Alexis woke up early morning and prepared himself to walk around the city that now belongs to his empire...

He slid into a soft white long sleeved shirt and put on some pants.


Alexis looked around the buildings with keen eyes, he couldn"t see the detail in most of them yesterday as he was too busy in the non when they occupied the city and during night when it was too dark.

He went to the same bar he went yesterday and found no one inside...

"I"m such a fool... it"s still early morning!" He facepalmed and decided to go back.

"Wait up brat!" He heard the old man"s voice and turned to him with narrowed eyes.

"Sheesh, what"s with that look?" The old man asked him off handedly and sat down on the stairs leading to the door.

"Who are you?" Alexis demanded an answer as the old man snorted.

"I"m an angel!" The old man said with a smirk as Alexis twitched his lip.

"Be serious!" He said sternly and sat down on a higher step so that he could see the old man"s back and wouldn"t be ambushed by him...

"I am!" The old man shouted at him and glared at Alexis mockingly which seemed to infuriate him.

He calmed himself down, "Two can play that game!" He thought and smirked.

"Oh really? Then I"m a demon..." Alexis chuckled and eyed the man.

"Heh! Then I guess you are evil, no?" The old man spoke as Alexis shrugged, "I don"t consider my actions evil... ruthless, yes! But they are justified." He replied.

The old man snorted in amus.e.m.e.nt.

"Is declaring war on a nation with no justification, justified? Especially when common people are suffering..." The old man asked him albeit a bit angrily.

"What"s up with this "Common people are suffering", are you a hero or an angel? Make up your d.a.m.n mind!" Alexis chided the man.

Veins popped out of the old man who glared at Alexis.

"Brat... Why are you doing all this?" The old man questioned Alexis who smiled at him.

"Because it is necessary!" He answered as the old man flared his mana on Alexis who felt pressure on his shoulders making him hunch a bit.

"You! You truly are a demon!" The old man shouted as Alexis nodded and laughed at him.

"I know, that"s why I said so... but don"t you dare act so righteous and give me that bulls.h.i.t talk. If you think being a hero or an angel is going to help people, you are wrong!" Alexis growled at the man and then decided to release his own mana...

"Hoh... a Divine mage huh?" There was no change in the old man"s face but he was shocked inwardly, an eighteen year old boy already a Divine tier mage?!

"I guess you are stronger than me... but whatever, Angels don"t exist neither do devils... we are only human and have our flaws, you may think you are righteous and kill those who you might think are evil, but who gave you the right to kill?" Alexis asked the old man calmly...

"I have the right to kill people because it is justified and also because I"m supported by the!" The old man smirked.

"You think you"re better than criminals because the support you? that"s exactly why you are not an angel!" Alexis smiled at him pitifully and stood up slowly.

"I hope you won"t interfere with my goals and plans... Mr.Angel" Alexis scoffed and walked away.

"Interesting kid... bit off in the head, but interesting nonetheless!" The old man laughed and dusted off his pants and prepared his bar which would be packed ever since the occupation of the city...


"What of the messengers?" Nartus asked one of his spies that was ordered to follow the messenger with the letter.

"Your highness, all messengers have been shot dead... the entire border is closed and heavily guarded, when the messenger said he came in peace, they laughed and shot him..." The spy replied while kneeling on ground.

"I see... you may leave" Nartus said as he face darkened.

"That b.a.s.t.a.r.d of a prince..." He cursed inwardly, once he was sure no one was around, he destroyed his table and made a mess out of his room...

By the time the Imperial family came, it was too late as he was sitting on the floor at the corner of the room.

"Father!" Amelia was alarmed and looked at Nartus worriedly.

"Oh... Amelia, how are you child?" Nartus asked her gently as she felt her tears threatening to fall, she knew her father was putting on a facade.

"I"m fine..." She mumbled while looking down.

"*sigh* I"m sorry for being such an incompetent ruler..." He sighed and glanced at her, shocked to see her cry.

"You are not an incompetent ruler... it"s just... the enemy this time is too strong..." She said softly as Nartus smiled wryly.

"The messengers are killed before they reach the Lunar Empire..." He informed her as her eyes widened and she clenched her fists.

"What?! How cruel... why does he have to be so evil?" She asked her herself, thinking about Alexis who had no idea whatsoever...

"Father, I will go and talk to the "prince" and come to an agreement..." Amelia said with a determined gaze.

Nartus was about to reject her proposal but was interrupted.

"I"m already a Divine mage! Even if I won"t be able to fight against them, I can still run away with my speed..." She tried to convince her father whi stayed silent.

"...I"m sorry" He apologised and sighed while glancing at her.

"Just... come back safely..." Nartus muttered and embraced his daughter who responded back with a hug of her own.


"How goes the plan?" Alexis asked the soldier that was working under him.

"Sir, it has been nearly a week since the soldiers started digging the tunnel, there were some conplications but nothing big..." The soldier reported as Alexis nodded while he sat comfortably on a wooden chair.

The city was back in business and bustling, ever since the Lunar soldiers occupied the city, crime rates have dropped exponentially making the city safer even at night, which helped the city as people worked for longer hours...

