Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon

Chapter 70: At the Tip of Destiny’s Branch (2)

Chapter 70: At the Tip of Destiny’s Branch (2)

Translator: hwarang

Editor: Klaurem


The next morning, I a.s.sembled the Lesser Sword Sect.

Although it hadn’t been too long since I last saw them, I could feel the change.

“Have you been well?”

“Yes!” All the members of the Lesser Sword Sect said in unison.

“Martial Artist don’t say thing with their words but with their action.”

They created a s.p.a.ce at the center of the practice ground and started coming out in groups of five to display their skills. Just by seeing their basic movements I could see their growth.

The lesser sword sect was truly improving, and the helm of it was Kwan He.

His physical capacity had improved, his basics were much more solid and he was now even able to successfully hit three targets from thirty paces away.

“As I promised I’ll teach you the more advanced throwing techniques.”

“Thank you”

He made an elated expression. Other members of the sect made a jealous face as I taught Kwan He the advance techniques which infused one"s ki into it.

If you don’t have a solid base and try to learn an advanced technique, there was bound to be an accident, so I couldn’t teach it to others yet.

In front of everyone Kwan He demonstrated what he learned from me.


The speed and the power of the throwing knife increased drastically.

The other members of the sect who were watching cheered.

I told Kwan He in front of everyone, “It isn’t always beneficial to infuse your ki into your throwing art.”

“Why is that?”

“The reason why someone who mastered the sword art would use a throwing technique is if he is under pressure. If your heart is in a rush then your ki flows will be in conflict with one another and you can get hurt.”

“I understand”

“But with enough practice, you can control your ki freely.”

Kwan He made a big smile. I already knew that he was going to practice what he was lacking.

“Do you remember what I said before?”

“You said I should go slowly. Although it is good to give it my all. I shouldn’t force myself too much.”

“Yes, never forget what I said.”

Through Kwan He I gave the rest of the members motivation to do better. Since I would reward those who try their best.

I think this was very important for a sect, giving others motivation through the example of a few.

“Next spring, I plan on expanding our lesser sword sect.”

Hearing that there will be new members, everyone was in a better mood. I planned on creating two more division with twenty members each, with a total addition of forty members.

“Make sure you train hard so you aren’t an embarra.s.sment to your hubae.”

“Yes! Understood.”

I gave tips and pointers on every single one of them. Although it was a brief moment in time, it was a great benefit to them.

‘Hey punks, get stronger!’




The meeting was dragging on, and nowadays Song Hwa Rin was attending these meetings as well.

Today the Song Clan was in a meeting with the Eastern Sword Clan.

It had been two months since she started learning this sort of business from her father, and every day was like this. There were days where she had to sit in a meeting all day, while other days she had to use her martial arts to take someone down.

When she started she thought it wasn’t going to be that hard, but maintaining a clan wasn’t an easy thing to do.

Just today, she had to engage in a mental bout with the other party as the meeting dragged on. She was getting impatient with them but she couldn’t show her emotions.

In situations like this she thought about how amazing her father was. If it was her, she would have just got up and left. However, her father was patient with them as they dragged out this meeting. Sometimes he would appease them, other times he would pressure them.

Since she was the only daughter she would one day have to do this work by herself.

‘Can I really do it? Can I go through various meetings like my father and not lose my temper?’

About an hour later the meeting came to a close. Fortunately, the Song Clan didn’t get the short end of the stick.

As they came out Song Wu Kyung smiled, “It must have been tiring?”

“All I did was sit. You must be the one tired father. Good work today.”

“Haha. I am always happy that you are here.”

She could feel it. Teaching her these things wasn’t his only purpose. He was lonely these days. He wanted someone with him, to share his burden.

‘Are you getting that old father?’

Thinking about it made her saddened.


When she returned to her room, Soo Ran-ee was there to tell her something.

“Master Byuk has been waiting for you for a while.”

When she left to meet me, I was waiting for her in the garden.

“When did you arrive?”

“Just a while ago. Have you been well?”

“I’m doing well. When will you go back to Ho Buk?”

“A few days from now.”

“You are busy.”

She felt bitter hearing that he was going to leave soon. She was surprised that she was feeling bitter because he was going to leave. She stared at me for a bit. She wouldn’t stare at any other guys like she would at me.

“You always feel different every time I see you.”


“I don’t know how to describe it but …”

Although she couldn’t say it she could feel it. That I was getting stronger, my body looked more firm, my eyes had a more profound look, and my skills had improved vastly.

She was being drawn to me. When she heard that I was here, she was happy and her heart beat faster when she saw me.

However, she couldn’t reveal her true feelings. Since she was the one who brought up the word ‘divorce’ she couldn’t show me the change in her heart.

So, she had to change the subject, “You have two swords?”

Her sight was now on my swords. I had two swords on my waist.

One was the Heavenly Origin Sword while the other was the Divine Sword of King Shura.

I didn’t plan on disguising King Shura since it wasn’t a sword that attracted too much attention and it was made to look like an ordinary sword. However,  just in case I changed the grip on the handle. Since many people would put a cloth on their handle it wasn’t obvious.

