Reborn As A Crown Prince

Chapter 33, it was confusing and frustrating to no end... and then I decided to write it in web novel, I lost everything again(except for the first ten words) And then I finally wrote a third time and finally it was saved! :")

**Author Note**

Very sorry for the late chapter, I wrote the d.a.m.n thing only for it to be completely erased from my notes(because I write the chapters through my phone) and instead of the new chapter that wrote it was the old chapter that was copied into Chapter 33, it was confusing and frustrating to no end... and then I decided to write it in web novel, I lost everything again(except for the first ten words) And then I finally wrote a third time and finally it was saved! :")

**Author Note END**

Sophia slowly inched closer towards Florestine who was working on her business doc.u.ments and paperwork.

"...F-Florestine... we need to talk!" She spoke softly as Flroestine to her.

"What do you want to speak about?" Florestine asked her coldly and glared at her.

"It"s about Alexis!" Sophia responded while ignoring the cold tone and glare she received from the older woman.

"I love him!" She declared as the pen Florestine was holding onto fell down, she could only look at Sophia in shock as she sighed and ma.s.saged her head...

"Very well..."


Alexis was currently at the Imperial Science foundation that has been getting popular among the positively, there were a few complaints but were silenced since the advent of Science...

He was seated on the sofa set inside Magnus"s room and was looking at Marcus who was kneeling down, waiting to report to him.

"Marcus, How is your organisation?" He asked as the youngest male in the room cleared his throat and raised his head.

"Boss, the organisation is complete now and is functioning properly! I also sent a team of operatives into the Republic, they will come back in six months... so like next year." Marcus reported in a serious tone.

"Hmm... good job." Alexis complimented him and nodded in satisfaction.

"Stand up now...: Alexis sighed and rested his back against the cushion.

"Wait boss... um... there is something I have to tell you..." Marcus said with a wry smile and scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"Go ahead, what is it?" Alexis motioned him to continue as Marcus looked around and sweated.

"Well... the thing is... I"m kinda talking to your sister!" He informed him and looked down.

"Hmm... is that so? Whatever" Alexus dismissed him as Marcus became shocked.

"EH?! Is that it? Aren"t elder brothers supposed to like be protective or something??" Marcus shouted with a weird expression.

However, before he could speak any further, he felt excruciating pain all over his body and kneeled on the floor in pain.

"Heh! just don"t make her cry..." Alexis warned him and deactivated the spell as Marcus grinned and nodded immediately, the young boy tiredly walked over to a sofa and fell down, his body twitched every once in a while due to the pain inflicted on him...

Alexis then turned to Magnus who laughed heartily seeing the scene.

"Magnus, how goes the research on the automatic weaponry?" He asked the old man who gained a serious face and looked at Alexis.

"Your highness, we have produced a Machine gun however it is big, heavy and needs to be carried by atleast three people but it"s power and the rapid fire is the best so far..." Magnus informed him.

The man then took out a paper that contained the drawing of the said gun, Alexis observed it and realised that it resembled that of the Maxim Gun, used by soldiers during the First world war...

"We call it the "Type-X1", better and lighter variants will be named under this name" Magnus added.

"It uses water as the cooling agent, this means that the soldiers need to have a supply of water throughout battles when in use." He explained.

"As for the automatic rifles... that needs more time but we have quite a few ideas as to how we can achieve that level of technology!" The old man finished his speech and glanced at Alexis who sighed.

"Keep up the work, for now the army will be using the Type-X1, hopefully we will be able to see a X2 and an X3 model when the war starts!" Alexis stated with a smile and walked over to Marcus who was lying on the sofa.

The duo then disappeared in a bright light, reporting to his palace.


The duo appeared infront Alexis" palace and saw Sophia, Florestine and Irene staring back at them...

"Irene!" Marcus exclaimed with a grin and waved his hand excitedly as Irene looked down in embarra.s.sment, this made the two older women to squint their eyes at the younger girl suspiciously.

Alexis glanced at the two women and sighed, they looked like they wanted to talk to him.

"Marcus, you can take Irene away..." He said as the boy ran and grabbed the girl who yelped but smiled, they left immediately leaving Alexis and the two women alone.

"Your highness, you are a beast..." Florestine mumbled as she hugged Alexis tightly.

"What do you mean?" Alexis asked her in confusion as Florestine looked up at him with her big emerald green eyes, a fond smile crept onto his face when he saw this and kissed her forehead.

"...I will let you go after Sophia..." She whispered into his ear as Alexis widened his eyes and looked at Sophia who blushed.

Alexis did not want to sound greedy but the mere thought of being surrounded by two beautiful women did not sound too bad...

But the fact that he has to take care of two women made him groan inwardly, he then motioned Sophia to come closer and gently hugged her by the waist with his free arm.

"Sophia, I don"t love you as of now, but trying to does not seem that bad..." He said with a smile and pecked her cheek as she immediately turned beet red and ran away while Alexis snickered in amus.e.m.e.nt.

He then whispered something into Florestine"s ear which made her nod meekly as the couple entered their empty palace together...


Alexis was writing down some notes on his diary, it was a leather covered book with the soft white fur of the animal still on it...

