The year went by quickly, Alexis now had turned fourteen years old and he was finally moving out of the Academy.

Efreel was waiting for him outside with an amicable smile.

Alexis had to admit that Efreel was a very capable person, during the four years he was in the Academy he had not heard nor seen any act of discrimination and was happy that nothing made his day bad...

Except for that one girl... Sophia Ex Myst. This girl never gave up and kept on trying to seduce him, sadly for her, Alexis had strong mental defenses against her charms as he was always with beautiful women when he was small, add to the fact that he has a few personality traits of Snake.

He would also be meeting up with the Head of the Imperial Science foundation...

Alexis was excited that he could finally take one big step, now he had to play his cards and convince the leader of the Science group to work for him!

He then decided to enter his carriage and check up on the blueprint.

The rifle was designed like the Gewehr 98, a simplistic rifle, something he had more knowledge about...

And also because it had a simpler and efficient mechanism that would benefit him in the long run.

The four guards had now packed the luggage and fitted it on their highness"s beautiful carriage.

They nodded at Florestine who then entered the carriage to inform Alexis of the news.

"Your highness, everything is ready, we are prepared to set off!" She said with a smile as Alexis nodded and rolled up blueprint and stored it inside his s.p.a.cial ring...

"Ask the guards if they are alright with heading to the Imperial Science foundation first, if they are alright with it, let them come... if not, they are free to leave!" Alexis said and sighed.

Florestine opened the window and conveyed the words of her Master, the guards nodded and looked at each other.

"We will be following his highness!" One of them spoke as Florestine nodded at them and closed the window.

"They will be with us, Your highness!" She informed Alexis who nodded and closed eyes, he would take a nap for now...


"Your highness, we are near the foundation..." Florestine informed Alexis, while Alexis was taking a nap, she had kept his head on her lap so that it was more comfortable for him than leaning on the window...

"...Florestine" he mumbled, her face was right on top of his, she was gently smiling at him. For a split second, Alexis went into daze, he then quickly got up and checked for any problems in his outfit.

Since it was the end of the year, the Empire was in the winter season and it was hailing at the moment.

The guards outside had worn their special clothing for the winter season, which was a black parka...

Alexis then wore his own custom parka, it was white and camouflaged him with the snowy city... after waiting for Florestine who was putting on her own winter clothing, the two of them hurriedly walked in, followed by the four guards.

Once they entered the building, they were hit with a wave of heat, it wasn"t too warm but just perfect...

"Coat hangers..." Alexis thought as he saw the wooden stands aligned perfectly to one another.

A few people who worked at the building looked at them warily and walked upto them.

"Excuse me sirs and madam, but for what reason might you be here?" The man asked the group politely.

"We are here to meet with the Head of the foundation, could you be kind enough to lead us to him?" Alexis asked the man with an expectant look.

"Sure thing, follow me!" He said as he walked up the stairs, he was followed by Alexis and the rest.

The man knocked four times on one of the doors which led to a room.

Alexis looked around and saw many things, infact, the thing that surprised him the most were the lights! Light bulbs!

"Have they already made electricity?!" Alexis was shocked at that prospect.

"Come in" the group heard an old voice, it wasn"t necessarily loud but was clear enough for the man who was outside.

The said man opened the door and ushered them to go in, the guards who followed Alexis shook their heads and stayed outside to guard it.

They were fine with Florestine since they knew her calibre in protecting their Prince.


Alexis walked into the room and saw an old man who had an amused smirk on his face...

"Good after, Mr, Magnus" Alexis greeted the man who stood up and bowed.

"It is my pleasure to meet your highness!" The man said humbly and motioned the duo to sit on the leathered sofa set, which was placed in the middle of the room...

Magnus sat opposite to Alexis and looked straight at Alexis.

"Your highness, what brings you here?" He asked him.

"To the point huh? Very well... I want you to work for me, the entire foundation!" Alexis said with a serious tone as Magnus scowled.

"Brat, you maybe the prince! But don"t think I will let you take over my fifty years of work away just because you asked me to!" He stated.

"How dare yo-" Florestine immediately glared at him for speaking such words against her master and quickly retorted, only to be interrupted by Alexis.

"Florestine, stop!" He commanded her.

"But yo-"

"I said stop!" He repeated his words slowly, this had an impact on Florestine who quickly bowed and looked down is shame.

"Mr.Magnus, I think you are mistaken... while it is true that I want your foundation, it does not mean that you will be kicked out of it! Just that you will work for me..." Alexis explained.

