Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon

Chapter 75: Don"t Look Back (3)

Chapter 75: Don"t Look Back (3)

Translator: Hwarang

Editor: Klaurem


Ho Yeon Nam was standing in the middle of a road in a shocked state.


First, he received a major shock from Song Hwa Rin. It was not because he lost to her, but her



""I will not try to forget what happened that night. I will remember it as how I met a master who

couldn"t get over his l.u.s.t for me."


This was like an arrow piercing his heart. However, her actions afterward were what really tore apart his heart. He felt as if he was really worthless.


He wanted the run towards them and kill them all. He wanted to kill me and rape Song Hwa Rin

on the spot.


"How much I l.u.s.ted for her?"


The reason why he let her go was because of his love for her.


Then he received a single mental message. It was a message from me.


-This was from Yeom Hwa-nim. Get out of San Dong right now.


The moment he heard this, Ho Yeon Nam looked dazed, "What?"


While he was still stunned, we made our exit.


Moments later his face was full of anger and, "This son of a b.i.t.c.h! I"m going to grind him to

Pieces!" He must have thought that everything was orchestrated by Yeom Hwa the decimator.


"Yes. So that"s how it was."


There was no way the Song Hwa Rin would come to meet him in person and say these things to him. It must be Yeom Hwa the Decimator who is using her.


"So this is your plot to destroy me!"


"She isn"t a girl who would do something like this."


Rather than acting calm in this situation, he became even more enraged.


"This son of a b.i.t.c.h! I"m going to personally kill him!"









After this event, I returned home.


I didn"t know what the result my last mental message would bring. If he made the correct decision,

then he wouldn"t think much of it, but if he was not in the right state of mind then it would bring great harm to him.


Four days ago, after trailing him. I told Jung Yeo to send some spies to trail Yeom Hwa and Ho

Yeon Nam. So, I was just waiting for the news now.


On the way to my room, I met my mother and Mrs. Jung. They had a good relationship like a real

sister and were exchanging stories.


"Mother, Mrs. Jung." I bowed to them.


Jung Young face was now bright and it seem now that she has gotten used to our house.

"Where is Myung He?"


Jung Young answered with a bright smile. "He is in the middle of his studies. Madam has found a

good teacher for him so we sent him to a school."


"I told you don"t call me madam, but to call me sister."


"… Yes." Jung Young nodded.


I knew that due to my mother"s personality they would become sisters soon. It seems that my

mother had taken a liking to Jung Young"s calm and bright personality.


I feel really proud of my mother at times like this. Although I asked her to look after them, she was

doing it from the bottom of her heart, not because of me but because that"s the kind the person she was. I was learning from her that this was how good human relations could be.


This wasn"t something that you can learn from experience, since I lived seventy years of my life as a cold and rough person. I was never warm to anyone and never opened my heart to anyone. But now I was learning from her.


"If you need anything please feel free to ask me."


My mother replied in her stead, "I am going to need a daughter-in-law pretty soon."


I left the place as if I never heard them.


I could hear them laugh. How they were gossiping about my marriage.









Four days later I got the news that I wanted.


It was about the meeting between Ho Yeon Nam and Yeom Hwa. I was told that Yeom Hwa

declined their meeting a couple of times but finally gave up since the Ho Yeon School were insisting.


But then the meeting that they worked so hard to create was turned into a chaos when Ho Yeon

Nam drew his sword and attacked Yeom Hwa.


In the end, Ho Yeon Nam died and Yeom Hwa received a critical injury.


Although Ho Yeon Nam"s skills weren"t worse than Yeom Hwa"s and he had the element of surprise, in the end, he died. It must be due to the fact that his heart and his mind was still confused from that day.


If he truly reflected upon that day, then he would have returned to their school. He wouldn"t

have lost his life like this, but he couldn"t control his anger and lived his life as a fool till the end.


After I finished listening to the news I bought a face alteration mask and went to the San Dong

Dark Guild"s headquarters.


They must have also received the news since they were having a meeting in preparation for whatever h.e.l.l might come their way.


When I told them I was from the Heavenly Dao Gate the guard led me to Ya Chun cautiously.


Ya Chun asked cautiously, "I heard that you were from the Heavenly Dao Gate."


There were over twenty tense and nervous men inside the pavilion, but I knew that they had

hidden weapons hidden within their sleeves and their body.


At this point with my martial arts there weren"t many who could rival me or attempt to me. If I went in here knowing full well what they were capable of, this wouldn"t even be worth

my time.


I pressured them with my killing intent, "You dare scheme against us?"


Because I wasn"t holding back my ki, my ki level was overwhelming the majority of them. Some of the weaker ones were pa.s.sing out while others were p.i.s.sing in their pants.



"What do you mean?"


"You dare to use Ho Yeon School to strike against us?"


"I think you are mistaken, sir! We just wanted a peaceful talk."


"Stop with your bulls.h.i.t! My Lord has received a major injury because of that old tortoise, Ho Yeon

Nam. Weren"t you the ones who called them?"


"We never expected something like that to happen."


