Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon

Chapter 69: At the Tip of Destiny’s Branch (1)

Chapter 69: At the Tip of Destiny’s Branch (1)

Translator: hwarang

Editor: ardastre

I sat across Baek Pyo in front of his store, before opening time. We sat across each other not as customer and owner, but as master and subordinate. Whenever I made a new subordinate, I treated them with the respect due based on their age. This was true with Jung Yeo and Kong Soo Chan. But with Baek Pyo, I wanted to treat him as I always had. So, I told him beforehand that I will lower my speech and so he should do the same. And Baek Pyo freely agreed.

“What will you do with your shop?”

I was able to freely ask him question.

“The previous mengju would occasionally come to this place. And he rather liked this place’s atmosphere. Since I’ve followed him many times, this place started to grow on me. And once mengju-nim died, I didn’t want to stay in the Alliance. I felt guilty of not being able to protect him. I feel like it was my fault.”

Baek Pyo lowered his head.

I was sincerely moved since he thought of me that much.

But Baek Pyo continued, “I am sorry. I should stop talking about the previous mengju-nim.”

He was worried that my feeling would be hurt since he was talking about his previous master. Hey the person you are talking about is me.

“Its alright. Isn’t our enemy the current mengju? Its weird not talking about the previous mengju-nim. You could talk about him as much as you want. Wasn’t he the person you liked and respected the most?”

“Thank you for saying that.”

“Since we are on the topic of mengju, I think there is someone backing Ma Bong Gi. He isn’t someone who could have risen that to the place by himself.

Baek Pyo wasn’t surprised.

“There is a huge possibility.”

Since he was the head guard, he was the closest to the mengju. He heard everything that the mengju heard, he saw everything that the mengju saw. So he knew almost everything about the Kang Ho.

Why wouldn’t he be curious as to how Ma Bong Gi became the Mengju? It was just that he didn’t look further into it since he was faithful to his duty.

“If there exist a bigger enemy, there is someone that we must have on our side.”

“Who is that?”

“His name is Kal Sa Ryang, and he was the formal chancellor who used to serve under the previous mengju.”

I pretended that I didn’t know but I was expecting this answer.

He told me various things about Kal Sa Ryang but I pretended to be ignorant.

“Before I leave this place, I must meet advisor Kal”

I knew that he was going to tell him about me and King Shura.

If Baek Pyo left without telling him he would be worried since, Baek Pyo had King Shura.

“But I don’t know if I could meet him that easily. He is always being observed by Sa Ma Chun.”

“We should tell him when it is time. There is no need for us to move early, since we as well as advisor Kal might be in danger.”

“You are very wise.”

Since Sa Ma Chun believed that I destroyed King Shura he couldn’t use it to pester Kal Sa Ryung.

“You must never forget. To achieve our goal we need his wisdom.”

But making Kal Sa Ryang into my subordinate is something that would much harder than gaining Baek Pyo.

I was only able to gain Baek Pyo because Kw.a.n.g Du and the cries of King Shura. This was only possible because of the heaven’s will. So to gain Kal Sa Ryang I must also gain the heaven’s luck.

It would be easier if Baek Pyo could persuade him. But it would still require tremendous luck.

But for now I was going to let him be. I knew Kal Sa Ryung the best. He must have a reason for staying at the Alliance. So I will let him do as he wished.

If fate brought Baek Pyo to me I as sure it will do the same for Kal Sa Ryang. So I will wait until then.

This time I told him about the BYuk Clan. About my father, my mother, Sword Sect as well as the Lesser Sword Sect, and about Jung Yeo of the Yang Clan.

“My first goal is to take over San Dong completely.”

To be honest, since the number one clan the Yang Clan was under my control and we had a family relation with the number two clan the Song Clan. More than half the San Dong was under my control.

“Considering these situation, you could say  that the Byuk Clan has already taken over more than half of the City. This is where I want you to help me.”

Baek Pyo’s eyes lightened after hearing my story.

“Although you were acting as a guard until now, I want you to fight in the front line now.”


The good thing was the Baek Pyo didn’t have too many acquaintance since he was a guard. So no one would suspect anything if he left. And no one would recognize him if he went to San Dong. Even if he did most would think of him as an retired expert who wants to spend the rest of his life in the countryside.

“What are you currently doing right now?”

“I am currently making a merchant guild.”

“What is it that I must do?”

“Before we get into that there is something I want to talk to you about.”

“What is it?”

“To wrap up everything in Mu Han it would take another month or two before we can go back to San Dong. So I was wondering if your family could move into our house during that time?”

Baek Pyo was surprised to hear something he never expected.

This was a very difficult topic to talk about. How can he live apart from his wife and son in someone else’s house.

“Not just time if you want, you can say with us forever? Living as a single family.”

I need to build a safety net for him family, so that he could move around freely.

“Since my parents are watching over them there is nothing for you to worry about.”

“I would be thankful of that but, I am afraid we would be a burden to you.”

The thing that made Baek Pyo hesitant was his family and mine.

“Hey, what do you mean being a burden? Your family is my family and vice versa.”

Baek Pyo’s eyes widened. I understood his feeling since I was being truthful with him.

“Will you do it?”

“Yes, then I will do it. Thank you master.”

“Hehehe. Good. Good choice.”

I was truly happy since I was most concerned about the safety of Baek Pyo’s family more than Baek Pyo.

