"D-Do not w-worry about t-that, y-your highness! I w-will make s-sure t-that the problem is s-solved!" He stuttered.

"Hmm... so there was such a problem in the school" he mused.

Alexis then nodded while the imperial guard could only admire the Prince even more.

"I don"t want to see some p.r.i.c.k ruining my day just because he has an ego, the size of the Sun..." Alexis thought and left the room and was led by one of the a.s.sistants working under Efreel.

The man was very respectful and also very scared of Alexis, probably because the guard was always cautious around him and had his hand around his sword as if he would strike him down, if he said anything wrong...



"Is this the "room" he prepared for me?" Alexis asked the terrified a.s.sistant who nodded.

"...a room? This is a f.u.c.king house!" Alexis shouted inside his head and turned to the a.s.sistant.

"You can go now, thank you for leading us here..." he said as the a.s.sistant bowed many times and left immediately...

The so called "room" was a small manor, it was renovated and refurbished under Efreel"s orders and now given to Alexis.

The group was now infront of the door to the Manor.

He looked at the water fountain that was currently running and then turned to Florestine who had a smile on her face...

"Your highness, this place is amazing! I was worried that you might get a small room, ah now I can clean this place everyday!" She said excitedly.

"It would our honour to guard your highness!" The four guards who came along with him said in unison when Alexis turned to them...

"...how could I forget that?! This is great! My luxury and carefree life... it came back to me!" He thought and laughed inside.

"You can prepare everything, my cla.s.ses start in two hours, I need to get ready..." he said and unlocked the door and pushed it open.

The interior was dazzling and smelled very good, it seems like Efreel went all out in making sure I end up being satisfied...

"Good job Efreel, 100 points!" he shouted inside his head.

Alexis then walked around the house to memorize the interior of the manor and later ond decided to take a bath.

Once he was done with everything, Florestine brought him the Academy uniform...

"What the h.e.l.l is this?" Alexis asked Florestine who had a wry smile on her face.

"This is the uniform, your highness!" She answered and proceeded to help Alexis in wearing it.

"This is literally a white suit with a black tie and a dark green overcoat with the emblem of the Academy" he thought.

"You look amazing, your highness!" Florestine complimented him, the dark green matched his blood red hair, giving him a very attractive look...

"Get the carriage, we need to go now..." Alexis ignored Florestine and took his leather shoulder bag that contained all the necessary items and books.


Once Alexis went inside his cla.s.sroom, everyone stared at him in awe...

"Atleast they don"t know who I am..." he mused, until he saw the same girl he talked to, during the party... six years ago.

She had a look of recognition on her face and her eyes were wide open.

Their eyes met as Alexis shook his head silently, making sure she doesn"t tell anyone, Alexis then glared at her as if he would kill her for it...

Sophia nodded like a chicken pecking on rice as Alexis sat next to her.

The boys glared at him, a few brave souls even jeered.

"Cheh! Another pretty boy"

"I bet he only has good looks but no power back him up, just like that loser!"

"hmm? a failed mage?" he thought.

One by one, remarks were made and became louder.

Alexis smirked at them while Sophia paled, listening to the boys that insulted their own Crown prince.

Not even her father, Duke Aero, would insult the Imperial family or go against it!

She knew how much power the Lunar family held, it was over a millennium old and definitely had a few powerful characters within it"s shadows...

"Your highness, please have some mercy on them!" She whispered into Alexis" right ear since she was to his right hand side...

"If I punished them for such petty remarks, then I"m no better than them..." Alexis said staring into Sophia"s light brown eyes.

She couldn"t help but blush seeing his perfect face and those cold eyes that made her shiver just from his gaze...

"Ehem!" Alexis heard a girl clear her throat, he turned to the voice and raised his eyebrow.

This new voice belonged to Isabella Ex Clypeus, the daughter of Duke Fortis, Patriarch of the n.o.ble Clypeus family! She was very beautiful and rivaled the Year Six number one beauty, Sophia, who was also her best friend...

"Who might you be, Lady?" He asked the new personage politely.

"Isn"t it rude to ask for other people without introducing yourself?" She asked him, her voice laced with irritation.