"No means no, your highness!" The man refused once again as Alexis nodded his head.

"Tell me this Magnus, why are you so stubborn? Is it because you want to go down the annals of history to be remembered? To change the world? Why are you doing this?" Alexis asked the man...

"Hahaha, I"m just your simple man your highness, I"m not trying to change the world... I want to change it"s people!" He answered his question with a laugh.

"Why do you want to change it"s people?" Alexis asked him with a smirk, Magnus who saw that smirk couldn"t help but feel excited.

"Because... the ways of the society, it"s beliefs and ideals are all mistaken! Only one in a hundred individuals are born with mana... Our Empire has a population of around three hundred million people, this means that only around three million are mages! They decide everything because they have powers, ridiculous! Power doesn"t mean anything... it doesn"t help the and brings only fear to the rest of the two hundred ninety seven million people..." the man said.

"It only makes you special... but who said that a common man is weak and useless? Who said that a common man cannot defeat a Mage? When I was small, I saw my village suffer under a Mage... I saw everyone murdered by him... and I asked myself, why doesn"t anyone speak against him? And then I realised, everyone was scared of him! The mages were all backed by some power or another... I made this foundation not to prove that we are better than Mages but to prove that power doesn"t mean that you can go around and do whatever you like... this foundation is my blood, sweat and tears! This building is the voice of non Mage people..." he said with emotion, his voice quivering at his own pride of his work...

"And yet, the same people who you fight for, criticise you..." Alexis commented as Magnus sighed loudly.

"When you look at our history, the world history... common people have always worked under the mages, it has been engrained to us... it is our culture... those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone... believed by the!" He then laughed deprecatingly.

"Marvelous quote..." Alexis complimented the man.

"The only thing this old man has is knowledge and wisdom... Mages never care about the common people, they only make sure we are alive enough to work for them... I want Mages to think of us as equals, not expendables..." Magnus said with a sad smile.

"...What if I said that I have something... something that will give power to the common people?" Alexis asked him with a smirk.

"...Are you speaking of the truth!?" Magnus asked him, he wasn"t sure of the young man infront of him... afterall, his aim was to get his foundation to work for him...

"But I must tell you something, it will bring upon a disaster to the world. It will create Chaos, Disorder and suffering..." Alexis mentioned the bad news first as the Old man snorted.

"Surely you would never give something like that to each and everyone!" Magnus said with a mock smile.

"Indeed... and i also plan on leaking them to other countries..." Alexis said.

"If I may, why?" Magnus was curious.

"War develops technology, it is the irrefutable truth... proved by our long history. I plan on developing the technology of the world for everyone... for that to happen, I need chaos and war to weaken my enemies, then I plan on taking over the continent... I should also tell you that this "something" is a weapon..." Alexis remarked.

"As I thought..." Magnus sighed and looked at Alexis...

"Such ambition at a young age..." He thought to himself.

"You of all people know how non-mages suffer from Mages right? Mages use their magic for themselves, such as myself... I use my magic so that I can keep the Empire free of uprisings..." Alexis said.

"Indeed so, young prince... but you of all people should know that I work for the benefit of all... with the least amount of suffering upon the common people." Magnus said as he closed his eyes, possibly contemplating...

"Ofcourse, but as a Philosopher... you should know that sacrifices need to be made for the greater good... it makes people value what was given to them! With one single act of tyranny that would leave a stain on our history, we will be able to achieve both your goals and mine... What say you...Magnus? Are you in? This is your only chance!" Alexis enticed Magnus to walk further into his chessboard.

"*sigh* You are right... this is the only opportunity I have! I"m already so old... if I don"t grab this chance of getting to my goals I would have never made this place in the first place..." Magnus muttered, he extended his hand towards Alexis who shook his hand.

"I look forward to working with you, Mr.Magnus!" Alexis said with a small smile as Magnus sighed.

"Likewise, your highness!" He replied as the two of them continued conversing about various other subjects.

Alexis impressed the man with his otherworldly knowledge as his system which was inactive for three years suddenly alarmed him.


[Greetings Host, it"s good to see you again!]

"Where the h.e.l.l were you?!" Alexis asked him with a irritated expression.

[Apologies Host, I updated myself twice! So that I can be more useful for you!]

It said as Alexis sighed, atleast the system tried hard...

"Your highness, I"m astonished by your vast knowledge regarding the world!" Magnus said as Alexis nodded slightly acknowledging his words.

"I aim to please!" Alexis chuckled and talked to his system while also being aware of the outside world...