At first, I wanted to hide it in the White Crane Peak, but I decided not to. Since he called out for me, I will always have him on my side. As I was getting better at the White Crane Art there weren’t very many occasions where I had to use him. However, if I was in a dangerous spot I would use him.

Because I don’t need two swords I planned on entrusting it with someone.

I spoke as I hit King Shura, “I found a decent sword, should we go for a walk?”


We walked through the garden together. Although the winter air was cold, it felt even more refreshing than before.

The first time that I met her was in winter, and now it was the winter again.

There had been many changes during this year. I had changed, and she changed as well.

“Thank you for taking care of my mother when I wasn’t here.”

“What do you mean? It’s my obligation.”

“So how is that technique from last time?”

She was in the process of improving her stance. “I am working hard to improve it. I tried this and that, but it"s harder than I thought. I will show it to you when I find the right answer. Will you check it for me then?”

“Of Course.”

I thought she was amazing, thinking of a way to improve things by herself. Through that process, she will have improved a lot.

“Should we go for a drink?”

It was a slip of tongue, “Ah I’m sorry. You don’t drink, right?”

“Let’s go. I could just get drunk off the atmosphere. I’ll pay.”




The restaurant that we entered was called ‘Phoenix’

This restaurant was located somewhere in between Kok Bu and Fort Chu. Since it had a good atmosphere she led me here.

Although it was a little far, after coming here I didn’t regret it.

If it was a regular restaurant there would be screams within the kitchen and the serving hall, and people would be drunk talking about the Kang Ho. Everywhere you go it was like this.

However, this place was different. This place was clean, brightly decorated and there were professional musicians playing. There was even a stage to dance on. It was as if we entered a banquet hall.

Seeing me look around she told me, “Why are you like that? It makes you look like this is your first time here.”

“This is my first time being here.”

“I know that you occasionally came here to drunk with the girls.”

There was no way that this rascal Byuk Lee Dan wouldn’t have come here before.

Because the atmosphere was good, most of the customers here were a couple.

Following one the waiter we took our seat and order some food, alcohol, and tea for her.

“When did you come here before?”

“When I first came back. I heard that you usually visited this place… so I was curious.”

That was an answer that I never expected.

A few minutes later the food and the drinks came. It was twice as much as another place. Although the taste was about the same the difference was the atmosphere.

Hearing the music while drinking and eating made the mood even better.

“I am learning how to manage the clan these days.”

Thinking about it, I remember the time when I was in a carriage with Ma Jung Soo. That time she was also on her way back from conducting business for the Song Clan.

“It is harder than I though.”

I nodded in agreement, “Same for me.”

“But you are doing well. You left your mark through your lesser sword sect. I want to do something like that but it"s been hard even before I started.”

She sipped on her tea as she would have done for alcohol.

She was only twenty-one years of age.

Of course, it was difficult. That’s why they say this is the springtime of youth.

“As you get used to it, you are bound to get better.”

“Will I?”

“Yes you will.”

We raised our and cheered.

“For the future.”

Some people went up to the dance stage and the tempo of the music changed. We were looking at them as they danced.

“I feel jealous when I see others dance. How can they be so good at dancing?”

I jokingly said, “I have a feeling you are good at dancing as well.”

She shook her head and said, “I am a brick.”


Talking about dancing I remembered an expert from the Demon Sect, The Empress of Pleasure.

Her personal technique was the Reaper’s Dance. She would kill those who were so engrossed in her dance. But her dance was truly otherworldly.

She was dancing the Reaper’s Dance until her last moment when I finally killed her.

Song Hwa Rin was clapping, “Wow, that was amazing.”

I clapped with her, “They are really good.”

Watching them dance I realized something. Although I watched many dances during banquets in the past, this was the first time that I saw someone dancing this close to me. During a banquet I was always busy meeting people and greeting them. So I didn’t have the opportunity to enjoy the dancer. I just considered them as background noise, thinking that there were dancers for any banquets.

That’s why I believed until I came with her here today.

Since I lived at the peak of Kang Ho for seventy odd years, I thought I knew everything about Kang Ho. However there were still things that I did not know about, things that I have never done.

It was just like the time when Number Seven enlightened me. Although it casually came out of her mouth, it was something that I never thought about as the Mengju.

To achieve the state of the Spirit Sword I spent every day meditating, reading all sort of manuals and practicing techniques. Trying to discover something that would help me get that much closer. However, I was unable to achieve it.

However, now, I got a feeling.

To achieve something big you can’t look to find enlightenment from something big. You will find your enlightenment from something small like a conversation, a dance or even watching an ant.

I am someone who decided to live my life differently. So I must think differently, have a different job, and meet different people.

I needed to look at the world in a new way so that I could see things that I had never seen before. I was certain that at the end of this I would be able to obtain the state of the Spirit Sword.

I was able to obtain enlightenment from this place.

What? Now that I think about it.

This was the second time that I achieved enlightenment like this. Not from meditation but from real world experience, and with women at that.

Could it be that to achieve the Spirit Sword State would I have to meet a bunch of women?


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