“Maintain the shop for now. You should close it as we are about to go back to San Dong.”

“Yes, I understand.”

There are some business that I still had to take care of at Mu Han. Especially regarding Kal Sa Ryang. So until then it was wise to keep the store opened.

“In few days I plan on going back home. I will take your family then, so spend time with your family.”


We clashed our together and cheered.

Although I don’t like drinking too much for some reason this alcohol tasted very sweet. This made me wonder if this was the reason why people drank.

“Warrior Baek”

I softly called him.


“No need to fight for the peace of Kang Ho. Just fight for your family. Since that is what I am doing.”

Sometime fighting for your family gave you strength. And Baek Pyo understood what I meant.

“I will remember it master.”

We drank with each other for a long time.

This was the first time that I got this drunk after coming into this life.


Two days later.

This time Baek Pyo and Kw.a.n.g Du sat across each other.

Baek Pyo had called Kw.a.n.g Du.

“Thank you for coming the other day. Without you I would have never found my new master.”

“I should be the one that is thankful.”

Kw.a.n.g Du laughed. Until today he was very nervous about the outcome. He was afraid that he messed up everything for his young master.”

He thought that to do something for someone else’s happiness you must empty yourself first.

Now that he think about it he believed he made the right decision. And since the outcome was good he became happy.

“Lets have a drink.”

“Yes, please.”

To be honest, Kw.a.n.g Du really like Baek Pyo. He didn’t know how to describe it but he felt more safe and secure with him around just like a big brother.

If he didn’t like Baek Pyo then he wouldn’t have come the other day.

“Please take care of me.” Kw.a.n.g Du raised his gla.s.s.

“No I should be the one saying that.” Baek Pyo clashed his gla.s.s.


The next day, I took Jung Young and Myung He and headed to San Dong.

Since it this trip had a women and a seven year old child I rented a very comfortable carriage. And we stopped everytime Myung He felt tired and when it was nightfall we always stopped at an inn.

And at the inn we got the best room and fed the best food.

Although Jung Young was uncomfortable getting treated like this she was very moved.

She wouldn’t know but the person who declared their marriage some nine years ago was me.

And like this I was getting closer to the two of them.

One night she said, “My husband used to have nightmare everynight. But after meeting you his nightmare disappeared. Thank you young master Byuk.”

This might be another reason why she was thankful for me.

“That’s a good thing.”

“Please take good care of my husband.”

“That is something I should be saying. Please take care of us.”

After twenty or so days we finally arrived home.

“Mother, father. I am back.”

My parents welcomed us warmly. Before I left I told them about Jung Young and Myung He. So, they welcomed them warmly.

“Welcome, Lady Jung.”


Jung Young greeted the two of them, “I am called Jung Young. Please take care of me. Myung-Ah pay your respect to the elder.”

Myung He bowed to my parents, “My name is Myung He. Please take good care of me.”

Although he was only seven years old he spoke very clearly.

My mother squatted next to Myung He and said, “So you are Myung He. Who do you look after that makes you so handsome.”

He turned his head around and said, “My mother.”

My mother smiled, “Seeing him so bright, you don’t have to worry about his future.”


Hearing my mother’s joke everyone laughed.

“Lets get along well in the future.”

My mother gave him a hug. She showed her motherly emotion.

My father said to Jung Young, “Think of this as your house.”

“Thank you.”

My father asked me, “How is it going in Mu Han?”

“Things are going well. Everything is going as I planned and I met a great warrior named Baek Pyo. I am sure he will be a great help to us in the future.”

“Good.” My father said with a smile.

“Before you make a decision, you must always think about the person on the receiving end of the action.”

“I will keep it in mind father.”

My mother grabbed Jung Young’s hand. “Being a wife of a Kang Ho-in there are only men in the house. All they talk about is their fights. So, I was getting bored, but it seems like I finally have someone to chat with. Let’s get along well in the future.”

Hearing my what my mother said, Jung Young became fl.u.s.tered. She never expected them to treat them like this and she didn’t know how to act in front of them.

In actuality they were the parent of the person who her husband decided to follow. This was a very complicated relationship. But they were treating her well as well as trying to make her as comfortable as possible.

“Now lets look at the room that will be yours.”

It was a room that wasn’t far from my parent’s bedroom. It was one of the biggest room in the house.

The interior was clean and well decorated.

“This will be your room from now on.”

Feeling exited Myung He jump up to the small bed that designated for him.

“Wah! I have my own bed.”

This room had everything that Myung He and Jung Young needed all thanks to my mother.

Jung Young became even more fl.u.s.tered, “We don’t need such a big room like this.”

She thought that she was going to live in a small room doing household

“Do you not like it?”

“No. That’s not it but…”

“What should we do, this is the worst room. If you want a better one…”

“No, no we will use this room.”

She couldn’t refuse my parents since they came out like that. Of course she will understand after living here for a while that this is the second best room.

When I sent a message home, I requested it to my mother. Since it is someone special take extra care. But this exceeded my expectation.

She looked at me with a prideful expression, ‘what do you thing? What do you think about your mother?’

When Jung Young wasn’t looking I stuck out my thum saying, ‘mother, you are the best!’

Unfortunately the stronger you get the more burden your family has to bear and the more likely they will become the target.

But I know. For a truly strong person their family will become their strength.

Today, since my family increased, my strength also increased.

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