The imperial party was being setup, Alexis was going to turn Four soon, On the day he turned Six months he spoke for the first time, "Mama", it was embarra.s.sing for him to say so but he had to do it...

The family then realised that Alexis was a genius which only made his parents happier, not that they would be disappointed anyway.

When Alexis turned One year old, he read his first book out loud infront of Aurelius and Annalise who squealed in delight and hugged him, Aurelius on the other hand was so shocked that his mouth was wide open...

From then on, Aurelius would bring Alexis to the Imperial Library regularly, It was a magnificent building and was extremely huge and beautiful. The architecture was similar to buildings made during the Renaissance, it seemed as if Architecture had made more progress in this world than other professions...

The door to the Imperial Library was heavily guarded, understandable since it held sensitive information, even the so called "black magic".

The door was placed in the center and around six meters tall, it was curved at the top so it looked like an arch. To both sides of the door were thirty pillars on each side, each pillar had a height of thirty meters and carved into flowers of sorts, the carvings were then painted in gold while the building was of marble and white...

It was also recognised as the largest holder of books in the known world.


Alexis knew that there were two other continents in the world of Terra but it seems they haven"t fully explored the world yet...

And with him having the perfect knowledge of all languages Alexis started reading some older books that were written in the Ancient Lunari language. It was more complex and the grammar was similar to that of Russian...

Which meant that the way you p.r.o.nounce verbs would change depending on who or what you are talking, add genders into the mix and you have one big mess!

(A/N: I did my research :) )

However, he did not read these "Ancient books" immediately, it was a gradual process which included pretending to go through modern language books first, but it was easier since he was already considered a "Genius" so all he had to do was go through a few books and then proceed towards the older books and n.o.body would say anything...

Although, sometimes he would seek help from the librarian who was apparently well versed in "Ancient Lunari" just to make his act perfect...


And now Alexis was in his own room, which he fought for... with words until his mother could only helplessly give one, not like she"s going to use the rest of the sixty nine rooms anyway...

Alexis originally wanted his own palace but later on found out that once he had turned twelve he would have to move into the already built "Palace of the Crown Prince".

But back to the topic, Alexis was on his king sized bed looking at the artistically decorated ceiling.

Sometime ago, he accessed his Mana reserves and used it according to a Mage book he had read in the Library.

Alexis didn"t use any offensive spells however he did recreate how some common appliances worked back on Earth... such as an Air Conditioner...

The concept of the Air Conditioner was the use of Wind type mana which was combined with Water type mana, he saw the two elements revolve around his palm and became a misty pale white blue energy orb that was cold to the touch and flickered with lights.

Since apparently all mana users uncontrollably release a minuscule amount mana into the atmosphere he too did the same while sleeping, the only thing different was that he released a cold energy which ended up cooling the room so that he could sleep peacefully in summer nights.

While Alexis was distracted, a maid walked towards his door and stopped infront of it. She knocked three times as Alexis was woke from his earlier thoughts...

"You may enter" he said as the maid came in holding some robes, specifically designed for him, it was black in colour.

He was then bathed in scented lukewarm water and gently scrubbed by a special rock by the maid, this special rock had the ability to absorb liquids and give out its essence, so it was dipped in an oil taken from flowers, once he was bathed by the maid who got into the bath with him, his body was wiped with a dry cloth...

Alexis observed his pale white skin, it wasn"t a deathly pale but it was still quite pale add to that, a rosy hue...

However this was to be expected, in his past life, he did a lot of field work such as spying which would make his skin become dark due to the repet.i.tive contact with sunlight and spying did not mean wearing suits all the time as he needed to blend in with the common populace so that his cover was perfect.

He was then helped to dress up by the maid much to his annoyance but he still kept a innocent smile outward, Alexis was then brought to a mirror.

Since the technology of the world was quite low, he believed that mirrors to would be of low quality but he was proven wrong when a perfect replica of him was on the mirror, it was probably a result of Alchemy...

Alexis was shocked while his mother giggled thinking he was surprised to his own reflection for the first time.