"My apologies." Alexis said while raising his head to look at her in the face, his eyes became colder and Sophia noticed this and paled ever so slightly.

"This girl... she infuriates me!" Alexis shouted inside his head but decided to act politely since it was his first day in the Academy and wanted to leave a good impression on everyone.

"Isabella! Stop it!" Sophia shouted at her best friend in fear, she was worried that her friend might end up offending the prince...

"Sophia, I"m just worried about you! You know how those boys act infront of you..." Isabella sighed and turned to Alexis.

"So, who the h.e.l.l are you sitting next to Sophia and scaring her?" She asked Alexis rudely.

"Hoh? Such rude words, I"m hurt!" Alexis smirked and had a fake sad expression, he was getting annoyed, too many people were staring at him and even being rude to him eventhough he hadn"t even done anything!

"There goes your nice guy act! I knew it! You are just like all those idiot boys!" She commented and pointed her finger at the group of boys who jeered at Alexis earlier on...

"It seems like she has some history with those individuals..." Alexis mused and turned around to glance at them.

"Isabella, Stop it!" Sophia shouted at her friend with reddened eyes, not because she was angry but because she was terrified...

Sophia held onto his arm hoping he wouldn"t attack, she had heard rumours of the Crown prince already being a very powerful mage in the Empire at the tender age of ten!

"What"s gotten to you Sophia? If you are scared of offending anyone just tell me, I can complain to my father!" Isabella said encouragingly and worriedly looked at her forever submissive friend.

Isabella then gasped, "Are they going out?!", she then looked at Alexis, observing his extremely handsome face which she failed to recognize in her righteous fury...

"..." she went into daze as Alexis sighed loudly.

"Sophia, tell me... can I ever have some peace and quietness in this Academy?" He turned to Sophia who was holding onto his arm quite intimately...

She quickly let him go and turned away.

"...I guess not" She said while turning around and then decided to wake her friend up from her daze, she did all this while looking down, not daring to look at his face lest he sees the blush on her face...

"This is ridiculous... why did I even agree coming to this place full of kids?" Alexis sat down on his chair and brooded over his misfortune.


"Alright cla.s.s, I will will teach you an offensive spell, it is very basic and almost every Mage in the world can use it!" The teacher said enthusiastically.

A few of his cla.s.smates cheered at the fact that they were going to try out a spell, many were nervous...

The teacher then called up students one by one as they were told how to perform the spell, which was literally a fire magic spell...

"This is horrible... anyone can dodge a spell this slow!" He complained while his blank face slowly turned to a small frown.

"If these are kids are my future army, I would rather go alone... They have no talent! No a single one is in Heaven tier except for that party girl and her friend..." he observed his cla.s.smates with a keen eye which unnerved Sophia who saw him glance at her...

"Next up, Alexis Gladios!" The female Teacher shouted his name out loud.

Alexis came forward and stood infront him.

"So you"re the new student everyone"s been talking about!" She said and nodded while observing him.

"Another n.o.ble... no wait! something is different about him!" she thought inside her head but shook her thoughts.

"Well then, go ahead with the spell!" She encouraged him as Alexis nodded and sighed inwardly.

He raised his right hand at the wall that was enchanted by mana runes, he then used mana equivalent to that of a Earth Emperor tier, a red magic circle formed at the top of his hand.

The audience saw red wisps of fire mana swirling rapidly around his hand.

Alexis then decided to release the fireball into the wall...

It exploded with a burst of strong winds, this was the equivalent of a C4 bomb according to his knowledge.

The audience had to cover their eyes because of the dust that was now dancing freely in the air as it was disturbed by the explosion.

The wall was charred and showed signs of cracking but within seconds, It melded itself back to it"s original form...

It was now spotlessly clean and showed no sign of being attacked.

Everyone who saw it was amazed, he did really well, while the attack was very similar to what the others did, the fact that their new cla.s.smate could do it too led them to be amazed at his work...

Alexis did not want people to think he was a genius, he would go at the pace of his cla.s.smates so that he wouldn"t be disturbed...

He then went back to Sophia and Isabella, who were more than happy to welcome him, this incurred the wrath of the male population of the cla.s.s as Alexis shook his head.