This gave the soldiers a good reputation as they often seemed very friendly and polite towards the inhabitants, eventhough they were from another country originally...

"The new rules helped us..." Alexis thought and looked ar the bright blue sky.

"It"s so warm!" He complained and sighed, Alexis took off his coat and hung it on the chair and started to clean his rifle...

It wasn"t even a few minutes into it until he heard commotion from the Southern Gate, which was the Gate that faced the Satellian fort.

He sighed and put on his coat and walked upto the horse shed while ordering the soldier to go back to the base...

Hopefully it wasn"t that bad, he called his horse and got on, then kicked it as the horse moved and started galloping towards the Gate.

He could see a few people talking or rather... arguing, the soldiers were trying to calm things down until one fell down dead.

Soon chaos followed as the soldiers started opening fire at the men who killed the soldier, the civilians screamed and got into close by establishments for cover.

"What the h.e.l.l is going on?" He demanded an answer from the soldiers who quickly ran towards him and saluted.

"What the h.e.l.l happened?" He repeated annoyedly as one stepped out and reported.

"Your highness, we were guarding a Gate when a VIP carriage was seen coming from the side of the Fort. It was followed by a few hundred men, some of whom demanded that they be let in... things got a little heated up until the men attacked us with swords!" The soldier then took a breather and opened his mouth to speak.

"We closed the door, so the VIP is still outside..." The soldier said in a low voice as Alexis groaned.

"Get some men, we are going out!" He ordered as a soldier quickly ran away and brought a battalion of men consisting of around five hundred soldiers...

"..." Alexis stared at the army for a while and facepalmed.

"Let"s... just go" He mumbled and nudged his horse as it trotted towards the Gate, it was then opened by two gate guards.

The soldiers moved with him and aimed their rifles at the new visitors...

"Whoever is inside the carriage, come out!" Alexis ordered and raised his hand, making all the soldiers tense and surround the carriage and the men guarding it outside.

"Please calm down..." He heard the beautiful voice of a woman, it was amplified by mana as Alexis narrowed his eyes.

"I will calm down, if you come out..." Alexis replied.

"If you don"t, we will shoot you and your... dogs!" He smirked which later became a frown, Alexis was waiting for her for a few minutes now, surely it wouldn"t take that long to open the door would it?

"Who the h.e.l.l does she think she is? Making me wait!?" He thought and whispered to the soldier"s that was standing next to him to shoot.

The soldier nodded and pulled the trigger, the pin struck the primer as the bullet was forced out of the barrel with a bang as one of the woman"s guards fell.

"Get. The. f.u.c.k. Out." He stated coldly, Alexis was annoyed... the heat and the manners of the woman inside was making him angry...

"I"m coming! I"m coming!" He heard her panicked voice as the door to the carriage was quickly opened.

"Hn! Arrest all individuals except the VIP..." He shouted as the soldiers quickly closed in on the guards and attacked them their rifles.

"STOP THIS IMMEDIATELY!" The woman shouted coldly at Alexis who scoffed and got down, he then walked upto her.

"Who are you?" Alexis asked her curiously with a hint of disdain in his voice.

From the tone of her voice, Alexis knew this woman was one of those "righteous" people, who would do anything in the name of Good maybe even G.o.d, even being unkind to those have committed evil...

"Isn"t it common courtesy to introduce yourself, soldier of the Lunar empire?" She asked him rudely with venom laced in her voice and smiled mockingly.

Alexis chuckled and turned to his soldiers.

"Do you hear that?" He asked with a smirk of his own and turned to his soldiers who were done capturing the guards, they were now disarmed and harmless...

"Release them!" She shouted as Alexis ignored her.

"Well, I wasn"t the one who entered the city belonging to my Empire so rudely... such an uncouth lady, I feel sorry for the man who married you!" He insulted her and shook his head in fake pity...

"I"m n-" She huffed in anger, she couldn"t stand this man who first attacked her guards and now insulted her!

"My guards did not attack!" She said and defended her men.

"They killed one of my men in the city after an argument!" He shrugged her off and then turned to her, looking straight into her eyes coldly.

"I"m the Crown prince of the Lunar Empire, who the h.e.l.l are you now?" Alexis introduced himself as the woman widened her eyes, they were filled with anger, rage and malice but she controlled herself.

"And I"m Princess Amelia, heir to the Satellian throne..." She said hatefully as Alexis hummed in response.

"Why would you come here?" He asked her curiously as she grit her teeth.

"Don"t you dare play dumb! Your forces are not allowing our messengers to pa.s.s through the border!" She shouted and took a step forward which resulted in all the Lunar soldiers aiming at her...

"So what about it?" He questioned her nonchalantly, Alexis would not let them have their peace until he takes over the Fort!

"You... YOU b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" She shouted in rage and attacked him, Alexis raised his hand making his soldiers lower their weapons.

He then dodged her attacks and was surprised.

"Such great moves!" He complimented her mentally and jumped away from a mana enforced kick.

The kick made the ground crack as the soldiers shivered.

Alexis who was proficient in wind magic threw a spell at her which blew her away into an uncrowded area...