"System, how loyal is Magnus Animo?" Alexis asked.

[Quite loyal Host, it is lower than that of your lover Florestine, but higher than the average person.

Name: Magnus Animo

s.e.x: Male

Race: Human

Age: 75

Tier level: N/A

Body status: Old

Loyalty: 65/100

History: (tap for more info)

Tip: Introduce him to more theories and knowledge from Earth and encourage him to do his own research! ]

"Since when did she become my lover?! *sigh* nevermind..."

Alexis then stood up and walked to a window, it would make him look awe inspiring.

"Magnus, I believe that the Earth is round... believe that it is a globe AND that it orbits around the Sun!" Alexis declared, Magnus who for many years tried to tell the people of this started to get emotional.

He was called a madman, a heretic and all sorts of insults... they mocked him for what he worked on... and after years of suffering insults, ridicules and those gazes, he finally found someone who believed what he wanted to convey to the people... the TRUTH which they have been denying!

"First thing you should know about me is that I"m no mere sheep... I am the shephard, I don"t follow foolishly, instead I guide them..." Alexis smiled and turned to him.

"There is too many proofs that the world is round! Why would you still care for these sheep?" Alexis genuinely asked Magnus.

He intended to play mind games with Magnus who started to contemplate his actions as soon as he heard the question.

Magnus then looked down, indeed... he for all his life have been fighting for equality, only for the same people whom he fought for to jeer at him, mock at him...


"Ask yourself this question, Do you "really" care for these ignorant sheep or people such as yourself, who have genuinely been hurt and mistreated by Mages, just because you had no power?" Alexis asked him and wore his coat.

He walked upto the door and just before he opened it, "I will wait for you at the Kritten heights in two weeks time, it will be our base... expect many people who have had similar experiences such as yours... and about what we spoke of earlier, keep it to yourself!" Alexis reminded him and walked out of the room with Florestine who kept quiet for most of the time.

Alexis had told him of his goals, he knew that Magnus wouldn"t tell anyone of his secrets considering the fact that he wasn"t threatened by anyone...


The ride back to the residence was awkwardly quiet.

"Florestine, I"m not mad at you anymore... I just wanted to remind you not to speak against our ally!" Alexis said while rolling his eyes at Florestine who looked up.

"I-I"m sorry, your highness..." she said in a barely audible voice.

"There there" He said and pat her head as she started sniffling.

"...Why am I babysitting her?" He asked himself and sighed.

"Next time, however rude they maybe at first... do not throw them off" Alexis said softly, Florestine took this opportunity and hugged him...

"What are you doing?" Alexis asked in a irritated voice, infact he was shocked and surprised inwardly at her boldness.

"...Why is my heart beating faster?" He asked himself.

"Calm down Alexis!" He thought and took slower and deeper breaths... it didn"t seem to help and only made things worse.

The carriage stopped at his mother"s palace, Alexis was about to go out but Florestine held him in place and kissed him in the cheek, she then ran out the carriage at lightning speed...

"W-What... just happened?!" He was in daze until Annalise herself had to open the door and shake him off of his thoughts.

"What"s wrong with you Alexis?" Annalise asked her son worriedly.

"I-it"s nothing..." He said and walked away from her...

What Alexis didn"t know was that his face was red!

Annalise thought he was sick and immediately called one of the Imperial doctors who rushed and checked Alexis... much to his irritation.


"It seems like he is... in love!" Stated the Doctor as the entire room became silent.

"W-W-W-What are you saying?! I-I"m still too young for that! You"re a phoney! I"m leaving, I can"t handle this! You are slandering me!" Alexis started rambling nonsense at the Doctor who scoffed.

"Me? A phoney? You"re the one lying here!" The old doctor thought inside his head...

"Your face is heating up, heart beats faster and you always think of whom ever you have fallen for!" The doctor said as Alexis widened his eyes.

"Y-You are doing witchcraft!" Alexis said as Annalise put a hand on his shoulder and shook her head with a smile.

She then laughed hearing the last bit.

"You need to be honest with your feelings!" She added that to herself.

"But atleast he has grown up mentally!" She thought and nodded her head with a happy smile.

"If that is it I will be taking my leave, your highnesses!" The doctor said bowing down and left.

"So... who is it?" Annalise asked Alexis who immediately walked out of the room.

Alexis heard nothing but laughter coming from the room he had just left...

"d.a.m.n them! How could I be in love?!" He asked himself and kicked a small stone in his way.

▪︎▪︎▪︎[Omake End]▪︎▪︎▪︎

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