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***[There"s a for terms left in pinyin in the above menu, for those who need it!]

Everyone saw that even Ouyang Nuan came and were stunned. Chief Steward Sun was someone with insightful eyes. He hurriedly stepped forwards and bowed. "Greetings to First Xiaojie." Seeing that he did so, everyone else also bowed and greeted. "First Xiaojie."

Ouyang Nuan looked at these servants who followed Sun He into the hall. After they tidied their clothes, they lightly bowed at her. She faintly said, "You don"t have to be so polite. It is Li Yiniang who asked you all here today. I"m here just to accompany her. Don"t mind me. You can just speak to her."

Ouyang Nuan looked at Sun He and slowly said, "Do you know what Laotaitai ordered?"

Sun He respectfully bowed. "To reply to First Xiaojie, we already know."

Ouyang Nuan nodded. "That"s good then. Li Yiniang just got married and is unclear on a lot of things. I think that with you here, there shouldn"t be any difficulties with the fu. Isn"t that right, Chief Steward Sun?"

Sun He and the other stewards bowed and saluted. "Please rest a.s.sured, First Xiaojie. We will do our best."

Ouyang Nuan finished and no longer spoke. She received the teacup that a maidservant handed to her and lightly sipped tea.

Everyone looked at Ouyang family"s First Xiaojie daintily sitting on a chair, speaking elegant words slowly and intelligently. She exuded elegance and refinement. That aura from a prominent family made no one dare to underestimate her.

Li Yiniang stood in the hall and smiled at everyone. "There"s nothing big today. I just wanted to meet and get to know everyone. There will be lots of places I will be troubling you in the future. I ask everyone to wholeheartedly help me."

The servants all relaxed. Wasn"t this the routine of, "A newly appointed official made many changes?" This yiniang was only at this level. No one would really take her words to heart.

A maidservant set out a chair for Li Yiniang. Li Yiniang automatically sat down below Ouyang Nuan"s position. She continued to say, "Can one of you tell me what each of you manages?"

A middle-aged woman with a round face in the crowd changed expressions many times. She stepped forwards and loudly said, "Yiniang is too thoughtless. How can things be made clear in such a short period of time? Moreover, if there are outsiders, then they should be clearly interrogated. But the people standing here are decades-long servants of the Ouyang family. So why do it? Li Yiniang, if you do not understand, you can ask Laotaitai or Furen!"

Li Yuee was startled. She thought that with Ouyang Nuan here, these people would at least give her some face. Who knew that they didn"t even put Ouyang family"s First Xiaojie in their eyes? She wanted to speak, but could not call out this mama"s name.

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