"Hmph! And you call that an excuse."


"What is it that you want my lord."


"You must pay with your life. I will kill every last one of you."


A cold atmosphere swept the room.


They were all tense looking at one another. They didn"t know how to overcome this tribulation.


All of a sudden Koo Chul moved, "Son of a! Why don"t you die b.i.t.c.h!"




He showed his hidden weapon and released it.




I easily deflected it with my sword. But the one who fell was Koo Chul.



Fwing! Fwing! Fwing!


They all used their hidden weapon against me.


Clang! Clang! Clang!


But it was futile as I returned them all back to the ones who sent it.




They rest who didn"t shoot their weapon all dropped it and ran for their lives.


I drew my sword and slowly approached Ya Chun.


Ya Chun fell on his knees and begged, "Please spare me! Please Spare me!"


When I raised my sword in the air he said, "I"ll give you the money that I promised to give the Ho

Yeon School."


 Then I slashed the top of his hair and said, "You should have done that from the start."


He let out a sigh of relief, "Let us go."


"I will kill you the moment you try something."


"I am someone who values my life. Of course I would never!"


Ya Chun took me down the secret room. And that was where the secret vault was.


"You must never move from here. If you make one false move, you could get poisoned."


When he pressed something to open the Vault.




A steel cage fell down. The s.p.a.ce between the cage was so small that it was impossible to throw even throwing knives. And I knew it right away that this cage was made out of adamantium steel.


Ya Chun was acting as if he became a person who was safe now, "Haha piece of s.h.i.t! Where do you think this was coming here by yourself? Do you think I am someone that could be looked down on? Huh?"


While he was cursing at me he opened the safe. There were all sort things in there like gold, paper, money, etc.


He brought out a big bag that he prepared beforehand and said, "So I really have to make a run

for it in the end."


He looked very dissatisfied leaving this place. "If I spend some time hiding, I probably could find some relief."


While he was halfway into putting the money into the bag he looked at me and said, "Do you know

how long I"ve spent acquiring this?"


I calmly said, "You must not even be afraid of h.e.l.l."


"Stupid punk! Look at where you are now and say that."


I drew Divine Sword of King Shura and slashed at the cage.




It wouldn"t be cut even with King Shura"s sharp edge.


"Haha you stupid fool. Do you know what this cage is made of? It"s made of adamantium."


Then I gave King Shura my energy and it started vibrating.




It cried after receiving my energy for the first time in a while.


Seeing the sword cry Ya Chun looked surprised.


Then King Shura became covered with sword energy.




I started cutting down the adamantium cage.


"Stupid fool! You can"t cut this with a sword! If it cuts that eas…"


Ya Chun"s eyes widened, "Huh? What?"


Slash! Slash! Slash!


Part of the cage that I slashed started getting cut.


"What the …!"


He pressed something on the wall.




This time a steel wall enclosed the cage.




Poison gas started coming out of the floor.


"Hahaha! You should have just died quietly. Now you will have to face this poison. You know what kind of poison this is? You will feel pain as if your whole body is rotting then you will die."


The poison filled the wall. And Ya Chun was smiling at the scene.


The next moment his eyes widened.




There was a blade that came out the steel wall. (Tl Note; This reminds me of Star Wars. )


He just believed that this was a desperate attempt but the blade started moving and cutting

through the wall and poison started escaping the s.p.a.ce in the wall.


I was using the King Shura to cut open the wall.


"Uahh! What?"


Ya Chun couldn"t believe what was happening. How could someone cut the adamantium steel cage when they were breathing in that poison.




He quickly put more money into the bag, "What are you? Are You a ghost. Or a f.u.c.king demon?"


Then he heard it.




The steel wall fell down onto the ground.


He looked back with a scared expression and fell down in place.


How could he not be afraid, since I was able to cut the adamantium cage while I was inhaling



He looked at me as if he was looking at a ghost.


"I was just joking around. The poison was just an act. Please forgive me."


I smiled at him then blew air into his face. I sprayed his face with the poison that I was holding in

my mouth.


"I like to joke around as well."


Without realizing that he breathe in poison he made a painful expression.


"Noo! Ahhhh!"


He started rolling on the ground. But he still didn"t understand why I wouldn"t die. How could this



After struggling for a moment he stopped moving. And I looked down at the corpse and said, "Just

like what you did before, I hope that you do that to King Yama."


I finished packing all the things that he didn"t pack. I put everything in the bag. His whole life"s savings. It looks like it would be in the hundreds of thousands of nyang.


People would have suffered because of this money and more would have died because of it.


So I said, "I will use this money to help people. So wherever you are please rest in peace."


I took not just the money, but everything that was in there be it gold boxes and more.


I even took the adamantium steel cage by cutting it into pieces that I could carry it. Although it was

heavy I was able to carry it with ease.


Then I got to where he kept all the papers that he made the loans with and I lit the pile on fire.


After today, the whole world will know that you have died and these loans will be void. The people who were bound by these loans will be free.


I left the place carrying a big bag.


After today the San Dong Dark Guild is no more.








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