He then ran after her and started jabbing her in lightning speed.

A few of his fists touched her arms and ribs making her groan and take a few steps away from him.

"You"re good, but not good enough to defeat me..." Alexis sighed in disappointment and glanced at her panting heavily...

"There will be no peace between us until the fort is taken!" Alexis stated, hoping to offer her a deal.

"Never! That fort is our last defense against you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, we will never give it up!" She rejected his offer.

"Poor choice, I guess my army will have to take it forcefully... and do be reminded that all soldiers currently defending your fort will be killed!" Alexis informed her with a smile.

"...We will keep on sending our forces until the war drags on and your Emperor will have to call you back!" Amelia muttered while glaring at him.

"Hmm... By the time my father calls the army back, the fort will already be ours!" Alexis said confidently and turned back, walking away.

"You can go now woman... Next time you come back and kill a soldier of mine, the inhabitants of this city will be killed, mark my words... you think you can flaunt your status in here? Go back and play that role elsewhere!" He said while chastising her.

He stopped midway and turned back with a smile, "Just to teach you a lesson, all the guards you have brought will be killed..." He said darkly and vanished.

"NO!" She shouted and then turned back, only to feel something attached to her arm, it was a piece of paper stuck to her.

"Is this how he defeated me so easily?!" She asked herself, the paper was a mana sealing rune which had absorbed most of her reserves making her feel drained in no time!

She then ran towards her carriage only to find the execution being prepared...

"NO! STOP!" She shouted as Alexis who was now on his horse ordered a few of his men to arrest her.

They grabbed her by her arms and kicked the back of her knees, making her fall on her legs...

"LET GO OF ME!" She growled and glared at the soldiers who had amused smiles.

"Not so powerful now eh?" One soldier whispered into her ear and slithered his hand in, she felt the man"s hand through her clothes, on her rear and cupping it tightly, which made her wriggle angrily and mostly in fear...

"YOU f.u.c.kERS! DON"T YOU DARE TOUCH THE PRINCESS!" The guards who were being prepped for the execution roared at the man who tainted their Princess with his filthy hands!

"NO!!" She shouted when the hand reached her forbidden regions, Alexis who turned to the commotion, realised what was happening and became furious.

"Oi!" He shouted at the group, the man yelped and took his hand away from her immediately, Alexis glared at the man who s.e.xually a.s.saulted the Princess, who spat on him, the soldier did not care, the prince has caught him red handed...

Alexis took out his rifle from the s.p.a.cial ring and checked if it was loaded and nodded.

"Weirdly... something about **** and child abuse makes my blood boil..." Alexis noted.

"Run" He told his soldier coldly as the man squealed and ran away, Alexis grinned maliciously and laughed.

"Run little pig!" He chanted in his head and pulled the trigger, the bullet carved into the soldier"s skull and exploded from the face, it was not a nice scene to look at...

"Well... sorry about that!" He apologised to the Princess.

"Your highness, everything is ready!" A soldier informed him with a salute, the soldier didn"t really care about the killing of his comrade as they were taught from the Academy about morality in war.

"Good. Now then, Princess Amelia... hopefully next time you send an official letter to me or the Generals, because if not... this happens!" He spoke.

"DON"T DO IT, PLEASE JUST LET THEM LEAVE WITH ME!" She shouted with teary eyes, these men have been the most loyal and have taken care of her since her birth, this made the soldiers who were holding her down, frown.

"It was an honour serving you, Her highness!" The guards said while grinning and closed their eyes as if they had accepted death.

"First row, fire!"


First came the gunshots, then the bodies of her guards fell down on the ground with loud thuds, they were dead, all had a bullet hole through the gap between their eyes.

"Please... stop!" She shouted while tears openly flowed down her distressed face.

"...Your highness..." The group of soldiers who were holding her, cried out worriedly, naturally they would follow every order of their Prince but what he was doing unknowingly conflicted with the morals they had been taught in the military school...

"*sigh* release them gentlemen!" Alexis muttered, seemingly getting out of his frenzy, the soldiers happily obeyed and let them go, some even apologised secretly...

They acted almost as if they didn"t want to keep them captive.

"...killing somehow excites me..." He thought to himself and sighed.

Something was definitely wrong with his head, he told himself.

The Princess then slowly walked into her carriage,



And most of all degraded...

"Bye!" Alexis waved at her as his men looked at each other awkwardly.

"...You are a monster..." She said in a low voice, there was no hate this time, she said it as if it were a mere fact.

Something inside her snapped when she realized just how powerless she was in the face of an extremely powerful enemy...

Alexis too felt a bit complicated, he now realised that he was a bloodthirsty man deep inside and he was afraid... not afraid of himself but afraid that Florestine will be afraid of him...

"Was it my arrogance?" Alexis and Amelia both asked themselves...

She quietly entered the carriage, her eyes seemed dull as if she was lifeless, n.o.body would feel the opposite way considering the people close to her were killed in cold blood.

The carriage left slowly as it"s guards defended it with shameful faces...

Not because they were caught, but because they couldn"t prevent their precious princess from getting hurt.

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