to struggle.

Throughout all of the continents, there are no more than eight S-Cla.s.s Healers, no one had ever gone beyond S-Cla.s.s except Grandmaster Chen who even he took thousands of years to cultivate that element.

"Hey, why don"t we go hunting in the Thunderbolt Forest tomorrow? You two need some resources to start cultivating." Xiao Yang suggested.

Qian Fei excitedly replied, "Brother Chen are you really going to help us?!"

Xiao Yang nodded in response, "The resources for both of your elements are rare, it"s best if we work together to get you two up to a higher cla.s.s, otherwise you two probably wouldn"t even stand a chance at the final year exam."

"Alright!" Qian Fei yelled.

Fang Qiong smiled and nodded to agree with the plan.

"I will be very happy to help too." Dong Zhou chuckled.


Commander Li and his subordinates were escorted out of the city, they were all infuriated by the incident.

"That d.a.m.n brat! He better not leave the city or else I will dice him and feed him to dogs." Commander Li cursed.

One of the subordinate nervously approached the commander and asked, "Um... Captain what should we do now?"

"Since we discovered the pendant then that boy must be in the city. I will report back to the emperor and have him send some guards to monitor the entrance for that boy and his accomplices" The commander replied.

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