"Calm down Alexis... they are kids!" He told himself but if anyone went too far he would have no choice but to eradicate whoever crossed the line, from this world...

"Alexis, why didn"t you make it bigger?" Sophia asked Alexis who groaned inside but decided to answer.

"Because it would bring me too much attention..." he replied and turned to her with a bland expression on his face.

Sophia giggled, many of the boys and girls in the Academy would show off their skills in hopes of getting the attention of others or the ones they admire, but the prince who came to her Academy wanted none of that...

"...Why are you laughing?" Alexis asked her earnestly, he was confused.

"Nothing of importance, your highness!" She said with a big smile and stared at Alexis who nodded slowly and watched the other kids perform...

"Psst! Sophia, stop staring at him... the boys are looking!" Isabella who felt a little left out whispered into Sophia"s ear, the latter quickly turned around in embarra.s.sment and glanced at her male cla.s.smates who glared at Alexis.


Alexis was inside his manor, he was seated comfortably on the luxury sofa set.

Everyonce in a while Florestine would feed him some fruits, mainly grapes... He felt like he was in heaven and all he did was laze around.

It has been a few months since he started studying at the Academy and thankfully there were no problems that required him to eradicate anyone.

Although he did get a little annoyed at a few boys who took him to a corner to intimidate him so that their "boss" could have some alone time with Sophia.

The wannabe goons of whichever Kid ordered them to do such a thing, grabbed him by the shoulder, things didn"t go to well for them and they ended up getting expelled before their parents could even say anything about it...

"Those were some good times... I still can"t believe that there are kids that act like the mafia even at the tender age of ten..." he thought.

"They don"t even live in the streets, how can they intimidate me?!" He scoffed loudly as Florestine looked at her master weirdly...


Alexis jumped off of his sofa and looked around cautiously.

"I swear to G.o.d, I heard that accursed noise!" He shouted inside his head.

"Show yourself!" He stated calmly while Florestien paled, she thought it was an intruder or worse... as a.s.sa.s.sin!

[Host, please do not be alarmed! I"m your Soul binded Mini A.I system.]

Alexis heard the voice again, it wasn"t emotionless unlike a certain big blue screen, but the voice was still cold.

"...System?" He called out in his thoughts.

[Yes host?]

It answered!

Alexis sat down on the sofa with a relaxed expression and closed his eyes.

"Your highness, what was that?" Florestine asked Alexis who pat her head.

"Don"t worry about it, I made a mistake" Alexis told her, she nodded meekly and proceeded to feed him some grapes.

"What the h.e.l.l are you doing here?" He asked the system.

[Boss binded me to you, I"m sure Boss informed you!] It said as Alexis groaned.

He had indeed heard something like that, before he was thrown into the portal along with his knowledge of the other world...

"Why didn"t you activate earlier on?" Alexis asked.

[Apologies host, I was rebooting myself after being sent in through the portal!]

Alexis who was savouring the grape put into his mouth swallowed it completely as his eyebrows twitched hearing it"s reason.

It seems like that stupid blue screen is an a.s.s to it"s colleagues too...

"I see... now what?" He asked the system.

[Host can check his statistics! Think "Statistics" and a green screen will be infront of you, do not worry Host, n.o.body else can see it!] It explained it"s functions.

"Is that it?" Alexis wanted more information.

[You can also check the progress of your Quest, given to you by the Administrator, who expects a lot from you!] It said joyfully.

"Say system... all I have to do is develop this world"s technology right?" Alexis asked the system.

[Affirmative Host, that is your Quest!] It said.

"Will you be helping me or do I have to this with the world?"

[I cannot help Host merely because I"m programmed to only show your statistics, Quest progress and letters and side quests given from the Administrator in which, you have the right to accept or decline. Your job is to help the world develop with a combined effort of the inhabitants]

"Say I make a modern weapon, leak it out to other countries and wage war on the world? Will that count as combined effort?" Alexis asked the system.


The system answered, although it did sound a bit unwilling, Alexis now had a plan in mind...

"Let the race to arms begin..." he mumbled while Florestine who heard it was shocked and shivered.

It sounded like a declaration, a bold declaration heralding something that would most likely be considered as the darkest times of Terra...

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