He was about to write some more until he heard Florestine"s voice.

"Your highness... will we ever have children?" He heard her strained voice as the pen on his hand went out of control and ruined the page with a big long line of black ink...

Alexis grimaced at the mess on his book but shook his head, it was his fault for losing his cool.

He turned to Florestine who seemed sad and was confused.

"Why do you ask that question?" Alexis asked her and walked over to the bed where she was.

"I"m already thirty one years old while, your highness, is now nineteen..." She spat out her age with a frown as Alexis realised why she was worried.

"She must be worried whether she will be able to give birth by the time I decide to have kids..." Alexis theorized and sat down next to.

Florestine leaned on Alexis who wrapped his arms around her.

"I think it"s about time I tell her..." He thought to himself and sighed.

"Florestine, I have something to tell you..." Alexis spoke as she turned to him curiously.

"We are both immortal!" He dropped the bomb as Florestine looked shocked and wide opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out...

"Are you angry?" He asked her as she shook her head and smiled widely in response.

"Is that why I haven"t aged at all since I was twenty six?" She asked him curiously as Alexis nodded.

"That"s very romantic of you..." She sighed blissfully and closed her eyes tiredly while Alexis helped her to the bed and went back to his table to continue from where he stopped on his diary...


At the border between the Republic of Namu and the Kingdom of Ritzburg which went through a woodland, seven masked figures were rapidly running at extreme speeds...

One of the seven seemed to be carrying a bag filled with papers and files which their pursuers seemed to be glaring at.

They were being chased by tens of soldiers that wore white uniforms, these white uniformed soldiers all had black hair and oriental features.

Four of the seven men suddenly stopped and turned to the three in front.

"We will act as the decoy and give you enough time to escape, hurry and give the package to Lord Marcus!" A gruff voice came from the matte black face mask that covered the man"s face, it had two small holes where the eyes were supposed to be.

They all seemed to wear black clothing and had light armour on them which helped them in maneuverability when moving about.

The three looked at each other and nodded at the man who spoke.

"For the glory of the Empire..." They all chanted in a hushed voice as the three left, leaving the other four to fend for themselves against tens of soldiers...

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.ds!" One man came out of the trees and glared at the four masked Nox troopers who took defensive positions.

"Calm down Takeshi... three of them have left... these guys are the decoys!" A handsome said calmly and unsheathed his katana which glimmered in the sun that was setting...

"Half of you all, chase after the other three!" Takeshi ordered at the men who bowed and disappeared from the trees they were standing on.

Right after they left, all the soldiers of the Republic took their swords out and got ready to attack.

"Yamato, let"s kill these brown haired foreigners!" Takeshi growled hatefully as he glared at the Nox soldiers.

The handsome man, now revealed as Yamato sighed and jumped at the four, immediately as he did so, his soldiers followed suit...

The four Nox operatives fought bravely against the overwhelming number of enemies and worked perfectly well together.

"d.a.m.n, this is the Republic"s famed

"Tokushu-Butai"!" Exclaimed one Nox operative as he skillfully dodged three slashes from three different enemies!

The four of them battled on for around an hour until they were drained of energy, by now there were more and more reinforcements coming towars the Tokushu-Butai scout unit.

They were surrounded from all sides, and the enemies were in hundreds.

The four operatives then turned to one another and nodded silently, they broke their mana cores forcefully while they activated Fire magic spells.

This was akin to a spark in an open gas tank, the fire magic spells would be overloaded by the intense amounts of mana being released and would explode!

This was a suicide attack against their pursuers, they charged at the Tokushu-Butai soldiers silently as their bodies suddenly cracked, orange light illuminated from the gaps of the cracks.

"RETREAT!" Yamato hollered but it was too late, four separate explosions decimated their frontline forces killing nearly a hundred soldiers as Takeshi punched a tree in frustration.

The soldiers looked at the scene worriedly, they were in a lot of trouble because of this incident and turned to Yamato who signed and turned back.

But before he could respond Yamato turned to Ristzurg side of the border and narrowed his eyes...

"What happened dogs of the Republic?" They heard a female voice full of contempt, the woman in question wore a dark green uniform, her face was covered by a mask but her hair was out, it was blonde...

Behind her stood hundreds of armed forces that wore light shades of what she had.

Yamato snorted at the comment and turned to his soldiers.

"We are going back" He said and disappeared into the woodlands...

The Tokushu-Butai soldiers then disappeared while the Blonde woman sighed and waved her hand to order the retreat of her forces.


"Milord, the package!" The lone Nox operative that survived the chase finally made it to the headquarters and kneeled as he offered the bag of doc.u.ments he was holding onto.

Marcus turned back and nodded, the lack of the rest of the operatives gave him a bad feeling...

"...where are the others of Alpha One?" He asked, the silence he received was enough as Marcus winced and took the package with a sigh.

"You may take a leave... come back when you want recruits for Alpha One..." Marcus ordered him as the operative stiffened but still nodded and left.

Marcus took the bad and stored it inside a cheap s.p.a.cial ring that had no security whatsoever and only s.p.a.ce of a few square meters.

"Now I have to give this to Boss..." He mumbled and headed off towards the Alexis" palace...

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