And now he was checking himself out in the mirror while the maid smiled gently and fixed his robes and sometimes glanced at his face with eyes filled with adoration and respect.

Immediately after he was finished dressing up, the maid slowly fitted on his tight brown leather boots that had a mechanism similar to that of old belts...

He was then led to his mother"s room, Annalise wore elegant multicolored robes, mainly containing white and purple, the robes moved down to the floor and was dragged on the floor as she walked, however this was avoided since one of her personal maids" gently lifted it up so that dust wouldn"t gather under it...

"Alexis!" She shouted happily and rushed towards him, the maid quickly ran with her at the same pace until she reached Alexis, thankfully he wasn"t that far away so she quickly arrived and hugged him putting in all her affection.

Alexis sighed mentally but he never rejected it and judging by the wide smile on his face, it seemed as if he truly enjoyed her affection...

His father however was a different case, he would show his love by praising Alexis but would never hug him or rather show "affection", not that he cared, because he knew Aurelius loved him alot...

"Your highness, it is time!" A maid mentioned after she walked upto them and bowed.

Annalise took hold of Alexis" hand and walked out and moved into the luxurious horse carriage infront them.

The carriage painted in violet and was decorated in gold and other precious materials.

It had four small rectangular windows to avoid and also served to look at the scenery, The door was quite modern and used a door k.n.o.b and there was a circular gla.s.s window fixed into it.

When they got on, two maids were already inside waiting for them, the interior had two two-seater leather seats and two one-seater leather seats, both stuffed with either cotton or wool and a square wooden table inbetween the bigger seats.

And also contained a cupboard for drinks of sorts, the carriage was truly lavishly crafted...

The horse carriage was very big and could fit twenty people if they were tightly packed. However, considering the amount of horses carrying it, there would be no trouble moving it...

The horses were not your normal horses too, they are called "Golden striped horses", these horses had white fur along with blonde stripes that gave them a striking appearance.

It was of a rare breed and apparently called a level five beast, weirdly enough Alexis did not know of this ranking system and overheard it once when his mother was conversing with one of her close friends...


//Meanwhile at the Imperial Palace...//

The Maids and the Imperial guards were running around in a hurry, the party was about to begin and everything was ready, except for a select few minor things.

Within minutes, the guests would be arriving including the host and the figure responsible for the party in the first place...

At the top of this majestic, baroque style castle stood a man, he was outside the balcony and overlooked the city his ancestors built...

The Emperor, Aurelius was staring into the setting sun as he smiled and went back in, he was dressed in his Imperial robes, he wore this just for his son"s birthday!

"No matter what, I mustn"t let those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds undermine us! As the first emperor said, "As long as the moon comes back up at night, the empire too will rise again if it falls!", there is very little time left, I hope Alexis becomes an adult before the next war starts..." he mumbled as he disappeared into the darkness of his room.

"But until then!" His voice reverberated inside the room... including his perverted giggles.


Annalise suddenly blushed and covered her mouth to giggle as Alexis rolled his eyes.

"She has been doing this for some time now..." he thought and continued "probably staying in father"s room tonight" he shook his head and looked outside through the window.

The gla.s.s was thick and he was sure that the carriage had a defense mechanism, probably runes...

Alexis observed the perfectly trimmed trees that were neatly placed along the stone paved road leading to the Imperial castle and the wall separating the city and the residence of the Imperial family.

The Empire was humongous, the land of the Imperial family itself was one whole mountain range.

The Imperial castle was on the foot of the tallest mountain while the palaces of the family members were a bit below it, infront of the castle was the ma.s.sive expanse of the beautiful and prosperous capital city and behind the Imperial castle and the mountain was a large forest...

Every once in a while, there would a hunting game hosted by the Emperor, this was done so that n.o.bles could either showcase their skills or even get closer to the Emperor, according to what Aurelius told him.

The carriage was getting closer and closer to the Imperial castle as Alexis sighed.

In this party, he would be given marriage proposals from many n.o.bles who would explain how good their daughters were as if they were business men explaining the benefits of an item to a customer!

He really wanted to sigh out loud but was sure his mother would get worried causing an even bigger mess...

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